HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-08-31, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1961 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVIE. Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS- -% Off if paid by Saturday following last insertion. BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE LIKE NEW Professional Accor- dion, black with pearl, 15 swit- ches, in excellent condition, $495. Write or phone: Mr. Dick Carlstrom, 127 Kent St., GE 9-3583, from 6 to 7 p.m., or GE 2-7398. 34-p FOR SALE Sheep Manure -Grass Seed MILORGANTE Garden Fertilizer -Bone Meal Apply to M. DEITZ and SON Zurich FILTER QUEEN Sales and. Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 28 to 36-p 200 BUSHELS OATS, for sale. Call Russell Grainger, phone Bayfield 60 r 3. 31-x VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 28 to 36 p MODERN HOME, well located in the village of Zurich. Three bedrooms, large living room, kitchen bathroom, oil furnace. Apply kitchen. Lee Regier, phone Zurich 237. 35-p LITTLE NUGGET Fall and Win- ter coat, teal blue, size 8; Little Nugget . Spring and fall coat, size 8; also two-piece outfit with matching hat, beige trim- med. All like new, reasonably priced. Can be seen at West- lake Furniture Store, Zurich. 35-b 22 ACRES of Alfalfa Timothy hay, standing. Apply to Curtis Gingerich, phone Zurich 79r20. 35-p HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS, some of grade 9, 10, 11 and 12. Call Grand Bend, 32 r 18. 35-b CHOICE BUILDING LOT, well located in the village of Zur- ich close to school. Apply to Ernie Laidlaw, at the Zurich Bowling Lanes. 35-b THREE - FURROW McCormick Deering Ace Bottom Plough. Also furrow straightener lever for Farmall H or Farmall M tractors. Apply to Wes McBride, RR 1, Varna, phone Hensall 687 r 21. 35-p SEALED UNIT REFRIGERA- tors, 3 only, used, in good shape. Your choice, only $49. Crest Hardware Limited, Hensall. 35-b MASSEY HARRIS No. 7 S'wa- ther. 9' cut, in good condition. Apply to Joe Postill, phone Clinton HU 2-7436. 35-b CARDS OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone who so kindly assisted in any way to snake the departure for Brother Robert L. Mittleholtz such a happy event. Special thanks to Father C. A. Doyle.— Mrs. Ted Mittleholtz and fam- ily. 35-p FOR RENT ACREAGE ON BLUEWATER Highway. For information call Cyril Masse, 77 r 7, Zurich, on September 2, 3 4. After that date call Maurice Masse, phone Zurich 98 r 5. 35-b HELP WANTED MAN WANTED to work in bean and grain elevator, Apply to Cook Bros. Milling Co,, phone 24 or 349, Hensall. 34-b PIN BOYS wanted for the com- ing season. Any boy 14 years and over who would like to set pins, apply at the Zurich Bowl- ing Lanes. 35-b WANTED WANTED — Used organs, pian- os, used furniture of all kinds, old dry sinks, hanging lamps, glassware. Apply to Don Mar- tin, 831 Mill Street, Kitchener. 29-301-2-p WANTED — FEATHERS and old feather ticks. Call Exeter salvage, phone 423 Exeter, col- lect. 22-tfb CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM SPRAYING and White Washing. Call now for prompt and efficient service. William Watson, RR 3, Zurich, call Dashwood 37r19. 35-tfb SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Dashwood 26r17, or in case of emergency call Del Schwatzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock, 33-tfb, FARM EQUIPMENT MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE Farm Machinery: Firestone and Good year rubber tires. See us for the best buy. Emmerson Erb, phone 96r12, Zurich. 37-tfb GEORGE WHITE FARM Mach- inery, Ebersal hay and grain Elevators, Rotary Hog Feeders. App 1 y to Amos Gingerich, -Blake, phone Zurich '79r12. 30-tfx WOOL SWEATERS and coats; one Navy Blue Trench Coat; one Grey Winter Jacket, size 10. Apply to Mrs. Ken MRae, phone 99, Dashwood. 35-b PEACHES, RED HAVEN, Jubi- lee, etc., at Sharrow Orchards, 11/ miles north of Dashwood, Phone Dashwood 136. 35-6-b TWO HOLSTEIN BULL Calves. Apply to Roy Erb, phone Zur- ich 72 r 12. 35-b DUTCH BOY would like year- round farm work, Phone Zurich 96 r 15. 35-p AUTOS FOR SALE 1961 CHEVROLET BEL AIR hardtop, automatic, economy six, with only 8,000 actual miles, new car warranty, in excellent shape. Radio, windshield wash- ers, all extras. Can be sold be- low dealer's price. Apply to Box HC, the Zurich Citizens News. 34-b %-TON C}IEVROLET PICK-UP, In fair condition. Priced right for quick sale. Apply to Bruce Bisaillion, at Conklin Lumber Company, Grand Bend. 34-b MISCELLANEOUS EXPERT RE -UPHOLSTERING refinishing and repairing of all types of furniture• Full line of materials and excellent work- manship. C a 11 Gingerich's, phone 34, Zurich. 19-tfb BIRTHS REDDEN—At Sydenham Gener- al Hospital, Wallaceburg, on Saturday, August 26, 1961 to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden, of Dresden, a son, William Herbert; a grandson for Mrs. Catharine Hedden, Hensall. STEWART — At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Monday, August 21, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stewart (nee Gin- gerich), of Hensall, a daugh- ter, Kimberley Ann. A grand- daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gingerich and Mrs. Al- len Finkbeiner. 0 Wheat Growers Announce Rebate AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and body repairs, glass steering and wheel bal- ance. Undaspray for Rust pre- vention. DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8 H'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 ATTENTION FARMERS— For prom??t 24-hour 7 day a week service on all dead or disabled farm animals; truck licenced under Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence No. 66 c 61. Call Ed. Andrews, phone S e a f or t h 851r11. 9.30-p A rebate of five cents a bush- el on the marketed portion of the 1960 wheat crop will be paid to Ontario's 24.000 wheat pro- ducers, K. A. Standing, secre- tary -manager of the Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board, announced last Friday. The payment totalling $438,- 000 represents the unused por- tion of a nine -cent -a -bushel levy on all wheat marketed from July 1, 1960 to June 30, 1961. ' Payments are not expected to start for six weeks, Mr. Stand- ing said. The board bought 1,200,000 bushels of surplus wheat dur- ing the year ended June 30 and all of it has been exported. The 1960 crop marketings totalled nearly 9.000,000 bushels. PROMPT CROP: REPORT Continuous wet and humid weather has hampered harvest operations considerably. Lodged grain crops are also causing delays and extra work. Many farmers are busy prepar- ing land for fall wheat. 0 4-H Members Win Award As an award for long term participation in 4-H Agricultur- al Clubs, eight 1961 members of Huron County 4-H Clubs will visit the Canadian National Ex- hibition, Toronto Friday, Sep- tember 1. Included in the group are: Don Crozier, RR 3, Seaforth; Bill Etherington, RR 1, Hensall; Robert Fothering- ham, RR 3, Seaforth; Lorne Hern, RR 1, Woodham; Ivan Howatt, RR 1, Belgrave; Rodger Kieffer, RR 1, Wingham; Don McKercher, RR 1 Dublin; Ken Papple, RR 5, Seaforth. The group wil be travelling to Toronto on Thursday, Aug- ust 31, and return home on Sat- urday, September 2. While at the CNE they will take part in the Junior Judging Competition in the morning, be free to visit the various exhibits in the af- ternoon and see the grandstand show in the evening. The group will be accompanied by D. H. Miles, agricultural representat- ive. 0 BLUEWATER Mr. and Mrs. Gordon West lake, Sandra and Ronald, Bill OPTICAL SERVICE Ferguson, of Bayfield, and Hec- tor McLean, of London, attend - Broken Lenses Duplicated ed the Glen Rock Bible Confer - LARGE SELECTION OF ence over the past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Westlake returned Modern Frames home on Monday while the Including Child's Sizes young folk are, remaining for the rest of the week. Rosalie and Barbara Westlake Jeweller and Optician spent a few days recently with ZURICH their grandmother, Mrs. McLean in Wingham. A. G. HESS Applications Applications for the position of Local Director of the Huron County Children's Aid Society will be received by the under- signed until SATURDAY, SEPT- EMBER 30,_1961. State Age, Experience, Mar- tal Status. Qualifications should be in accordance with the Child Welfare Act or equiva- lent. Salary $7,000 per annum, plus employee benefits. Applications must be submit- ted in envelopes supplied by the Secretary. Address all enquiries to the Secretary: JOHN G. BERRY, Secretary, Huron County, Children's Aid Society, Box 640, Goderich, Ont. B5 -b Township of Hay DRAIN TENDER TENDERS, narked as such will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, September 2nd, 1961, at 6:00 p.m., for the Construction of the THIEL MUNICIPAL DRAIN, as follows 640 ft. of 8" dia. field tile in place. 1030 ft. of 12" dia. field tile in place. 2 concrete catch basins fitted with DHO standard cast iron swing grates and frames 100 lin. ft. of 15" dia. 14 ga: CMP Culvert, including auguring under pavement in place, 30 lin, ft. 15" dia, 16 ga. CMP protection. Tender to supply all material needed. All work to conform with the Engineer's specifications. Certified cheque for 10% of bid to accompany tender. Con- trat to be signed when tender is accepted. Plans and Specifications may be seen at the office of Clerk or Engin- eer. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. C. P. CORBETT„ P.Eng., H. W. BROKENSHIRE, I.ucan, Ontario Clerk-Treas.o nshipio of Hay Zurich Mrs. Eric Cleave returned to her home in Kitchener after spending the past week with Miss Louise Talbot and Miss Ann Westlake.: Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Grainger of Wallaceburg, spent a few days in Clinton with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Schilbe. Miss Helen Grainger returned to her home from Clinton Hospi- tal on Monday, after having undergone surgery there last Thursday. ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE CAL. FRED DUCHARME. Correwondentl Mr. and Mrs. John Roselund, of London, were weekend visit- ors in St. Joseph, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgess and fam- ily. Mrs. Burgess is a daughter of the Roselunds. The visitors were much impressed with the acticities in the little burg, and the increased amount of busi- ness ,being done at the corner since opening in the spring. Mr. Roselund is a cook at Westmin- ster Hospital, in London. On Sunday last, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hartman, of Trenton, after spending two weeks holi- days in Zurich and vicinity, re- turned to their home. Miss Ev- elyn Denomme, of this highway accompanied them, where she will spend a week. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Masse and family, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Jos- ephine Ducharme and son. In Hospital Mr. Noel Paporte of Drys- dale, who had the misfortune of hurting his back from cranking the tractor, is now in South Hu- ron Hospital, where he will be confined for some time before returning to his home. Mrs. Joe Martindale, of Port Huron, accompanied by Mrs. Hartman, of Sarnia, called on the Ducharmes on Friday last enroute to visit their father in Goderich, where he is in resi- dence with Mr. and Mrs. Emery Bedard. Poor Harvest Between showers and broken weather the farmers are able to harvest their crop, but not with- out suffering heavy losses. The wheat crop, with it's sprouts and high moisture test was real- ly discouraging to the farmers after they had prepared their land and put extra nourishment in their soil. It is hard to un- derstand why t h e y should shoulder the whole loss. How- ever, there appears to be no grounds for themselves to es- tablish some kind of security, at the present time. ,True the modern implements of today offer much to the far- mers in the form of easing their work, and also the speed they receive from it. But in a wet —o 4-H CALF CLUE The Zurich 4--H Calf Club met last Tuesday night, at the Hirtzel Brothers farm, near Crediton. Hereford cattle were judged at this farm. The group also visited the farm of Norman Lamport, where Holstein cows were judg- ed, giving their reasons for plac- ing each cow as they did. Refreshments were served the group at the Hirtzel farm. ROLLIES Sports and Cycle GRAND BEND District's Largest Stock of GUNS, FISHING TACKLE, BICYCLES, TRICYCLES SPORTS GOODS Back To School 20 USED BICYCLES FOR SALE All Sizes — $12.00 to $30.00 VILLAGE of ZURICH Tender For Sidewalks season such as this, all is not gain with modern machinery. Farmers keep waiting to harv- est their grain till it appears free from moisture. and by that time another soaker delays the work. But in the face of all this, the young generation of today should be embarassed to follow the method of a genera- tion ago; they would presume it too slow to carry on. Never- theless by storing their grain they would avoid the moisture and therefore receive better re- turns. 0 WINS SCHOLARSHIP David Noakes a student at South Huron District High School this past season, has been awarded the University of Western Ontario Board of Gov- ernors scholarship for Physics and Chemistry. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes of Hensall. SEALED TENDERS will be accepted by the Clerk -Treasurer, for the construction of approximately 500 feet of concrete side- walk in the village of Zurich. Ready -mix cement to be used, and prices is to be based by the lineal foot. Dividers and cement to be supplied by the contractor, and the village will supply fill and remove sidewalks to be replaced. Walks to be steeltrowelled and brushed. For further information contact Milfred Schilbe, Road Superintendent. Sealed Tenders must be sent in by 6:00 p.m., on Sat- urday- September 2, Contract to be completed by Septem- ember 10. A. J. KALBFLEISCH, Clerk -Treasurer, Village of Zurich Lakeview Casino Grand Bend DANCING FRIDAY, SATURDAY SUNDAY MIDNITE with LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal. Orchestra DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT Bluewater Danceland 10:00-1:30 MUSIC BY Des• jardine Orchestra Modern, Rock 'N 'Roll Square Dancing JOIN THE CROWDS. I FEATURES EVERY NIGHT.. STARLITE 5 Miles East of Grand Bend 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY— RAIN OR CLEAR First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in cars free DRIVE-IN TNEATR1 1 Miring ng .% ,SHIRLEY 6 TECIINIt0Wi , 1 F " Thursday, Friday and Saturday Aug. 31 Sept,1-2 SUNDAY MIDNITE and Monday Sept. 3 and 4 (Adult Entertainment) TMESA�A�� '0 JNNoC T �BThQN'I QIJIIl'Ins� ,�ly.V RAMi0 TECH ICOLOR' "An" UMI Tuesday and Wednesday Sept. 5 and 6 "BUGS BUNNY REVIEW" (Half Hour of Cartoons) sHo Pk SAVE FOR THE BEST IN LABOUR DAY VALUES SHOP I.G.A. TULIP MARGARINE 2 for 49c HEINZ TOMATO JUICE 48 oz..____._..__ 2 for 59c HEREFORD CORNED BEEF, 12 oz. . 49c MAPLE LEAF LIQUID DETERGENT, 24 oz. 69c IGA ALUMINUM FOILWRAP 2 for 49c SCHNEIDERS PICNICS _. $1,29 each NESCAFE, 6 oz. __ 89c IGA GIANT PACK (55 Biscuits) 39c EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMP FEATURES Silverkrin Shampoo, Crest Giant Toothpaste, Carton Belvedere Cigarette, 2 pkgs. Instant Mashed Potatoes, 11 oz. IGA Bread and Butter Pickles. a: �. v Table Rite Meat Features GOV'T INSPECTED PLUMP TENDER TURKEYS ..... 35c Ib. SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS CRY -O -VAC 59c Ib. Canada Packers MILD SMOKED SKINLESS WEINERS ______._.__ 45c Ib. ROYAL GUEST RINDLESS SIDE BACON 75c Ib. Produce Features CANADA N. 1 WHITE FLUFFY POTATOES, 50 Ib.bag 99c GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS -. 2 lbs. 29c ONT. NO. 1 FRESH CABBAGE _ ..... _. .. 10c head ONT. NO. 1 CURED COOKING ONIONS ____ 3 Ib, bag 29c Freezer Features ZERO PAK FROZEN PEAS, 2 Ib. Poly Bag ____-.._____ 49c BROWN'S I.G.A. MARKET HENSALL OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS