HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-05-25, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1961 ITEMS ABOUT TOWN Mr. and Mrs Danny Trush- inski and Brian were holiday visitors with relatives in Walk- erton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McClinchey and Larry, and Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile spent the weekend in Detroit, attending the north- ern states quartette convention. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Duch- arme and family, Mr. Blaise Ducharme, all of Windsor, and Mr. Fred Ducharme were recent visitors with Mrs. Theresa Hart- man. Mr, and Mrs. William Facey and Miss Amelia Clausius, of Tavistock, visited with Mr. and Mrs» Henry Clausius and other relatives over the weekend. Rev. A. M. Amaeher, as pas- tor, and Mr. Chris Haist, as lay delegate, are attending the an- nual conference of the Evangel- ical United Brethren Churches, being held this week at Elmira. The conference is being presid- ed over by Rev. Bishop Muel- ler. Dr. and Mrs. Archie MacKin- non and daughters of Galt, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Kalb- fleiscs, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien 1 spent the holiday weekend in Galt at the home of Mr- and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Letts, of London, were weekend visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kalbfleisch. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cunning- ham and two children, of Wil lowdale, spent the holiday week- end at the home of Mrs. Cun- ningham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mr. Bruce Church, of Michi- party at WOAS, in Ridgetown, on Tuesday, May 16. Weekend visitors with Mrs, T. Hartman and boys were. Mr. and Mrs. Lary Hartman and family, London; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hartman, Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hartman and family, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fleming and family, Cred- iton, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hartman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hartman and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Farwell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bechard and son, and Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Jeffrey and family, all of Wind- sor, were weekend visitors at the home of Mrs. Pauline Jef- frey. Two nieces from Kitchen- er also called at the Jeffrey home, 0 The Readers Write To The Editor Mr. Herb Turkheim, Zurich Citizens News, Zurich, Ontario, Trousseau Tea For Bride -Elect (By our Hensall Correspondent) Miss Marion McLean, of Exet- er, entertained at a trousseau tea on Saturday for her niece, Miss Ruth McLean, a bride -elect, Receiving with the hostess and bride -elect was Mrs. Emmerson Anderson, of Kippen, mother of the groom -elect. The lace -cov- ered tea table was centred with an arrangement of white mums and pink and white snapdrag ons. Sharing the table honours were Mrs. C. McLean, of Lond- on, Mrs. Alex McMurtrie of Kop- pen, aunts of the bride -elect, and Mrs. Robert Upshall and Mrs. Jack Essery, aunts of the groom -elect. Tea room assistants were Miss Dianne Rannie, Miss Ann Koehler, Miss Geraldine and Miss Dorothy Parker, of Hens - all. Displaying the trousseau and wedding gifts were Miss Kath- erine Anderson, Hensall, Miss Eileen McLean, London, Miss Betty Parker, London, Mrs. Earl Paulin, Mitchell, Miss Mary Ann Rannie and Miss Ann Alexander of London. Others assisting we- re Mrs• Allan Johnston, Mrs. Glen McKnight, and Mrs. Roy Webber. DEAR SIR: I just re -read in last weeks paper the article "Newspaper Not a Policeman."—and heartily agree that if anyone has any views to air; they should write a letter. My pet peeve is this—Why, once we have a good Christian Doctor in town—can't we keep him? I know before our Doctor came, people were forever clam- oring for a Doctor in Zurich, gan, is spending a few days with We have seen them come and OBITUARY William P. Dougall his mother in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kane, of Montreal, are spending a week with Mrs. Kane's brother, Lee - land Surerus. Their twin daugh- ters, Barbara and Anne, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don O'Brien, and re- turned home by plane on Mon- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes, of Preston, were weekend vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gas- cho, at their cottage at Schade- view beach. Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Greb, and Mr. Douglas Thiel attended the graduation exercises and garden go a few times, and thought surely this time we have one who will stay. It seems when there's money in town for everything else— surely there's enough business for a Doctor of our own that we don't have to run for 10-20 miles to see one. Is there no one who can do anytthing about it? I, myself, have to have daily medication and I know of doz- ens of others who are just as dissappointed as I am at the news. May I sign myself as: A DISAPPOINTED PATIENT QUALITY SEED BEANS FOR SALE American Certified No. 1 Saniiac American Certified No 1 Michelite Contracts Available HARRISTON FERTILIZER AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES ORDER NOW E. La MICKLE & SON LIMITED PHONE 13 and 205 HENSALL, ONTARIO Cedar Chests For Sale PRICED FROM $10.00 UP PRICED FROM $10.00 UP 0 BLUEWATER (By our Hensall correspondent) Miss Cassie Dougall received word on Tuesday of the sudden passing of her brother, William P. Dougall. Born in Hensall, he was in his 66th year, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Doug- all. He lived in Valparaiso, Ind. Obituary Mrs. P. Eisenback Funeral service for one of Grand Bend's most prominent citizens, Mrs. Peter Eisenback, was held at the T. Harry Hoff- man funeral home, Dashwood, on Monday, May 22. Mrs. Eis- enback passed away in St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, on Fri- day, May 19, in her 66th year. The former Pearl Tetreau, the deceased was born in Step- hen Township on October 23, 1895 a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Isaah Tetreau. She married Peter Eisenback, on December 22, 1917. Surviving besides her hus- band is one brother, Emery Tetreau, of Grand Bend. The funeral service was con- ducted by Rev. A. E. Holley, pastor of the Grand Bend Uni- ted Church, and interment was made in the Grand Bend Ceme- tery. Pallbearers were: Ted Stan - lake, James Prance, William Cochrane, Harold Pollock, Bert Craig, and Stan Gill. Flower bearers were: Sandra Stanlake, Lynda Merry, Bonnie Green, Jerry VanBanerukene, Danny Dalton, Cathy Desjardine, Shir- ley Grenier, Gary Desjardine, Patsy Adams, Yvonne Devine, Bob Bossenberry, Eric Turnbull and Leo Desjardine• Mr. Dougall had not seen his sister in 32 years, and was plan- ning to visit her three days prior to his death He had worked in different states with the Fruit Growers Express Company, at Wilming- ton, Deleware; Terre Haute, Ind,, and the state of Kentucky, and at the time of his death was living in Valparaiso. He had had an accident which caus- ed the amputation of both his legs in four years, which con- fined him to a wheel chair. Mr. Dougall leaves to mourn his passing his wife, the former Edna Glockling, of Hamilton, Ontario; three sons, William, of Losgatos, California; Jack, of Gary, Ind.; Bob, of Valparaiso, Ind.; eight grandchildren, an uncle, John Paterson, of Tor- onto, also a cousin in Toronto; a cousin, James Bengough, Hen- sall and other cousins in Hensall and surrounding areas. Funeral service was held Fri- day, May 19, from Valparaisa, and were largely attended. The floral tributes were many and beautiful, 80 in number, show- ing the high esteem in which the deceased was held. (Mrs. Russell Grainger, correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Turner, Linda and Johnnie, Port Bur- well, spent the holiday week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner, Debbie and Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Stirling, Cathy and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tur- ner, Gayle and Philip, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deich- ert, Scarborough, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deichert, were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hohner and Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunn Jr., entertained members of the "Dunn-Schade" wedding party following rehearsal in EUB church, Zurich, on Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hampton and Mrs. John Scotchmer, Sr.; Scarborough, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Scotchmer and Mr. John Scotchmer, Sr. 0 TffDeKthFtflCK ; LuMaun ousmars HURON COUNTY CROP REPORT (By D. G. GRIEVE, Associate Agricultural Representative for Huron County) Approximately 80 percent of spring grain seeding has been completed and corn planting is now underway. Most of the livestock have been turned to pasture during the last week.. we've • Got ifit! Come and: Get. HIGH Y1 4` Jack Scotchmer PHONE 59r4 — BAYFIELD M. D. SHEPPARD Contractor ROOFING — SIDING EAVESTROUGHING LIGHTNING RODS PAINTING GENERAL REPAIRS * PHONE PARKHILL AX 4.6562, Collect ,,.� CHURCH DIRECTORY Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor --A. MARTIN WED., MAY 24 to TUE, MAY 30 Gospel Service—with Rev. J. B. Martin, Waterloo, as speak- er. Nightly at 8:00 Rev. Martin will also speak on Sunday morning, May 28, at 10:00 o'clock. You Are Invited to Share the Blessing of these Meetings When In Zurich GET YOUR HAIR CUT Al EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Thursday and Saturday Nights Attending the . funeral were Mr. and Mrs. James Bengough, Billy and Joey, and Miss Cassie Dougall. BAKED FRESH EVERY DAY ! ! RASPBERRY PIE ONLY 60c EACH CHERRY, RAISIN or APPLE ONLY 55c EACH Butter Tarts -- 60c Dozen "THE TASTE WILL TELL THE DIFFERENCE" TASTY -NU BAKERY "HOME OF THE "TASTY -NU" BREAD" NOW - For Spring WE HAVE A WIDE CHOICE OF POWER MOWERS At The Lowest Price Possible! SEE OUR ASSORTMENT OF BARBECUES - GARDEN TOOLS FERTILIZER - CHARCOAL - PAINT ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMER We have the new SKIL ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMER, which you can take apart and use for an electric drill. The handiest combination tool ever put on the market. Only $32.00 -- Complete AT Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUMBING --- HEATING --- TINSMITHING" PHONE 72 -- --- ZURICH St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. W. P. Fischer, B.A., Pastor Ron Klopp, Organist SUNDAY, MAY 28- 10.00a.m•—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School You Are Welcome •EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. A. M. AMACHER, BA BD, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch. Organist SUNDAY, MAY 28— NO SERVICES OR SUNDAY SCHOOL Rev. Amaeher and Mr. C. Haist are attending church con- ference in Elmira. Re. 4111111112.11111111.r Jesus Said 1 Am Alpha and 0 -mega The beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. I am he that Iiveth and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. —Rev. 1. 8, 18 ZURICH MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE LAFF-A-DAY 6*4F6G 44--18 01060, Hing Features 9yndledte, trio., World right. 0`,01 OIL "For heaven's sake, Helen, don't keep him waiting long." DOERR'S 1-kFOODMARKETS.; Phone 140 — ZURICH GROCERY SPECIALS MOTHER PARKER'S 6 OZ. Instant Coffee LUSHUS ASST. Jelly Powders NABISCO Shredded Wheat GREEN GIANT Peas, 15 oz. 5 LB. BAG Beaver Charcoal 1 LB. 73c each 3 pkgs. for 26c 19c pkg. 2 for 37c 39c Nestles Quick 57c Carnation Milk, tails 3 for 46c FRUITS and VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA White Grapefruit 10 for 49c Sunkist Oranges 3 doz. for $1.00 Fresh Crisp Celery 21c bunch MEAT DEPARTMENT SLICED BACON RING BOLOGNA SWEET PICKLED PORK ROLLS 59c lb. 39c lb. 49c lb. No Pop Bottles Saturday, Please