HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-09-14, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1961 ews of Hensall District TWO BOWLING TEAMS• HENSALL - Teams from Evening A.uxwlaary Hensall entered in the Zurich Ladies Bowling League are: Hold First Meeting Mrs. L. E. Borden (Captain); 1 Mrs. Fred Broadley; Mrs. Clar- 1-IENSALL — President Mrs. ence Reid; Mrs, William Brown; ! Ron Mack presided for the fir - Mrs E. R. Davis, Mrs. Jim] st fall meeting of the Evening Clark, Mrs. T. Kyle, Jr., and Auxiliary of the United Church, Mrs John Brennon. held Monday evening and exten- Legion Ladies Auxilary team are;,,Mrs. Don Havens Captain); Mf&" William Forrester; Mrs. iti'illiam Smale, Mrs. Harold Campbell, Mrs, Mary Taylor, Mrs. Gordon Munn and Mrs. Harry Horton. read an article on "Faith." deet a welcome to the members and guests. Mrs. William Fuss conducted the devotional per- iod, and read Scripture passages with prayer offered by Mrs• Clendon Christie. Mrs. Fuss 0 HONOUR BRIDE -ELECT HENSALL -- Several pre- nuptial events have been held in honor of Miss Betty Jean Tuckey, of London, whose mar- riage to George N. Steels will lake place this Saturday, at Lon- don. The bride -elect is the daugh ter of 1VIr. and Mrs. C. L. Tuck- ey, of London, and her fiancee is the son of Mr, and Mrs. N. M. Steels, London, Showers have been arranged for both bride -elect a'n d groom -elect. Mrs. J. W. Roy James, aunt of the bride -elect, entertained members of her family at her home, RR 2, London, honoring Miss Tuckey and her parents. Other hostesses entertaining for the bride -elect were Mrs. Pearl Hey, aunt of the groom - elect, at her home on Mt. Pleas- ant Ave., London; Mrs. Donald Dyner, at her home on Brant Street, London; Mrs. Hubert Schilbe and Mrs. Arnold Mern er, at the former's home, in Zurich, and members of the nursing staff at Victoria Hospi- tal presented her with a cicktail tray. Mrs. Bert Skimmer also entertained at her home on Daleview Crescent. Mrs. C. L. Tuckey entertain- ed at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Betty Jean, at her home on Daleview Crescent, London. Mrs, N. M. Steels, mo- ther of the groom -elect, assis- ted in receiving guests. An heir- loom crochet lace cloth covered thetea table, which was center- ed with an arrangement of pink and white baby 'mums flanked by pink candles and crystal can- delabra. Tea was poured in the after- noon by Mrs. Roy James aunt of the bride -elect, and Mrs. Pearl Hey, aunt of the groom -elect. Mrs. Thomas Kyle, of Hensall, grandmother of the bride -elect, and Mrs. Arnold Merner, Zur- ich, poured tea in the evening. Tea room assistants were Miss Donna Merner, Mrs. A. A. Clark, Mrs. Hubert Schilbe, Zurich. Miss Shelagh Vanwagen, Mis"s Lorna Steels, Miss Judy Barnes, Miss Nancy Kyle, Hensall, and Miss Carol Clark were in char- ge of the wedding gifts. Miss Jackie McLean and Miss Suz- anne Kyle, Hensall, were in charge of the guest book. Mr. Ron Mock gave interest- ing and informative highlights on the Men's Conference at Al- ma College, with the theme, "Wake Up and Live." Mr. Mock was thanked by Mrs. Dave Kyle. Brian Smillie rendered a lovely solo, accompanied at the piano by Miss Greta Lammie. A letter of thanks was read by the secretary, Mrs, Edison Forrest, from Miss Muriel Stam- ford, missionary in India, ex- pressing her appreciation for a donation of $50 forwarded re- cently for hospital work, and for gifts of handkerchiefs sent by members for nurses of the hospital. The visiting 'committee, Mrs. Robert Cook and ' Mrs. Don Joynt, reported having made 15 calls on the sick and shut-ins. Discussion was held regard- ing a bazaar to be held the last Saturday in October. Mrs. Sim Roobol, who returned last week from a three months vacation to Holland, gave a delightful account of her trip and happen- ings while in Holland. She was much enjoyed, and was thank- ed by the president. Hostesses were Mrs. Walter Spencer and Mrs. William Mickle. 0 WEDDING Page -Funk HENSALL—Baskets of white and blue gladioli and white 'mums formed the setting in St. Paul's United. Church, Bramp- ton, Saturday, September 2, at 1:30 p.m., for the double ring marriage of Miss Millie Funk and Mr. Donald Page, both of Brampton. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Funk, RR 2, Hensall, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart, Bramp- ton. The Rev. J. M. Salmon of- ficiated. Given in marriage by her fa- ther the bride chose a floor - length gown of white organza, the skirt appliqued with hand clipped Alecon lace to match bodice and sleeves. The fitted bodice featured a sabrine neck- line of sequins and pearls. A crystal crown style headpiece held her elbow length veil of silk illusion, and her bridal bouquet were red roses and stephanotis. Floor -covering Time Is • Matron of honor, Mrs. Gerald Funk, Brampton and brides- maids, Mrs. Garnet B u c k, Streetsville, and Miss Bonnie Codden, Ethel, were identically gowned in sheath apricot taffe- ta with overskirts of matching materials and matching head- pieces and carried cascades of baby 'mums to match costume. Best man was Mr. Brian Mor- ris, of Brampton, and William Stewart, brother of the groom, and Gerald Funk, of Brampton, cousin of the bride, ushered. Mr. David Esplin of Brampton, was organist, provided tradition- al wedding music and accomp- anied the soloist. Mr. Robert Rice, of Streetsville, who sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "0 Perfect Love," At a reception held in Yel- low Briar Inn, Brampton, atten- ded by 60 guests, the bride's mother received wearing a blue brocaded sheath dress with beige accessories, and corsage of Talisman roses, the groom's mother was gowned in a navy lace over taffeta, accessories in navy and red rose corsage. For travelling to points north the bride changed to a navy knit suit, white feather hat, and accessories in white, she wore an orchid corsage. They will reside in Brampton. Prior to the marriage the bride was feted at several pre- nuptial showers. Mrs. Ross Mac- Kenzie, Brampton, sister of the groom, was hostess for a miscel- laneous shower. Mr. Garnet Buck, of Streetsville, held a lin- en shower and friends and neighbours of SS 10, Hay, and friends in Hensall, presented her with many lovely gifts. *Guest attended from Hunts- ville, Barrie, Streetsville; Oak- ville, Bampton and Hensall. Twitchell - McGregor HENSALL — Marriage vows were exchanged in Brucefield United Church Manse, on Sat- urday, September 9, at 12 o'clock, by Jean Ann McGregor and Murney 0. Twitchell, before the Rev. A. 11. Johnston. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John McGregor, RR 5, Clinton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell, of Hensall. Mr. John A. McGregor gave his daughter in marriage. The bride's gown had a bod- ice of Alencon lace with seed pearls, a sabrina neckline and bracelet length sleeves, with ballerina bouffant skirt of or- ganza. A crown of pearls held her shoulder length veil of French illusion and she carried a spray of stephanotis. Mrs. Gerald Horton, Clinton, ROLLIES Sports and Cycle GRAND BEND District's Largest Stock of GUNS, FISHING TACKLE, BICYCLES, TRICYCLES SPORTS GOODS Back To School 20 USED BICYCLES FOR SALE All Sizes $12.00 to $30.00 SEE US FOR ALL TYPES OF BROADLOOM Here Once Again! HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW VINYL 'FORECAST' With The Smooth, Glass -Bite Finish? Window Shades - Venetian Blinds Westlake Furniture ImixammummimmOmitieimisilomipmei r Was matron of !, 'n^r w: r<':n^ mauve organza with a scoop neckline and carried a bouquet of white shasta 'mums. Gerald Horton, Clinton, at- tended the groom. The wedding reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, with roses and asters forming the floral decorations. For receiving the brie e's moth- er chose a two piece silk dress in shades of magenta and green and wore a gardenia corsage. The groom's mother wore a beige satin sheath embossed in gold with gold and beige acces- sories, and white gardenia cor- sage. For travelling to Southern United States, the bride don- ned a three piece brown doub- led knit suit,' beige accessories, with which she wore a corsage of pumpkin orange carnations. They will reside in London. 0 Honor New Bride At Trousseau Tea HENSALL — Mrs. John Mc- Gregor, RR 5, Clinton, enter- tained at a trousseau tea in hon- or of her daughter, Miss Jean McGregor, whose marriage to Mr. Murney Twitchell, of Hen- sall, took place last Saturday. Mrs. Orville Twitchell, of Hensall, mother of the groom - elect, assisted the bride -elect and her mother in receiving the guests. Tea was poured by Miss Kate McGregor, Miss Margaret Mc- Gregor, Mrs. Cal Horton and Mrs. Frank McGregor. Tea was served by Miss Norma Love, Miss Carol Pepper, Miss Billie Stewart and Mrs. Fred McGreg- or. Mrs. Gerald Horton display- ed the wedding gifts; Miss Mil - da Pepper the shower gifts; and Mrs. Don McGregor the trous- seau. Other assistants were Mrs. Greg McGregor, 'Mrs. Ivy John- ston and Mrs. Randal Pepper. Bill McGregor was in charge of the register. Wednesday, evening, at the home of Mrs., Frank McGregor, a surprise pantry shower was held by the neighbours and rel- atives of Miss Jean McGregor. Co -hostess was Mrs. Don Mc- Gregor. Contests were conducted by Mrs. Don McGregor and Miss Norma Love. The gifts were presented in a prettily decora- ted basket carried by Lawrence Pepper and Bill McGregor. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess and hostesses. Wednesday evening, August 23, the girl friends of Miss Jean McGregor has a miscel- laneous shower at the home of Mrs. Phyllis Edwards. Contests were conducted by Miss Norma Love, Barbara Beech, Sherrill Carr. Gifts were presented in a "Wishing Well". A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Monday evening, August 28, the community held a shower for Miss McGregor, in the audi- torium of Brumfield United Church, under the direction of Mrs. Frank McGowan, Mrs. Wal- ter Moffat and Mrs. Cal Horton. A short program was provided WEDDING cEwan-Reder White and yellow gladiolus with fern and lighted candel abra nzacie a lovely setting in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich on Saturday, September 2, for the wedding of Janet Ileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Reder, Jr,, Bayfield, to Francis Murray McEwan, Clin- ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McEwan, Huron St., Clinton. Th.e Rev. Paul Fischer offic- iated at the double ring cere- mony. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in floor length nylon organza over taffeta, styled with portrait neckline and lily point sleeves, She carried a white orchid with yellow roses and stepanotis. Miss Sharon Reder, Bayfield, was her sister's maid fo hon- our. in street -length yellow nylon taffeta, with full skirt, bateau neckline a n d short sleeves. She carried a crescent bouque of white shasta daisies and white ribbon. Bridesmaids were Margaret Wallis and the bride's aunt, Mrs. Albert Schilbe, in green dresses, styled identically to the dress of the maid of hon- our. They carried crescent bou- quets of yellow shasta daisies and white ribbon. Cameron Reder, younger bro- ther of the bride, Bayfield, was ringbearer, dressed in white coat and dark trousers, and carrying the rings on a satin cushion. Carmel Women Plan Supper In. Early Octo'ber HENSALL — The Women's Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their September meeting on Monday evening, with Mrs. Earl Camp- beIl president, presiding. Mrs. Alex McGregor and Miss Hannah Murray took the devo- tional. Mrs. Campbell read ex- cerpts from the Glad Tidings on activities of our missionar- ies, and plans were made for the fall thank -offering, to be held in October. The Ladies Aid followed with routine business. Plans were made for a turkey supper to be held on October 3. by Mrs. Fred McGregor, Barbara Swan and Ron and Sandra Gra- ham. Contests were conducted by Mrs. F. McGowan and Mrs. A. Verhoef. The lovely gifts were presented in a prettily de- corated wheelbarrow pushed by Miss Janet Graham. GARBAGE COLLECTION IN HENSALL EVERY SATURDAY MORNING $1.00 Per Month For extra pick-up, contact us after 6 p.m. GEORGE PARKER HENSALL - tfh POULTRY, EGGS and FEED POULTRY CULLING John Henderson PHONE 40 VVVVV HENSALL BE SAFE! -- BE SURE! BRING YOUR CAR TO US FOR FRONT-END ALIGNMENT AND Complete Steering Service Our modern equipment will guarantee you satisfied results . , . make you feel safe when you drive. Wheel Balancing A Specialty! DESJARDINE AUTO SUPPLY PHONE 38 --- ZURICH Groomsman was Murray Cut- ler, Burlington, formerly of Clinton, and the ushers were Larry Powell, RR 3, Clinton, friend of the groom and Orval Schilbe, Clinton, uncle of the bride. Music was played on the church organ by Ronald Klopp, Zurich, who accompanied the soloist, Miss Mary Ellen Thiel, Zurich, as she sang, "Oh, Per- fect Love" and "The Lord's Prayer." • For the reception which fol- lowed in the church basement, the tables were decorated with baskets of gladiolus and daisies. The bride's mother received in light brown brocaded satin sheath with beige accessories, and a corsage of yellow roses. The groom's mother wore rose- wood chiffon over a lace sheath, a rosewood hat and green ac- cessories and a corsage of pink roses. Guests attended from Leam- ington, Zurich, Exeter, London, Chatham and Floriad, as well as from Bayfield and Clinton, For travelling on a short wedding trip to Niagara Falls and the Thousand Islands, the bride donned a beige brocaded satin sheath with matching jacket and brown accessories, and red rose corsage. Upon their return the young couple is living on Albert St., Clinton. The groom is on staff at the Clinton News -Record, and the bride is stenographer at the Bank of Montreal, Clin- ton Branch, Onion Growers To Vote On Plans The Farm Products Market- ing Board has announced that a plebiscite will be conducted by the Board, September 30, on a proposed Onion Growers' Mar- keting flan under the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Leg- islation. The proposed plan includes only- matured onions grown from seed. All other types and varieties of onions will not be covered. Polling places will be open from 12:00 noon to 7:00 p.m. local tmie on September 30, at Bradford, Grand Bend, Thed- ford, Blenheim and Leaming- ton which are the centres of onion production in Ontario. Growers in other parts of Ontar- io will vote by mail. Preliminary voters' Lists have heen prepared and will be pos- ted up in the onion growing areas. An onion grower whose name does not appear on the preliminary list may appear be- fore the Revising Officer for his district, on Setpember 20, and have his name placed on the, list. The plan„ if approved, will be put into operation this fall for the marketing of onions grown in Ontario. Renew Your Subscription Now SHOP GRSAVE Dollar Days SAVE 24c -- IGA 15 OZ. TINS Choice Peas 8 for $1.00 SAVE 35c — WHITE or COLOURED Toilet Tissue 10 rolls $1.00 SAVE 8c — CLARK'S FANCY 20 OZ. TINS Tomato Juice 8 for $1.00 SAVE 24c -- HENLEY 20 OZ. TINS Bartlett Pears 4 for $1.00 SAVE 24c -- VIKING BRAND 15 OZ. TINS CHOICE Red Raspberries 4 for $1.00 SAVE 17c -- LIBBY'S or CLARK'S 15 OZ. TINS Beans with Pork 6 for $1.00 SAVE 7c — DOG HOUSE 15 OZ. TINS Dog Food 11 for $1.00 SAVE 18c — IGA HEAVY DUTY 24 OZ. TINS Liquid Detergent 2 for $1.00 SAVE 1Oc — SOLO 1 LB. CARTONS Margarine 4 for $1.00 SAVE 45c — IGA ASSORTED 31/4 OZ. TINS Meat Spreads 10 for $1.00 SAVE 16c — MONARCH POUCH PACK Cakes Mixes 8 for $1.00 SAVE 16c — MOUNT ROYAL CHOICE QUALITY Peach Halves 20 oz. 4 for $1..00 FREEZER FEATURES Morton's Chicken, Turkey, Beef POT PIES Swanson's MAC & CHEESE CASSEROLE, 4, 12 OZ. $1.00 4 for $1.00 TABLE FRESH PRODUCE LARGE FULL CLUSTERS Flame Tokay Grapes No. 1 FREESTONE 6 QT. BASKET' Peaches FULL FLAVOURED SUNKIST Grapefruit, size 48 2 lbs. 29c 75c 6 for 49c Table Rite Meat Features NEW ZEALAND WORLD'S FINEST SHORT CUT Lamb Legs lb 43c 3 MEALS IN ONE ROAST, CHOPS, STEW Lamb In A Basket lb. 23c TENDER, JUICY, LEAN Lamb Chops, Rib End 49c Loin End 59c wisatiewsimiximmaasersamammessatinatitionsmisimismaessessarti BROWN'S I.G.A. MARKET HENSALL OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY l.VENINr'S