HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-08-22, Page 5i THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1961 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE f IIdaI@l Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS — % Off if paid by Saturday following last insertion. BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE 18 ACRES ALFALFA and Tim- othy hay, standing. Apply to George Wilson, phone Bayfield 57-2. 34-p TWO HOLSTEIN COWS, carry- ing second calf, .one due now and one on Stepember 1. Apply to Russell Oesch, RR 1, Varna, phone 687 r 23, Hensall. 34-p ROASTING CHICKENS, oven- ready, averaging 5 to 61/2 poun- ds. Apply to Russell Oesch, RR 1, Varna, phone 687 r 23, Hen- sall. 34-p JERSEY COW, 6 years old, due October 12. Apply to Wilfred Corriveau, 95 r 5, Zurich. 34-b 38 PIGS, weaned, about seven weeks old. Apply to William Denomme, phone Zurich 95 r 11. 34-b LIKE NEW Professional Accor- dion, black with pearl, 15 swit- ches, in excellent condition, $495. Write or phone: Mr. Dick Carlstrom, 127 Kent St., GE 9-3583, from 6 to 7 p.m., or GE 2.7398. 34-p COAT, TWO DRESSES, and a jacket, size 12 to 14. Apply to Mary Ellen Thiel, phone 56, Zurich. 34-b 1961 CHEVROLET BEL AIR hardtop, automatic, economy six, with only 8,000 actual miles, new car warranty, in excellent shape. Radio, windshield wash- ers, all extras. Can be sold be- low dealer's price. Apply to Box HC, the Zurich Citizens News. 34-b CLOVER HONEY, No. 1 for a Limited time only, 20c per pound in customers containers. Apply to Haberer Bros., Zurich 33-b 30 ACRES Second Cut Alfalfa. Apply to Ken Parke, RR 1, Var- na, phone Hensall 687 r 11. 33p TWO PONY MARES and Colts, one standard bred yearling filly, Dalmation pups. Apply to Allan Thiel, phone Zurich 127. 33-p CHINA CABINET—in very good condition, and priced very reas- onable. Phone or write Amos Gingerich, phone 79r2, Zurich. 24-x FOR SALE Sheep Manure -Grass Seed MILORGANTE Garden Fertilizer -Bone Meal Apply to M. DEiTZ and SON Zurich FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 28 to 36-p HARVEST APPLES, Yellow Transparents, Red Astragans. Apply to William Watson phone Dashwood 37 r 19. 31-b 200 BUSHELS OATS, for sale. Call Russell Grainger, phone Bayfield 60 r 3. 31-x USED 17" TELEVISION SET, table model, in real good work- ing condition. Apply to Stew- art Dietz, phone 154, Zurich. 31-p VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 28 to 36-p AUTOS FOR SALE %-TON CHEVROLET PICK-UP, in fair condition. Priced right for quick sale. Apply to Bruce Bisaillion, at Conklin Lumber Company, Grand Bend. 34-b LOST and FOUND AYRSHIRE HEIFER, strayed from pasture on Babylone Line. The letters KG1r stamped in ear. Notify Herb t'eeb, Zurich, or phone 81 r 4, Zurich. 34-b BIRTHS FLEMING — At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Tuesday, August 15, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fleming, Crediton, a daughter, Dona Jean, a sis- ter for Linda, Jimmy and Cathy. HELP WANTED' MAN WANTED to work in bean and grain elevator. Apply to Cook Bros, Milling Co., phone 24 or 349, Hensall. 34-b HOUSEKEEPER wanted to live in, three adults, one a semi -in- valid. No hard cleaning or laun- dry. Apply to Box 76 Clinton, or phone Clinton HU 2-3492. 33-4-b FOR RENT GROUND FLOOR APARTMENT with all modern conveniences, two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, and bath. Apply to Mrs. Alice Thiel, phone 127, Zurich. 31-p WANTED WANTED — Used organs, pian- os, used furniture of all kinds, old dry sinks, hanging lamps, glassware. Apply to Don Mar- tin, 831 Mill Street, Kitchener. 29-301-2-p WANTED — FEATHERS and old feather ticks. Call Exeter salvage, phone 423 Exeter, col- lect. 22-tfb CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM SPRAYING and White Washing- Call now for prompt and efficient service. William Watson, RR 3, Zurich, call Dashwood 37r19. 35-tfb SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc:, cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Dashwood 26r17, or in case of emergency call Del Schwatzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock, 33-tfb, FARM EQUIPMENT MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE Farm Machinery: Firestone and Good year rubber tires. See us for the best buy. Emmerson Erb, phone 96r12, Zurich. 37-tfb GEORGE WHITE FARM Mach- inery, Ebersal hay and grain Elevators, Rotary Hog Feeders. Apply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. 30-tfx MISCELLANEOUS EXPERT RE -UPHOLSTERING refinishing and repairing of all types of furniture. Full line of materials and excellent work- manship. C a 11 Gingerich's, phone 34, Zurich. 19-tfb AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and body repairs, glass steering and wheel bal- ance. Undaspray for Rust pre- vention. DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8 H'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 ATTENTION FARMERS— For prompt 24-hour 7 day a week service on all dead or disabled farm animals; truck licenced under Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence No. 66 c 61. Call Ed. Andrews, phone Sea f or t h 851r11. 9-30-p Bride -Elect Is Honored At Several Showers Prior To Her Marriage Miss Ruth Ann Jarrott, bride of Saturday, August 19, was feted at many pre nuptial show ers held in her honor, Friends and relatives attended a miscel laneous shower held in St. Andrew's United Chur ch, Kippen, Monday even ing. Guests were entertained with readings, musical instrum entals and piano solos, conduc ted by Miss Dorothy Turner. Contests were conducted by Miss Marion Turner and Mrs, Emerson Anderson. Ruth Ann was then escorted to a nicely decorated chair at the front of the church where Mrs, Harold Jones read the address. The was presented with many useful gifts. The Thrifty • Kippenettes of the 4-H Club held a shower in honor of Ruth Ann Jarrott, on Saturday, August 12. Instead of the usual showers, they held a weiner roast at Snowden's Beach, near Drysdale. Mrs. Wil- liam Bell, Mrs. Lloyd Lovell and Mrs. William Caldwell were hos- tesses. The girls were enter- tained with contests and games. Mrs. Caldwell read the address and Mrs. Bell presented Ruth Ann with a lovely clothes ham- per and magazine rack, after which Ruth Ann made a suit- able reply. Mrs. Eldon Jarrott entertain- ed at a trousseau tea Wednes- day, August 16, in honor of her daughter, Ruth Ann, bride elect of Saturday, August 19. Re- ceiving guests with Mrs. Jarrott and her daughter, was Mrs. Wellington Haist, of Crediton, mother of the groom. Debbie Anderson, Kippen, Linda Jones, Exeter, Darlene Passmore, Tha- mes Road, were in charge of the register. The dining room and tea room were nicely decorated with yellow and white stream- ers and the table centre was of small yellow daisies and baby's breath. Mrs. Robert Upshall, Kippen and Mrs. Frank Trieb- ner, of Exeter, poured tea in the afternoon, and in the evening Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, grand- mother of the bride, and Mrs. Gideon Koehler. of Zurich. Serving in the dining room were Miss Marie Jarrott. Miss Agnes Oesch, Zurich, Miss Mary U.C. Laymen United Church laymen will discuss church union at their forthcoming Alma Conference August 25 to 27, according to General Chairman Keith Wild- fong, Birr, formerly of Dash- wood. The laymen will study "Growth in Understanding," a study guide on union published jointly by the Anglican and Un- ited Church in Canada. Discussion leaders will be Dr. George W. Goth, London, and Frank Hallett, of the brother- hood of Anglican churchmen. Elgin McKinley, Zurich, will lead a workshop on discussion of the general conference re- port on alcoholism. Theme of the conference will be "Wake up and live" and the theme speaker will be Dr. 11. R. Davies, Hamilton. Township of Hay DRAIN TENDER TENDERS, marked as such will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, September 2nd, 1961, at 6:00 p.m., for the Construction of the THIEL MUNICIPAL DRAIN, as follows 640 ft. of 8" dia. field tile in place. 1030 ft. of 12" dia. field tile in place. 2 concrete catch basins fitted with DHO standard cast iron swing grates and frames 100 lin. ft. of 15" dia. 14 ga. CMP Culvert, including auguring under pavement in place, 30 lin, ft. 15" dia, 16 ga. CMP protection. Tender to supply all material needed. A11 work to conform with the Engineer's specifications. Certified cheque for 10% of bid to accompany tender. Con- trat to be signed when tender is accepted. Plans and Specifications may be seen at the office of Clerk or Engin- eer. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. C. P. CORBETT„ P.Eng., Lucas, Ontario 345b `........... H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk-Treas. Township of Hay Zurich, Ontario Lou Taylor, Brucefield, Mrs. Donna Haist and Mrs. Dorothy Gaiser and Miss Kathryn Ander- son , all of London. Displaying the bride's gifts were Mrs, Wil- liam Simms and Miss Barbara Fahner, Grand Bend. Bride's trousseau was dis- played by Miss Marie Gaiser, Grand Bend,and Miss Gail Fin- layson, Seaforth. House linens and woolens by Miss Mary Nor- ris, Seaforth. Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. Lloyd Jones, Exeter, Mrs. Oren Grace, De- troit, Mrs, Almer Passmore, Thames Road, Mrs. John And- erson and Mrs. Emerson Ander- son, Hensall. Mrs. Lloyd Jones and Mrs. Elmer Passmore, Exeter, were joint hostesses at a miscellan- eous shower for Miss Jarrott. 0 BLUEWATER (Mrs. Russell Grainger, correspondent) (Intended for last week) Ralph Geiger spent the past week with Jimmie Grainger. Phyllis Grainger viisted with Margaret Geiger this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deich- ert were weekend visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vic- tor Deichert and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger. Sunday viistors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deichert, Miss Margaret Deichert, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Deichert, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Deichert, Johnny and El- izabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar El- ligson, Joanne, Margaret and Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hohner and Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deichert, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Erb. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin West- lake, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred West- lake, Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs. John Keys and family, Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Erb, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Deichert were Sunday guests with relatives in St. Thomas. Miss Phyllis Grainger is spen- ding a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Westlake and Ann. Miss Helen Grainger and Miss Phyllis Schade spent the past week in Scaraboro, with Mr. and Mrs. Edward. Deichert. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brun - skill and son, Wayne, of Lon- don, and Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Alice Johnston and family. Mrs. Alice Johnston and fam- ily have returned home after being in London on business for a couple of days last week. RECEPTION AND DANCE For ANNETTE RAU and BERNARD DENOMME (Bridal Couple) IN THE Community Centre Zurich ON Sat., August 26 9:00 p.m. Music By DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA EVERYONE WELCOME yrs SPEC r• --- IF _.IF YOUR TV FAILS LATE AT WIGHT.., WE'LL SEM© EN ti TO FIX iT RIGHT..! __ R USS' T.V 1r:4 362W1' P 3 1 EN `alt R!NASAL �Y GE E SERYWt •.orals Notice To Creditors Re: MRS. ANNIE E. FINLAY, Zurich, Ontario, late of the township of Hay, of the Coun- ty of Huron, farmer's wife, de- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims again- st the estate of the late Annie E. Finlay who died April 21, 1958, and also joint accounts of Harold and Annie Finlay are hereby required to send same to the undersigned, duly veri- fied, on or before the lst day of September, 1961. • After the last named date the assets of said estate will commence to be paid to those persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims received by September 1, 1961. HAROLD N. FINLAY, Executor, and his Solicitors. 33-4-b Executor's Sale by Auction of VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Five miles south of Bayfield, on Highway No. 21 (West Side) extending back to Lake Huron, with one half mile of Lake Frontage having a fine beach with easy access by township road immediately south of the property. PARCEL 1: Consisting of 253 acres of choice clay loam land (in- cluding a small bush area). Lots 13 and 14 on Lake Road West, Stanley Township as aforesaid with two large barns (one about five years old); 2 brick dwel- ling houses (a two-storey and a storey and a half) good sized driving shed. Well pump electrically operated. PARCEL 2: Consisting of 100 acres of land, 75 acres being in bush land and the remainder pasture with some tillage, on Bronson Line. Lot 16 Concession 12, of Stanley Town- ship. PROPERTY will be offered for sale on the Premises 3:00 p.in, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30 (Daylight Saving Time) subject to reserve bid and existing leases. (Particu- lars of leases available at time of sale). SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at 1:00 p.m. (DST) same day consisting of some antiques and primitive furniture, (Including Governor Winthrop Desk (Cherry); feather ticks; 3 rope beds; arrow back rocking chair; carved cradle; ancient tea urn; Maple platform rocker; 2 yarn spinners; 2 spinning wheels; bar room chair; dry sink; 2 toilet sets; set of English dishes, etc. etc. TERMS: PROPERTY: 10% down at time of sale and balance in 60 days. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS --CASH. Estate of Margaret Rosamond Snowden (deceased) By REV. E, J. B. ,HARRISON, Executor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 34-b amminamm BROWNIE'S Drive -In Theatre Ltd. CLINTON WED., THURS., FRI August 23-24-25 "The Misfits" Clark Gable --Marilyn Monroe (One Cartoon) ...m r SATURDAY and MONDAY August 26-28 (Double Feature) 'A Lawless Street (Colour) Randolph Scott and Angela Lansbury "Sword of Sherwood Forest" (Colour) Richard Greene -- Peter Cushing ( One Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY August 29-30 (Comedy) (Double Feature) "Operation Bulls'hine" (Colour) Ronald Shiner -- Carol Lesley "Sands Of The Desert" (Colour) (Scope) Charles Drake -- Sara Branch (One Cartoon) ............... PROMPT OPTICAL SERVICE Broken Lenses Duplicated LARGE SELECTION OF Modern Frames Including Child's Sizes A. G. HESS Jeweller and Optician ZURICH Lakeview Casino Grand Bend DANCING LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY' EVERY WEDNESDAY Jive Night with THE "STRATO-TONES" DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT Bluewater Danceland 10:00-1:30 MUSIC BY Desjardine Orchestra Modern, Rock 'N 'Roll Square Dancing JOIN THE CROWDS. ! WEEKEND FOOD SPECIALS MAPLE LEAF • Cheese Slices 25c PARAMOUNT FANCY i/2 LB. TINS Sockeye Salmon 55c CORN FLAKES, SUGAR FROSTED FLAKES, RICE KRISPIES Kelloggs Cereals 3 for $1.00 20 OZ. TiN Culverhouse Peaches 25c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET CLARENCE GASCHO — ZURICH FEATURES EVERY NIGHT .. . STARLITE 5 Miles East of Grand Bend 2 SHOWS NiGHTLY— RAiN OR CLEAR First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in cars free THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AUGUST 24,25,26 DRIVE-IN THEATRE From WARNER BROS . 'TECHNICOLOR* starring JEFFREY HUNTER'CONSTANCE TOWERS TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY SDINAMERRIII 2.. $.d b, FgEO 21Is'EL1010018 TECHNICOLOR. memo RAM BEA ONE NIGHT ONLY MONDAY August 28 AUGUST 29 and 30 (Double Feature) "Boy And The "Born Laughing Dog" Reckless" Walter Brennan Mamie Van Doren