HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-07-20, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1961 Federation of Agriculture Gives List of Vocations Now Available 1. Special Vocational Train- ing: This programe is part of a federal -provincial undertaking designed to train or retain un- employed workers. Eligibility: T h e applicant ,male or female) must be over 16, and unemployed, whose op- portunities far gainful employ- ment or degree of trade skill would be increased by a course of training. He, or she, must be registered for employment with the National Employment Service but need not have been gainfully employed previously. Selection: Selection is made by representatives of the Prov- ince and the National Employ- ment Service. Anyone interes- ted should contact the nearest National Employment Service Office for information. Training: The training per- iod is normally of six months duration except for refresher courses and courses in occupa- tions requiring a shorter time. The maximum course length, however, is 12 months. A min- imum of 15 people must apply for a course, before it is given. Full-time classes provide 27 hours of instruction weekly in private or vocational schools and 35 hours weekly in special training centres. The work week under this provision is five to five -and -one-half days. Part-time classes may be giv- en at the discretion of the Prov- ince under approval of the Fed- eral Director of Vocational Ed- ucation. The courses may be given in regular municipal or provincial schools private trade schools or business colleges ap- proved by the Province, and in special training centres estab- lished by the Province. A fur- ther provision encourages "training on the job" under ag- reement with employers when training in schools or training centres is not available. Wages of trainees under this plan are paid jointly by the employer and the government, the gov- ernment's participation, how- ever, being limited to 12 mon- ths. Finally, courses may be org- anized by the Department of Ed- ucation at the request of a mun- icipality as presented by its chief municipal officer and sug- gested by an advisory commit- tee comprised of representa- tives of industy, labour, the Na- tional Employment Service and others. An attempt is made by the Departrnent of Education to comply with these requests us- ing available facilities wherev- er possible. Where facilities are not available the federal and provincial governments jointly may provide required ac - BE SAFE! -- BE SURE! BRING YOUR CAR TO US FOR FRONT-END ALIGNMENT AND Complete Steering Service Our modern equipment will guarantee you satisfied results . .. make you feel safe when you drive. Wheel Balancing A Specialty! DESJARDINE AUTO SUPPLY PHONE 38 — ZURICH comodation and equipment in order to offer the requested coursess of study in such sub- jects as agriculture, mining and forestry. Living Allowance: Living al- lowances currently in effect are as follows: Single persons: living a t home, $2.50 per day; away from home, $3.50 per day; Head of families, living at home, $4.50 per day; away from home, $6.00 per day. These rates apply when un- employment insurance benefits or welfare allowances are ex- hausted excepting where such benefits and allowances amount to less than the approved living allowance. In such cases the trainees would receive the dif- ference. 2. Correspondence Courses: The Department of Education provides correspondence cour- ses for Ontario persons through its Correspondence Courses Branch. These courses are de- signed for persons who are un- able to attend school. More than 90 percent of all students enrolled are over 16 years of age. The courses offered in- clude academic subjects for Grades 1 and 13 and nine trade courses in the fields of automo- tive mechanics, carpentry, ma- chine shop practice, and radio theory and practice. Academic courses are free to Ontario res- idents; trade courses are avail- able to residents of all provin- e l .e coy j FOR DEPENDABLE HEAT An Winter Long Call LORNE E. HAY Locker Service — Roe Feeds Phone W (Collect) Hensel) ces at $10 a course. Students in these correspon- dence courses are prepared for Department examinations in the case of academic subjects and for certification in the trade courses. 3. Apprentice Training. Ap- prentice training requirements are set forth by the Apprentice- ship Act of 1928. Eligibility: Applcants for ap- prenticeship must be over 16 years of age and may be of ei- ther sex. Training: Training is offer- ed in the following designated trades: Bricklayer; Carpenter; Electrician; Mason; Motor Ve- hicle Repairer; Painter and De- corator; Plasterer; Plumber; Sheet Metal Worker; Steamfit- ter; Barber and Hairdresser; Trades associated with air con- ditioning and refrigeration. Formal training in the desig- nated trades is given at the Pro- vincial institute of Trades in Toronto. The training period is of ten weeks duration. In the designated trades, contracts, as approved by the Department of Labour, between the employer and the apprentice are required. These contracts must be for a minimum of two years. No per- son eligible for apprenticeship may work longer than three months in one of the designated trades without such a contract. Allowances: While undergo- ing training at the Provincial Institutes of Trades, the appren- tice is entitled to the following allowances: Single, at home, $16 per week; away from home, $20 per week. Heads of families, at home, $24 pear week; away from home, $28 per week. In addition, the apprentice is given assistance in. the selection of approved accomodation. Also he receives an allowance for transportation to and from the school if he is domicilled out- side of Toronto. This allowan- ce, however, is given only once. 4. Technical Institutes: Tech- nical institutes offer advanced technological education between the levels provided in secondary schools and in the universities. There are four such institutes in the Province, namely Ryer- son Institute of Technology (Toronto); the Hamilton Institu- te of Technology; The Eastern Ontario Institute of Technology (Windsor). All four institutes provide a three-year program leading to employment in bus - always ENE FOODS SERVED IN OUR MODERN DINING LOUNGE ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Our Entire Hotel is Equipped, with "Hi-Fi" System for your Listening Pleasure WE SPECIALIZE IN STEAKS -CHICKEN - FISH Dominion Hotel PHONE 70 — ZURICH iness and industrial occupa- tions. Evening classes are of- fered for employed persons wishing to improve their educa- tion. Eligibility: Generally, stud- ents must have the equivalent of Grade 12 education with an overall average of 60 percent or better. Slightly different re- quirements obtain for particular courses. Training: At all of these in- stitutes there is a common first- year course for aeronautical, chemical electrical, electronic, gas, mechanical and metallurg- ical technologies. The Ryerson Institute offers the full three years for each course. In the other institutes, it is necessary for the students to transfer to Ryerson to complete the second or third year of certain of the courses. Other technological courses offered at Ryerson include ar- chitectural technology, civil technology, instrument tech- nology, medical labouratory technology and sanitary inspec- tion. Business courses are of- fered in business administrat- ion, hotel, resort and restaur- ant administration, Merchand- ising administration, printing management, and secretarial. science. Arts courses include furniture and interior design, home economics, journalism, photography, and radio and television arts, The Provincial Institute of Mining (Haileybury) offers a two-year diploma course in technological subjects related to mining. In September of 1961 a new institute offering a variety of technology courses will be op- ened at Kirkland Lake. Tuition fees, etc. (at Ryerson) are about $250 per annum. 0 Want -Ads Are Sure To Bring You Results Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associations "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" Regarding our 20th Anniversary Celebration being held on July 26th at our headquarters, (one-half anile east of highway 85 on Lexington Road on the North East edge of Waterloo. May also be reached from the east through Bridgeport). The Rt. Hon. JOHN G. DIEFENBAKER and Mrs. Dief- enbaker will be present at our beef barbecue prepared by Master Chef, Tom Hays,. Tickets are $1.00 and must be purchased one week in advance. We can handle 3,000 people at the barbecue and therefore only 3,000 tickets will be sold. The Barbecue will be held from 5.30 to 6:15 p.m. Come Carly_ At 7:30 p.m. (sharp) the evening program will com- mence featuring the Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker as guest speaker. If coming for the Barbecue buy your tickets from any of our branch offices or staff members. If coming for the evening program only, previous notification is not neces- sary. ENJOY THE FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE OF THE DOMINION HOTEL "HOME COOKED FOODS" ST. JOSEPH ESSO SERVICE STATION GASOLINE — GROCERIES — LUNCH FOR FINE HAIR -STYLING NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE PHONE 223 — ZURICH OESCH SHOE STORE FAMILY FOOTWEAR — FLOWERS PHONE 130J — ZURICH ALBERT G. HESS JEWELLER and GIFT SHOP ZURICH LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES ZURICH ZURICH HARDWARE and BUILDERS' SUPPLY LIMITED GENERAL CONTRACTING WESTLAKE FURNITURE FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 89W — ZURICH ZURICH BOWLING LANES "OPEN EVERY EVENING" ERNIE and ELDA LAIDLAW ZURICH VARIETY STORE "SERVICE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS" PHONE 68 -- ZURICH BUILDING AND REMODELLING HARVEY CLAUSIUS HARRISON SCHOCH PH. 190W -- ZURICH PH. 96r4 -- ZURICH SOUTH HURON VETERINARY CLINIC "LARGE and SMALL ANIMAL PRACTICE MAIN STREET — ZURICH HABERER WESTLAKE CONCRETE BURIAL VAULTS PHONE 89W -- ZURICH UR CN Holiday Promotion The stores listed in this advertisement are participating in a special holiday promotion. Every time you visit one of these places, you will be given a free ticket on this: FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE KELVINATOR DEEP FREEZE Draw will be made at Zurich Fall Fair SWOP IN ZURICH At The Stores Listed In This Advertisement THEY WELCOME YOU ! ! 1 STADE and WE1DO HARDWARE PLUMBING — HEATING — EAVETROUGHING PHONE 92 — ZURICH NAPOLEON J. CORRIVEAU "CEMENT CONTRACTOR" PHONE 209 — ZURICH GET YOUR HAIR CUT AT EARL'S BARBER SHOP ZURICH DOERR'S SUPERIOR STORE FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABES — GROCERIES PHONE 140 — ZURICH HAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. FARM, URBAN and COTTAGE INSURANCE O'BRIEN'S PLUMBING and HEATING EUGENE O'BRIEN — LLOYD O'BRIEN PHONE 156 — ZURICH HURONDALE DAIRY FRESH TOP QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS ZURICH — HENSALL GINGERICH'S SALES and SERVICE HEATING -- LIGHTING -- PLUMBING REFRIGERATION — APPLIANCES TASTY - NU BAKERY BREAD, PIES, CAKES, COOKIES PHONE 100 -- ZURICH GASCHO'S DRY GOODS MENS' and LADIES' READY TO WEAR HOUSE FURNISHINGS "EAT CHICKEN FOR HEALTH" McKINLEY FARMS & HATCHERY LTD. PRODUCERS OF QUALITY CHICKS PEARSON MOTORS LIMITED PONTIAC, BUICK, VAUXHALL, GMC TRUCKS "THE CAR KING OF HURON COUNTY" BANK OF MONTREAL ZURICH BRANCH John Bannister, Manager