HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-06-01, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1961 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Mernoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS— 2c a word; Minimum 50c.. CASH DISCOUNTS - 1/3 Off if paid by Saturday following .last insertion. BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE FOR SALE Sheep Manure -Grass Seed MILORGANTE Garden Fertilizer -Bone Meal Apply to M. DEITZ and SON Zurich Used Typewriter UNDERWOOD Standard Model In good working condition Cash Price $50.00 See it at ZURICH Citizens NEWS ALLIS-CHALMERS "66" Com- bine, PTO, thee years old. Fully equipped with bean and clover attachments. Also 4 -row John Deere quick -tach scuffler. Apply to Harry Armstrong, phone Zurich 93 r 5. 21-2b CABIN TRAILER — 26' long, 8' wide, completely furnished, ready to go, only two years old. New tires. Apply to Sanford Thompson, Hastings S t r e e t, Parkhill. 22-p 59 N S 11 - 150 c.c., accessories, A-1 condition. Best offer, Ap- ply to Klopp's Garage, Zurich. 22-p CHESTERFIELD, Refrigerator, baby crib, and baby carriage. All in good condition. Phone Zurich 77 r 9. 22-b FOR SALE TWO REGISTERED HOLSTEIN heifers, vaccinated and accred- ited, due in June. Also regis- terel German Shepherd pups, Apply to Don Campbell, phone 58 r 41, Bayfield. 224-b YOUNG BEEF — by the quar- ter, weighing about 100 pounds Ready by June 15. Apply to El- ton Bender, phone Hensall 699 r 12. 22-b WANTED CARPENTER WORK of all kinds. Give us a call for prompt service. Leonard Debus, phone 85, Zurich. 22-3-p WANTED — FEATHERS and old feather ticks. Call Exeter salvage, phone 423 Exeter, col- lect. 22-tfb FARM EQUIPMENT MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE Farm Machinery: Firestone and Good year rubber tires. See us for the best buy. Emmerson Erb, phone 96r12, Zurich. 37-tfb GEORGE WIIITE FARM Mach- inery, Ebersal hay and grain Elevators, Rotary Hog Feeders. Apply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. 30-tfx MISCELLANEOUS COMPLETE HAIR STYLING— visit Makins Beauty Salon, Main Street, Bayfield. Cold waves from, $5.50 to $12, Two opera- tors,( Esther Makins and Marion Mackie. 21-2-p EXPERT RE -UPHOLSTERING, refinishing and repairing of all types of furniture. Full line of materials and excellent work- manship. C a 11 Gingerich's, phone 34, Zurich. 19-tfb AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and body repairs, glass steering and wheel bal- ance. Undaspray for Rust pre- vention. DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8 H'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 ATTENTION FARMERS— For prompt 24-hour 7 day a week service on all dead or disabled farm animals; truck' licenced under Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence No. 66 c 61. Call Ed. Andrews, phone Sea fort h 851r11. 9-30-p CUSTOM SPRAYING and White Washing. Call now for prompt and efficient service. William Watson, RR 3, Zurich, call Dashwood 37r19. 35-tfb SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Dashwood 26r17, or in case of emergency call Del Schwatzentruber, phone 224, Tavistock. 20-tfb CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM MACHINERY At lot 9 Bronson Line, Stan- ley Township, 33/4 miles north of Blake, 5 miles south of Bay- field, on WEDNESDAY( JUNE 7 at 1:00 p.m. Machinery: 6 ft. Case combine with motor and attachments for clover; Papeck Forage harvester with corn head and hay at- tachments; George White blow- er with 50 ft. of outside pipes, also pipes for inside of silo; 2 Forage harvester boxes and wa- gons with self unloading at- tachments; 15 run International fertilizer drill (like new);T45 In- ternational hay baler; Inter- national 2 -row corn planter; 8 ft. Case power driver binder which makes good swather; Far - mall "A" International tractor with lights and starter and man- ure loader; clover attachments for 7 ft. mower; Fluery Bissell manure spreader on rubber; 95 bushel capacity 5 -section of In- ternational spring tooth har- rows; grain blower with 50 ft. of pipes; land roller; 100 bus. grain box; 8 ft. International heavy duty tractor disk as good as new; 3 furrow International tractor plow on rubber; 2 fur- row International tractor plow on rubber; 7 ft. New Idea trac- tor mounted mower (like new); tractor mounted 20 ft. sprayer; set sleighs; 36 ft. extension lad- der! anvil and forge blacksmith set; post hole digger to mount on any model tractor (like new); Lincoln 180 amp electric weld- er (like new); wire stretchers; set of chain blocks V2, ton cap- acity; set double blocks; set of heavy duty tractor chains; Ste- wart Warner electric brooder stove and poultry equipment; Heat Houser to fit A.W. 4 In- ternational tractor; set of plat- form scales; root pulper; grass seeder; Bolens 21/2 HP garden tractor with cultivator and plow; 2 row scuffler to mount on Farmall A tractor; 2 18 Rot- ary power lawn mowers; 24" handy man jack; logging chains; fanning mill with motor and screens; International cream separator; small table Interna- tional cream separator; table saw; emery stone stand; emery bench stone stand; 4 electric 1/.r HP motors in good shape, will guarantee; 1/a HP electric heavy duty motor, only run 10 hrs.; Letts farm grain grinder; large bulk tank feeder, 200 bus. cap- pacity; Band C electric feed cooker; cement mixer with mo- tor; rubber tired wheel bar- row; 6 ft. step ladder; bench mounted drill; 4 sling ropes; farm air compresser with tanks; ensilage feed cart; 50 electric fence posts; cattle de-horners and new Burdizzo. Household Effects: 3 folding lawn chairs; Rangette stove; Victrola gramaphone with 500 records, working condition;day bed; floor lamp; number of chairs; numerous other articles. Everything will be sold as owner is in ill health. TERMS -- CASH ROY SCOTCHMER, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEO. POWELL, Clerk 21-2 Try the Citizens News For Fine Job Printing Engagement Mrs. Gertrude Datars wish- es to announce the engage- ment of her only daughter, Marion Laura, to Mr. Ron- ald Lorne Coleman, eldest son of Mrs. Lorne Coleman, RR 1, Varna. The marriage will take place on Saturday, June 17, 1961, at three o'clock in the afternoon, at St. Peter's Lutheran Chur- ch, Zurich. 22-p BIRTHS BEDARD—At Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, May 20, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bedard, RR 2, Zurich, a son. 0 LOVE — At Victoria Hospital London, on Friday, lyfay 26, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Love, (nee Jean Armstrong), London, a daughter, Pamela Jean. 0 ROBINSOIN—At Goderich Al- exandra and Marine Hospital, on Tuesday, May 30, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson, (nee Joyce Greer), a son. OESCH—At South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter, on Friday, May 26, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. El- more Oesch, Zurich, a son. CARDS OF THANKS We wish to express our sin- cere thanks and appreciation to our relatives, friends and neigh- bours, for the floral tributes, memorial cards, sympathy cards, and for all the acts of kindness during our recent sad bereave- ment in the loss of a dear hus- band and father. -Mrs. Fred J. Haberer and family. 22-b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Furn- ishings and Misc. Items. On the Premises, 8 miles east of Exeter, "on Huron St. to Red School, second farm south, Us - borne Township, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7 at 1 p.m. Kelvinator 12 cu. ft. refriger- ator; Kelvinator electric wash- er; Hot Point 4 -burner electric stove; Beatty electric clothes dryers; Findlay Condor coal and wood range with water heater attachment. Above items in brand new condition. Combination buffet and china cabinet; drop leaf table; kit- chen table and chairs; buffet; oak rockers; dinette buffet, table and chairs to match; white enamel kitchen table; kitchen sink; wall mirrors; steel bed, springs and mattress; dresser; kitchen cupboard; oak bed, springs and mattress; dres- sers; commodes; storage chest; ironing board; chest of drawers; veranda cot; 2 jardinieres; cur- tain rods; antiques; toilet set; new Philishave electric razor; large quantity of canned fruit; sealers; crocks; carpenter tools; feed bins; quantity dry cord wood and coal; many other miscellaneous items. MRS CLARENCE ROUTLEY, Proprietress GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood 22-b 1 IF YOUR TV FAILS 1 LATE AT NIGHT.., WE'LL MO OUR HAN TO FIX IT C ET .•1d�r2.rasa-4. RU5 '' 71:11E. ,;41 WENAU RADIO ASAES SYEEEL-R& Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF WILL- IAM RADER, deceased. All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of William Ra- der, late of the village of Zur- ich, in the County of Huron, Re- tired Farmer, who died on or about the 4th day of April 1961, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 17th day of June 1961, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Executors Exeter — Ontario 22-3-4-b Sheriff's Sale of Lands UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontar- io, dated the 14th day of April, 1960, to me directed, against the lands and tenements of Homer Desjardine at the suit of Iola Edwards and T. Clayton Ed- wards, I have seized and taken in execution and will offer for sale by Public Auction at my Office in the Court House in the Town of Goderich in the County of Huron, on Tuesday, the 27th day of June, 1961, at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon, Daylight Sav- ing Time, all the right, title, in- terest and equity of redemption of the said Homer Desjardine, in, to, and out of the following lands and tenements: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and prem- ises situate, lying and being in the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron, being compos- ed of the south half of lot 6, Concession A in the said Town- ship of Stephen, containing 50 acres more or less. There is said to be erected on same a small frame house and a barn. HARRY L. STURDY, Sheriff of the County of Huron 22-3-4-5-b For The Latest In HAIR STYLING Give Us A CALL Phone 223 ZURICH NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Naas New Safety New electrical installations made after June 11 in Ontario must have three -contact recep- tacles for use with three -prong- ed plugs, Keith Bellamy, Ontar- io Hydro's chief electrical in- spector announced, last week. The new safety regulation will not affect installations al- ready completed, but will apply to all renovations, additions and replacements made after June 1. Under The Power Commis- sion Act, Ontario Hydro is re- sponsible for making and admin- istering rules and regulations concerning electrical installat- ions in the province. "This is another step in a saf- ety program to provide for the grounding of portable applian- ces in all electrical wiring sys- Department Gives Milking Ideas Are you doing a good milk- ing job? You aren't sure? May- be you can use these ideas from Professor Fred Hamilton of the Dairy Science Department at the OAC. First, watch t h e vacuum gauge on your milk line. If it fails to show a steady non -fluc- tuating vacuum level at all tim- es, your milking system is pro- bably inadequate or defective. Next, multiply the number of milker units you use times the number of minutes required to milk the herd; then divide by the number of cows you are milking. The result should be no more than five minutes per cow actual milking times; or five to six minutes for overall time (including carrying milk, etc). Many mastitis herds, says Prof. Hamilton, have average milking time per cow exceeding ten minutes. For conventional stall barns where the milk must be carried outside the stable, he believes that one man can't handle more than two units—even under ideal conditions. It's safer to use one unit per man. If a pipe- line milker is used in a conven- tional barn, he, believes two un- its can be used if the man does nothing else. Similarly, in milking parlours, when the milk is collected in pails or suspended units, one man shouldn't handle more than two units. And under ideal wal- king -through parlour conditions where the milk is carried by pipeline and feeding is semi- automatic, one man can safely handle no more than three un- its, because cows vary so much in milking time. Prof. Hamil- ton says it's difficult to handle three milkers when certain cows are milked at the same time. RASPBERRY AND STRAWBERRY JAM, 9 oz. jars 3 for 69c YORK BREAD 'N BUTTER PICKLES, 16 oz. jar 4 for 95c MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING, 16 oz. jar 37c STOKELY'S FANCY HONEY POD PEAS, 15 oz. tin WHITE OR PINK GRAPEFRUIT 2 for 35c 1Ofor 49c LUCKY t'OLLAR FOOD CLARENCE GASCHO — ZURICH ',. ARKET NOTICE Registration Day for children who will be starting school at No. 7, Zurich Public School, as at September 5, 1961, will be held on Thursday, June 1, 1961 FROM 9.15 to 10.30aem• AT THE Zurich Public School The School Nurse will be in attendance at that time, DONALD O'BRIEN, Principal Regulations terns in the province," Mr. Bel- lamy said. "The number of ap- pliances with three -wire cords is increasing and we are pre- paring for the day when manu- facturers will have a complete, line of appliances equipped with three -wire cords and plugs. Un- til then, of course, householders can continue to use standard two-pronged plugs in three -con- tact grounding receptacles." Mr. Bellamy warned against cutting the grounding prong off a three -wire plug so that it can be used in a two -contact, non - grounding receptacle. This practice is inadvisable because the grounding prong is a saf- ety feature designed as protec- tion should anythng go wrong with the appliance. Similarly,' the use of three -to - 'two wire adapters removes the protection provided by t h e three -wire cord and the ground- ing receptacle, he said. These adapters are not approved by the Canadian Standards Assoc- iation or by Ontario Hydro. STARLITE d DRIVE-IN THEATRE NOW OPEN JUNE 2 and 3 (Double Feature) "13 Ghosts" Charles Hebert, Jo Morrow icauw=peunas • a a a • gym, n f {sem, 1- ffi a a 'N�- S A m It .w MIE'MARQUIRY ROMM SoNOS g ; SHOWS EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT Until Further Notice Box Office Opens at 8:00 p.m. First Show at Dusk DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT Bluewater Danceland 10:00-1:30 MUSIC BY Desjardine Orchestra Modern, Rock 'N 'Roll Square Dancing JOIN THE CROWDS. ! RECEPTION AND DANCE For MISS MARION PEPPER and EARL MILLER (Bridal Couple) IN THE Community Centre Zurich ON Saturday, June 3 9:00 p.m. Music By DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA EVERYONE WELCOME Lakeview Casino Grand Bend DANCING SATURDAYS Lionel Thornton AND HIS Casa Royal Orchestra NOW Is The Time To Check Your PRINTING REQUIREMENTS HOW IS YOUR SUPPLY OF ... ENVELOPES * INVOICES LETTERHEADS * POSTERS STATEMENTS * CIRCULARS i it's Made of Paper .. •..WeCan Doit! — GIVE US A CALL — ar+ ' ^-w Baas •- ,.__., 744,--51 ZURICH CitizEnd, NEWS Job Printing PHONE 133 Office Supplies