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Zurich Citizens News, 1961-09-28, Page 6
IPAGE six ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Varna Postmaster Dashwood Group Federation Fiekiman Is Concerned Has Retired Welcome Preacher Over Lack of Interest in Farm Forums William T. McAsh, who has been postmaster at Varna for over 42 years, has retired, and will be succeeded by his son John T. McAsh, who is now act - This is the third generation ting postmaster. of McAsh Postmasters in Var- na. Thomas McAsh became postmaster there in 1901. By 1909 William T. McAsh was helping his father at the job, and when Thomas died in 1915 was ready to succeed him. He served as acting postmaster un- til 1918 and then received the appointment officially. The Ladies Aid of the EUB church (By J. Carl Hemingway) held their first meeting for the fall with the member- ship and attendance group in charge and Mrs. Art Haugh leader, who also led in prayer. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Wally Becker, Bonnie Mason, Beth Snell and Beverly Becker sang a trio. A question and answer per- iod was conducted by Rev. M. Jomes and Mrs. Charles Snell. Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan reported on her visit to Redbird Mission, in Kentcky. Mrs. Haugh introduced Rev. and Mrs. James. They sang a duet accompanied by Mrs. Jam- es on the piano accordion. Mrs, Charles Snell, president, presided for the business. Five dollars was donated to CNIB. There will be a clothing drive in October, with the closing date October 15, It was decided that the executive plan the work for the children's fellow- ship. The WSWS district rally will be September 28, at Credi- ton. The Evangelical UB church will observe World Wide Com- munion Sunday, on September 24, as their anniversary services are to be held October 1. There have been many ch- McAsh recalls when he began anges through the years. Mr. working in the store and the post office, they were open fr- om 7 a.ni. to 11 p.m. six days a week. The Varna store still gives better than average ser- vice to its customers, closing all afternoon and evening Wed- nesday and both Monday and Friday evenings, but they are open the other nights of the week. He notes that there are fewer people living in the vil- lage although there are more houses. At the regular meeting of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture on September 19, the date for the County annual meeting was set for November 29. This date is only tentative and may be changed to the wishes of the guest speaker. TIEMAN'S HARDWARE O Plumbing • Heating, m Electrical Work • Oil Burner Service SALES and SERVICE FURNITURE, COAL and CEMENT PHONE 8 -- DASHWOOD At the last meeting of the board of directors of Farmers Allied Meat Enterprises on September 21, it was reported that share -sales are continuing to increase satisfactorily. In view of this a committee of the president, Mr McInnis, Mr. Frey, Mrs. Becker and Mr. Hemingway was appointed to make a preliminary study of types of processing plants. It is hoped that, by the time this study has been completed and a decision has been made, share sales will be sufficient too per- mit a study to be made on plant location. When a decision on location is 1 possible we are quite hopeful that capital will be at hand to immediately let contracts for construction. It was reported that proces- sors had made the statement that they were curtailing the sale of fresh pork as much as possible since this did not bring as high profits as cured and processed products which they are actively promoting. This hardly conforms with the idea that the trade provid- ed what the consumer wants but rather would indicate that the THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1961. trade pressuizes the consumer into buying what is most profi- table to the trade. Also while the selling of fresh !meat may not be as profi- table to the trade it may very well become profitable to the producer. Just another reason for producers looking after their own business, several years in the early for- ties, might very well bring back the loss of farms as in the de- pression years. Certainly the farmers position in our economy needs improvement. Farm Forum provide us with On September 19, CKNX cal- led a meeting of the representa- tives of the County Farm For- um. With such a late harvest it hardly seems possible that we are again approaching the Farm Forum season. Point of view. which closely follows the Farm Forum program, will begin on Sunday, October 1, and will con- tinue to the end of June. Farm Forums have been on the decrease in past years but it seems that the depression con- ditions which created Farm Forum are not too far removed at the moment. A bad crop, such as we had revival could ideas and infor- mation that could help us just as it did in former years when Forums were most active. Dur- ing the next month let us all take a serious look at forming a group in our community so that it will be ready to take part at the first of November. A ED Farmers To Grow Registered Seed Wheat Under Contract Please Contact REID BEANS & SEEDS LTD. Dashwood Thedford Alvinston PHONE 87 PHONE 61 PHONE 103 38-9-40-b WANTED NEW CROP BEANS Bring your samples into us before Selling! WE ARE ALLOWING 3 Months Free Storage Price -- $6.75 per 'hundred (Subject to change) COOK BROS. MILLING CO. LTD. PHONE 24 or 249 HENSALL t�L o %11 YHFRETIIBAL hllICKi! WV,NCEII 1�fIIII,WSJIJ/IIII/I1 • is;t«: ;.: ; , LeSabre 4 -Door Sedan Invicta Convertible MOVES POWER FORWARD FOR ARROW -STRAIGHT GOING! Advanced Thrust moves the engine forward over the wheels. It makes Buick travel truer. and straighter..Even .heavy crosswinds don't faze the Advanced Thrust Buick. What's more, the floor is a whole lot flatter. Three can ride comfortably in the front seat. And the new Buick is advanced in styling, too! It's sleek a22d elegant — and superbly built. From the richness of new interiors and upholstery to themany detailed appointments, you'll discern a quiet dignity that reflects Jf SABEINVICHICTRA X25 .Buicks timeless flair for flawless autonnob-.e crartsmanship. 1 �•: is %::•. .... ; /.. v::... Cedar Chests For Sade PRICED FROM $10.00 UP ;FLED Et N i.0, SOPPLIIIES Electra 225 4•Door Riviera Sedan FUN -SIZED NEW SPECIALS FOR '62* Here are some facts about the new Buick Special: OThere's a dashing new Buick Special convertible for 1962 ! ©This year, Buick Special brings you Canada's first passenger car V-6 engine! °There's new trim, new colors, eight new models to choose from. 0 Also, there's the flashing new Buick Skylark .. with lavish bucket -seat* interiors, crisp Landau roof lines, powered bythealuminum Skylark V8engine. Do yourself a very Special favour... drive the new BUICK SPECIAL! iv• AT YOUR BU ICK DEALER'S NOW ‚alt,, *Optional a! extra cost • 1100626 A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE earson. Motors Lt 6uick Skylark 2 -Door Coupe 11 SABRE INVICTA ELECTRA 225 WhIfewa/l tires optional al extra cost ZURICH EXETER