HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-07-06, Page 3THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1961 ZURICH CITIZEN$ NEWS PAGE THREE Results At South Huron High Show Good Percentage of Students Pass Eighty-four percent of the students at South Huron Dis- trict High School have been promoted, it was announced last week. A total of 464 were successful in their examinations while 88 were asked to repeat. Highest passing percentage was in grade nine which posted an 85.6 mark, The percentage in grade 10 was 81.6, in grade 11, 84.9, and in grade 12, 84. Results of local students fol- lows: GRADE 12 Second Class Honors Byron Bonthron, Sandra Shar- row, William Sytsma, Jack Yungblut, Helen Zimmer, Jack Zondag. Third Class Honors Sylvia Becker, Murray Bell, Kristine Gulens, Richard Klopp, Steve Kyle, Eleanor Prang, Ken Richardson, Pat Rowe, Wayne Willert. Credit Don Mantey, Lenore Trott. Conditional Promotion Elizabeth Bannister (Sc. Fr.), Ron Deichert (Lat, Fr.), Ruth Restemeyer (Hist. Math.), Wil- liam Wagner (Fr.). SPECIAL COMMERCIAL First Class Honors Alma Hendrick, June Rader, Ruthanne Rader, Mary Lou Wit- mer. Second Class Honors Shirley Bender, Theresa. Cor- riveau, Gail Waldron. Third Class Honors Bettie Finch, Ronald Thiel. Standing granted in the sub- jects of the commercial course as follows: (L, commercial law); C, correspondence; S, short- hand; T typing; sp, spelling; OP, office practice; D, rapid calculation; A, arithmetic-: Marie Denomme (RC, C, S, T, B, Sp, P, OP-; Michael Regier (L, A, RC, C, T, B, Sp, P, OP-; Jane Restemayer (L, A, RC, C, T, B, P, OP); Catherine Thiel (RC, C, S, T„ B, Sp, P, OP). Graduation diploma, general course, Alma Hendrick. GRADE 11 First Class Honors Jerry Drysdale, Ausma Gul- lens, Russell Klopp, Sharon McBride, Robert Mickle, Ruth Miller, Allan Prang, Dennis Mock, Mary Scane. Second Class Honors Robert Becker, Carol Brown, Jerry Cameron, Marjory Hend- rick, Doris Pepper, Brenda Schoch, Carolyn Smillie, Earl Wagner. Third Class Honors Carol Bossembery, Bill Bro. wn, Lynda Hayter, Marie Reg- ier, William Shaddick, Gerald Shantz. Credit Marcia Desjardine, Sharma A clwcys FINE FOODS SERVED IN OUR MODERN DINING LOUNGE ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Our Entire Hotel is Equipped, with "Hi-Fi" System for your Listening Pleasure WE SPECIALIZE IN STEAKS -CHICKEN - FISH Dominion Hotel PHONE 70 -- ZURICH Hume, Robert Johnston, Ann Marie Rowe, Conditional Promotion Mary Jane Hoffman (Lat), Bruce Horton (Hist, Fr), Sharon Lawrence (Geog), Ross Miller (Geom), Harry Moir (Se), Wil- liam Noakes (Geom), Howard Rannie (Georn), Allan Thiel (Geom), Dianne Willert (Fr), Evelyn Zimmer (Fr). GRADE 10 First Class Honors Jim Gillings, Larry Horner, Sharon Hugill, Ruth Anne Sal- mon, Grant Swartzenturber, Linda Tiernan. Second Class Honors Kenneth Bachert, Carol Bro- wn, Ann Denomme, Bill Din- nin, Edna Ducharme, Gerald Merrier Pat Soldan. Third Class Honors Helen Hendrick, Leonard Hoff- man (Math), Bruce McLaren, Victoria Masse, Brian Mustard, Carol Rader, Gayle Siebert, Jim Smale. Conditional Promotion Harr y Gackstetter (Hist, Math), Bill. Grenier ,Eng, Se), Elizabeth Johnston (Math, Fr), Grace Keller (Hist, Math), Am - merle Kraft (Geig, Math), An - merle Kraft (Geog, Math), Way- ne Miller (Geog, Eng), Barbara Sharrow (Hist, Geog), Sandra Parkins (Math, Geog), Kenneth Reichert (Math, Se), Gary Syts- ma (Math, Fr), Bob Thiel (Eng, Georg), Larry Wein (Fr, Math). GRADE 9 First Class Honors) Iris Becker, Lyle Christian, Varlerie Desjardine, Shirley Genttner, Keith Hay, Robert Hoffman, Margaret Hyde, Shar- on Gillings, Joanne Martene, Shirley Sauder, Kathy Scane, Gary Scholl, Brenda Smillie, Sandra Troyer, Tinie Vander laa. Second Class Honors Carol Ducharme, John Elder, Ruth Flaxbard, Ruth Geiger, Kenneth Genttner, Shirley Ja- ques, Patricia Keller, Ted Mock, Mona Schade. Third Class Honors Benard Bedard, Ruth Claus- ius, George Farwell. Mark .Hoff- man, Howard Lawrence, Linda Meidinger, Sandra Miller, Lin- da Noakes, Philip Regier Greg- ory Willert, Cameron Witmer. Credit Keith Miller, Jerome Watson. Conditional Promotion Ken Baker (Math, Geog), Wal- ter Becker (Geog,), Shirley An- ne Debus (Geog,), Lennis Den- omme (Geog, Fr) Lester Denom- me (Math, Fr.), Martha Hart- man (Hist, Georg), Murray Mc- Adams (Eng, Georg), Larry Me- Clinchey (Geog, Math), David Rader (Eng, Georg), Larry Stire Math, Sc), Gerald Thiel (Math, ZURICH LIONS CLUB CHICKEN AR ECUE AT THE ZURICH ARENA WEDNESDAY, JULY 19 Tasty Barbecued Chicken Served From 6.00 to 8.30 P.M: Adults: $1.50 Children: 75c Advanced Tickets on Sale from any Member of the Zurich Lions Club OLD TYME FROLIC Will Follow the Chicken Barbecue GAMES - BINGO - MUSIC LUCKY DRAW ON ABERDEEN ANGUS CALF Dancing wie- 10 p.m. TO ? MUSIC BY DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Federation Fleldman Comments On Federal Budget Regarding Farmers (By J. Carl Hemingway) Huron County Federation of the world market to a large de - Agriculture • held their annual gree controls our price at home. Worship Service at the Salva- tion Army Camp, near Bayfield, on Sunday, June 25. In spite of unfavourable weather there was a good crowd. The Federation appreciates the kind reception extended by the Salvation Army at their at- tractive camp and also for the fine leadership in the music by Captain Newman and the Wing - ham Salvation Army Band. Rev. E. VonKietz, of the Bap- tist church at Goderich, brought us an inpsiring address, "Wheat and Tares." Just as the good grain in growing to maturity so do organiations, and farm org- aniations are no exception, find difficulty in overcoming obsta cies that are strewn in their path. Just as the farmer in the parable found that an enemy had sewn weeds in his grain field so do we find that there arethose who will sow suspic- ion and distrust in any group. There is little that can be done to uproot the weeds lest the good grain is ruined but at harvest time the separation is made. "What does God require of us but to do justly, love mer- cy, and walk humbly with our God? The Lord will take care of the harvest." Now for a few comments on the "Federal Budget". The significant part for farmers seems to be the drop in the Can- adian dollar. Since we are ex- porters of agricultural products Sugar and Spice (Continued from Page Twn) even hang onto the sides, after the first twenty minutes. And when she wants to go swimming, it doesn't matter what the weather's Iike, as long as the sun is shining and the temperature's in the 80's and she has a new $24 swim suit and she hasn't lost or gained any weight during the winter and there aren't any waves and there are no stories on the bot- toni and there's a kid dragging her by each hand. Well, you can see what we're up against. As 1 said, the kids and I would be happy enough knocking around at some plush resort, but whether we like it or not, she's going to drag us off on this kookie camping trip. All I have to do between now and the last week in August is borrow a tent with twin beds and an oil furnace in it, and make sure the staff at Algon- quin Park has killed all mos- quitoes in the park and instal- led plugs for our vacuum clean- er and clothes dryer at all eam- sites. BROWNIE'S Drive -In Theatre Ltd. CLINTON TUES., WED., THU.RS., FRI. June 4-5-6-7 Double Feature "The Facts Of Life" (Adult Entertainment) Bob Hope, Lucille Ball_ "Oklahoma Territory" Gloria Talbot, Bill Williams (One Cartoon) SATURDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY — July 8-10-11 "The Magnificent Seven" (Colour) (CinemaScope) Yu) Brynner -- Steve McQueen (One Cartoon) WED., THURS., FRI. July 12-13-14 'Carry On Nurse' (Adult Entertainment) Kenneth Connor -- Shirley Eaton 1 Short (Colour) (One Cartoon) Since the price of wheat jum- ped five cents a bushel, and stocks and bonds reacted viol- ently the next day, I expected that beef prices also would move upward as well apparently they didn't. Why? We have been exporting a small quantity of Iive cattle and a considerable quantity of beef to the US. The drop in the exchange rate is P equal to a five percent increase in the American price. This should be attractive to Canad- ian exporters and US importers. Does this mean that Canadian exporters are not interested in selling beef abroad if it is go- ing to increase the price of beef producers in Canada? If this is true it is unfortunate that Canadian farmers cannot move into this field of merchandizing and sell their products to the best advantage. Unless there is an increase in livestock prices due to the low- ering of the Canadian dollar, farmers will be worse off than before. Farm machinery and, equipment prices are largely controlled by the price of im- ports. The lowering of the dol- lar will mean an increase in price of imports of five percent. There is little hope that the machinery produced in Canada will fail to go up accordingly. The only real gain was the equal tariff granted to the Poul- try and Broiler industries. This has been fought for by these or- ganizations for many years and it is credit to their perserveren- ce. They deserve your support, 0 Renew Your Subscription Now eat The Sales Tax! On September 1, there will be a 3 percent sales tax on any appliance you pur- chase. Why not buy now — and avoid this additional expense. BUY NOW - WE NEED TRADE-INS LIBERAL ALLOWANCES NOW, ON ALL NEW FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS WASHERS -- DRYERS RANGES YES, we will allow you top value for your old unit now, when the demand for used appli- ances is at its best. Buy Now -- AND SAVE TWO WAYS ! ! AT iNILSRWE1WR IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl1I11111I11111111111I11111111111111111111IIIIll1111I1INIfllN1111111111111111111111II11111111111111111111111111 AYLMER 10 OZ. Tomato Soup 4 for 49c CHOICE QUALITY 28 OZ. Tomatoes 2 tins 45c BLUE BONNET 3 LB. ECONOMY PACK Margarine 73c GREEN GIANT FANCY 15 OZ. Wax or Green Beans 4 for 69c WELCH'S 24 OZ. BOTTLE Grape Juice 37c CHRISTIE'S 8 OZ. PKG. Ritz Biscuits 21c MINUTE STEAKS MINCED HAM HAMBURG LOIN PORK CHOPS McLAREN'S FRESH PACK 32 OZ. JAR Sweet Wafer Pickles 43c AYLMER STUFFED 16 OZ. Manzanillo Olives 45c 12 OZ. Hamburg, Hot-dog or Sweet Relish Heinz Relishes 29c jar GRAY DUNN 7 OZ. PKG. Caramel Wafers 25c SAVE -ALL ECONOMY PACK 200 ft. roll Wax Paper 49c DELSEY TWIN -PACK Toilet Tissues 29c Regular 78c, LARGE SIZE (25 tablets) Alka-seltzer 55c 79c Ib. 49c lb. 2 lbs. 79c 65c Ib. ORANGES (Sunkits) size 163s CABBAGE (Ontario) CAULIFLOWER (Ontario 12s) AL'S MARKET HENSALL 3 dozen $1.00 8c lb. 25c head .11111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f1i11111iI111I11II111I1llil1111111111111