HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-07-06, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1961 Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS. '/ Off if paid by Saturday following last insertion. BILLING CHARGE -- 10c added on second bill. FREE- Births, Marriages, Deaths, DEADLINE -- 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE CHERRIES PROMISE to be a good crop here. Sweet variet- ies should be ripe commencing July 10, with Montmorencies later. Pick your own, or buy ready picked, To be sure of best time to come, phone Ark- ona 3645, Lorne E, Teeple, Ar- kona. 27.8-b CHINA CABINET -in very good condition, and priced very reas- onable. Phone or write Amos Gingerich, phone 79r2, Zurich, 24-x FOR SALE Sheep Manure -Grass Seed MILORGANTE Garden Fertilizer -Bone Meal Apply to M. DEITZ and SON Zurich Used Typewriter UNDERWOOD Standard Model In good working condition Cash Price $50.00 See it at ZURICH Citizens NEWS NOW ON SALE - galvanized roofing, aluminum roofing. Call and inquire. Wayne Smith, phone Hensall 83. 23-4-5-6-b GEORGE WHITE N. 6 Thresh- ing Machine, for quick sale. Ap- ply to Ray Ducharme, phone Zurich 74 r 5. 25-6p 65 WHITE ROCK Pullets, star- ting to lay. Apply to George Bullock, phone 82 r 19, Zurich. 26-p • LARGE SIZE CRIB for sale, complete with springs and mat- tress. Call Zurich 90 r 6. 26-p SURGE MILKER - with motor, compressor, and two pails. In good condition. Apply to Irving Snider, phone 98 r 7, RR 2, Zur- ich. 26-7-b FOR RENT GROUND FLOOR Apartment for rent, in the village of Zur- ich. Complete with all facilit- ies. Apply to William Smith, phone Zurich 225. 26-7-p FURNISHED TRAILER f o r rent, by the season. Also trail- er space available. Apply to Joe Cantin, at St. Joseph. 26-b WANTED SUMMER COTTAGE for one week, from July 29 to August 5. Must be between Tlurnbull's Grove and Drysdale, with sleep- ing accomodation for six or sev- en. Write Box JH, Zurich Cit- izens News. 27-8-b WANTED TO RENT -House or ground floor apartment, for family with three children, Needed by July 15. Phone Zur- ich 209. 27-p WANTED - FEATHERS and old feather ticks. Call Exeter salvage, phone 423 Exeter, col- tect. 22-tfb MISCELLANEOUS EX:.'ERT RE -UPHOLSTERING, refinishing and repairing of all types of furniture. Full line of materials and excellent work- manship. C a 11 Gingerich's, phone 34, Zurich. 19-tfb AUTOMOTIVE Aolechanical and body repairs, glass steering and wheel bal- ance. Undaspray for Rust pre- vention. DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8 H'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 ATTENTION FARMERS- For prompt 24-hour 7 day a week service on all dead or disabled farm animals; truck licenced under Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence No. 66 c 61. Call Ed, Andrews, phone Se a f a r t h 351r11., 9-30-p CARPENTER WORK of alt kinds. Give us a call for prompt service, Leonard Debus, phone Zurich 85. 25.6p ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE STARL1TE CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM SPRAYING and White Washing. Call now for prompt and efficient service. William Watson, RR 3, Zurich, call Dashwood 37r19. 35-tfb SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Dashwood 26r17, or in case of emergency call Del Sohwatzentruber, phone 224, Tavistock. 20-tfb FARM EQUIPMENT MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE Farm Machinery: Firestone and Good year rubber tires. See us for the best buy, Emmerson Erb, phone 96r12, Zurich. 37-tfb GEORGE WHITE FARM Mach- inery, Ebersal hay and grain Elevators, Rotary Hog Feeders. Apply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. 30-tfx LOST and FOUND STRAYED to our property, six head of cattle, Holstein- .and Jerseys. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply to Joe Hoff- man, phone 84 r 18, Zurich. 26-b HELP WANTED FEMALE SECRETARIAL POS- ition-experinece desirable but not necessary. Knowledge of book-keeping required. Group insurance plan available. Apply to T. Rawlings, at Pearson Mo- tors Ltd., phone 182, Zurich. 27-b Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF HENRY GALLMAN, deceased. .All persons having claims against the estate of Henry Gall - man, late of the Village of Zur- ich, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of June 1961, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 22nd day of July, 1961, after which date the estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been receiv- ed. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the 'Executors, Exeter, Ontario 27-b 0 Want -Ads Are Sure To Bring You Results BIRTHS SMITH -At South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on Thursday, June 22, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan C. Smith, RR 3, Zurich, a daughter, Carol Ruth. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends who so kindly remembered me with cards and get -well wishes while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and since returning home. -Linda Stade. 27-b 0 The relatives of the late Harry Gallman wish to express their sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness shown during their recent ber- eavement. Special thanks to, Dr: A. W. Kalhsen, Rev. W. P. Fis- cher, the Westlake funeral home, and the pallbearers. 27-p 0 We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to our friends and neighbours of the Bayfield dis- trict for the lovely electric fry- ing pan they gave us on our de- parture from their midst. -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rau. 27-p BIRK REUNION The annual Birk reunion was held at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rader, on Sunday July 2, with an attendance of 39. Relatives were present from Detroit, Toronto, Woodstock, Thedford, Sarnia, Guelph and Zurich. Following an afternoon of sports, a picnic supper was enjoyed. The executive for 1962 are as follows: president, Mrs. Harold Rader; first vice-president, Mr. Ed Horman; secretary, Mrs. Walter Bothwell. 0 MRS. ERNEST WAINES Mrs. Ernest Waines, promin- ent resident of Owen Sound, and mother of Mrs. Ron Mack, Hensall, passed away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Sun- day, July2, where she had been admitted on Friday evening. In her 69th year, Mrs. Waines lad been in poor health for ome months and had been taying with her daughter and on -in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mock, since February. She was he former Lillian Cutbush, of Owen Sound, and widow of the ate Ernest Waines. Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. (Kathleen) Ron Mock, Hen - all; Mrs. (Margaret) L. E. Sea - rook, Waterloo; one son, Ken, wen Sound; and one brother eorge, Owen Sound. The late rs. Waines rested at the Bon- hron funeral chapel on Sun - ay, and was taken on Monday o the Breckenridge -Ashcroft uneral chapel, Owen Sound, or public service at First Un - ed Church, Wednesday, at 2 .m., with interment in Green- ood cemetery. 1 s s s t 1 s b 0 M G d t f it p w NOW Is The Time To Check Your PRINTING REQUIREMENTS HOW IS YOUR SUPPLY OF ... ENVELOPES. INVOICES LETTERHEADS POSTERS STATEMENTS CIRCULARS IF It's Made of Paper.,. ... WeCan Dolti! GIVE US A CALL -- ZURICH eitizEn1 NEWS PHONE 133 Job Printing -- Office Supplies LAFF -. A . DAY • e 3060, r{Ing F¢itures Syndlrste, tne, World rights referred. "Nothing ever gets done around here any more since he got so interested in all those books." Promotions Are Listed for Zurich and Hay Township School Area (continued from page 1) Koopman, John Campbell, Billy Grade 3: Heather Whitney, Russel, Donald Triebner. Carol Tinney, John Prouty, Douglas Case. Grade 2: Bruce Tuckey, Ger- ald Koopman, Marilyn Whitney, Bobby Case, Jimmie Rowe, Bob- by Campbell. SS NO. 15, HAY Teacher, Mrs. Idena Desjardine Grade 9: honours, Roger Kel- ler; pass, Rickie Hendrick. Grade 8: honours, Robert Hendrick, Linda Miller; pass, Louise Ducharme, Irene Hen- drick, Alec Turnbull. Grade7: pass, Richard Din- ney, George -Keller, Dorothy Stebbins. Grade 6, pass, Larry Luther, Lynda Luther. Grade 5: honors, Nancy Des- jardine, Glenn Miller; pass, Freida Beierling, Linda Dinney, Anthony Ducharme. il r A .,�,W Coad' ,\ FOR DEPENDABLE HEAT All Winter Long Call LORNE E. HAY Locker Service -.- Roe Feeds Phone 10 (Collect) Hensall -e Grade 2: Steven Horner, Jack- ie Ducharme. USS NO 9 Teacher, Mrs. Earl Horner Promoted to grade 9, John Geiger, Judy Oesch. Promoted to grade 8, Allen Erb, Mervyn Erb, James Fin- lay, Ralph Gingerich, Richie Mustard, Faye Oesch. Promoted to grade 7, Sharon Baechler, Charles Erb, Margar- et Finlay, Susan Oesch, Mary Mae Schwartbentruber. Promoted to grade 6, Danny Bachert, Deloris Gingerich, Yv- onne Gingerich, Linda Oesch, Herman Westerick. Promoted to grade 5, Paul- ine Baechler, Arnold Erb, Mar- jorie Erb, Paul Martin, Ronald Oesch, Nancy Schwartzentrub- er. Promoted to grade 4, Dale Bachert, Mary Gingerich, Bar - TOP PRICES PAID FOR - • CREAM • EGGS • POULTRY Give Us A Call ! O'BRIENS PRODUCE PHONE 101 ZURICH 'CA's 35th ANNIVERSARY SALE IGA SALAD DRESSING, 32 oz. ___-.-.._______.____.____ 49c IGA WAXED PAPER _ 2 for 49c Hl -"C" DRINKS, Orange, Party Punch, Grape __ 3 for 89c BI -MORE DESSERT PEARS, 20 oz. 3 for 49c LYNN VALLEY PEACHES, 15 oz. _.. 3 for 49c DEL MONTE CATSUP . _ 2 for 35c JIM DANDY, New 48 oz. with 25c coin Insert ._..._.___ $1.09 SURF GIANT __..._....- 65c I25 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS Modess, Reg.; 3 Ib. IGA Powdered Milk; 15 oz. Bravo Spaghetti Sauce; 100 Lyons Tea Bags; 24 oz. Dinty Moore Beef Stew; Large Bosco; 3 Romi Spaghetti or Macaroni, Silverkrin Shampoo Table Rite Meat Features BLADE or SHORT RIB ROASTS 39c lb, LEAN MINCED BEEF _ 39c lb. TABLERITE SKINLESS WEINERS, 25 Free Stamps with !b. SUNKIST NEW CROP VALENCIA ORANGES, size 138 2 doz. 79c ONTARIO NO. 1 SOLID GREEN CABBAGE ____ 2 for 25c RUPERT BRAND FISH & CHIPS (with 25 free stamps) 69c PICNIC LEMONADE, 12 oz., (with 25 free stamps 2 for 49c BROWN'S leG.A. MARKET HENSALL OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS bara Schwartzentruber, Lois Widrich. Promoted to grade 3, Susan Erb, atIrold Gingerich, Norma Gingerich. Promoted to gared 2, Gerald Baechler, Sandra Gingerich, Sharon Gingerich. MIMMININNINIININEimmimmanommil Lakeview Casino Grand Bend DANCING LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY JIVE NIGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY BUDDY CARLTON and the "STRATO-TONES" DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT Bluewater Danceland 10:00-1:30 MUSIC BY Desjardine Orchestra Modern, Rock 'N 'Roll Square Dancing JOIN THE CROWDS. ! NOW OPEN JULY 6, 7, and 8 (Double Feature) (Adult Entertainment) t'"' OTURF&presents J3AOr TBON A PETER ROGERS PROOUOTIOR Ted Rav, ,Jean Kent COLUMBIA PICTURES rerselrts MAN SIDNEY LeoD PoiliEn b tla HALL BART Zfi produCI o. Youird �t TkE G MEN JULY 10, 11 and 12 (Double Feature) (Colour) 0.B[j for • COLUM )A p'uianD a:Qa ;h WACKIEST SHIP ARMY A FRED KPHLMAR ; p�R,EO�Dun77ON Jack Lemmon, Ricky Nelson r!!r COLUMDu PICTURES pros.. fRhonda Macdonald FLEMING • CAREY Gnivews Scoc� Bo cdoror7l:cHreco4oe 11 WARWICK PRLYIUCTION ......,...c. IT STAirrEpev i ax is Box Office Opens at 8:00 p.m, ommainusimminalmmommunr Township of Hay Notice To Property Owners Destroy Weeds NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in possession of land, in accordance with the WEED CONTROL ACT, 1960, Sec. 3, 13 and 19, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within_ the Municipality of the_ Township of Hay are destroyed by July 15, 1961, and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in faxes, as set out in the Act. The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. 27-8-b MR. ALEX CHESNEY, Weed Inspector, Township of Hay. Here It Is .. THE NEW SHUR-SHOCK HI -LINE ELECTRIC FENCER This new unit is hooked directly to your hydro -saves dollars in the purchase of new batteries. DROP IN AND SEE THIS NEW UNIT NOW ! ! 5s. PLYMOUTH "RED TOP" BALER TWINE We have a large stock now on hand. Pick up your requirements early. y1. GREEN and COPPER FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS Only $5.95 These attractive chairs are made of strong steel con- struction, with canvas seat and back. See them now ! I KING BUG KILLER 5, 10, 20 Ib, bags VIGOR() PLASTIC HOSE SPRINKLERS GARDEN TOOLS Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUM.BING -- HEATING - 7'INSIVAITt UNG" PHONE 72 - .-. - ZURICH