HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-08-03, Page 6• PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1961 Bank of Montreal Predicts Brighter As Canada's business tempo quickens, there are grounds for a "reasonable measure of op- timism" for future economic prospects, according to the Bank of Montreal's Business Re- view for July, just issued. The review says present bus- iness prospects are brighter than for some time past, even if nothing "dynamic" is expec- ted in the immediate future. The bank recalls that a year ago there were signs that busi- ness was slowing down and questions were being asked about the future. As the year progressed, "a downturn in ov- er-all activity was confirmed and, while there was some im- provement last autumn, this did not continue into 1961." General Optimism Monthly Review Prospects Ahead By contrast, recent months have brought a number of indi- cations that the situation is im- proving again, so that "in gen- eral an air of optimism prev- ails." With a "gradual but definite shift from the experience of the early months of the year, and with a number of monthly indi- cators pointing upward, it is be- coming increasingly evident that business is once again im- proving and probably has al- ready passed the turning point." the review says. Nevertheless, the B of M adds that there is little to point to the econoinic recovery in the months ahead as being in any way dynamic. Business Spending "In particular," the review TIEMAN'S HARDWARE • Electrical Work • Oil Burner Service SALES and SERVICE FURNITURE, COAL and CEMENT PHONE 8 - DASHWOOD condition, "the lack of resilien- ce in the field of business capi- tal expenditures, emphasized sharply by the low level of spen- ding in the first three2 months of 1961, is not reassuring, "The various measures intro- duced by the Minister of Fin- ance in his budget of June 20 may, of course, provide the sti- mulus necessary for a resump- tion of Canada's long-term ec- onomic growth, while the recent strength in consumer spending is a promising factor for the shorter term. "There thus appear to be good grounds for a reasonable measure of optimism that, with business prospects brighter now than for some time, the re- cent pick-up in activity will car- ry the Canadian economy for- ward to higher levels of output, income and employment," the B of M review concludes. I BE SAFE! -- BE SURE! BRING YOUR CAR TO U5 FOR FRONT-END ALIGNMENT AND Complete Steering Service Our modern equipment will guarantee you satisfied results ... make you feel safe when you drive. Wheel Balancing A Specialty! DESJARDINE AUTO SUPPLY PHONE 38 — ZURICH 0 Bowling Meeting Department of Agriculture Tells How To Build A Compost Pile Honie gardeners can make use of a compost pile. It's a place for garden refuse and a good source of fertilizer too. Food is provided for the com- post pile by any organic mater- ial. Straw, leaves, garbage, manure, grass cliippngs—all can be used, if they are treated pro- perly. For the average home gard- ener who doesn't have manure handy for a compost pile, Pro- fessor E. S. Garrard of the On- tario Agricultural College sug- gests this way of making a home garden compost heap. First, either dig a hole four feet by six feet and about four to six inches deep, or build a masonry pit of the same dim- ensions with walls two feet high. The walled pit gjcves the best results, but it needs an outlet in one corner to permit drainage. Start the compost pile with a 12 -inch layer of straw. There will be a meeting of ev- eryone interested in The Mix- ed League Bowling, next Mon- day night, August 7, at the Hay Township Hall, in Zurich, at 8:30 p.m. sharp. All captains of last season's teams are especially urged to attend, and also anyone else who has formed or intends to form a team for the coming sea- son, in fact everyone who is in- terested in Mixed Bowling. It is very important that this meeting be well attended as time is getting short and there is much work to do before the season finally opens. RECEPTION and DANCE FOR RUTH CLARKE and BOB GALLOWAY (Bridal Couple) CREDITON COMMUNITY HALL Saturday, Aug. 5 Music by COUNTY FIVE EVERYONE WELCOME ENJOY THE FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE OF THE DOMINION HOTEL "HOME COOKED FOODS" ST. JOSEPH ESSO SERVICE STATION GASOLINE — GROCERIES — LUNCH FOR FINE HAIR -STYLING NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE PHONE 223 — ZURICH OESCH SHOE STORE FAMILY FOOTWEAR — FLOWERS PHONE 130J — ZURICH ALBERT G. HESS JEWELLER and GIFT SHOP ZURICH LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES ZURICH ZURICH HARDWARE and BUILDERS' SUPPLY LIMITED GENERAL CONTRACTING WESTLAKE FURNITURE FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 89W — ZURICH ZURICH BOWLING LANES "OPEN EVERY EVENING" ERNIE and ELDA LAIDLAW ZURICH VARIETY STORE "SER ICE AT TE68 YOUR FIN— ERAS" BUILDING AND REMODELLING HARVEY CLAUSIUS HARRISON SCHOCH PH. 190W — ZURICH PH. 96r4 — ZURICH SOUTH HURON VETERINARY CLINIC "LARGE and SMALL ANIMAL PRACTICE MAIN STREET -- ZURICH HABERER - WESTLAKE CONCRETE PHONE 89WBURIAL ZURICH�S six inches and pack it lightly. Water this layer. Add a high nitrogen fertilizer to aid in the breakdown. Add one to two in- ches of top soil. Build up lay- ers in this spanner, but taper the pile. In dry weather dish to the top to hold moisture, and in wet weather round the edge of the pile so moisture will run off. In dry weather, water the heap periodically — keep it moist but not soggy. Be careful not to pack the heap too tightly. If it gets too compact, use a crowbar to pun- ch a few holes in the centre of the heap to allow air to enter. This keeps the air circulating and helps absorb drainage. Then lay a layer of sod, weeds and general refuse to a depth of BLAKE (Mrs. Amos Gingerich, torr esponderlt) Ralph Gingerich and his sis- ter, Delores, spent a few days with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Gingerich and family, at Nairn. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Elton Bender, motored to Kit- chener on Friday evening to visit Mr. Noah Bender, who is in K -W Hospital, with a heart condition. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schwart- zentruber and family, spent Friday with the latter's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gingerich and family. Miss Sharon Gingerich returned home with them after spending holidays with her grandparents, To prepare the heap for win- ter, mulch with straw or leav- es. This prevents it from dry- ing out and maintainsthe high temperatures needed for com- posting. Make two piles; one which has decomposed and can be us- ed for fertilizer, the other to put refuse on one year, so it will be ready for the following year. LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra Every FRIDAY — SATURDAY MIDNITE DANCE THIS WEEKEND JIVE NIGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY Buddy Carlton and the "Strato=Tones COMING SPECIAL WEDNESAY, AUGUST 9 'Teen Sensational! BOBBY CURTOLA Canada's Own Singing Star Tartan Record: "Hand in Hand With You" "Ever Near You" 17 years old — and he "sends them" — with "THE COUNT VICTORS" Laurie Recording Stars Also BUDDY CARLTON and the "Strato-Tones" 9:00 — 12.30 Admisson: $1.25 ..41111111111111 ZUR1 c Holiday Promotion The stores listed in this advertisement are participating in a special holiday promotion. Every time you visit one of these places, you will be given a free ticket on this: FREE ® FREE FREE FREE .�.FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE KELVINATOR DEEP FREEZE Draw will be made at Zurich Fall Fair. SHOP IN ZURICH At The Stores Listed In This Advertisement THEY WELCOME YOU ! ! i at Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Zehr, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zehr, from Tavistock, visited with Mrs. Elizabeth Oesch and other re- latives on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Cresse- man and family, of Moorefield, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich and family, and also attended the Dirks-Gingerich wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gingerich and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich and family, at- tended the Musselman reunion at Listowel Park, on Sunday. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich were the former's mother, Mrs. Sarah Gingerich, and Mrs. Emma Kip- fer, of Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Steckle and daughter, Mary Ellen. Have Fun Outdoors!! Now, You Can Buya BARBECUE Complete with motor and all attachments, for as low as $19.95 MAKE OUR STORE YOUR ONE-STOP SHOPPING CENTRE • CHARCOAL BRIQUETS • THERMOS JUGS WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF • PICNIC BASKETS • COOLERS Plastic Lawn Hose Sprinklers -- Step Stools Step -On Garbage Cans IF IT'S HARDWARE -- WE HAVE IT! Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUMBING — HEATING — TINSMITAING" PHONE 72 — — — ZURICH "PLUMBING — — TINSMITHING" PHONE — — — ZURICH STADE and WEIDO HARDWARE PLUMBING — HEATING — EAVETROUGHING PHONE 92 — ZURICH NAPOLEON J. CORRIVEAU "CEMENT CONTRACTOR" PHONE 209 — ZURICH GET YOUR HAIR CUT AT EARL'S BARBER SHOP ZURICH DOERR'S SUPERIOR STORE FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABES — GROCERIES PHONE 140 — ZURICH HAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. .FARM, URBAN and COTTAGE INSURANCE O'BRIEN'S PLUMBING and HEATING EUGENE O'BRIEN — LLOYD O'BRIEN PHONE 156 — ZURICH HURONDALE DAIRY FRESH TOP QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS ZURICH — HENSALL GINGERICH'S SALES and SERVICE HEATING — LIGHTING — PLUMBING REFRIGERATION — APPLIANCES TASTY - NU BAKERY BREAD, PIES, CAKES, COOKIES PHONE 100 — ZURICH GASCHO'S DRY GOODS MENS' and LADIES' READY TO WEAR HOUSE FURNISHINGS "EAT CHICKEN FOR HEALTH" McKINLEY FARMS & HATCHERY LTD PRODUCERS OF QUALITY CHICKS PEARSON MOTORS LIMITED PONTIAC, BUICK, VAUXHALL, GMC TRUCKS "THE CAR KING OF HURON COUNTY" BANK OF MONTREAL ZURICH BRANCH John Bannister, Manager a