HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-05-18, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1961 ITEMS ABOUT TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Don Denomme,' of Chatham, were weekend vis- itors with members of their' fancily in this area. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oxland and family, of Kitchener, were �II Mother's Day visitorsat the! home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Ha -j berer, in Zurich. Mrs. Louis Farwell and Reta,. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hartman For The Latest In HMR STYLING Give Us A CALL Phone 223 ZURICH NORMA'S and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hartman and family, were Mother's Day visitors with their mother, Mrs. Theresa Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bedard and family, of Detroit, were vis- itors for a few days with rela- tives in Zurich, also attending the funeral of Mrs. Bedard's sis- ter, Mrs. Olive Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hauck, of Kitchener, called on Mrs. Theresa Hartman, on Saturday. 80th Birthday Mr. Solomon Gingerich was honoured last Thursday night, at his hone, on the occasion of his 80th birthday. All the members of the family were present for the occasion. At 80, Mr. Gin- gerich is still very active, and does all his own work at his farm, a few miles south of Zur- ich. Attend Graduation Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bannister tt ided the grad- ity of Western Ontario, last Friday evening. Miss Bannis- ter graduated as a nurse from. St, Joseph's Hospital School of Nursing. In the afternoon Mrs• Bannister and her two. aunts, Miss Sadie Dillen and Miss Jane Dillen, of Morrisburg, attended a graduation tea at the nurses's residence of the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme, of the Bluewater Highway, were Ascension Day visitors in Zurich with their daughter, Mrs. Ther- esa Hartman. Busy Place t and family, a e BEAUTY SHOPPE I� uation of their daughter, Sara Jane, at Thames Hall, Univers- P RE-MIX 1 CONCRETE S ERVICE We deliver right to your project, at the right time to save you time, trouble and money. We mix to your specifica• tions. C. A. McDOWEL.L. Construction Co. Ltd. PHONE AC 8-6961 CENTRALIA The Dominion Hotel in Zurich was the business place in town on Sunday, Mother's Day. A total of 325 guests were served dinner at the popular eating spot between the hours of two o'clock in the afternoon and eight o'clock in the evening. Miss Ethel and Frances Fow- KIPPEN NEWS lie, of Bayfield, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Koehler. Miss Gloria Deitz, of London, was a Sunday visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Deitz, Teachers Graduate Mr. and Mrs. William Lawren- ce attended the graduation of their daughter, Wanda, from °I.4ondon Teacher's College,. on Trousseau Tea Mrs. Pearson Charters enter- ( tained Tuesday at a Trousseau Tea to 100 guests in honor of their daughters, Mary and Anne, brides of last Saturday. The house was decorated in spring flowers and the table, with a lace cloth, and a three tier wed- ding cake, flanked by pink and white tapers. Miss Katherine McGregor, sister of the grooms, had char- ge of the guest book. Those serving during the afternoon in- cluded, Mrs. Wilson McCartney, of Seaforth; Mgrs. Ross Chap- man, Miss Norma Hoegy, of Kit- chener; Mrs. Laird Finlayson, and Mrs. Jack Cooper. Pouring tea, Mrs. William Charters, grandmother of the brides, and Mrs. John A. McGregor, of Sea - forth, grandmother of t h e grooms. Displaying the trous- seau and wedding gifts were, Mrs. Jim Love, Miss Donelda Lostell, Miss Margaret Chesney, and Miss Marjorie Charters, sis- ter of the brides. In the evening, those serving were, Mrs. Jim McNaughton, Mrs. Winston Workman, Miss Jean McNaughton, Miss Margie Elgie, Miss Phyllis Lostell and Mrs. Lloyd Cooper. Pouring tea, Miss Bessie Grieve, Eg- mondville and Mrs. Tom Kay, Seaforth. In charge of guest book, Miss Peggy Grieve. In charge of trousseau and weddings gifts, Miss Norma Hoegy, Kitchener; Miss Kather- ine McGregor, Mrs. Jack Coop- er, Miss Shirley Bender, of Dashwood, and Miss Marjory Charters. Mothner's Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKay and family, were, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McKay, Miss Lila McKay of Sea - forth, and Mr• and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cudmore and Mrs. Sam Cudmore. of Kit- chener, visited Sunday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Workman and friends in the vil- lage. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, of Cars, Michigan, were weekend guests of relatives here. Mr. Gordon Wren has been confined to his home the past ten days through illness. He is wished a speedy recovery. Mother'ss Day Service St. Andrew's United Church was beautifully decorated with spring flowers and singing can- aries for Mother's Day, on Sun- day, May 14. The basket of flowers in front of the pulpit were placed by the family of the late Robert J. Elgie. The Junior Choir sang two numbers. The following babies were Christened: Jeffery Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Kay; Grant Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Love and Dianne Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Consitt. FOR THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND .. . Picnics are more fun will► TRY OUR Picnic Squares Baked in a foil pan, our new picnic squares save muss and fuss—no sticky fingers! Special at Only 45c a tray MAKE THE HOLIDAY COMPLETE WITH Hamburger AND Hot Dog Rolls Package of 8 -- Only 25c BAKED FRESH EVERY DAY!! TASTY -NU BAKERY "HOME OF THE "TASTY -NU" BREAD" .4004 �►% � Cedar Chests dor Sale l PRICED FROM $10.00 UP 1-"141-D- -1(kintiStN RE a OOE H ZURICH 300 _ . o9 - Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Turkheim, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Haberer, and Mrs. Anne Turkheim, attended the gradua- tion of Miss Marion Turkheim, from the same College. Miss Marion Fleischauer, also of Zurich was another graduate of this years class. The graduat- ion exercises were held at the Bishop Cronyn Memorial Angli- can Church. 4 Jesus Said I Am THE TRUE VINE And my father is the husbandman. am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. —John 15: 1, 5 ZURICH MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE M. Do SHEPPARD Contractor ROOT=ING — SIDING EAVESTROUGHING LIGHTNING RODS PAINTING GENERAL REPAIRS PHONE PARKHILL AX 4.6562, Collect QUALITY SEED BEANS FOR SALE American Certified No. 1 Sanilac American Certified No 1 Michelite Contracts Available • HARRISTON FERTILIZER AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES • ORDER NOW E. L. MICKLE & SON LIMITED PHONE 13 and 205 HENSALL, ONTARIO doN CHURCH DIRECTORY EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. A. M. AMACHER, BA BD, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesoh, Organist SUNDAY, MAY 21- 10.00 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday Schol All are cordially invited to worship with us "Get A Real Lift With ... ... SHUR-GAIN (hick Starter" "Shur -Gain Chick Starter does wonders for us. it builds us up with uniform growth and fast feathering. In ad- dition, it increases livability in the flock." We have SHUR • GAIN Chick Starter available in either crumble or mash form —and they're fresh — really fresh! POULTRY FEEDS DROP IN SOON. We'll talk about your Chicks and Chick Profits orealIMMIN 1111111•11101111•11.M..1 •01•111111•111 •MI•111 1•11111111111•• M. G. DEITZ and SON PHONE 154 ZURICH When In Zurich GET YOUR HAIR CUT Al EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Thursday and Saturday Nights NOW - For Spring WE HAVE A WIDE CHOICE OF At The Lowest Price Possible! SEE OUR ASSORTMENT OF BARBECUES - GARDEN TOOLS FERTILIZER - CHARCOAL - PAINT ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMER We have the new SKIL ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMER, which you can take apart and use for an electric drill. The handiest combination tool ever put on the market. Only $32.00 -- Complete AT Stade $ iNeido Hardware "PLUMBING -- HEATING — TZNSMITHING" PHONE 72 :_ j-- .-- ZURICH St, Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. W. P. Fischer, B.A., Pastor Ron Klopp, Organist SUNDAY, MAY 21-- 10.00a.m•—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School You Are Welcome Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor—A. MARTIN SUNDAY, MAY 21- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Worship Service Guest speaker, Orval Jant- zi, Waterloo. All Are Welcome TIEMAN'S HARDWARE 41 Plumbing • Heatinv • Electrical Work • Oil Burner Service SALES and SERVICE FURNITURE, COAL and CEMENT PHONE 8 DASHWOOD DAILY SERVICE London and Toronto TO ZURICH DISTRICT Hog Assembly in Zurich — TUESDAY and THURSDAY Cement and Road Gravel, Fill and Top Soil AGENTS for PARISIAN LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS RUSTON TRANSPORT PHONE 186 PHONE 88 r 7, KIRKTON ZURICH HENSALL RUSSELDALE Hog Assembly in Hensel) (at Sales Barn)—TUESDAY DOERR'S I*FOOD MARKETS41 Phone 140 — ZURICH GROCERY SPECIALS ROSE 16 OZ. JAR Sweet Mixed Pickle 31c Tomato Ketchup 2 for 45c HEINZ 11 OZ. HEINZ 48 OZ. Tomato Juice 28c DINTY MOORE (Burns) 15 OZ. Beef Stew 41c Camay Soap 10 for 99c QUAKER 12 OZ. 27c Corn Flakes Kam, 12 oz. tins WEEKEND Mixed Cookies MAPLE LEAF 11/2 LB. TIN Canned Hams 39c 99c $1.35 FRUITS and VEGETABLES TOMATOES, Cello pkg . 19c NEW POTATOES, 10 lbs. 49c GREEN ONIONS 2 bunches 15c FRESH CUCUMBERS 2 for 29c ORANGES (Sunkist) 35c dozen MEAT DEPARTMENT SCHNEIDER'S, 3 LB. AVERAGE Grade "A" Fryers Minced Ham Smoked Picnics 39c Ib. 49c Ib. 43c lb.