HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-05-11, Page 1No. 19 — FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEW
N E !ill
LEAGUE WINNERS — The Dashettes, a team of young ladies from Dashwood area, walked off
with the league championship in the Zurich Lades Bowling League. Shown here, with all the happy
smiles, are, back row, left to right, Shirley Kipfer, Gloria Hayter, Jean Ford, Vesta Miller. Seated in
front are, left, Marion Rader and right, Eleanor Webb._ Missing when this photo was taken were Mona
Kraft and Elaine Datars. (Citizens News Photo)
PLAY-OFF CHAMPIONS — The Ups and Downs team in the Zurich Ladies Bowling League won
the play-off title, in the recently completed bowling season. Shown here, with their trophy, are the
members of the team. Back row, left to right, Gertrude McCrae, June Hayter, Pauline Guenther,
Florence Webb, Letta Taylor, Luella Tiernan. Seated in front are, left, Joan Guenther, and right,
Shirley Tieman. (Citizens News Photo)
Dashwood Teams Take Top Honours In
Ladies Bowling League; Win Trophies
Two teams from Dashwod walk-
ed off with top honours in the first
year of the Zurich Ladies Bowling,
League, and they were presented,
with their team trophies last Wed-
nesday night, when the league held
their banquet in the Village Inn,
at Grand Bend.
The Dashettes, who were the
team on top of the league at the
end of the regular schedule, won
the Mid -Town Cleaners trophy, and
they were presented with it by
Kay Hay, of Exeter. By an agree-
ment which had been made earlier
in the season, the Dashettes were'
not eligible for the playoff champ-
The Ups and Downs, who won
the playoff title, were presented,
with the Hess Jewellry trophy, by
Mrs. Albert Hess.
Runner-up in the playoff was
Young People Meet
The Hi -C group of the United
Church, met on Monday evening in
the church. The meeting was in
charge of the president, Miss Joan
Miss Shirley Mustard read the
Scripture and Miss Donna Hayter
gave a splendid topic on "How to
make friends, and how to lose
friends." Lunch was served at the
Mother's Day
A Mother's Day service and bap-
tismal service will be held next
Sunday morning in the United
Church. Rev. T. J. Pitt will be in
charge of the service.
the team known as the Varieties,
and they were presented with a
trophy by Mrs. Elda Laidlaw. The
Hot -Shots won the consolation
prize and this was presented bY
Mrs. Betty Oke.
High average for the season was
won by Mrs. Shirley Tieman, of
Dashwood, and she was presented
with her trophy by league presi-
dent, Irene Frayne. High triple
went to Mrs. Mona Kraft, of Dash-
wood, and high single was won by
Mrs. Ruth Decker, of Zurich. Mrs.
Decker was presented with her
trophy by Mrs. Oke.
A trophy for the oldest bowler
in the league was won by Mrs.
Mary Taylor, of Hensall, and the
president of the league presented
her with the award. Mrs. Lerina
Rose, of Zurich, was the recipient
of a trophy for the best sport in
the league.
The election of officers for the
coming year resulted as follows:
president, Irene Frayne; vice-presi-
ident, Joan Turkheim; secretary,
Anne Oesch; and treasurer, Betty
Mrs. Elda Laidlaw, representing
the Zurich Bowling Lanes, spoke
briefly to the group, thanking
thein for their co-operation during
the past year.
Following the business portion
of the meeting and the presentat-
ion of the tropies, each team pre-
sented a short skit, in the way of
entertainment. The door prize was
won by Mrs, Irene Steinbaek, of
Zurich. About 100 ladies attend-
ded the event
J. Elgin McKinley, of Zurich, was
elected president of the Huron
County Tuberculosis Association at
the annual meeting in Goderich re-
cently. He succeeds Harvey Mc-
Dermid, of Fordwich.
Other officers elected were first
vice-president, E. I. Stewart, of
Seaforth; second vice-president, Dr.
J. C. Ross, of Goderich; Christmas
Seal chairman, E. C. Boswell, of
Seaforth; case finding chairman, R.
P. Patterson, of Hensall; social
service and rehabitation chairman,
Russell Knight, of Brussels , and
medical officer, Dr. R. M. Aldis,
of Goderich, medical officer of
health for Huron County.
Dr. Ross was also appointed re-
presentative to the Ontario Tuber-
culosis Association, and Mr. Stew-
art. seal sales chairman.
Members of the nominating com-
mittee were Judge Frank Fingland,
of Clinton, Elmer D. Bell, QC, of
Exeter, and Magistrate Glenn Hays,
of Goderich.
Mrs. Ed Munn, Mrs. Byran Kyle.
secretary -treasurer of the assoc-
iation, reported a balance of
$13,317 as of March 31.
Majority Checked
Mrs. Russell reported 51.7 per-
cent of the population of Huron
County took advantage of tuber -
Parking By-laws
Given Final Reading
v Vihae Council
Thie council of the village of Zur-
ich, !meeting for their regular
meeting last Wednesday night,
gave their final approval to by-
laws No. 18 and 19, as amended
and revised, and ordered them
sent to Toronto for approval. The
by-laws govern new parking reg-
ulations in the village, and the pen-
alty for infractions of the new by-
The by-laws had first been pas-
sed some time ago, but were sent
back for some minor changes,
whic:). have now been completed.
In other business the council
approved of the attendance of their
assessor at a special school in
Lent, on June 8 and 9. Consid-
erabV discussion took place at the
meeting in regards to drainage on
the ioad-side in, the east end of
the village. In a number of places
there is water puddles on the side
of the road. No definite decision
was reached on the matter.
(By Al. Fred Ducharme1
Mr, and Mrs. Urban Ducharme
and son Jimmy called on Mr. and
Mrs. F. Ducharme on their return
to their home on Monday last, after
attending business in Goderich.
We are again this Tuesday morn-
ing greeted with another soaking
Shower. Already the ninth day of
May, and not too much farm seed-
ing done so' far. The results of
this wet spring is yet to be seen
and only time will tell.
Mr.' and Mrs. Leon Bedard of
tills highway motored to Chatham
o1 Friday last to attend the 50th
Iver ariiiiVerSary of the frklii-
er.'s brother, Joseph and his bride
of 50 years ago. After visiting oth-
er relatives in the city they contin-
ued their visit to London before
returning to their home.
Yours truly, the Ducharmes, ac-
companied by Mrs. Theresa Hart-
man and son Cyril motored to
Windsor and then to Detroit to at-
tend the Stansberry and McLanglin
wedding held in Gross Point. They
returned to their home on Sunday
Miss Mary Ann Sopha, Detroit,
has spent two week's holidays with
her grandparents, Mr. and' Mrs.
Adolph Sopha, of this highway.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Meidinger
and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Geoffrey,
of the Drysdale district, accompan-
ied by Mrs. 'Josephine Ducharme,
motored to London on Thursday
last, paying a visit to Mrs. Virgin-
ia Denomme, who is a patient in
St. Joseph's Hospital, of that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Sopha mo-
tored to Zurich on Friday last to
attend a birthday dinner given by
their daughter, Mrs. Harry Diet-
rich. The occassion was a pleasant
one for all concerned.
Mrs. Jennie Downie, Strathroy,
returned to her home on Saturday,
after spending the past two weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Grainger
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Arden Grainger,
Wallaceburg, and Miss Barbara
Grainger, London, were weekend
visitors with Mr. and Mrs- R. Grain-
Mrs. A. Elliott and Bob, Mitchell,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Dunn, Jr.
Mrs. Alice Johnston had the
misfortune last week of falling
down a register hole and sustain-
ing a very badly bruised knee, hip
and arm• X-rays revealed no bro-
ken bones.
40th, Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Westlake
were honoured recently on the oc-
casion of their 40th wedding anni-
versary. A dinner in their honor
was served at the home of their son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.1
Keith Westlake. Mr. and Mrs:
liberal Leader Pearson Charges Tres
With 4rge W ste Defence Budget
In Clinton at the Canadian Le-
hall on Thursday night, over
400 persons heard Liberal leader 1
Lester B. Pearson charge that the
Tory government has "not adap-
ted itself to the changing circum-
stances with its defence policy."
Criticizing the Diefenbaker re-
gime, for wasting a billion and a
half dollar defence budget, Mr,
Pearson said that for the RCAF to
pilot fighter planes, that have nei-
ther the speed nor the altitude of
jet passenger planes, is pure non-
"It is also wrong to bring Can-
ada into the ranks of nuclear pow-
ers," said Mr. Pearson. He was
addressing the annual meeting of
the Huron Liberal Association,
with A. Y. McLean, president of
the association, charing the meet-
Mr. Pearson said that "We need
a differentiation between the De-
partment of Agriculture for the
Canadian west, and Eastern Can-
ada-" He explained that the pro-
blems of the west with its wheat
farming, are not at all the same as
in Eastern Canada, with its mixed
"What has become of the 1957
Tory slogan 'parity, not charity'?"
asked the leader. "They told us
they would solve all the agricul-
tural problems and give the farm-
er his fair share of the income.
While prices have remained stable,
costs have gone up," said the spea-
Mr. Pearson said that had his
narty been in power, it would have
recognized the unemployment sit-
uation "for what it has turned
out to be," and claimed his party
would have poured more money
into the country's economy to stave
it off.
Mr. Pearson said that the sale
of wheat to Red China was a "wind-
fall' for the government. that he
favored the sale to the "famine -
ridden" land, but added that Can-
ada should be careful and suspic-
Growing Support
He referred to the people stan-
cling at the back of the hall and
said the turnout—similar to oth-
ers he has experienced in his trav-
els—was indicative of the growing
support of 'Liberalism and he pre-
dicted a Liberal victory in the next
"We've got the people to fight"
he said.
Mr. Pearson was introduced by
Hugh Hawkins, Clinton, president
of the Western Ontario Liberal
Association, and thanked by W. G.
Cochrane, Exeter, unsuccessful fed-
eral candidate in the last election.
Chairman of the meeting was A.
Y. McLean, of Seaforth, who was
re-elected president of the Huron
Liberal Association.
Other speakers included Mayor
William Miller, of Clinton, and
Ivan Forsyth, of RR 2, Kippen,
warden of Huron County.
Other officers re-elected:
Past president, Hugh Hawkins,
Clinton; secretary, Harold Shore
Goderich; treasurer, Roy Lamont,
Zurich; vice-presidents, represent-
ing* provincial riding association,
Clifford Dunbar, Ethel; Ivan Kalb-
fleisch, Zurich; Beecher Menzies,
Clinton; district vice-presidents,
Garnet Hicks, Exeter; Earl Camp-
bell, Hensall; Robert Simpson,
Kintail; William Jewitt, Clinton;
John Broadfoot, Seaforth; William
Elston, Wingham.
Various Church Groups Are Guests Of
Goshen Women; Hear Missionary Speak
On Monday evening May 8, the
Goshen Woman's Missionary Soc-
entertained neighbouring soc-
ieties from Zurich Evangelical Un-;
ited Brethren, Turners and Varna'
United Church. .The worship ser-
was led by Mrs. Melvon Elliott,
assisted by Mrs. Roy McBride and
Mrs. James Keyes.
Words of welcome were extend-
ed to the guests by the president,
Mrs. Bruce Keys. Mrs. Robert Mc-
Kinley introduced the guest speak-
er of the evening, Mrs. Don Irwin,
a missionary on furlough from Kor-
ea. She brought a very enlight-
ning illustrated talk to a most fas-
cinated audience which filled the
Mrs. Irwin and her husband
spent five years on the Canadian
Mission in Korea, and are planning
to return this August. She stres-
sed the poverty-stricken conditions
of the Korean people, making us
realize that the need of mission
work has no limit if we are to help
the needy and spread christianity
throughout the world.
Several musical numbers added
to the program—a trumpet solo,.
"Day is Dying in the West," by
Mrs. Clare McBride, a trio by Mrs..
H. Rader, Mrs. Kenneth Breakey
and Mrs. A. M. Amacher, "Make
me Pure;" a duet, "Pause at His
feet for a Moment of Prayer," by
Mrs. Frank Falconer and Mrs. Stan-
ley Johns, of Turners; a duet "An-
swer the Call Today," by Mrs. Ral-
ph Stephenson and Mrs. William,
Taylor, of Varna; a duet by Mrs.
Robert Peck and Mrs. Elmer Hay-
ter, called "In Jesus."
Mrs. Elmer Hayter acted as org-
anist for the evening, and Mrs.
John Robinson conveyed thanks
to all who helped to make the ev-
ening successful. A social hour in
the basement brought a memorable
evening to a close.
Mrs. Irwin spent the night of the
! meeting at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Bruce Keys. Before leaving
for an appointment at Parkhill on
Tuesday morning, Mrs. Irwin ac-
companied by Mrs. Keys, visited
the Goshen school and gave a short
talk to the pupils. She also wore
the native costume of Korea.
(MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondentl
Dashwood WI Mrs. Leonard Sch.enk, president
of Dashwood W.I., attended the
President's Conference at Guelph
last week.
Mr. Herb Gaiser, of Dearborn,
Mich.. spent some time at his bro-
ther Chester's home here, and also
at Westminster Hospital, London.
with Chester. He reports that
Chester is improving very well
after his fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and
family were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader and fam-
Mrs- Rader and Kathryn. Each , ilY*
Infant Baptized
grandmother was presented a cor-;
Mark Hprold Stire. infant son of
sage as well as the guest speaker, ;
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stire, was
Mrs. Kenneth Keller, who spoke
baptized in Von Lutheran church
The Agriculture and Canadian
Industries group was in charge of
the Mav meeting of Dashwood Wo-
men's Institute, with Mrs. Harold
Rader convener, and grandmothers
as guests. 22 members answered
the roll call. "My fondest memor-
ies of grandmother." Mrs. A. V.
Tiernan was chairlady.
A sing song was enjoyed. Mrs.
Stewart Wolfe read a poem, "Mo-
ther's Apron." Duets were sung
by Kathryn and Joan Rader and
on gra .
on Sunday, May 7, by Rev. Gerald
- The president, Mrs. Leonard
1 Scholz, of Logan. Witnesses were
Schenk, conducted the business.
Miss Ruth Hodges and Don Four dollars were collected for
, . , , ,, Buck-
nell. of Ingersoll.
culin testing and chest X-ray sur- Westlake were married 45 years,"The pennies for Friendship," s 113, Sunday visitors with Mr. sod
veys last summer. ago, and spent all their married project Mrs. Charles Snell was Mrs. Harold Stire were, Miss Ruth
life on the l3luewater highway:
named in charge of the display for Hodges, Don 13ticknell and Mrs.
BUSINESSMEN MEET They have two sons Keith of Zur-1 the district annual at Kippen, on
Florence Bnoknell. of Ingersoll,
A meeting of the Zurich Busi- ich, and Gordon, of the Bluewater May 11. The conveners of the and Mr, and Mrs. Ed Stire.
nessmen's Association is schedul- highway. standing committees brought in i Miss Beverly Stire is spending
ed for tonight Thursday, at 9:00 Present Gift , their planned programs for the a week at Ingersoll with her grand -
p.m., in the Township Hall. There Last Friday afternon, the staff year. r ' mother, Mrs. Florence Bucknell,
are a number of imnortant items of the Bank of Montreal, in Exeter, I The group in charge served lun- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor and
to be brought up, and all the bus- presented Miss Mary Grainger with ch and Mrs. Wesley Wolfe thanked family, of Waterloo, and Mrs. Wen-
iriess people are urged to be pres. a magazine rack prior to her mar-, the ladies for a wonderful even- dell Gamble, of London, visited
ent. 1 riage on Saturday. r i ing on behalf of the grandmothers. with L. H. Rader, on Saturday.