HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-10-05, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS mow" OCTOBER 5, 1961 Quality Of Inside Exhibits Sets Alt Time For Zurich Fair; More Entries set, Mrs. Stejhanie Schelhaas, Mrs. A. DeMooy; crocheted sweater, Mrs. Schelhaas, Mrs. DeMooy; knitted dress, Mrs. D H D a d b S 1 s V e ly' e 1 s Flowers Large bouquet, Mrst Percy Willert, Mrs. C. Schade; sing- le African violet, Mrs. Schade, • Flaxbard, Louis Willert; cop- I per tooling, Mrs J. W. Merner, Mrs. Dat Hess; driftwood ar- rangement, Norma Siebert, Mrs. C. Schade; bazaar articles, Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Schade; foam plati.c novelty, Norma Seibert, I Mrs. Schade; needlepoint pic-' ture, Anne Flaxbard, Mrs. Schade. iviooy; mimeo SWe4LC1., AVIA a. owald; knitted socks , Mrs, eMooy; overalls, Mrs. How- .d, Mrs, DeMooy; cotton :ess, Mrs. Stan Gingerich, Re- :cca Steekle; dress 6-10, Mrs. inner, Kay Webb; sundress, ay Webb. Dining Room: Embroidered uncheon set, Mrs. J. W. Mer- t, Mrs. Howald; table mats, -iolet Decker, Mrs, Skinner; mbroidered buffet set, Mrs. [erner. Kitchen: tea towels, Mrs Dot [ess, Mrs. Skinner; pot hold- rs, Mrs. Skinner, Mrs. Schade. Bedroom: Embroidered pil- 3w cases, Mrs. Truemner, Mrs. less; crocheted cases, Kay 'Vebb, Mrs. Turkheim; cross- titched cases, Mrs. Schade, frs. Truemner; vanity set, Cay Webb. Living Room: Cushion any naterial, Mrs. Schade, Mrs. ;chelhaas; corduroy or velvet :ushion, Mrs. Merner; crochet- :d centrepiece, Mrs. Schade, Violet Decker; tatted doillie, Urs. Schade, Mrs. Howald. .a...••,• •-"'^ , ,.._—__ Mrs. J. Battler, Mrs. Willert; fibrous begonia, Mrs. H. Beier - ling; tuberous begonia, Mrs. Battler, Mrs, Beierling; geran- ium, Mrs. Willert; gloxinia, Mrs. Schade; aster collection, Mrs. Willert, Mrs. Schade; dah- lia collection, Mrs. Battler, Mrs. P. Geiger; marigold col- lection, Mrs. Willert, Mrs. Beierling; pansies, Mrs. Scha- de, Mrs. Willert; fuschias, Mrs. Willert; zinnias, Mrs. Willert, Mrs. Beierling: catus, Mrs. A. Flaxbard, Mrs. Schade; roses, Mrs. Battler, Mrs. Beierling; cut flowers, Mrs, Battler, Mrs. Schade; coffee table arrange- ment, Mrs. Schade, Mrs. E. Weigand; Westlake special for gladioli, Donna Klopp; center- piece, Mrs. Battler, Dot Hess. Art Work and Crafts Stuffed animal, Norma Sie- bert; landscape oil painting, Mrs. Ruth ainclair; any sub- ject Mrs Herb Beierling.; num- ber picture scenery, Louis Wil lert, Jeff Dietrich; number picture any subject, Anne E, K B 1 B n N F P I - C ' i� TIEMAN'S HARDWARE a Electricalri Plumbing Work r • fleatina 0 Oil Burner - Service .1 SALES and SERVICE FURNITURE, COAL and CEMENT �1 I. i PHONE 8 DASHWOOD If --® .volv r'. WA N NEW CROP BEANS Bring your samples into us before Selling! WE ARE ALLOWING 3 Months Free Storage Price -- $6.75 per' hundred (Subject to change) COOK BROS. MILLING CO. LTD. PHONE 24 or 249 HENSALL 4111.111111111 A ,., ,,,,, Al ..e p::. ,, 'Fiip. 4, , ' O.,. r' glii �,,�. � Cedar Chests For Sale PRICED FROM $10.00 UP P 'ZURICH f~.h11M1ElR BuiLii` SLIP /ES. _ AA Domestic Breed: Mrs. Loaf White an Weigand, opp. Raisin Buns or Rolls: Mrs. Geiger, Mrs. S. Schelhaas f Tea Biscuits: Geiger. Sugar Cookies: Weigand, Ge - NEWS OF VARNA AREA (Intended for last week) Anniversary Services Anniversary services wore held on Sunday last in the Un- ited Church, when Rev. Dr. Hiltz, of Exeter, preached to large congregations morning and evening. Rev, T. J. Pitt as- sisted in the evening service. Mfrs. The choir, under the direction Herb of the organist, Mrs. Robert Stirling, sang several anthems, ger. Fried Cakes: Weigand. Choc. Cake Mix: Mrs. J. attler, Mrs. M. Truemner. White Cup Cakes, Mixed: Mrs. J. W. Merner, Weigand. Angel Food Cake: Nil, Mer- er. Dark Layer Cake: Merrier, rs. J. Turkheim. Six Tarts: Oesch, Mrs. Dot ess. Cherry Pie: Geiger, Klopp. Dutch Apple Pie: Turkheim, reigand. Date Squares: Weigand, lopp. Baked Eeans: :lopp. Raspberries: Truemner, Weigand, Oes- h. • Strawberries, Mrs. Stan ingerich, Oesch. Cherries: Weigand, Mrs. Kay. Vebb. Pears: Webb. Hess. Plums: Weigand, Mrs. Vera hiel. Peaches: Webb, Oesch. Currertt Jam: Geiger. Berry Jam: Geiger, Weig- nd. Red Current Jelly: Flaxbard. Castup: Battler, Mrs. Diet- ich. Red Canned Tomatoes: Flax - and Miss Dorothy Parker, of Hensall was guest soloist. Many former members were present at both services. Mr. Malcolm Clarke had his truck stolen from his home ear- ly Saturday morning. It was recovered on Sunday at Lucan. bard, Oesch. Gorman. Eckert & Co. Spec. la!: Weigand. Fleischmann's Klopp. Lake of the Woods Weigand, Klopp. Fleishmann's Special: Geiger. Fleischrnann's Roll Special: Geiger. Robin Hood Tea Special: Weigand. Arva Flour Mills Cherry Pie Special: Geiger, Klopp, Mrs. Ruth Sinclair. Lake of the Woods. Layer Cake Special: Klapp, Mrs. J. W. Merner. Canada Packers Special: Klopp, Turkheim. Canada Packers Special, 2 Layer White Cake: Truemner, Weiganc], Eleanor Erb. Single Layer White Cake: Wei- gand. Gascho's Special Cake: Battler. Working Man's Dinner: Mrs. Clarence Sehade, Turkheim, Hess. Brad Special; Special: Yeast . Rolls Cinnamon Biscuit DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Dashwood 4-H Girls The second meeting of the Dashwood 4-11 Club, "Featuring Fruit" was held at the home of Lynda Rader, with ten girls pre- sent. The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge followed by roll call and minutes of the first meeting. Apple Pie Tfruemner, Banana Buy the coal that outsells all others Discover for yourself why more people buy 'blue coal' than any other hard coal. For the world's finest anthracite plus the town's best Service, CALL LORNE E. HAY PHONE 10 — HENSALL were welcomed to the league last Tuesday evening, with a social evening. Sunday evening the leaguers. were guests of Mitchell league at a hayride party and weiner Mrs. Sid Baker and Mrs. Leon- ard Schenk, leaders, demonstra- ted the making of fruit short cake and apple salad mould. A display of fruits and discussion on where they grow and use of them followed. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stormes, of St. Thomas, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tie - man and Lynda, Parents of Rev. William Gatz, Mrs. and Mrs. Avolt Gatz, of Wisconsin, were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Gatz. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Howe, of London, spent the weekend with Mr, and,.Mrs. Ervin Rader and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader, Glen, Darlene, Miss Marilyn Desjardine and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Willert, spent Sunday at Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and family. Walther League Entertains Newly confirmed young peo- ple of Zion Lutheran Church and parents of the Leaguers NOW 15 THE TIME . ! To have your FALL CLOTHING DRY CLEANED Try the latest method of ODORLESS DRY CLEANING OUR AGENTS ARE: IN ZURICH GASCHO'S DRY GOODS AT ST. JOSEPH ESSO SERVICE STATION GRAND BEND DRY-CLEANERS YES, we Launder Shirts_ roast, followed by closing De- votions. Sunday visitors wth Mr. and Mrs. Wes Engeland were: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pinches. and Brian, of London, Wilbur Gray- biel and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Graybiel, Steven and Todd, all of Woodstock, and Miss Beatrice I Graybiel. Does Your Herd Sire Ever LIE DOWN ON THE JOB? 42> If one of our knit sires takes time off because of i11 health, injury, or just laziness, we have others of the same breed to use in his place. On the other hand, many farmers have begun using artificial insemination when the herd sire they had raised (at considerable expense) failed them at peak breeding season. Can YOU afford to take that chance. For service or information, phone before 9:30 a.m. (For Sunday services, Saturday 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.) to: CLINTON HU 2-3441 or SEAFORTH 96 Or Long Distance, Clinton Zenith 9-5650 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" Live Better Electrically CHANNEL presents its greatest season of outstanding television Among the fine programs on Channel 6 this faM and winter you will find many of your favourites. You will also see a variety of new programs which you will rapidly include in your list of "mustwatch" programs. Here are just a few samples: COUNTRY CALENDAR Sundays at 1:30 NATIONAL LEAGUE FOOTBALL Sundays at 2:00 CLOSE-UP Sundays at 10:00 DON MESSER'S JUBILEE Mondays at 7:30 FESTIVAL Mondays at 9:30 GARRY MOORE Tuesdays at 8:00 MR. FIX -IT. Wednesdays at 7:45 BEN CASEY Thursdays at 10:00 SPORTS HUDDLE Fridays at 7:30 CAR 54, WHERE ARE YOU? Fridays at 8:30 HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA Saturdays at 9:00 in/4�)I�i"l Stay with 6 for the best through 61.60 • ,25. . ' aaGv., ,c w ka w;.7w.. SIGN OF THE TIMES! The Medallion Symbol of Electrical Excellence This Hydro -approved Medallion tells you that progressive builders are providing for extra comfort and convenience through a new high standard of electrical living ... even in modestly priced homes. When you buy or build a new home the Medallion will h•'-lp to protect your investment in these in.portant ways: POWER CONDITIONING. A 100 ampere service entrance and a "full housepower" distribution panel provide the capacity needed to operate your household services efficiently, economically, and safely ... now and in the future. APPLIANCE CONDITIONING. Circuits and outlets for those work -saving, time- saving appliances are plentiful. Every Medal- lion Home anticipates your future needs. And at your immediate service is a new fast - recovery, two -element, flameless water heater . ready to keep an abundance of hot water "on tap" at the lowest possible cost. LIGHT CONDITIONING. Another im- portant "extra" is the planned lighting which adds charm and beauty both inside and out . . . makes work and play areas brighter and safer. A "Gold Medallion" Home is all -electric, including heating. Information about the Medallion Electric Homes in your community can be obtained from your electrical contractor or your local Hydro office. HYDRO Is yours