HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-07-06, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Top Students In All. Grades Are Listed As High School Year Ends Four students from Exeter; to Judy Tennant, editor of this and Dashwood who have never! year's Ink Spot, and fourth won the honor before have E went to David O'Reilly, presi- been awarded the top academ- ic prizes in grades nine to 12. at SHDHS, it was announced by Principal H. L. Sturgis this week. Winners of Exeter Lions Club awards, given to the top stud- ent in each of the four under- graduate years, are Sandra Sni- der, grade 12; Janis Gulens, grade 11; Ruth Anne Salmon, grade 10, and Jim Carscadden, grade nine. Thirty-one other students will receive board o f education awards for highest standing in various subject groupings in the four grades. The results were revealed following announcement of pro- motion results to the students Tuesday morning. 84 percent of the 552 students passed. dent of the student council. Both have been shield winners in previous years. Dashwood Winner Top grade 11 student, Janis Gulens, 16, is the daughter of lens, Dashwood. Runner-up was Ross Desjar- dine, followed by Bob Turner and Allan Prang, all of whom were shield winners. Another Dashwood girl, Ruth Anne Salmon, rose to the top of grade 10 after finishing in second place last year. 16 years old, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Salmon, a member of the school orches- tra and a major prize- winner in the first science fair held re- cently. Cheerleader Wins Sandra Snider, top grade 12 student, edged out John Ether- ington who has been the aca- demic leader in the class since grade nine. A shield winner in 1958, she is the 17-yearold daughter of Board Chairman Larry Snider, Exeter. She has been a member of the cheer- leading team at SHDHS and a competitor in verse -speaking. Thirds place in grade 12 went Jim is the son of Exeter a sor Eric Carscadden, and Carscadden. The other grade nine ners were Celia Stock, lynne Simmons and Judy beiner. COMMERCIAL Accounting, Mary Lou mer; stenography; Kathy Hicks. GRADE 12 Shield: Sandra Snider, John Etherington, Judy Tennant, David O'Reilly. English and history, Judy Tennant; amthematics and ag. science, David O'Reilly; French and Latin, Barbara McDonald; commercial, Diane Delbridge; shop, Barry Grainger; home economics, Sandra Sharrow. GRADE 11 sses- Mrs. win- Caro- Fink - News Of Kippen District (MRS. NORMAN LONG, Correspondent) Sunday guests with Mr. and tion, Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and 1Vfr.d Mr, and Mfrs. Elston Dowson and Mrs. Ross Faber, includehave gone to the USA for a Mr. and Mrs. Carman Wood- months vacation. burn, of Greenway, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mrs. Ken Larmer, of Peter- Wit- borough. In second place came Mynie Verkerk, who was third last year. Jim Gillings came third and fourth position went to Sharon Skidmore, who captur- ed the same placing last year. Second in Row For Jim Carscadden, t h e grade nine winner, it was his second academic award in as many years. He was the top student of last year's graduat- ing aduat- ing class at Exeter Public School. Fourteen years old, STOP and READ Consider this special for your drive or walk—no more need to roll around on large crushed stone or gravel—when you walk around an your drive etc. Just call Zurich 90 r 5, for your supply of crushed pea stone. Never in the history off this area has this product been available at our low, low, price. JUST CALL E. W. SHANTZ & SONS PHONE ZURICH 90 r 5 We Also Have: CRUSHED ROAD & CEMENT GRAVEL, PITRUN, FILL etc. CUSTOM TRUCKING, LOADING, DIGGING Shield, Janis Gulens, Ross Despardine, Bob Turner, Allan Prang. English and history, Gail Farquhar and Jerry Drysdale (tie); mathematics a n d ag. science, Fred Hyde; French and Latin, Frances Johns; com- mercial, Ken Jones; shop, Ron- ald Gratton; home economics, Heather McConnell. GRADE 10 Shield, Ruth Anne Mynie Verkerk, Jim Sharon Skidmore. English and social studies, Sharon Skidmore; mathemat- ics and ag. science, Larry Weido; French and Latin, Myn- ie Verkerk; home economics, Lynda Westcott; shop, Kenneth McCarter; commercial, Edna Ducharme. ' GRADE NINE Shield: Jim Carscadden, Celia S t o c k, Carolynne Simmons, Judy Finkbeiner. English and French, Caro- lynne Simmons; social studies, Celia Stock; mathematics and ag. scinece, Elaine Powe; hime economics, Brenda Smillie; shop, James Carscadden. 0 Salmon, Gillings, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson for the gift of a son, born June 27, at Clin- ton Public Hospital. Mrs. Russell Brock returned home Sunday from St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she was hospitalized a few days. Miss Jean McNaughton atten- ded the 4-H girls conference at OAC grounds, Guelph, on Tues- day, June 27-30. There were six girls chosen from Huron County and 204 girls attended. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepard and family, of Toronto, visited during the weekend wtih the latter's sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. James McNaugh- ton and family; Jean returning to Toronto for a week's vaca- The Best Week TO ADVERTISE Is Every Week! spent the weekend with tives in Owen Sound friends at Southampton. Norris Reunion The Norris reunion was held on July 2, at the lovely home of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sillery, of Tuckersmith. In the morn- ing it rained but this didn't dampen the spirits of the Irish clan. Over 80 sat down to din- ner in the large spacious shed, and while a very delicious din- ner was served, rain pattered on the roof. Even the sun had to smile at seeing as many Irish enjoying themselves. In the afternoon a full line of sports were run off ending with a tug of war. This was a real contest of Irish spirit and brawn, before one side was de- clared the winner. Long rela- and Sillery's little pony was a great attraction for the younger children. After the races the young people enjoyed a ball game, while the older men played horseshoe and the wom- en prepared supper. After sup- per the officers were elected for the coming year. Bus Trip The schools of Tuckersmith School Area epjoyed a bus trip to Niagara Falls, on Wednes- day, June 28. They visited the historic sight of Fort George, the Park and Brock's mounu- ment. At the Hydro plant they were shown slides, the floral THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1961 clock designed and built by hydro workmen, consisting of thousands of plants with a wat- er garden at the base of the clock stocked with fish. They toured the hydro plant, down the elevator with rock wells to the bottom of the cliff, where the children watched the control room and generators in action. They also viewed the famous falls and the rainbow that hangs over the Horseshoe Falls, which is an omen of good hick, and the wax museum. On their way home they stopped to witch boats going through the Welland canal. SQUARE DANCE COMPETITION SEAFORTH LIONS CARNIVAL Wednesday Thursday Friday August 9 - 10 - 11 CLASSES: Under 21 — OVER 21 First six entries in each class accepted. $400.00 IN PRIZES PRELIMINARIES — Wednesday and Thursday FINALS — Friday Entries will be informed of Hour and Date TWO CHANGES — Supply Own Caller Music spplied Send entries to: WILLIAM BALL BOX 295 SEAFORTH BANK OF MONTREALTo, 'MY BANI° Family Finance Plan LOW-COST LIFE -INSURED LOANS ENJOY THE r'iIENDLY ATMOSPHERE OF THE DOMINION HOTEL "HOME COOKED FOODS" ST. JOSEPH ESSO SERVICE STATION GASOLINE — GROCERIES — LUNCH FOR FINE HAIR -STYLING NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE PHONE 223 — ZURICH OESCH SHOE STORE FAMILY FOOTWEAR — FLOWERS PHONE 130J — ZURICH ALBERT G. 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SHOP IN ZURICH At The Stores Listed In This Advertisement THEY WELCOME YOU "Get A Real Lift With ... ... SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter" "Shur -Gain Chick Starter does wonders for us. It builds us up with uniform growth and fast feathering. In ad- dition, it increases livability in the Hock." We have SHUR - GAIN Chick Starter available in either crumble or mash form —and they're fresh — really fresh! DROP IN SOON. We'll talk about your Chicks and Chick Profits INNEM•11.1 •1•111111111111••••114.10 M. G. DEITZ ,and SON PHONE 154 ZURICH STADE and WEIDO HARDWARE PLUMBING — HEATING — EAVETROUGHING PHONE 92 — ZURICH NAPOLEON J. CORRIVEAU "CEMENT CONTRACTOR" PHONE 209 — ZURICH GET YOUR HAIR CUT AT EARL'S BARBER SHOP ZURICH DOERR'S SUPERIOR STORE FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABES — GROCERIES PHONE 140 — ZURICH HAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. 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