HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-07-06, Page 1ZURICH
INSPECTS DAMAGE — Hensall postmaster
damage done to the safe at the post office after
Thursday night. Police believe nitroglycerine was
$5,970 was taken from the safe, as well as some
Cecil Kipfer is shown here checking the
it had been blown by safecrackers last
used to do the damage._ An estimated
personal property belonging to Mr. Kipfer.
(Citizens News Photo)
Break-in at Hensall Post Office Nets
Thieves Almost $6,000 in Cash, etc.
Brazen thieves last Thursday
night broke into the Hensall
Post Office, blew open the safe,
and escaped with approximately
$5,970, worth of loot, some of
it cash and the rest of it stamps
and money orders. Postmaster
Cecil Kipfer explained that the
exact breakdown of the figures
was not available.
The haul was totalled by Ja-
mes Fidler, of London, who is
the district director of postal
W. J. "Doc" Cameron, who Ii-
ves next door to the post office,
said he saw a man running out
of the rear of the building at
about 2.30 a.m. Mr. Cameron
was sleeping on the balcony of
his home because of the hot
weather. He said he shouted at
the man, but he fled and escap-
ed in a parked ear.
In turn he called Hensall pol-
ice chief E. R. Davis, who noti-
fied the Ontario Provincial Po-
lice, Exeter detachment. Cor-
poral Erskine, a fingerprint ex-
pert from the Mount Forest de-
tachment, assisted in the inves-
The thieves gained entrance
to the post office at the south
side of the building where they
jimmied open a window. They
then broke through the door be-
tween the lobby and the office
part of the building.
Injuries Received
fn Area Mishaps
Three children from the Parr
Line, east of Zurich, are recov-
ering from broken arms in var-
ious mishaps during the past
Gregory, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Love, fell off his pony
when it jumped sideways as he
was dismounting.
Mary Blackwell fell and trip-
ped in the yard at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stew-
art Blackwell.
Gary 'Blancher, son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. L. Blancher, fell
while pole vaulting at SS 3,
Hensall Casualties
Jack Chipchase, a member of
the Hensall Juvenile baseball
team, sprained his ankle Tues-
day night, while playing again-
st the Clinton "team. He was
sliding into third base, and his
spikes became tangled with the
Donald Mousseau, a member
of the Hensall softball team,
tore ligament in his leg while
sliding into second base during
the softball tournament at Hen-
sa'.1 on Jud:i 1,
Included in the loss was 35
silver dollars, which Mr. Kipfer
had put into the safe for safe-
keeping for his children.
Police believe nitroglyserine
was used to blow open the safe.
There was no °attempt' made to
muffle the sound of the blast,
they added.
Drive-in Services
Start This Sunday
Starlite Drive -In gospel ser-
vices, which attracted large
crowds last year, begin this
summer on July 9 with speak-
ers from the unique "Trans-
port for Christ," Toronto.
Chaplains A. Jackson and J.
Keyes will preach at the open-
ing service and music will be
provided by the St. Marys Ta-
bernackle quartet, the Dash-
wood band as well as the mass
volunteer choir.
Dave McClurkin, G a 1 t, a
young preacher - businessman,
and Dr. J. H. Faught, Toron-
to, and Rev. F. M. Faist, Zion
Church, Kitchener, will be the
speakers at the July services.
Musical highlights will in-
clude Shirley Martin, soprano
soloist of Galt; trumpet soloist
Andrew Miller, Toronto, and
the singing of the South Huron
Youth for Christ.
August speakers will be two
from last season, Don Sinclair,
Wingham, and Rev. 11. Baugh-
ey, Port Huron, Mich., and two
new faces, Elmer Branpton,
Pailsley and Herb Gilroy.
The Vacation Bible School
opened on Monday moihing in
the United Church, with a lar-
ge attendance of Children from
the Goshen and Varna Sunday
The members of LOL 1035 are
celebrating the "12th" in Mil-
verton on Saturday of this
week. They have engaged the
Bannockburn Band to lead the
lodge in the parade.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson, of De-
troit, are visiting at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Lee McCon-
Mr. and Mrs. Don Barker and
family, of King City, are visit-
ing this week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Bred McClymont.
The United Churehh Sunday
School anniversary will be held
next Sunday' at 10:15 a.m. Mr.
Anson McKinley, of Zurich, will
give the address.
Hensall Council
Grants Numerous
Building Permits
(By our Hensall correspondent)
Hensall council met for their
regular meeting on Monday
night, with all members pres-
ent. Mrs. Hazel Webster and
Roy Campbell were present re-
garding a drain in their prop-
Council passed a motion de-
claring Monday, August 7, Civ-
ic Holiday, as a public holiday.
Applications for building per-
mits were approved for Al
Scholl, Adam Black, John Skea,
E. L. Mickle and Sons Ltd., and
Harvey Keys was granted per-
mission to move a building. Mr.
Scholl is building an extension
to his refrigeration plant at the
slaughter house; Mr. Black an
extension to his storage; E. L.
Mickle and Sons four silos; and
John Skea a new home, to cost
approxiamately $25,000.
The clerk presented a semi-
annual report of receipts and
expenditures until July 1. Re-
ceopts, $4,361.69; expenditures,
$11,648.24; and a bank balance
of $8,767.60. A motion was
passed for the clerk to prepare
a money -borrowing bylaw, and
supplementary road expendit-
ure bylaw.
Zurich Merchants
Launch Special
Holiday ProMotion
A special holiday promotion
is being launced this week by a
number of Zurich and district
business establishments. Each
place of business which is par-
ticipating in the event will be
giving away free tickets on a
Kelvinator_ deep freeze,._ from
now until the date of the Zur-
ich Fall Fair, which is Septem-
ber 25, at which titne'the lucky
draw ,will be made,:
Banners will be displayed in
the windows of the; various es-
tablishments which are taking
part in the promotion, and
brochures will be sent out in
the next week advertising the
Purpose of the promotion is
to stimulate business during the
holiday season. An advertise.
ment announcing the promotion
and listing the, participating
stores can be found on page
six of this week's Citizens News.
Blind Line Folks
Hold Reunion at
Seaforth Park
The Blind Line reunion was
held on July 2, at Seaforth
Lions Park, with "92; people at-
Committee in charge was: Mr.
and Mrs.. Harold H-'nsen (nee
Nelda Schwalm), and Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Eichler (nee Vic-
toria Deichert). • Tht: picnic is
to beheld next yeartit'the same
place and time, but fit ease of
rain it will be held at the Zur-
5 and under, Elizabeth Deieh-
ich Community Centre.
Results of games, races, girls
ert; boys 5 and under, Michael
Perdue; girls 9 and under, Sus-
an Schwalm; boys 9 and under,
Michael Perdue; girls 12 and
under, Janice Armstrong; girls
three legged race, Janice Arm-
strong, Marjorie Schwalm;
Ladies kicking the slipper,
Mrs. Percy Willert; men's kick-
ing the slipper, Wilfred Eichler;
youngest person present, Doug-
las Deichert, 412 months son
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Deich-
ert; oldest person present, Mrs.
John McBride, Zurich; couple
married the longest, Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Deichert, Zurich,
44 years; latest married couple,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Eichler, Kit-
chener; guessed number of ar-
ticles on tray, Mrs. Art O'Hara;
guessing candy in jar, Patsy
Schwalm; throwing balloon fil-
led with water, Mr. and Mrs.
Art O'Hara; peanut scramble,
Donald Kaufman.
Zurich [umberkings Edged Out 5-4
By Hensall in Eight -inning Contest
The Zurich Lumberkings lost
a close 5-4 decision to their
arch -rivals, the Hensall Gener-
als, Last Wednesday night, in a
regular scheduled Huron -Perth
league baseball game, on the
local diamond.
Hensall accounted for three
of their runs in the fifth inning,
when they jumped on Danny;
Trushinski for three big hits.
They added their extra two
runs in the sixth, when they a g-
ain banged out three bits.
Trushinski w a s relieved ` by
Johnnie Masse in the seventh
inning. �`
Zurich scored once in the fir-
st inning, when leadoff, batter
Earl Wagner singled, Was ad-
vanced to second when Trush-
inski walked, and scored on suc-
cessive ground balls by;Don and
Doug O'Brien. They added an-
other run in the fifth, When Ron
Deichert smashed out a triple
off the slants of Hensall pitch-
er Gerald Bell. no ,+cored on
Dick Bedard's long fly ball to
centre field,
The final two • Zurich runs
came in the last of the eighth,
on four hits in a row. Earl
Wagner led off with a double,
and was followed by singles off
the bats of Doug O'Brien, Don
O'Brien and Dan Trushinski.
Earl Wagner and Doug O'-
Brien led the Zurich hitting at-
tack, each smashing out two
safeties in four times at bat.
Single safeties were banged out
by Trushinski, Don O'Brien and
For Hensall Kyle, Moir, Bayn-
ham, Shaddick, Horton, and Ba-
ker each hit safely once.
In the six innings he worked,
Trushinski gave up only five
hits, while he struck out seven
batters. Masse struck out two,
Gerald Bell went the distance
for Hensall, giving up seven hits
walking three, and striking out
Hensall 000 032 00-5 6 1
Zurich _..__ 100 010 02-4 7 3
Gerald Bell and Steve Kyle,
Bill Shaddick; Dan Trushinski,
Johnnie Masse (7) and Karl
r°omotions are Lister For Zurich
-end Hay Townshi. School Area
The following is a list of the
June promotions for Zurich
Public School:
Teacher, D. L. O'Brien
First Class Honours
Barry Block, Richard Break-
,ey, Barbara Clausius, Connie
Dietrich, Shirley Flaxbard, Ja-
mes Gingerich, Sandra Schoch,
Mary Visscher, Zwaantje Wyn-
Second Class Honours
Don Geiger, Wayne Keller,
Richard Stade, Kenneth Thiel,
Barbara Willert.
Third Class Honours
Wayne Decker, Larry Merner,
Lorne Wittaker.
Promoted to Grade 8
Sue Anne Coxon, Linda Gas-
cho, Sadie Hovius, Elaine Hug -
ill, Donna Kipper, Ruth Pepper,
Cheryle Stade, Richard Thiel,
Shirley Weido (con), Kenneth
Westlake (con.).
Promoted to Grade 7
Gordon Beierling, Gary Flax -
bard, Lynda Thiel, Bert Viss-
cher, Dorothy Wagner.
Teacher Mrs. Doreen Oesch
Promoted to Grade 7
Eldon Bullock, Paul Corriv-
eau, Brian Decker, Douglas Erb,
John Gascho,' Margaret Geiger,
Catherine Gingerich, D a v id
Gingerich, Paul Hesse, Jake Ho-
vius, Ross Leibold, Donald Mc-
Adams, Sandra McClinchey, Syl-
via Merner, Tommy Merner,
Joan Pepper, Anne Ranier,
Rich Shantz.
Promoted to Grade 6
Bonnie Banka, Danny Black,
Hensall Lodae and
Re'hekahs Picnic
;(By our Hensall correspondent)
Winners in the sports pro-
gram at the annual picnc held
by the Hensall IOOF and Amber
Rebekah Lodges at the local
park Tuesday evening were.
boys 8 and under, Ricky Parker,
Al Corbett, Roddy Chapman,
Wayne Corbett; girls 2 and un-
der, Gail Richardson, Arlene
Chipchase, Joyce Flynn; boys,
Bradley Mousseau and Lennie
Smale (tied), Rickey Parker, Al
Corbett; girls 15 and under,
Gail Richardson, Arlene Chip -
chase, Sandra Richardson; boys,
Billie Chipchase, Barry Mous-
Ladies kick the slipper, Mrs.
Ernie Chipchase; wheelbarrow
race, under 15, Rickey Parker
and Billie Chipchase; three leg-
ged race, Barry Mousseau and
Billie Chipchase. The children
enjoyed a peanut scramble.
Sports were in charge of P.
L. McNaughton, Gerald Flynn,
Lyle Simpson and Ernie Chip -
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Turkheim, Zurich, has accep
ted 'a' position at Princess El-
izabeth School, in London,
with duties to commence in
September. She is a graduate
of London Teacher's College,
and South Huron District
High School.
Donald Clarke (con.), Kennet
Clarke, Richard Fisher, Marilyn
Gascho, Gary Gingerich, Stuar
Gingerich, Allan Hulbert, Carol
Johnston, Larry Kipper, Ruth
Leibold, Edward Prang, Jerry
Rader (con.), Lois Ranier, Doug-
las Stade, Richard Turkheim,
Sharon Wittaker, Richard Wil-
lert, Ettie Wynja.
Teacher, Mrs. Phylis Deichert
Promoted to Grade 5
David Brown, Ronald Corriv-
eau, Sandra Desjardine, Paul
Flaxbard, Glenn Gascho, Martha
Gascho, Clare Lawrence, Shirley
McClinchey, Marcia Merner,
Philip Rader, James Ramer,
Linda Stade, Hubert Thiel, Jo-
Anne Thiel, Shirley Thiel, Faye
Troyer, Gary Truemner, Elaine
Westlake, Patricia Willert, Di-
anne Zehr, Louis Zirk.
Promoted to Grade 4
Dale Brown, Diewertje Mooy,
Ruth Anne Fleischauer, Carol
Gas ch o, Edward Gingerich,
Mary Ellen Gingerich, Kaye
Hovius, Tanya Parkins, Norma
Schantz, Linda Webb.
Teacher, Miss Elizabeth Ayre
Promoted to Grade 4
Dianne Adkins, Wayne Beier -
ling, Terry Black, Dianne Clar-
ke, Gwen Clausius, Douglas
Coxon, Gary Datars, Ronald
Desjardine, Dale Erb, Clifford
Gingerich, Mary Catherine Gin-
gerich, Gary Hugill, Deborah
Merner, Bonnie Neeb, Marlene
Rader, Paula Siebert, Michael
Promoted to Grade 3
Barbara Brown, Cheryl Claus-
ius, John Corriveau, Robert
Doerr, Ralph Geiger, Carol Gin-
gerich, Albert Hovius, Brenda
Koehler, Helen Leibold, Maryke
de Mooy, Don Oesch, Stanley
Rawlings, John. Thomson, Beth
Troyer, Don Truemner, Richard
Walker, Dwight Zehr.
Teacher. Mrs. Audrey Haberer
Promoted to Grade 3
h Judy Datars, Tim Decker,
Marvin Erb, Garry Hess, Larry
Hess, Douglas Rader, Thelma
Ramer, Sandy Sinclair, Barry
Thiel, Carolyn Thiel, Sandra
Promoted to Grade 2
Bruce Adkins, Gregory Ban-
ko, Kim Black, Ronald Clarke,
Barbara Datars, Sally Dietrich,
Earl Gascho, Marlene Ginger-
ich, Christine Haberer, Stephen
Hesse, Alan Merner, Harold
Merner, James Ramer, David
Rawlings( Donna Schilbe, Ron-
ald Sinclair, Howard Thiel,
Mary Thomson, Doug Turkheim,
Sharon Willert, Patricia Wynja.
(Teacher, Mrs. Ruby Neeb)
Promoted to Grade 9: hon-
ours, Joan Rader, Roy Rader;
pass, Norma Weigand, Richard
Grade 8: pass, Linda Rader,
Carol Miller.
Grade 7: pass, Jimmy Weig-
and, Helen Becker.
Grade 6: honours, Rosemarie
Weigand; pass, Lorne Miller.
Grade 5: pass, Jean Becker.
Grade 3: pass, Gordon Weig-
and, Dean Oestreicher; CP, Jan-
et Becker,
Grade 2: honours, Dianne Mil-
ler; pass, Elva Becker, Robert
The pupils of SS No. 8, Hay,
their mothers and teacher, Mrs.
Herb Neeb, spent Thursday af-
ternoon at the beach in Grand
Bend, followed by supper in the
Teacher, Charlse W. McQuillin
Grade 7: Lynne Faber, Elaine
Whitney, Rene Whitney, Jane
Grade 6: Kathy Rowe, Larry
Prouty, David Prouty.
Grade 5: Joan Tiinney, Andy
Grade 4: Steven Faber, Paul
Negrijn, Bobby Rowe, Christina
(continued on page 5)
Zurich Chamber of Commerce Honours
Doctor Upon Departure for Wingham
Members of the Zurich and
District Chamber of Commerce
bade farewell to Dr. and Mrs.
A. W. Klahsen last Thursday
night, piror to their departure
for Wingham, where the Doctor
is taking up medical practice.
The group met at the home of
Dr. Klahsen for the occasion.
Milton Desch acted as master
of ceremonies for the event.
and a presentation address was
read by Reg Black, following
which Dr. and Mrs. Klahsen
were presented with a trilite
lamp in remembrance of the
Zurich organization.
The address read as follows:
Dear Dr. and Mrs. Klahsen:
We, the members of the Zur-
ich and District Chamber of
Commerce, feel we cannot let
your departure from our midst
pass without an expression of
profound regret.
In the few short years you
have laboured in the commun-
ity your pleasant disposition
and outstanding ability left an
indelible impression on our cit-
Your vows of fidelity to the
cause to which you so nobly de-
dicated yourself have been ex-
emplified in every conceivable
manner. Time and distance
were no barrier to the services
you gave to the ill and distress-
ed. You gave of your great
store of wisdom to those of ten-
der years, to those in the noon-
day and likewise to those in
the evening of Iife, comfort and
kindness combined with your
skill and medieine contained
great healing power,
Your departure will create a
void, which will be hard to fill
and impossible to erase from
the memories of your loyal and
devoted friends.
As an expression of our high
esteem for you and Mrs. Klah-
sen, we ask you to accept this
gift as a token of goodwill and
may success and good fortune
accompany you in your r.ew
field of labour.
Sincerely yours,
Members of The Zurich and
District Chamber of
Dr. Kalhsen very fittingly
thanked the Chamber of Com-
merce for all the help they had
extended him during his stay
in Zurich. He also suggester
the people in Zurich should not
rule out the possibility of his
returning here some day. He
concluded by explaining how
well he and his wife had liked
their stay in this community.
On Saturday Dr. and Mrs.
Klahsen left for their new hone
in Wingham, and so Zurich's
loss is another town's gain.
Hensall Kinettes
Present Awards
(By our Hensall correspondent)
Presentations of $25 scholar-
ships were made to Ann. Mickle
and Bob Forrest, students hav-
ing the highest average in grade
eight at Hensall Public School.
President Mrs. Ross .finks
made the presentations at the
school Thursday morning, on
behalf of the Hensall Kinette
Club, who annually sponsor
this project.
Ann, 12, is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, and.
Bob, also 12, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Edison Forrest,