HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-09-28, Page 1ZURICH No. 39 — FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS NEWS ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1961 $2.50 PER YEAR -- 5 CENTS PER COPY BABY SHOW WINNERS — Twenty-one babies entered the Baby Show contest, at the__ _ Zurich Fall Fair on Monday afternoon.. Winners in the six-month old class were, left to right, Mrs. Don O'Brien, Zurich, with Pamela Dawn; Mrs. Wilfred Overholt, Zurich, with Patti Anne; and Mrs. Howard Datars, Dashwood, with Elizabeth Anne. (Staff Photo) BABY SHOW WINNERS — Winners in the six to 18 months class in the Baby Show were, left to right, Mrs. Edgar Gingerich, Zurich, with Brenda Sue; Mrs. Douglas Armstrong, Zurich, with Stephen; and Mrs. Earl Horner, Zurich, with Debbie._ In contrast to the Baby Shows of other years, there was only one boy a winner this year._ The event is sponsored annually by the Zurich and District Chamber of Commerce. (Staff Photo) Hensall Ball Team Beat Out .A good big team will beat a good little team most of the time. This is what has happened in the case between Walsingham; Senators and Hensall in the struggle for the Ontario Base- ball. Association Intermediate "D" championship. The Senators, a power -laden machine with plenty of depth on the bench and veterans with the overall ability to go with age and experience, pretty well sums up why Walsingham have been crowned the 1961 provin- cial. champions. The Senators wrapped up the intermendiate "D" title Sunday afternoon before their home crowd wth a convincing 9-2 vic- tory. The win gave Walsingham the best -of -five series in three straight games. The ability to win the "big ones" with the pressure on is always a "highlight" and champ- ionship team. And this is what the Senators did.! In the first game of the ser- ies, the newly crowned champs displayed that little "extra" that's needed when they copped a 4-3, 12 -inning decision. In 'a , very crucial contest in Hensall, as far as the local club was con- cerned, the Senators did it again by bouncing back from a 4-0 rleVeit to take the second game e.A. ft'r two heart breaking losses for Hensall, the third game seemed just a formality. Walsingham, rich with play- ers who have the versitality to play more than one position, ex- ploded an 11 -hit attack to win their seventh straight game of the season and the third in a row in this series. Althought Hensall booted eight plays, the Senators hit the ball hard all afternoon. Made Good Showing Despite the fact that Hensall bowed out of contention in three games the locals made a commendable showing for their home town. Most of the team was made up of juvenile - aged players who lacked the ex- perience in intermediate ball to go right to the top at such an early age. With a sprinkling of intermediate calibre of players on the team, the club did very well to go as far as it did. With out any bench strength, provincial championships are just not won. Pace Hensall Steve Kyle wrapped singles in the first and seventh innings to lead Hensall at the plate. Dennis Mock, Bill Shaddick, Bruce Horton, Gerald Bell, fore getting assistance Steve Kyle in the sixth. Score In First Hensall took a 1-0 lead in the first inning but from there on in, it was all a Walsingham show. Bill Shaddick started things off when he reached first on a throwing error by catcher Gord Gates after fielding a bunt down the third base side. Steve Kyle, who batted in both Hensall runs, singled Shaddick home on his first hit of the game. The Senators came b a c k strong in the second and third with four runs, two in each in- ning. Start'ng pitcher Bill Barry cracked a two -run double down the right field line to score Jack Boughner and Frank Erdelac, who had each singled 'to start the inning. In the third, Joe Erdelac and George Gates singled and even- tually scored on a sacrifice fly and two Hensall errors. Hit With Authority �' v^.* air e or Despite overcast skies and a heavy downpour of rain just as Hay Telephone System Rated Among the parade got under way, the Zurich Fall Fair on Monday liv- Best In Ontario According To Report With the release this month of the statistical report of the Ontario Telephone Service Com- mission, it was revealed that there are now 270 independent Telephone Systems operating in the province; the township of Hay Municipal Telephone Sy- stem being the 15th largest. Only 27 of these systems op- erate over 1,000 telephones. The local company is approaching 1,500 phones in service. Of these 270 independent co- mpanies, there are 66 who oper- from ate as Municipal Companies, as does the Hay System. The Hay System is the fourth largest of these municipal companies. It is interesting to note that in 1912 when the local system was organized, there was about one phone for every seventeen persons in Canada. In 1960 there was a phone in service for every three persons living in Canada. Ontario leads with the largest number of telephones per pop- ulation, followed by British Co- lumbia, Manitoba, and Alberta. Horse Show Attracts Close to 1,000 Special Classes Thrill Spectators Dozens of beautiful little pon- ies, a feature class called Mus- ical Chairs, and a jumping class were highlights of Huron Coun- ty's largest Shovy, at the Zurich Fall Fair on Monday night. A •:roved estimated at 1,000 crow- ded their way to the Arena to watch thethrilling performances of over 30 of the best horsemen 'n Ontario. D. L. "Tory" Gregg, of Lon- don, was master of ceremonies for the evening, and Bill Tap- sell, of St. Thomas judged all the classes. Roadster brood mare and foal: Larry Merner; Roadster Foal: Larry Merner; Shetland brood mare and foal: Jones Pony Farm, Elmer Johnston; Shetland foal, Jones, Johnston. Two-year old roadster: Ban- nerman, Merner. Three-year old Roadster: Maureen Kearns. Hackney brood mare and foal: Jones, Pete Caldwell, John Ge- iger. Hackney pony foal: Jones, Caldwell, Geiger. Two-year old carriage: Joan Elliott. Three-year old carriage: El mer Desch. Hackney carriage span: Wal- lace Monroe, Monroe. Pair of Clydesdales: Mckee, Halliday, Graham. Pair of Hackney ponies: Wal ters, Hislop. Pair of Percherons: Halliday. Pair of Belgians: Bannerman, Len Bok. Saddle Horse: Prescador, Brady, Darling, Swartz, Swart- zentruber, Finkbeiner. Pair of Roadsters: Monroe, A. Craven, Walkerton Dairies. Pair of Shetlands: M. B. Far- ms, Caldwell, Jones, Shantz. Wagon or Express: Heavy: Litch, Glen Johnston, Knill, Ken Brown. Fine Harness Ponies: Jones, Shantz, Johnston. Wagon or Express: light, Knill, Bert McBride, Fitch, Ban- nerman. Musical Chairs, Senior, Sch- watzentruber, Brady, Darling, Swartz, Merner, Masse, Presca- dor, Merner. Bruce Moir and Jack "Diesel" The Senators plated two more Chipchase also singled in the runs on two singles and a doub Hensall cause. le in the fifth. Bob Garvey, Gord Gates and Walsinghman Over Hensall 9-2 Glenn Ross were hitting stars of Glenn Ross drilled a 3-0 pitch the Walsingham club with two into straightaway centre -field each. One of RoSs' was afifth- that bounced over the fence inning double. for a ground -rule double. With Bill Barry worked six and the lead-off man on, Bob Garvey two -third innings for the win- sineled to right to score Ross. nets before' being relieved by Another single by Gord Gates— Arnold Hanson. Barry received the third hit of the inning—and credit for the victory. I two more Hensall errors, plated . Southpaw Gerald Bell started the second run of the half inn - 1 on the mound for Hensall be- (continued on page eight) Junior Musical Chairs: Mern- er, Caldwell, Geiger, McKinley, Mousseau, Hoffman, Jones, Bec- ker, Elliott, Fischer, Kearn, Ge- iger. Pair of Clydesdales: McKee, Halliday, Graham, McKee. Single Carriage: Monroe, Monroe. Single Clydesdale: McKee, Halliday, Graham, Graham. Single Hackney pony: Lyle Hislop, Donald Walters. Junior fancy turnout: Cald- well, Hoffman. Single Percheron: Halliday. Single Belgian: Bannerman (1 and 2), Len Bok. Single roadster: Munro, Crav- en, Walkerton Dairies. Pony race: Caldwell, Geiger, Merner, Becker, Geiger, Mer- ner, Mousseau, Jones, McKinley, Kearns, Woodburn, Hoffman. Single wagon horse: Fitch, Knill, Johnston, Brown. Flag race: Geiger, Brady, Dar- ling Swartzentruber, Preszcator, Mousseau, Merner, Kearns, Mer- ner, Masse, Caldwell, Jones, Becker, Geiger, Merner. Light wagon horse: Knill, Mc- Bride, Fitch, Bannerman. Single roaders under 15.2: Munro, Cravin, Munro, Walker. Single Shetland: M. B. Farms, Johnston, Caldwell, Jones. Single Cat'riage: Monroe, Mon - (continued on page eight) Help to Veterans Is Offered Now A11 ex -service personnel and their dependants are invited to take advantage of a free Legion service. Mr. T. W. Gilkinson, Service Bureau Officer from London, will be at Legion Branch No. 468, Hensall, on October 23, at 4:00 p.m., to give skilled advice on verterans' benefits. Anyone with questions on war disability pension, War Veter- ans' Allowance (Burnt-out Pen- sion), Treatment, or hospital care i5 urged to call or write Mr. F. C. Beer, of Hensall, who will arrange an appointment. ed up to its reputation of being bigger and better than ever. A record crowd was on hand to see the various exhibits and dis- plays, and officials estimated the number of people at both the afternoon and evening ev- ents was considerably larger than in past years. Activity got under way in the afternoon with a monster par- ade, led by the Seaforth District High School Girl's Trumpet Band, followed by district pub- lic and separate school children, and a number of business and commercial floats. Just as the parade got under way a heavy cloudburst came along, and by the time the par- ade reached the Arena everyone participating got soaking wet. The fair was officially opened by C. S. MacNaughton, MPP for Huron( who in his remarks pointed out the fact that since the rain was not dampening the enthusiasm of the crowd, the fair would be an overwhelming success. BIG BALL GAME HENSALL — An interes- ting game will take place at the Hensall Ball Park this Saturday afternon, when the Dundas Juvenile, OBA Juv- enile A champions, will play the Hensall Juvenile D champions, in an exhibition match. Time of the game is 3:00 p.m. Parade Winners tricycle, Rudy Beierling; imple- ment display, V. L. Becker end Sons, Dashwood. Pet Show Best dog in show, Debbie Lo- ckie; best cat in show, Allan Hay; Persian cat, Carolyn Thiel, Lynda Stade; other breeds, Al- anna Masse, Diane Zehr, Mich- ael Wacker, Larry Kipper; Dogs, Debbie Lockie, Cheryl Stade, Sandra Desjardine, Shirley Wei - do; dog showing the least re- semblance, Melvin Melick, El- aine Westlake, Donnie Desch, Janet Becker. Lucky Draws As a climax to the big day, a lucky draw was held during the Horse Show, with prizes being donated by three Zurich busin- ess places. First prize, a hos- tess chair, donated by Westlake Furniture, was won by Theo- dore Schroeder, Zurich; second prize an electric heating blank- et, donated by Gongerich's Sales and Service, was won by Dan Gascho, Zurich; and third prize, a bathroom scale donated by Zurich Hardware and. Builders' Supply, was won by Mahlon Saucier. Following a summer -long hol- iday promotion by the business - Results of the parade are as men in Zurich, a draw was made follows: Schools, SS15, Hay; SS8 for a Kelvinator deep freeze at Hay; and St. Boniface, Zurich; the Fair. Winners of the prize decorated cars, Zurich Lions was Joe Corriveau, RR 2. Zur- Club, Grand Bend Dry Clean- ich. ers, Don Hulburt; business floats, Hay Municipal Telephone System, Doerr's Superior Store, Accident Sends Zurich Hardware and Builders' Supply, Gingerich's Sales and One To Hospita9. Service; freak floats, Nitehawks Bowling Team, Hot Rods (Danny Black), Humpty Dumpty (Bob Thiel); bicycles, Allan Hulburt; 0 School Area Boar Hears Requests Four young men were in- jured last Thursday night, one seriously, in a traffic accident on Highway 84, about a mile dand a half east of Zurich Willis Ray Desjardine, RR 1. Dashwood, is now in fair con- dition in South Huron Hospi- tal, ospital, Exeter, where he was ta- ken by Westlake ambulance at the time of the crash. Slightly injured when their car rolled over several times and smashed into a large tree, were Fred Pepper, George u- bick and Robert Fishleigh, all of RR 1, Zurich. Provincial Police Constable D. M. Westover, of the Exeter detachment, who investigated Two ratepayers south of Zur- ich, William Brown and Cleve Gingerich,, were present at the meeting of the Hay Township School Area board last Wednes- day night, with a request for the board to supply transporta- tion of all children who live out- side the village of Zurich. Due to the fact the board has a ruling that all children liv- ing in the area called section the crash, said the car almost seven, must supply their own cleared a five-foot fence after transportation, their request had to be turned down. In other business at the meet- ing. the board approved the hir- ing of Mrs. Evelyn Schroeder as caretaker for SS 3( Hay, du- ties to commence immediately. The board also authorized the been hit by an express train payment to Lorne Chapman for after the accident," Constable cutting weeds at SS 10, Hay. Westover said. it went out of control and be- gan rolling. The back bump- er of the vehicle, he added, snagged and broke telephone wires suspended from the road, "The car looked as if it had WINS TROPHY — The Zurich and District Chamber of Commerce Trophy, presented an. nually for the best showmanship in the 4-H Calf Club, was won this year by Bob Hoffman, of Dashwood. Bob -is shown here as he is about to he presented with the trophy by Dr. Garnet Leitch, a member of the Zurich orgar:iaation. (Staff Photo))