HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-06-08, Page 7THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1961 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hendry (Barbara Anne Smont) of De- troit, Mich., were recent visit- ors at the hone of Ervin Rader. Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Restemay- er have moved into their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Denomme have moved into their new home purchased from Harold Schroe- der. Mrs. Tilly Restemayer Mrs. Tilly Restemayer, the former Tilly Schroeder, and wi- dow of the late Edward Reste- mayer, passed away at the home of her son, Edgar, on Tuesday, June 2, 1961, in her '79th year. Surviving are two sons, Elm- er, of Hay Township, and Edgar, of Dashwood; her mother Mrs. Mary Schoeder, of Dashwood; two sisters, Susie Snider, of Dashwood, and Elfreda Bruer, of New Hamburg; a brother, William Schroeder, of Hay Township; and one grandson, Edward. The body rested at the T. Har- ry Hoffman funeral home until Sunday noon, then at Zion Lu- theran Church, where Rev. Ger- ald Scholz officiated at 3 p.m. Interment was in Daswood Lu- theran Cemetery. BLAKE (Mrs. Amos Gingerich, correspondent) Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich, were the former's mother, Mrs. Sarah Gingerich, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gingerich, Sharon, Bonnie and Dawn; Mr. and Mrs. William Steckle and son Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ginger- ich, Norma Jean and Elaine, ac- compained by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Erb, and family, spent Sunday at Baden and New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weid- rick and son Ray, spent Sunday at New Hamburg. Miss Lois Weidrick spent the weekend with her grandma, Mrs. Nancy Schwartzentruber. Mr. and Mrs. William Oesch and family were Sunday guests with the former's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Oesch. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich were Sunday guests with Mrs. Mary Jane Hey. Pall bearers were: Harold Schroeder, Lloyd Guenther, Ja- mes Hayter, Oscar Miller, Al- vin Walper and Fred Schroed- er. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamb- le and family spent Sunday with L. H. Rader. Attend Graduation Mr. and Mrs.. Ken Keller, Lor- is and Randy, Gordon Pearson and Mrs. William Grossman, at- tended the graduation of Miss Martha Grossman, from the Kit- chener -Waterloo Nursing School on Saturday, June 3. Martha won the general pro- ficiency award and was holder of the highest record in theory. Following graduation they at- tended a graduation buffet in her honour at the home of her counsin, George Snyder, in Kit- chener. Douglas Gillings has returned to Aurora, Illinois, for the sum- mer, after spending the week- end with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Gilling§, at the par- sonage. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stelck spent last week with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stel- sk and their granddaughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williams. 0 WEDDING Maclaren- Chapman (By our Hensall correspondent) Hensall United Church was the setting for a mid -summer wedding, on Saturday, June 3, at 2:30 p.m., when Gwendolyn Ellis Chapman, of London, and Donald Roy MacLaren, of Cooks- ville, exchanged marriage vows in a double ring ceremony be- fore the Rev. Currie Winlaw. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Capman, RR 1, Exeter, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Archie MacGregor, of Hensall, and Mr. Roy MacLar- en, of London. Wedding music was played by Miss Greta Lammie who accom- panied the soloist, Miss Ann Voted by the Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association as the champion country corres- pondent for 1960, Mrs. Lillian Allison is the latest recipient of the Ontario Hydro Award of Merit. Presentation of the award was made by James A. Blay (right) Hydro's Director of Inforamtion, at the recent convention of the as .ociation at Ottawa. Looking on approvingly is H. Keith Gra ham, publisher of the Chesterville Record for which the new champion has corresponded for the past ten years. The wife of a farmer (Frendlee Farm), a former school teacher and active in community organizations, Mrs. Allis- on writes a column entitled "Frendlee Farm Chats" in addition to regular news reporting in the Finch Road -Limerick District. Koehler, Dashwood, who sang, "The Wedding Prayer" and "0 Perfect Love." Given in mar- riage by her father, the bride was lovely in a floor -length gown of Peau De Faille, lavishly appliqued . with Alencon lace from the shallow scoop neckline finished in scalloped edging right down the front princess panel. At the back the dropped basque bodice gave way to a very full skirt which fell to a Cathedral train. A princess coronette of seed pearls and Mother of Pearl sequins held her finger tip veil. She carried a bouquet of a mauve orchid and stephanotis. Mrs. George Parker, Hensall, matron of honour, and brides- maids Miss Mary Ann Rannie and Miss Pauline DesJardine, both of London, were gowned alike in street length dresses of mauve organza over deep mauve Peau De Soie with matching head dresses and carrying bou- quets of white and yellow 'mums. Miss Cindy Parker, of Hensall, Now Is The Time To Buy GET YOUR FREE $20 FROZEN FOOD CERTIFICATE the \KVCO FREEZER captures_natuaLfood flavor with the pio COME IN TODAY[ i, • Look over our complete line of Revco freezers. a Pick the size and model to meet your needs and budget. a See the revolutionary Revco demonstration of the fastest freezing action known. • Satisfy yourself of the lower operating cost. This roomy 20 etl. ft. freezer holds 8864be. effrozen hoed trittHt+seuen SEE THE 20 cu. ft. — CC201 REVCO FREEZER AT NEW, LOW, LOW PRICES VW ▪ MI ,The big difference in better flavor of frozen foods is I the speed with which they are frozen! Revco freezers give you the fastest freezing action known! Our simple yet amazing demonstration quickly proves this freezing action—now available on all Revco models. In less than two minutes you can actually feel the difference and see exactly how much faster the Revco freezing principle is. This speed cutS down on your electricity cost too! - Add to these tremendous freezing advantages, the sleek lines and beautiful design c'e Revco freezers. You'll be proud to place it in yon,• kitchen, utility ,roona or any convenient place, in your home. 110. apm smeiratim wenmeat din mamma mit GINGERICH SALES & SERVICE LTD ZURICH — ONTARIO was flower girl, wearing a sim- ilar dress to the bridesmaids, and carrying a bouquet of white and yellow mums. The groomsman was Mr. Geor- ge Parker, Hensall, and the ush- ers were Mr. Gerry Chapman, Exeter, and Mr. Gerald Bell, Hensall. A reception for 75 guests was held in the church parlors. For receiving the bride's mother chose a sheath dress of Dior blue imported silk with match- ing flowered hat with a garden- ia corsage. The groom's moth- er wore a dress of beige silk print with organza overlay, with matching hat and a corsage of talisman roses. For a wedding trip to Mon- treal the bride chose a beige sheath with green accessories and bronze muni corsage. They will reside in Cooksville, where the groom is on the staff of the Bank of Montreal. 0 Renew Your Subscription Now Men's Summer Casuals HUSH PUPPIES (By Greb) ONLY $9.95 MEN'S CORDS ONLY $3.98 MEN'S CANVAS SPONGE SOLE ONLY $3.49 BOY'S CREPE OX and BROWN and GREEN DESSERT BOOTS — $5.95 Everything You Require — For The Whole Family OESCH SHOE STORE PHONE 130 — ZURICH HENSALL TWILIGHT SHOW OF HEAVY HORSES, LIGHT HORSES, PONIES, CATTLE and IMPLEMENTS, SHOW and SALE of FEEDER CALVES Friday, June 9, 1961 GUEST SPEAKER — ELSTON CARDIFF, M.P. Programme: 7.00 p.m.—School Parade — Midway for Children 7.30 p.m.—Official Opening 8.00 p.m.—Free Draws for Children in Parade 8.00 p.m.—Baby Show — No entry fee, prizes for all contestants Lucky Draw 1ST_PRIZE -- Choice of Gent's Made -To -Measure Suit or Ladies' 3 -piece Luggage Set. 2ND PRIZE — Samsonite Bridge Set. TICKETS -- 25c EACH; or 5 FOR $1.00 CLINTON CONCERT COMMUNITY BAND AND MAJORETTES IN ATTENDANCE 9:30 p.m. - Auction Sale of Calves ADMISSION 50c — CHILDREN FREE TORY GREGG— Master of Ceremonies Boards Are Centre Of Complaints From Workers Workmen's Compensation Bo- ards are often the centre of complaints from workers trying to collect payments for injuries received on the job, according to Hugh Garner, who recently conducted a survey of Compen- sation Boards for Liberty mag- azine. Most widespread criticism is of the time it sometimes takes for compensation cheques to ar- rive, Garner said. Board offic- ials told him that cheques can- not be sent until they receive written reports from both the claimant's doctor and employ- er, and often these are delayed. "Compnesation Boards in all Canadian provinces have saved thousands of men from poverty after job accidents destroyed their means of earning a living," said Garner. "In Ontario, over 5,000,000 workers have been aid- ed since the Act came into for- ce in 1915." In his survey, Garner fount, one of the most unusual claims for compensation was that of a carpenter, injured more than 30 years ago. "He placed his false teeth on a plank, then sat down on them, biting himself in a most unusual place." Claims for injuries caused by wilful misconduct of an employ- ee are turned down by the Board. Occasionally, workers injure themselves deliberately in order to collect, Garner tells how one logger in the northern woods, fearing a seasonal lay.. off, deliberately cut off his hand. An inspector visited the scene and retrieved the hand, which he found had a previous, but unsuccessful cut across the severed wrist. Another man was sent to pris- on after defrauding the Comp- ensation Board of hundreds of dollars. He had a trick knee he could throw out of joint at will. He'd take a construction job for a couple of days, give his knee a bruise, then throw it out of joint. At one time he was get- ting eight different compensa- tion cheques at once. 0 Cut Food Costs! buy a REFRIGERATOR -FREEZER OR HOME FREEZER OH/! May 15 to lune 30 Here's how you get your free $20 food certificate ,WHERE APPLIANCE DEALERS DISPLAY THIS SIGN Buy an electr'c home freezer now, May 15 to June 30, at any appli- ance store displaying the "Super- market In Your Home" insignia. This money -saving offer will apply to an attractive range of chest - type or upright electric freezers, or dual -zone combination refrig- erator -freezers of 13 cubic feet capacity or larger. Check these four ways a home freezer can cut your food bills I You can buy in bulk when prices are low. 2 You can take full advantage of special food sales. 3 You can budget your food needs more efficiently. 4 You get a free $20.00 food certificate if you buy now. Co-operating manufacturers includethe following Beatty Brothers • Belwood Appliance Co. • Canadian General Electric • Coronado • Dominion Appliance Co. • Frigidaire • General Steel Wares • Gibson • Gilson • Kelvinator • Philco • R.C.A. • Roy • United Co-ops • Westinghouse. Attention Hydro Rural Customers: See your local Ontario Hydro Area Office regarding information on this special offer. HYDRO is yours