HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-06-08, Page 8s f'A yE FI zt?T 1.URICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1961 Z ews of Hensall District (By our Hensall correspondent) Attend Banquet Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rannie, Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McEwen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cornell and Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Hay, members of two Zurich mixed bowling teams, attended the bowling banquet at the Village Inn, Grand Bend, last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Rannie won the trophy with the highest ladies single score. Mrs. Chester Lee left Sunday, June 4. by plane for Vancouver and Seattle, for an extended vis- it with relatives. At the conclusion of choir practice at the United Church Thursday evening, Mrs, Sim Roobol, a valued member of the choir, who is leaving shortly for a two month's vacation in her homeland, Holland, was presen- ted with a gift of hosiery in a jewel box. Mrs. G. Hess and Mrs. H. Horton doing the hon- ors. Banker Moved Ron Broderick, on the staff of the Bank of Montreal here, has been transferred to the Bank of Montreal, Kitchexer, commencing duties last Tues- day. Prior to leaving he was presented with a gift by the staff here. Dr. W. T. Joynt, of London, is a patient at Victoria Hospital, in the interests of his health. He is a son of Mrs. Alice Joynt. Charles Mickle has accepted a position with Canadian Can- ners, Exeter, for the summer months. Annual Picnic The annual picnic of Hensall Women's Institute will be held in the Legion Hall, Wednesday June 14, with supper at 6:30 p.m. Husbands and children will be guests. Please bring a picinc lunch, cups and silver- ware. Sports committee, Mrs. W. Dilling and Mrs, W. R. Step- henson. Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacGreg- or entertained the MacLaren- Chapman bridal party at their home, Friday evening, follow- ing rehearsal. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cudmore, of Kitchener, are spending a few days viisting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer. Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan SHOP SAVE TIP TOP CHOICE TOMATOES, 20 oz. 2 for 29c LIBBY'S DEEP BROWN BEANS, 15 oz. 7 for $1.00 LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI, 15 oz. 7 for $1.00 DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION DOG FOOD, 15 oz. _ 3 for 39c MONARCH POUCH PAK CAKE MIXES 8 for $1.00 REGATTA FRUIT COCKTAIL, 15 oz. 2 for 29c 4 25 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH THE FOLLOWING: Quaker Park -O -Ten Cereal, Thrift, Liquid Detergent, It Scuff Shoe Polish, Cut Rite Waxed Paper, Giant Pepsodent Toothpaste Table Rite Meat Features Fresh Grade "A" OVEN READY TURKEYS, 8-14 lbs. 39c Ib. BURNS GUARANTEED LEAN DINNER HAMS __ 89c Ib. BOLOGNA BY THE PIECE 29c Ib. TABLERITE RINDLESS SIDE BACON 69c Ib. TABLERITE MAC AND CHEESE LOAF, DUTCH LOAF„ 16oz, pkg. with 25 Free GB stamps 59c pkg. Produce Features GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS 2 lbs. 25c CALIFORNIA CRISP and CRUNCHY CELERY ____ 19c each HIGHLINER COD FISH STICKS 33c pkg. PEPPERIDGE FARM APPLE TURNOVER 65c pkg. PEPPERIDGE FARM APPLE STRUDEL 65c pkg. WIN A BEAUTIFUL STUFFED FRENCH POODLE DOG Ammosesimumok Fill in Entry Blank in Store. Draw to be made Saturday Night, June 10. BROWN'S I.G.A. MARKET HENSALL OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS and David, Toronto, spent the weekend with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Attend Capping Ceremony Mrs. Clarence Reid, of Hen- sall, and Mrs. George Jackson, of London, were in Wingham on Wednesday to attend graduation ceremonies at Wingham Gener- al Hospital. Among those grad- uating as nurses' aides were Miss Marilyn Helm, a niece of Mrs. Reid. NEW -- SUPP HOSE Now ... we have the new Sup- port -Hose in stock._ In Seam—Free fashion designed with all Dupont Nylon Yarn, to relieve and aid leg fatigue without the support of rubber. SIZES — PETITE, AVERAGE, TALL and EXTRA TALL Only $4.95 Pair Don't forget to join our HOSIERY CLUB . .. after you've bought ten pair you get your eleventh FREE. SPORT -CORD STRAIGHT SKIRTS For the ladies -- in gold, green, black, mauve, coral shades, in sizes 10 to 20. Reg. Price $4.95 — ON SALE $3.95 Oversize, 38 to 42 — $4.95 * SPORT SET -- Slims with matching tops sizes 10 to 20 $6.95 GASCHO'S DRY GOODS MEN'S, LADIES and CHILDREN'S WEAR PHONE 59 :_. ZURICH Clinton Fair Draws Big Crowd Ideal weather brought a crowd of approximately 2,000 people to the 57th annual Clin- ton. Spring Fair, held last Sat- urday. The fair was officially opened by Hon. William A. Stewart, MPP, North Middle- sex, who was introduced by Charles MacNaughton, MP for Huron, of Exeter. The fair's secretary -treasur- er, 85 -year-old A. J. McMurray termed the fair as another "quality, all-round." A highlight of the program was the choosing and crown- ing of Huron County's Dairy Princess, 12 -year-old Miss Wilma Dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dale, Clinton. Run- nerup was Miss Doreen How att, Belgrave, who last year was runnerup to the Dairy Queen of Ontario. Other contestants were Yvonne Sparling, Gorrie; Dorothy Howatt, Belgrave and Barbara Watkins, Londesboro. Miss Dale, who was crowned by Mr. Cardiff, will be eligible to participate at the CNE for the title of Dairy Queen of Ontario. MR. AND MRS. RICHARD ALLAN ERB were married recently in the Evangelical UB Church, by the Rev. A. M. Amacher. The bride is Mary Evelyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger, RR 2, Zurich, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Erb, RR 1, Zurich The young couple will reside on the groom's farm near Zurich. News Of Kippen District (MRS. NORMAN LONG, Correspondent) Miss Carole Brown and Miss Kathy McTavish, of London, vis- ited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Riley and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Van Tol, of Boskoop, Holland, arriv- LA F-A=DAY 1511;11(/ 4: r, 1 1 Q 1960, King Features Syndicate, Inc., World rights reserved. "Then I said to my wife, 'Just to show you how muck I trust you, I'm placing. everything in your name."• Starting Monday RONNIE HAWKINS AND HIS HAWKS APPEARING EVERY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY For The Entire Summer THIS WEEKEND ELGIN FISHER And His Rhythm -Timers IMPERIAL HOTEL GRAND BEND BE SAFE! -- BE SURE! BRING YOUR CAR TO US FOR FRONT-END ALIGNMENT AND • Complete Steering Service Our modern equipment will guarantee you satisfied results ... make you feel safe when you drive. Wheel Balancing A Specialty! DESJARDINE AUTO SUPPLY PHONE 38 — ZURICH Jenson Pee Wee Hockey Team Honoured At Legion Banquet (By our Hensall correspondent) were shown in charge of Jim Clark. In addition to the Shamrock Championship , the team was runner-up in the Goderich tour- nament in the "D" class. The Kinsmen Bantams, their coach Robert Reaburn and Kins- men president William Clement, were guests at the banquet. The Legion Ladies Auxiliary cater- ed for a delicious chicken din- ner, with over 70 attending. o . Hensall Pee Wees, champions of the Shamrock I-Iockey Assoc- iation this season, were honour- ed last Wednesday night, at a banquet at the Legion Hall. The team is sponsored by Branch 468, Canadian Legion. Doug Thornclyke, of Clinton, representing the Western On- tario Athletic Association, was guest speaker, speaking on sportsmanship and education. He stressed the fact that educa- tion should come first, and to be a sportsman you have to have your education and also be a good sport. Mr. Thorndyke and president Jim Clark, presented the Pee Wees with packets, crests and trophies. Grant Walker, captain of the team, gave a very fitting address to Don Havens, coach of the team, and Glenn Deitz, assistant coach; and Gordon Deitz and Bob Moir presented them with two lovely pictures. Films • NOW HEAR THIS A specially -designed commun- ication system with 178 loud speakers has been installed at Ontario Ilydro's Richard L. Hearn Generating Station in Toronto so instructions to oper- ating staff can be heard over the roar of the plant's giant turbo generators. 0 Renew Your Subscription Now 1 ed Friday and are visiting sev- eral months with their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Wierren and family, of the Town Line. Little Joanne Van Wierren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Wierren, celebrated her fif- th birthday on Sunday. Sever- al relatives and firends being present. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride, on the Goshen Line. Mr. and `Mrs. Edgar McBride and Sharon, attended Decoration Day service on Sunday after- noon at Wingham United Chur- ch. Mrs. Robert Perkins and Dan- ny and Jimmie, of RCAF Clin- ton, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. Several cases of measles are reported in the area. Mrs. Robert Dalrymple, of Brucefield, visited Monday with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Doig, of Grand Rapids, Mich., visited during the weekend with the former's mother, Mrs. Lydia Doig, and sister, Janet, of Clin- ton, also Mr. and Mrs. Long. BROWNIE'S Drive -In Theatre Ltd. CLINTON THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 8 and 9 Double Feature "The Bridges of Toko-Ri" (Colour) William Holden -- Grace Kelly "The Night The World Exploded 11 Kathy Grant -- William Leslie (One Cartoon) SATURDAY and MONDAY June 10 and 12 Double Feature "Tarzan The Magnificent" (Colour) Gordon Scott -- Jack Mahoney "Country Music Holiday" Ferlin Husky -- Rocky Graziano (One Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY June 13 and 14 "Houseboat" (Colour) Cary Grant - S,ophia Loren (One Cartoon) White Seed Beans MICHELITE and SANILAC VARIETIES AVAILABLE IN ALL GRADES OF BOTH MICHIGAN and CANADIAN GROWN SEED An Extra Yield of 13 Pounds Per Acre Will Pay The Cost of Registered Seed Be Safe - Sow The Best Bean Contracts and Fertilizer Available Red Kidney Bean Contracts Available COOK BROS. MILLING CO. LTD. PHONE 24 or 249 HENSALL At... WESTLAKE FURNITURE Get Set For Summer Relaxation Comfortable Colourful Aluminum __You'll appreciate the colourful, practical sturdy out- door furniture that Westlake Furniture has to offer._ Much of it can be used both indoors and out. SEE OUR ASSORTMENT OF Chaise Lounges -- Chaisettes (As Low As $13.95) Folding Lawn Chairs Steel Garden Chairs ONLY $8.50 EACH Westlake Furniture PHONE 89J — ZURICH