HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-05-18, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1961 PAGE FIVE ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75e. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS— I/3 Off if paid by Saturday following last insertion, BILLING CHARGE -- 10c added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE NEW BELL AIR Portable sew- ing machine, guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. May be taken home on trial. Phone Zurich 90 r 4. 20-1-b FOR SALE Sheep Manure -Grass Seed MILORGANTE Garden Fertilizer -Bone Meal Apply to M. DEITZ and SON Zurich WANTED — FEATHERS and old feather ticks. Call Exeter salvage, phone 423 Exeter, col- lect. 22-tfb THREE HOLSTEIN CALVES, about one week old. Apply to Roy Erb, phone 72 r 12, Zurich. 20b WANTED WANTED — 50 ACRES of land, suitable for beans, within 6 miles radius of Hensall. Apply to Box CD, Zurich Citizens News. 20-b FARM EQUIPMENT MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE Farm Machinery: Firestone and Good year rubber tires. See us for the best buy. Emmerson Erb, phone 96r12, Zurich. . 37-tfb GEORGE WHITE FARM Mach- inery, Ebersal hay and grain Elevators, Rotary Hog Feeders. Apply to Amos Gingerieh, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. 30-tfx MISCELLANEOUS EXPERT RE -UPHOLSTERING, refinishing and repairing of all types of furniture• Full line of materials and excellent work- manship. C a 11 Gingerich's, phone 34, Zurich. 19-tfb �...�... a �, SELL— • BUY • HIRE 'TRADE. Tom RP1D III 1 WANTADS! OUN[� SE.RVICE • E= MPI Cry" tilE.NT • PERSON At, Engagement Mr• and Mrs. Clifford F. Pepper, RR 1, Dashwood, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Marion Irene Elizabeth, to Earl Ernest Miller, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller, RR 1, Dashwood, the wedding to take place on Saturday, June 3, 1961, at 3 p.m., in St. Peter's Luth- eran Church, Zurich 20x BIRTHS FREY— At Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, on Wednesday, May 10, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Frey, a son. A grand- son for Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Steckle. AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and body repairs, glass steering and wheel bal- ance. Undaspray for Rust pre- vention. DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8 H'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 0 WEBER—At Goderich Alexan- der and Marine Hospital, on Wednesday, May 3, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs• Kenneth Weber, Goderich, a daughter, Theresa Lynn, a sister for Judy and Bonnie. 0 O'BREIN—At South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on Tuesday, May 2, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Pat O'Brien, a son, Timothy Lennis. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my friends, neighbours, relat- ives, doctors, nurses, Rev. Fis- cher, for his prayers, and the Ladies Aid; also for the many cards and beautiful flowers while I was a patient at Victor- ia Hospital, London. Again, I say thank you! —Mrs. Henry Clausius. 20-p 0 I wish to convey my deepest thanks to all who visited me, sent flowers, cards, and treats, and for your many prayers dur- ing my recent illness and since returning home• Special thanks to Rev. A. Martin and Rev. A. Amacher.—Mrs. Ezra Kipfer. _ 20-p ATTENTION FARMERS— For prompt 24-hour 7 day a week service on all dears or disabled farm animals; truck licenced under Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence No. 66 c 61. Call Ed. Andrews, phone Sea fort h 851r11. 9-30-p SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Dashwood 26r17, or in case of emergency call Del Schwatzentruber, phone 224, Tavistock. 20-tfb CUSTOM SPRAYING and White Washing Call now for prompt and efficient service. William Watson, RR 3, Zurich, call Dashwood 37r19. 35-tfb Guaranty Trust CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Choice Holstein and Dur- ham Cattle, Tractor, Farm Im- pleemnts,_ Hay,_ Grain, House- hold Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items. On the Premises South Half 15, Con. 5, Usborne._ 21 miles East of Exeter on Huron Street, 1/4 miles south. The undersigned Auctioneer received instruction to sell by Public Auction, on FRIDAY, MAY 19, at 1:00 p.m. Cattle: Holstein cow 3 yr. old, fresh nine weeks with calf at foot; Holstein cow carrying fourth calf, due May 24; Hol- stein cow with second calf at foot fresh two months; Holstein cow carrying fourth calf, due June 8; Holstein cow, milking, due in August; Durham cow, fresh two months, with calf at foot; part Hereford and Holstein yearling heifer; 2 Holstein springer heifers; Cows of extra choice quality, high producing blood lines. Brucellosis test negative and vaccinated. Tractor and Farm Imple- ments: John Deere "M" stan- dard tractor in A-1 condition; McDeering 13 -run grain and fertilizer drill, like new; John Deere 4 -bar side rake, like new; MH 6 ft. binder; MH 51/2 ft. mower; John Deere rubber tire wagon and rack, like new; 3 - drum steel roller; 4 -section dia- mond harrows; dump rake; spring tooth cultivator; spring tooth drag harrows; steel tire wagon; bean scuffler; McDeering horse drawn manure spreader; 2 -wheel trailer with racks; MH 2 -furrow plow; 11 -run grain drill; McDeering tractor disc; set of sleighs; hay loader; Vik- ing 600 cap. electric cream sep- arator, like new; strainer pail; milk pails; iron kettle; colony house; quantity of wood; steel posts; barb wire; steel drums; wheel barrow; walking plow; 15 gal. liquid fertilizer; cattle clippers; small emery; sling ropes; root pulper; platic hose; hay fork rope; 32 ft. extension ladder; forks; shovels; chains. Many other misc. items. Hay and Grain: 200 bales choice quality hay; quantity of mixed grain; bushel timothy seed: Household Effects and An- tinques: 2 kitchen cupboards; kitchen cabinet; sink; wardrobe; kitchen range; Quebec heater; 2 kitchen clocks; coal oil lamps; organ stool; beds; dressers; quantity antique dishes and glassware; butter bowl and prints; electric heater; Swiss team bells and chimes; extens- ion table and chairs; sealers; crocks, etc., etc. No reserve as farm is sold. TERMS — CASH MILTON LUTHER, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk • ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood chairs; rocking chairs; fern stands; hassock; oak dining room table and chairs; exten- tion table; kitchen cabinet; 2 kitchen cupboards; chest of drawers; oak bedroom suite; dressers and commodes; steel bed spring and mattress; vanity dressers; writing desk; medic- ine cabinet; various electric lamps; end tables; wood brack- et; wooden sink; electric iron; waffle iron; large assortment pillows, comforters, quilts, mats, dresser scarfs; table cloths; drapes, dishes, antique dishes; kitchen utensils; sealers; doub- le boiler; steamer; tomato juic- er; Mix Master; Renfrew Cream Separator; electric chick brood- er; sausage press. Many other misc. items. No reserve, be sold. 0 I wish to take this opportun- ity of thanking all my friends, relatives, and neighbours for the many acts of kindness shown me while a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, and since returning home. Spec- ial thanks to Miss Claypole and the staff of nurses at the Hos- pital.—Mrs. Herb Mousseau. 20-b HENSALL One of our finer locations— solid brick home, duplexed, two modern sel-contained apartmen- ts, two bedrooms down and one bedroom up (rented), newly dec- orated, isngle car garage, owner moving. Terms to responsible party. A rare opportunity to acquire a dwelling of this type. KIPPEN Country home, cement block construction, three bedrooms and bath. Very reasonably pro- ced, low taxes. Selling due to poor health. A real buy. Other listings upon request Guaranty Trust REALTOR R. B. PATERSON --- Phone 51 Hensall FOR TRUCKS COME TO THE Car King This week's special: everything will TERMS — CASH AARON RESTEMAYER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 199 Dashwood 19-29-b IKTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Houshold Furnishings and Misc. Items. On the Premises 357 Carling Street in the Town of Exeter, directly north of. Roller Rink. The underssigned Auctioneer received instructions to sell by Public Auction, on SATURDAY, MAY 20 at 1:00 p.m. Real Estate: consists of Lot 366 and 367 West Carling St., on which is situated: 2 -story brick dwelling. Main floor: large living and dining hoom; 2 sun porches and den, bedroom, 3 -piece bathroom, kitchen util- ity room. 2 -floor: 2 bedrooms with clothes closets. Large basement, coal and wood furn- ace. Also small barn. Adjoining lot suitable for building. Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate: 10 per- cent on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Household Effects: 2, 3 -piece chesterfield suites; occasional chairs; arm chairs; rockers; chest of drawer's; kitchen cab- inet; electric lamps; library ta- ble; kitchen table and chairs; crome kitchen set; dining room extension table and chairs; 3 complete bedr000m suites; steel bedsteads; dressers; commodes; centre tables; end tables; feath- er ticks; pillows; cushions, mats; Faucett oil space heater; 2 Que- bec heaters; 2 linoleum rugs, 12x12, 12x15; congoleum rug, 12x10; daybed; large hall mir- ror; 12 oil paintings; pictures and frames; drop leaf tables; mantel clock; 2 electric radios; Marquette refrigerator; 4 -burn- er heavy duty stove; hot plates; vacuum cleaner; copper boiler; 12 bird cages; ironing board; kitchen utensiles; dishes; seal- ers; crocks; 100 ft. garden hose; garden tools; electric motor; 500 cap chick brooder; iron kettles; chick wire; barb wire; scythe; 4 steel pig troughs, etc. etc. '58 DODGE 1 -TON Pickup, V-8, 4 -speed transmis- sion, positively like new, $1,375 '60 GMC LONG BOX, STEP SIDE—Sold new by us. '60 FORD LONG BOX, WIDE SIDE — Complete with stock racks and tarp. '59 GMC LONG BOX , WIDE SIDE — Only 24,000 miles. '59 BEDFORD PANELS (2). '59 CHEV 31/2 -TON STAKE Only 21,000 miles, complete with tarp etc. Positively like new. '57 DODGE 1 -TON PICKUP Recent new motor, $875. '57 CHEV 3/4 -TON PICKUP '55 CHEV 1 -TON PICKUP Excellent workhorse. '55 FORD 4 -TON GRAVEL 6 -yard box. '54 GMC CHASSIS & CAB '53 FORD 3 -TON 14 -foot stake, loading chute etc. '53 DODGE 1/2 -TON PICKUP Only 40,000 miles. '53 CHEV 21/2 -TON 12 -foot stake, rack and tarp. '52 CHEV 31/2 TON 15 -foot stake, excellent shape. A good selection of older model pickups Pearson Motors Ltd. PHONE 608 EXETER PHONE 78 ZURICH IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE ST. JOSEPH DRYSDALE (By AL Fred Dueharme) A little set -back again for seeding, but already the few days the past weekend, of sun- shine, had dried the land and much seeding was done. On Sunday last Mrs. Frank Denomme, of the Blue Water Highway was taken to South Huron Hospital in Exeter. Mrs. Denomme, during the past two months has not been feeling too well, and it was thought advis- able for he to be in hospital for treatment. We wish her a speedy recovery and hope that she will soon return to her home. Miss Carol Denomme, London, spent the weekend with friends and also with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Denom- me, of the Drysdale district. Miss Marguerite Ducharme and her sister Jaqualine, and brother Raymond, were the past weekend visitors with relatives on this highway. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Masse, De- troit, were weekend callers on friends and relatives, also they were busy cleaning and refno- deling their farm home on the Blue Water south. It was cus- omary for the Masse's to rent a cottage along the lake in pre- vious years but they feel even though a little distant from the lake they would rather be at their own home. We are told that at different times during the summer they will occupy their house for days at a time. Mother's Day Sunday was Mother's Day throughout many parts of our land. Mothers were busy greet- ing their children and few hom- es were minus of most of their children. Speaking for along this highway, few home yards were not crowded with cars, some came afar. The day was all that could be expected and naturally all took advantage of it. As in the past there will be much difference another year. Perhaps aged mothers will have passed on to their reward, or perhaps their home was broken by the death of their better half, or perhaps by feableness or other reasons had to abandon it. Those who were able to, had. made preparations long ahead of time To those mothers it was a day of joy, a day set aside and naturally so to satisfy their desires. From one year to the next they awaited the coming of their children. They helped the cradle to man and woman- hood. They have consoling them in time of need, and from words for them in times of des- pair when children thought all was lost. Turn back the pages of time and it will bring back memories from your childhood to the present day, of the many kindnesses rendered by your mothers. Turn back the pages again and see for yourself how much all the love she has given you. You have returned to her for Mother's Day is not only one day, it means every day of your life. To those who have no mother living, they too can cher- ish her by a kindly thought and from that they too will be awarded. smosimmurainessimmilloolumm CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY By -Law No.9, 1961 A By-law to raise $180,000.00 to aid in the construction of tile, stone, or timber drains. The Council of the Township of Hay, pursuant to the Tile Drainage Act, enacts as follows: 1. That the Reeve may from time to time, subject to the pro- visions of this Bylaw, borrow on the credit of the Corporation of the Municipality, such sum not exceeding in the whole $180,000.00 as may be determ- ined by the Council, and may in a manner hereinafter provided, issue debentures of the Corpor- ation in such sums as the Coun- cil may deem proper for the amount so borrowed, with cou- pons attached as provided in section 4 of the said Act. 2. That, subject to section 10 of the Tile Drainage Act, when the Council is of the opinion that the application of any per- son to borrow money for the purpose of constructing tile, stone, or timber drain should be granted in whole or in part, the Council may, by resolution, dir- ect the Reeve to issue debent- ures as aforesaid and to borrow a sum not exceeding the am- ount applied for, and may lend the same to the applicant on the completion of the drainage work. 3. A special rate shall be im- posLd, levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the money is borrowed, suffic- ient for the amount of the prin- cipal and interest as provided by the Act. Read a first and second time this 8th day of June 1960. Read a third time and passed this 1st day of May, 1961. V. L. BECKER, Reeve H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk Of valuable Real Estate, Household effects and Misc. Items. On the Premises as listed in the village of Dashwood, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 1:30 p.m. Real Estate: consists of part "M.B." Frids Survey Plan 10 Township of Stephen, village of Dashwood, on which is situated a newly constructed ranch type dwelling. Large living and din- ing room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms with clothes closets, 3 -piece bathroom, full size basement and oil furnace. Completely modernized home nicely situated, which has to be seen to be appreciated. Inspection invited. Please Note: This dwelling will be offered for sale at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 24. Terms of Real Estate 10 percent on day of sale, bal- ance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. HAROLD STIRE, and HUBERT MILLER, Proprietors Household Effects: 3 -plow chesterfield suite, wine and grey in new condition; mohair chesterfield; kitchen table and No Reserve — Terms Cash MRS: CAROLINE STANLAKE Proprietress GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood COMING. EVENTS Annual Rummage Sale and Afternoon Tea. Legion Hall, Hensall, on Saturday, May 27. Doors open at 2:00 p.m. Spon- sored by the Hensall Kinette Club. 20-b DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT Bluewater Danceland 10:00-1:30 MUSIC BY Desjardine Orchestra Modern, Rock "N 'Roll Square Dancing JOIN TBE CROWDS. ! NOTICE Corporation Of The Township of Hay Take notice that the above is a true copy of a by-law passed by the Council of the Township of Hay on the 1st day of May, 1961, and all persons are re- quired to take notice that any- one who desires to apply to have the By-law or any part thereof quashed must serve notice of his application upon the Head or Clerk of this Municipality within 20 days after the date of the last publication of this no- tice, and must make his appli- cation to the Supreme Court of Ontario within one month after the said date. This notice was first published on the 4th day of May, 1961, and the last publi- cation will be on the 18th day of May, 1961. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk, Treasurer, Township of Hay 18-9-20-b 0 Want -Ads Are Sure To Bring You Results I�Vill4 .,.coo, FOR DEPENDABLE HEAT All Winter Long Call LORNE E. HAY Locker Service --- Roe Feeds Phone 10 (Collect) Hensall Hurry - Hurry Get Your Tickets in on Lovely Gifts at our Annual PENNY SALE TICKETS AT PUC, or from AUXILIARY MEMBERS Draw - May 27 At 10:00 O'clock HENSALL PUC BUILDING — * — Sponsored by Hensall Auxiliary To Royal Canadian Legion immommommommosionesimes Lakeview Casino Grand Bend DANCING Saturday, May 20 AND Sunday Midnite May 21 LIONEL THORNTON and his CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA TARLITE n:RIVE-IN THEATRE Friday, Saturday, Sunday Midnite MAY 19, 20 AND 21 COMES ALIVE! 10 SMASH HIT SONGS! "' cl 'vlsimVsau' tINWONO PIER RAKER PA8R1511 Y YE bill Nig S1lYENS PANOPIA���CRh% KO 10401 k emm"Ish `N "I'l,';g�°�vbi Box Office Opens at 8:00 p.m. — First Show at Dusk