HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-05-25, Page 5THURSDAY,. MAY 25, 1961 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS — % Off if paid by Saturday following last insertion. BILLING CHARGE -- 10c added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE NEW BELL Alt Portable sew- ing machine, guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. May be taken home on trial. Phone Zurich 90 r 4. 20-1-b FOR SALE Sheep Manure -Grass Seed MILORGANTE Garden Fertilizer -Bone Meal Apply to M. DEITZ and SON Zurich Used Typewriter UNDERWOOD Standard Model In good working condition Cash Price $50.00 See it at ZURICH Citizens NEWS ALLIS-CHALMERS "66" Com- bine, PTO, thee years old. Fully equipped with bean and clover attachments. Also 4 -row John Deere quick -tach scuffler. Apply to Harry Armstrong, phone Zurich 93 r 5. 21-2b FOR SALE THREE HOLSTEIN CALVES, about one week old. Apply to Roy Erb, phone 72 r 12, Zurich. 20b EIGHT YOUNG PIGS — wean- ed three or four weeks ago. Ap ply to Gordon Erb, phone Zur- ich 79r7. 21-b HELP WANTED OurdD r SERVICE • EMPl.— OYNAENT CUSTOM SPRAYING and White Washing• Call now for prompt and efficient service. William Watson, RR 3, Zurich, call Dashwood 37r19. 35-tfb CHAMBER MAID, age 25-50, in good health, for July and Aug- ust. Must be capable. Write or call in person to Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend. 21-b WOMAN WANTED — from 9 p.m. to 7.30 a.m•, two or three nights a week, to look after lady invalid, in Bayfield vicinity. Call collect to Clinton HU 2-9284. 21-b WANTED SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Dashwood 26r17, or in case of emergency call Del Schwatzentruber, phone 224, Tavistock. 20-tfb WANTED — 50 ACRES of land, suitable for beans, within 6 miles radius of Hensall. Apply to Box CD, Zurich Citizens News. 20-b WANTED — FEATHERS and old feather ticks. Call Exeter salvage, phone 423 Exeter, col- lect. 22-tfb FARM EQUIPMENT CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM MACHINERY At lot 9 Bronson Line, Stan- ley Township, 33/4 miles north of Blake, 5 miles south of Bay- field, on WEDNESDAY( JUNE 7 at 1:00 p.m. Machinery: 6 ft. Case combine with motor and attachments for clover; Papeck Forage harvester with corn head and hay at- tachments; George White blow- er with 50 ft. of outside pipes, also pipes for inside of silo; 2 Forage harvester boxes and wa- gons with self unloading at- tachments; 15 run International fertilizer drill (like new);T45 In- ternational hay loader; Inter- national 2 -row corn planter; 8 ft. Case power driver binder which makes good swather; Far - mall "A" International tractor with lights and starter and man- ure loader; clover attachments for 7 ft. mower; Fluery Bissell manure spreader on rubber; 95 bushel capacity 5 -section of In- ternational spring tooth har- rows; grain blower with 50 ft. of pipes; land roller; 100 bus. grain box; 8 ft. International heavy duty tractor disk as good as new; 3 furrow International tractor plow on rubber; 2 fur- row International tractor plow on rubber; 7 ft. New Idea trac- tor mounted mower (like new); tractor mounted 20 ft. sprayer; set sleighs; 36 ft. extension lad- der! anvil and forge blacksmith set; 'post hole digger to 'mount on Farmall A tractor (like new); Lincoln 180 amp electric weld- er (like new); wire stretchers; set of chain blocks 1/2 ton cap- acity; set double blocks; set of heavy duty tractor chains; Ste- wart Warner electric brooder stove and poultry equipment; Heat Houser to fit A.W. 4 In- ernational tractor; set of plat- orm scales; root pulper; grass eeder; Bolens 21/2 HP garden rector with cultivator and low; 2 row scuffler to mount n Farmall A tractor; 2 18 Rot- ry power lawn mowers; 24" andy man jack; logging chains; anning mill with motor and creens; International cream eparator; small table Interna- ional cream separator; table aw; emery stone stand; emery ench stone stand; 4 electric 1/i HP motors in good shape, will uarantee; 1/2 HP electric heavy duty motor, only run 10 hrs.; Letts farm grain grinder; large ulk tank feeder, 200 bus. cap- pacity; Band C electric feed cooker; cement mixer with mo- or; rubber tired wheel bar- row; 6 ft. step ladder; bench mounted drill; 4 sling ropes; farm air compresser with tanks; ensilage feed cart; 50 electric fence posts; cattle de-horners and new Burdizzo. Household Effects: 3 folding lawn chairs; Rangette stove; Victrola gramaphone ,with 500 records, working condition;day bed; floor lamp; number of chairs; numerous other articles. Everything will be sold as owner is in ill health. TERMS — CASH ROY SCOTCHMER, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEO. POWELL, Clerk 21-2 MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE Farm Machinery: Firestone and Good year rubber tires. See us for the best buy. Emmerson Erb, phone 96r12, Zurich. 37-tfb GEORGE WHITE FARM Mach- inery, Ebersal hay and grain Elevators, Rotary Hog Feeders. Apply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. 30-tfx ANNOUNCEMENTS A Trousseau Tea will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pepper, RR 1, Dash- wood, in honour of their daugh- ter, Marion Irene Elizabeth, on Saturday, May 27, from 2 to 4 in the afternoon, and from 7 to 10 in the evening. Everyone welcome. 21x f s t p 0 a h f s s t s b g b t BIRTHS REID—At Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, May 21, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, of Hensall, a son. 0 MASSE—At South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on Friday, May 12, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Paul Masse, Dashwood, a son, Kenneth Philip. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all my neigh- bours, friends, and relatives, for the cards and visits while I was a patient in the Hosiptal.—Len- nis Gingerich. 21-p 0 I wish to thank all my rela- tives, neighbours, and friends for cards, flowers, treats, and gifts, and also for the many acts of kindness shown to my fam- ily while I was a patient in the Hospital, and since returning home. Special thanks to Rev. Fischer and Rev. Oelsner for their prayers and visits; also the Ladies Aid, Dr. Goddard, Dr. Wilson and Dr. Lois Meyer.— Mrs. Wes Hugill• 21-b 0 MI SCELLANEOUS COMPLETE HAIR STYLING— visit Makins Beauty Salon, Main Street, Bayfield. Cold waves from $5.50 to $12. Two opera- tors,( Esther Makins and Marion Mackie. 21-2-p EXPERT REUPHOLSTERING, refinishing and repairing of all types of furniture. Full line of materials and excellent work- manship. C a 11 Gingerich's, phone 34, Zurich. 19-tfb AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and body repairs, glass steering and wheel bal- ance. Undaspray for Rust pre- vention. DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8 H'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 ATTENTION FARMERS--- For prompt 24-hour 7 day a week service on all dead or disabled farm animals; truck licenced under Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence No. 66 c 61. Call Ed. Andrews, phone Sea f ort h 851r11. 9-30-p OBITUARY Miss Lettia Foster (By our Hensall correspondent) Miss Lettia Ellen Foster, pas- sed away at the home of her sis- ter, Mrs. R. J. Cameron, on Tuesday, May 23, in her 84th year, following a brief illness• Miss Foster was born in Var- na, and was a member of Car- mel Presbyterian Church and Women's Missionary Society, in Hensall. Survivors are two sisters, Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Charles Stel- ck, Varna; one brother, George, of Windsor, and several nieces and nephews. the body is resting at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cameron, Hensall, where apublic funeral service will be held on Thursday, May 25, at 2:00 p.m. Burial will be in Baird's Cemetery. Try the Citizens News For Fine Job Printing Organist Ray Calder and vocalist Marg Osburne combine talents for a "quiet time" son on Don Messer's Jubilee, Along with Don Messer and his Islanders, Charles Chamberlain and the Buchta Dancers, they are seen each Monday night on the CBC -TV network, and on the CBC Trans -Canada radio netwark Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE (AL. FRED DUCHARME, Correspondent] Recently Mr. and Mrs. Morris Durand, of the 14th concession, accompanied their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lional Cyr, of Toronto, to at- tend the graduation of their son, Anthony, from St. Mary's Col- lege, at Brockville. They also spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cyr, in Toronto. The Dur - ands enjoyed the trip as they took in amusements along the way. Mr. and Mrs. Blaise Duchar- me and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ducharme and fain- ily, all of Windsor, spent the long weekend at the hone of their parents on the Blue Wa- ter Highway. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hart- man, Trenton, were, holiday vis- itors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Armond Denom- me. Farmers Busy Saturday last .wk probably one of the busiest days of the season for farmers in their seed- ing. The weather was nice, the land was dry and many tractors could be heard puffing their way through the fields from ear- ly morning till late at night. And besides, there is plenty more work that will require their attention, such as hay crop and beans. At last they have been relieved of barn work and many of the cattle have been turned out to graze their living. Another wet weekend, which means further delay for farm NO Is The Time To Check Your PRINTING REQUIREMENTS HOW IS YOUR SUPPLY OF ... ENVELOPES * INVOICES LETTERHEADS * POSTERS STATEMENTS * CIRCULARS IF It's . Made of Paper . . work. Some are already chang- ing their plans for bean and hay crop. Land is getting weedy and will require much more work to control the unwanted grass and weeds that will grow in broken weather, which is fav- ourable for it. There is still time for an improvement in the weather. While waiting for it, let us all hope that everything will pro- ve satisfactory and especially for farmers who are stationed on their farm lot, not only for their own profit, but they are of service to feed the which depends on them ry on. •..WeCmDoItAI — GIVE US A CALL — ZURICH e1Limz. NEWS PHONE 133 Job Printing o_ Office Supplies world, to car - For The Latest In HAIR STYLING Give Us A CALL Phone 223 ZURICH NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE NOW OPEN MAY 26 and 27 (Colour) "Naked and the Dead" Aldo Ray, Cliff Robertson SHOWS EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT. Until Further Notice Box Office Opens at 8:00 p.m. First Show at Dusk masesszamemew 1 NOTICE Registration Day for children who will be starting school at No. 7, Zurich Public School, as at September 5, 1961, will be held on Thursday, June 1, 1961 FROM 9.15 to 10.30 a.m: AT THE Zurich Public School The School Nurse will be in attendance at that time. DONALD O'BRIEN, Principal oramitimitowassinnixillowlawargt DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT Bluewater Danceland 10:00-1:30 MUSIC BY Desjardine Orchestra Modern, Rock 'N 'Roll Square Dancing JOIN THE CROWDS. ! RECEPTION AND DANCE For MR. and MRS. JACK DUNN (Nee Elaine Schade) DT ME Community Centre Zurich ON Saturday, May 27 9:00 p.m. Music By DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA EVERYONE WELCOME Township of Hay APPLICATIONS For Grader Operator The Council of the Township of Hay and Road Super- intendent are calling for applications for the position of Grader Operator. Applications to state qualifications. All applications to be in the hands of the Clerk by Monday, May 29, at 6.00 p.m. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Hay, Zurich, Ontario. LAFF'A. DAY ®cam i• T h� � f3EAVEN 4—I9 J a� fl91N0, Ing rotate 9yncllente, Int,, World rlihts towed. "X kept saying to myself, 'After basketball, what?' Lakeview Casino Grand Bend DANCING SATURDAYS Lionel Thornton AND HIS Casa Royal Orchestra auseminsammummom COUNTY OF HURON JUNE SESSION The June session of Huron County Council will commence on MONDAY, JUNE 12, at 10:00 a.m. All communications to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Friday, June 9, at 12:00 Noon. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. wasemmenzimmilsmazamwageozwisamma IF YOUR TV FAILS LTE AT NIGHT..,WE'LL SEND OUR MAN TO FIX IT RIGHT..'