HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-06-01, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1961 ITEMS ABOUT TOWN Mrs. Laird Jacobi and daugh- ter, Sharon, spent the weekend with friends in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, Morley Witmer, of Detroit, were weekend visit - tors at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel and Mr, and Mrs. Ted Steinback. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ginger- ich and family, and. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Ammans, spent a weekend at the former's cottage, at Ches- ley Lake. Miss Karen Howald and Miss Jane Howald were Sunday din- ner guests with their grand- father, Mr. Henry Howald. Mr. Emmerson Kalbfleisch, of Tavistock was a visitor in Zur- ich last Friday. Mr. Kalbfleisch is gathering material for the preparation of a Kalbfleisch family tree. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Ir- win, of London, were Sunday visitors in Zurich, attending the funeral of the late Fred Haber- er. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siemon, of London, called on friends in Zurich over the weekend, while staying at their cottage near Turnbull's Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile, of Dashwood, and Mr. Laird Jac- obi and son Ray, were Sunday dinner guests with Mrs. Pearl Melick. Gone To Europe Professor and. Mrs. Herb Kalb- fleisch, of London, left last week for an extended visit in Europe, They plan on being away for about three months. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hay- wood, of London, were weekend visitors at the home of Mrs. Haywood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Klopp, also attending Showers HeId To 'Amour New Bride Prior to her marriage to Jack Dunn, several showers were held in honour of Miss Elaine Schade. The Youth Fellowship of the Evangelical Church in Zurich gathered in the church basement to honour the bride - elect. Miss Catherine Rader read the presentation address, and Glen Greb presented her with a lovely coffee table. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. James Love, in honour of Miss Schade. An aunt of the groom, Mrs. John Lindsay, entertained relatives and neighbours at her home at Bayfield, where they presented the young couple with a clock. The ladies of the Evangelical Church also held a miscellan- eous shower in the church base- ment. Miss Helen Grainger read the address, while Mrs. El- wood Truemner and Mrs. Maur- ice Webb assisted the guest in opening her gifts. A trousseau tea for the bride - elect was held at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Schade, when many friends and neighbours gathered to honour the bride of May 20. Earlier a shower was also held in Miss Schade's honour at the home of her aunt in London, the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Fred Haberer. Mrs. Claire Geiger, Miss Glor- ia Deitd and Mrs. Milton Deitz spent the weekend in Detroit, where they attended the wed- ding of their cousin and niece, Miss Sandra Cora. Mn and Mrs. Paul Hess and family, of Scarborough, were weekend visitors at the home of Mrs. Mary Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Batstone and family, of Richmond Hill, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Arnie Turkheim. Out of town persons attending the funeral of the late Fred Ha- berer were: Rev. and Mrs. E. Heimrich, of Ayton; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pulford and family, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oxland and family, of Kitchen- er; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kaufman and family, of Scarborough; Mr. Charles Kalbfleisch, of London; Robert Westlake, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Deichert, of Scarborough; and Miss Margar- et Deichert, of Kitchener. Moved To London Mr. and Mrs. Pete Masse, who have been in residence at the apartment beside Tasty Nu Bak- ery, have moved to London, where Mr. Masse has accepted a position with a construction firm. A very happy event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Farwell on Sunday, when Mrs. Theresa Hartman and boys, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hart- man and family, partook of a delicious chicken dinner, the oc- casion being their son, Edward's First Holy Communion Day, and also Mrs. Hartman's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moser and family, of Croghan, New York, and Mrs. Jacob Widrick, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Widrick. Wins Prize Marlowe Bowman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bowman, of Zurich, won a chest of ten silver dollars in a Robin Hood colour- ing contest. Attend Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bannister, representing the Zurich Lions Club blind committee, attended a meeting of the Huron County advisory board at the Canadian Legion in Wingham last Fri- day night. Guest speaker for the occasion was a prominent blind Canadian, A. W. Sparks. Mr. Bannister is a director of the Huron County board. 0 BLUEWATER (Mrs. Russell Grainger, correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin West- lake and Ann and Louise Talb- ot spent the holiday weekend in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Talbot, Sr., and Louise and Ann West- lake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Talbot, Jr., and family, in London. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Graing- er, Helen, Phyllis, Jim and Steven, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Erb. i ti • 7 A 1 ;<: = IA '+ .. F. . iejoo f ' we 47:1,f� Cedar Chests For Sale PRICED FROM $10.00 UP . .t 1 -.-- CT DtIUCH ZURICH LUMBER BUILDERS 380 69 suPPterEs J Hold Miscellaneous Showers And Trousseau Tea For Bride-E:ect Mrs. Carl Oestriecher, with Mrs. Lorne Becker as co -hostess, entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honour of Miss Mar- ion Pepper, bride -elect of June. Contests were conducted by Mrs. Becker. At a suitable hour little Myron and Dean Oestriech- er dressed as bride and groom, entered the room with a tea gat decorated laden ered at the home of Mrs. Court- ney Burmiester, 14th Concess- ion, to present Miss Marion Pep- per with a miscellaneous show- er prior to her forthcoming marriage. After a social hour Marion was presented with many lovely and useful gifts. Mrs. Elmer Rader read the address, to wagon iy a � with many lovely and useful'which Marion fittingly replied and invited her neighbours to gifts. Mrs. Delbert Geiger read her trousseau sea. the address and Marion thanked i Aunts, uncles and cousins, en - all present for the lovely gifts tertained in honour of Marion and a wonderful evening. Pepper at the home of her Neighbours and friends gath- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vic- tor Deichert, and presented her with a linen shower. Marion graciously thanked everyone for their kindness toward her. Mrs. Kenneth Kellar., of Step- hen Township, entertained at a shower for Miss Marion Pepper to honour her prior to her mar- riage. The evening was spent in playing progressive bunco. Prizes went to Mrs. Oscar Mil- ler and Mrs. Melvin Greb. Marion was presented with an end table and a pin-up lamp on behalf of the neighbours pres- ent. The ladies served a tasty lunch. All extended a hearty WEDDING Dunn-Schade Spring flowers formed a flor- al background in the Evangel- ical United Brethern Church, Zurich, on Saturday, May 20, for the wedding of Elaine Mabel Schade and John Raymond Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schade, Zurich, are parents of the bride, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunn, Bayfield. Rev. A, M. Amacher perform- ed the double ring ceremony. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride was stunningly *owned in a floor length gown of the whitest pure silk organ- za. The bodice featured a scal- loped sabrina neckline, long lily point sheath sleeves, and a lo- wered waist. The entire bodice was made of the most delicate chantilly lace over shimmering satin and strewn with aurora borealis sequins. The bouffant skirt cascaded softly to a sweep train from a pleated organza cumberbund terminated in the front by a medallion of chantil- ly lace and sequins and falling to a V -back. Situated slightly below the waist. the cumber - bund added a finishing touch to the gown. She carried white carnations and sweet heart ros- es. Phyllis Schade, sister of the bride, was matron of honour, and was dressed in sea foam organza with a bodice„ bertha collar with a sherred cumber - bund and a bouffant skirt with a deep hem line. • Mona Schade, sister of the bride. and Janet Martin, St. Jacobs, were bridesmaids, and they were gowned identical in orchid organza. Shellie W e b e r, Dashwood, cousin of the bride, was flower girl and she was dressed in pink organza. Ringbearer was Gregory Lay- ton, cousin of the groom, Mit- chell. Douglas Dunn, brother of the groom, was groomsman, and the ushers were Ronald Scotchmer, Bayfield, and David Carr, St. Jacobs. Soloist was Ted Dunn. uncle of the groom, and he was ac- companied by Mr s. Milton Desch. Following the ceremony the bride's parents entertained at a reception in the church basse- ment, which was decorated in pink and white bells and stream- ers and spring flowers. For receiving, Mrs. Schade wore a lilac crepe dress with pink assessories and a corsage of pink carnations. The groom's mother chose a dress of green and pink floral nylon chiffon over corded taffeta and a cor- sage of pink carnations. For travelling the bride chose a rose ensemble with white assessories. The young couple will reside on the groom's farm near Bay- field. We've Cot It! Come and Get It! HIGH YIELDING QUALITY SEED CORN Jack Scotchmer PHONE 59r4 — BAYFIELD welcome to Marion when she settles in her home in their mid- st. Trousseau Tea Mrs. Clifford Pepper enter- tained at a trousseau tea in hon- our of her daughter, Marion, bride -elect of this week. Re- ceiving with the hostess and bride -elect was Mrs. Oscar Mil- ler, mother of the groom. The lace covered tea table was centred with the three-stor- ey wedding cake, flanked by tall pink tapers. Pouring tea in the afternoon and evening were Mrs. Victor Deichert and Mrs. Roy Pepper, grandmothers of the bride; Mrs. Alfred Pfaff, great aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Louis Kraft and Mrs. Wilfred Weido, great aunts of the groom -elect. Tea room assistants were Miss Ruth Restemeyer, Miss Marilyn Desjardine, Miss Margaret Dei - chert, Miss Janet Falconer, Mrs. Earl Deichert and Miss Julene Elliott, Displaying the trousseau and wedding gifts were Mrs. Claire Deichert, Miss Doris Pepper, Miss Marie Elliott, Mrs. Lorne Becker, Miss Ruth Anne Pep- per and Miss Marion Datars. Others assisting were Mrs. Harvey Hohner, Mrs, Harold Taylor, and Mrs. Frank Falcon- er, aunts of the bride. PREVENT `STAPH' MASTITIS WITH CYANAMID'S NEW TOXOID The development of Cyanamid's new Slanetz No.7'Staph' Toxoid is a great step forward in the battle against Mastitis. Vaccination with 'Staph' Toxoid immunizes your herd against 'Staph' mastitis, one of the most prevalent and dreaded forms of the disease. Vaccination costs you no more than treatment, but saves you milk and worry. Ask your Veterinarian to vac- cinate your herd with Cyanamid's 'Staph' Toxoid. Have him set up a regular testing program and depend on him for guidance. He will recommend other proven Cyanamid products, such as Polyotic, Targot, and Aureomy- cin Mastitis products. 'Staph' mastitis can be pre- vented. Ask your Veterinarian for Cyanamid's new Slanetz No. 7 'Staph' Toxoid. CIVANA.MZa CYANAMID OF CANADA LTD. BMININIMMIIMMINIMINIMIN NOW = For Spring WE HAVE A WIDE CHOICE OF POWER MOWERS At The Lowest Price Possible! SEE OUR ASSORTMENT OF BARBECUES - GARDEN TOOLS FERTILIZER - CHARCOAL - PAINT ELECTRIC HEDGE a�. TRIMMER -4 We have the new SKIL ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMER, which you can take apart and use for an electric drill. The handiest combination tool ever put on the market. Only $32.00 -- Complete AT Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUMBING HEATING — TINSMITHING" PHONE 72— — — ZURICH tHURCH d'E'r DIRECTORY EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. A. M. AMACHER, BA BD, Minister Mrs. Milton Desch. Organist SUNDAY, JUNE 4- 10.00 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School No evening service until fur- ther notice. We invite you to worship with us When In Zurich GET YOUR HAIR CUT Al EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Thursday and Saturday Nights St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. W. P. Fischer, B.A., Pastor Ron Klopp, Organist SUNDAY, JUNE 4- 10,00a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School You Are Welcome Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor—A. MARTIN SUNDAY, JUNE 4- 10,00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Worship Service You are invited to worship with us! Jesus said I am The Root and Offspring of David The Bright and Morning Star And the Spirit and the bride say, Come, And let him that heareth, say, Come, And let him that is athirst come, And whosoever will let him drink of the Water of Life freely.—Rev. 22: 16, 17. ZURICH MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO EVERY STOGY! The patient's side may not be as pleasant as yours. tie considerate, and always observe "No Smoking' signs posted in the hospital. They are there for the safety of the patients. VISITS SHOULD BE ENJOYED - NOT ENDURED For the welfare of our patients, please observe good visiting practice. DOERR'S SUPERIOR *FOOD MARKETS.' Phone 140 — ZURICH GROCERY SPECIALS CATTELLI 28 OZ. Spagetti 2 for 49c MAXWELL HOUSE 6 OZ. Instant Coffee 83c each LIBBYS 20 OZ. Deep Brown Beans 2 for 37c BREAD and BUTTER 16 OZ. JAR York Pickles 2 for 49c REGULAR SIZE White Breeze 37c each GIANT SIZE White Breeze 72c each KING SIZE White Breeze $1.23 each McLARENS 12 OZ JAR Asst. Relish 2 for 49c FRUITS and VEGETABLES Cello To <does 2 for 35c SUNKIST 138s Oranges 2 doz. for 89c Green Peppers 2 for 15c California Grapefruit 10 for 49c LARGE SIZE atermellon 99c MEAT DEPARTMENT SCHNEIDERS GRADE "A" FRYERS 39c I'b. WEINERS 2 lbs. for 79c MINCED HAM 49c Ib.