HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-06-08, Page 6SUMMERTIME - Is - PICNIC TIME To make your picnic complete, buy our fresh baked goods ... it will add to the enjoyment of your outing. Hamburg AND Hot Dog Rolls PACKAGE OF 8 — 25c dP' BAKED FRESH EVERY DAY! TASTY -NU BAKERY "HOME OF THE "TASTY -NU" BREAD" PACiE $IX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1961 Hensall Woman's Missionary Society Honours Woman On Her Departure (By our Hensall correspondent) The June meeting of the Wo- man's Missionary Society of the Hensall United Church was held Thursday afternoon, June 1, with a quotation by Mrs. James McAllister who presided for the meeting. Scripture passages were read by Mrs. Albert Alex- ander and prayer offered by Mrs. Carl Payne. Mrs. Fred McGregor of Bruce - field rendered a lovely solo "How Great Thou Art," accomp- anied by Mrs. George Hender- son, The topic from the study book on Japan was preesnted by Mrs. Currie Winlaw, and a pray- er for Japan was offered by Mrs. McAllister. President Mrs. E. Rowe, pre- sided for the business. An in- vitation to Carmel Presbyterian Church, on June 12, at 8 p.in., was accepted. Clothing for the bale will be packed in the church school rooms, Tuesday, June 6. A mo- tion was passed to donate $10 to the Mrs. Edmund Hansuld In Memorium. Mrs. T. Sherritt expressed her thanks to the lad- ies who remembered her when she was ill. Meetings for July and August will not be held. During a social hour at the conclusion of the meeting, Mrs. Bingo Winners Sim Roobol, leaving in the very near future to spend two months in her native homeland, Hol- land, was honored at a surprise bon voyage party by members of the group and friends, and presented a purse of money con- taining $70. Mrs. George Hess acted as MC in her usual cap- able manner and with Mrs. R. J. Paterson read verses from attractive envelopes, strung on pink ribbon. A lovely cake, de- corated in white and pink, with the inscription 'To Mary, Hap- py Landing," donated by Mrs. Beaton, of Beaton's Bakery, and members, was cut by Mrs. Ro- bol and served with delicious refreshments. Mrs. Roobol, although comple- tely taken by surprise, expres- sed her thanks in a very fitting manner. Decorating of the box and envelopes was done by Mrs. R. J. Paterson. 0 (By our Hensall correspondent) Legion bingo winners on Sat- urday were Mrs. Joan Hoy; Miss Margaret Boa; Mrs. Bert Riley; Mrs. Glen McKenzie (2); Jack- pot special( Mrs. Wes Venner, Roy Kenny, Mrs. Fleischauer; Mrs. Fleischauer; Paul Boa (2); Jackpot special, Mrs. Joan Hoy! B. Sanders; Roy Kenney; Mrs. Swartzentruber; Mrs. Howard Smale; Jackpot special, Mrs. Joan Hoy and Jim Smale; door prizes, Mrs. Earl Dick, Cromar- ty; Jim Smale, Hensall. Jack- pot this Saturday, $115.00 in 54 calls; two door prizes. OBITUARY E. A. Fines Fed. Fieldman. At Short Course Last week I was given the opportunity of attending a short course at OAC, Guelph, on communications. I apprec- iate this greatly and hope {:,hat it will result in a better infor- mation service for you. Perhaps you will remember that quite some time ago I stat- ed that words have no meaning but rather we have meanings for words. Fortunately in the great majority of cases the meaning that a great many of us have for a great many words is almost identical. It is the much smaller number of words for which our meanings are different, perhaps vastly differ- ent, that creates our quarrels. Let ane give you an example: John and Mary are out driving one fine summer evening. Sud- denly Mary exclaims, `John, you are going too far!" What did Mary mean by her words? Just a moment; Before you answer, consider whether or not your answer will tell me more about you than it will tell me about either John or Mary. If you think this over for a few minutes you will get some idea of the difficulties of ex- pression that confront all pub- lic speakers and writers. When I write I must not only use words that express my ideas but I must try to use words that will mean the same to you. Experience and tran- ing help but at best, end at something less than perfection. To assist in getting the message you must not only put your meaning on the words but also try to arrive at the meaning I intended. If I keep this in mind while writing and you keep this in mind while read- ing the probability of us mis- understanding each other will be cut in half. I was surprised recently to find that at least one individual interpreted one of my articles to mean that I expected Co - Operatives to be exempt from quality and sanitary regulations that apply to private businesses To the best of my knowledge Co_Op. fertilizers . and feeds must conform to exactly the same analysis and quality reg- ulations as that produced by any private corporation. By the same token Co -Op. dairy pro- duce and egg -grading plants must obey the same sanitary and grade regulations as any private business. I feel quite sure that Co -Operators Insur- ance must obey the same reg- ulations of the Department of Insurance as any insurance company. I have never had any indica- tions that FAME would, or ex- pected to, have any exemptions from sanitary or quality reg- ulations that apply to any other plant. In closing, a quotation from the Alberta Wheat Pool Bud- get: Canadians spend, yearly for food, slightly more than one-third of the total money paid in taxes to all govern- ments. 0 Power developments of On- tario Hydro area major tourist attraction. Moret han 200,000 persons visited Hydro genera- ting stations in various parts of the province last year. (By our Hensall correspondent) Funeral service for the late Edmund A. Fines, 63, of Clinton, principal of Clinton District Collegiate Institute for 37 years until his retirement two years ago, were held from Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clinton, on Sunday, with burial in Clinton cemetery. Survivors are his wife, the former Hattie Whitesides, of Hensall; one son Robert, Elmira, and a daughter Mrs. Paul (Joan) Rempel, St. Catharines, a bro- ther, John, Shelburne. Mr. Fines passed away at his home in Clinton on Friday, June 2. UNDERWATER LINE To provide electrical service to residents of Pelee Island in Lake Erie, Ontario Hydro in- stalled an underwater cable 11 miles long. issommomiummillomt WATCH FOR THE GRAND OPENING OF COUNTRYSIDE GOLF COURSE (back of Golfview Service Station and Restaurant, on Highway 21, north of Grand Bend 9 -HOLE COURSE (PAR 3) Drop in and try our new course —you will find it relaxing and en- joyable. Clubs Supplied (If Desired) Murray Westgate and 13 -year-old Rex Hagon play the title roles in the new 12 -week summer series, Jake and The Kid, to be seen Friday nights on the CBC -TV network._ The series about a small boy and a hired man in the mythical prairie town, Crocus, Sask., is the creation of Canadian author •W. O. Mitchell, whose stories were dramatized on CBC radio from 1950 to 1956. Westgate, born in Regina, is also host of the children's program, Junior Roundup, seen each weekday on the CBC -TV network. Most New Cars To Have Seat Belts ADMISSION: 50c EAT AT THE Golfview Dining Room We Specialize in Southern Fried Chicken and Home Made Pies (Owned and Operated by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gratton) Canada's automobile manu- facturers have all announced that 1962 models will be equip- ped with brackets to facilitate the installation of safety belts. The Canadian Highway Safety Council expressed its elation at word from the Canadian Auto- mobile Chamber of Commerce that Ford, Chysler, General Mo- tors, Studebaker -Packard and American Motors have planned to equip all new models with belt brackets. "Thus we have the whole Can- adian automobile industry lining TENDER FOR FUEL OIL Sealed tenders submitted on forms supplied will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. Fri, June 23,1961 Bunker "C" Fuel Oil for the heating season for the Huron County Home, Clinton. Lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted. Tender forms must be secur- ed from the undersigned. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 23-b up to make it easier for the dri- ver and passenger to safeguard himself against serious injury," said W. Arch. Bryce, the Coun- cil's executive 'director. Do You Know? Before the introduction of stamps in Canada in 1851 post- age was paid by the preson who received mail, not by the sen- der, and rates were based on distance. Government transfer paymen- ts to persons—money collected as taxes, then paid out for pen- sions, welfare, social security, etc.—increased in Canada from $1,737 million in 1955 to $3,116 millions in 1960. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has been a national pol- ice force only since 1920; prior to that date its job was policing the prairie provinces. Canada has three academies training men for commissions in the armed services — Royal Roads, near Victoria, B.C., and the Royal Military colleges at St. Johns, Que., and Kingston, Ont. Total enrolment is about 1,000 and to qualify for admis- sion a student must be single, under 21 and have high school matriculation. The first census of Canada was taken in 1666 and showed a total of 3,215 Europeans; this was the first census in the world in the modern sense. "That seat belts reduce ser- iousness of accident injury has already been proved. What re- mains is that all vehicle occu- pants use these belts," Mr. Bry- ce said. "An industry standard for seat -belt fastening has been reached. Now it's up to the occupant of the car. Installa- tion of seat belts is not the an- swer. They can be of no bene- fit unless they are used." Canadian and United States safety authorities claim the use of seat belts can reduce traffic fatalities by at least one-third. NOTICE Most Zurich Stores Will Be Open FRIDAY NIGHTS Until 9:00 p.m. From Now Until Labour Day Zurich Businessmen's Association ST. JOSEPH DRYSDALE Yours truly and Mrs. Duch- arme have returned to their home after spending two weeks in Windsor and Detroit. Their object was the attending of Or- dination Ceremonies to the priest hood of Father Lionel Bal - angers, a young man of Wind- sor, which took place in Lon- don and his home city of Wind- sor. There were some who at- tended from this neighbour- hood, as the mother was a nat- ive of this parish. Many from this parish attended to both of those young men in the religious life. The Ducharmes also attended. the ordination and first mass to their grandson, being the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Duch- arme. Both parents are born natives of this parish. Father Ducharme is a native of Detroit and will have his charge in the Diocese of Detroit. The past weekend, sister Charles Joseph, of the Ursuline order, spent a couple of days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Laporte, of the Drysdale district. She is leaving for Glengarda in Windsor, to spend some time. APPEARING MON. THRU THURS. EVERY WEEK Ronnie Hawkins AND HIS HAWKS APPEARING FRIDAY & SATURDAY Al Castle Quartet IMPERIAL HOTEL GRAND BEND Lake Huron's Largest Night Club Where Friends Meet DINING ROOM OPEN FOR BANQUETS, WEDDING RECEPTIONS, DINNERS, ETC. NEW ADMIRAL 2 -DOOR IMPERIAL Refrigerator -Freezer Combination * Automatic Climate Control * Refrigerator Requires no Defrosting ,ever * Majic Ray Lamp Prevents Transfer of Food Flavours * Flush mounting—no coils on the back— can be built in REGULAR PRICE $484.95 June Special -. $329 (with trade) ,1011M•111., AIM.M.0— WE NEED USED TV SETS Now is the time to trade in that tired old set on a 1961 ADMIRAL 23" TV Radios, Record Players, Hi-Fi FROM $24.95 UP PHONE 110 ZURICH Your headquarters for 'SONY' Transister Por- table Radios and Spor- ting Goods. a TIEMAN'S HARDWARE • Electrical Work • Heating, • Oil Burner Service SALES and SERVICE FURNITURE, COAL and CEMENT PHONE 8 - DASHWOOD "Get A Real Lift With .. . ... SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter" "Shur -Gain Chick Starter does wonders for us. It builds us up with uniform growth and fast feathering. In ad- dition, it increases livability in the flock." We have SHUR - GAIN Chick Starter available in either crumble or mash form —and they're fresh — really fresh! ONIIMINEE 1••=11. DROP IN SOON. We'll talk about your Chicks and Chick Profits 1.6101111/111M, 010•1111.1•181M1111•1 M. G. DEITZ and SON PHONE 154 ZURICH Now - - Buy PFISTER Brand STOP THOSE WEEDS NOW! 240 WEED KILLER Visit our store for a complete selection of spraying equipment. GARDEN RAKES-- GARDEN HOSE FERTILIZER "BUY AT TIME STORE WITH THE STOCK" Stade & Weld° Hardware " PLUMBING HEATING — TINSMITHING" PHONE 72 -- -- ZURICIH