HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-05-04, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1961 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS CLASSIFIED RATES: 25 words or less, 50c the first week, 36c for repeat advertisements. Lar- ger advs.: 2c a word the first week, then 11c for repeats. Cards of Thanks, In Memor- iams, Engagements, same as above. Births, Marriages and Deaths, No charge. FOR SALE POTATOES FOR SALE, No. 1 and No. 2, also feed potatoes. Apply to H. Soudant, RR 1, Varna, 2 miles north of Hillsgreen, phone Hensall 695 r 4, or 696 r 12. 10-tfb BEAUTIFUL SINGER, Zig Zag, in desk like console, slightly used. This one makes hundreds of fancy stit- ches, button -holes, sews on buttons. Cash price $46.88, or payments of $6.80 a month. Write Box number FC Zurich Citizens News. 15-6-7-8-p YELLOW SWEET CLOVER SEED, $5 a bushel; also yellow sweet clov- er, red clover and Climax timothy mixed seed, $9 a bushel. Good quality. Apply to David Blackwell, Parr Line, phone 88 r 8, Zurich. 15-6-p 12 USED MILK CANS, also a Utina can milk cooler. Apply to Clayton Steckle, phone Zurich 94 r 22• 17-8-p FARM WAGON, rubber tires, auto- matic steering, $100. Hay Rack( 6'. Apply to Asa Steckle, phone Hen- sall 698 r 12. 17-8-p COMPLETE ACETYLENE Cutting and Welding outfit, with contract, in new condition. .Apply to Lorne R. Becker, Dashwood. 17-b 8 PUREBRED LANDRACE started pigs, suitable for breeding stock. Apply to Alvin Gingerich, phone Zurich 90 r 6. 17-b McCORMICK DEERING Heavy Spring Tooth Cultivator, 10 ft.; Case corn planter, 3 pt. hitch. Ap- ply to Wes McBride, RR 1, Varna. Phone Hensall 687 r 21. 18-p Engagement Mr. a n d Mrs. Clarence Schade, RR 2, Zurich, announ- ce the engagement of their daughter, Elane Mabel, to Mr. John Raymond Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs• Bert Dunn, Jr.,. RR 3, Bayfield, the wedding to take place on Saturday, May 20„ 1961, in the Evangelical UB Church, Zurich, at 2 p.m. 18-x GRAVEL — We are taking orders for crushed lane gravel for deliv- ery now or later. Call E. W. Shantz and Sons, phone 90 r 5, Zurich. 18-b IN MEMORIAM OVERHOLT—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Mel- vin S. Overholt, who passed away two years ago, April 30, 1959: 'Where he sat and talked to me There's just an empty chair, And the silence now at evening Seems more than I can bear. Though I know some day We would have to part, I could never picture home Without him there. I never fully realized how deeply one could care, Until I stood alone one night be- side that empty chair. —Sadly missed and always remem- bered by his wife and family. 18b TWO BRIDESMAID DRESSES, size 10-12, with head -piece and gloves, rose and aqua• At Brady Cleaners, Exeter. 18-p HELP ,WANTED PART TIME STENOGRAPHER, with good knowledge of book- keeping, to work one or two days each week. Apply in person to Zurich Citizens News. 16-x FOR RENT ROOMS TO RENT — Three large rooms on ground floor, hot and cold water. Rooms to be let to boarders if not rented. Apply to Box 51, Seaforth, 18-9-p WANTED AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, On the premises WH Lot 21, Con• 15, 3 miles west of Zurich, or 3/4 mile east of St. Joseph, on highway 84. The undersigned ceived instructions blic auction on: WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 at 2:00 p.m. Real Estate: consists of West Half Lot 21, Con. 15, Township of Hay. 25 acres of land presently all in grass. Partly planted with pine and spruce trees. An ideal pasture farm with nev- er failing water supply. Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable re- serve bid. NEIL. WALKER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 18-9-b Auctioneer re - to sell 'by pu- BIRTHS BELL—At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Monday, April 24, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bell, Hensall, a son. DATARS—At South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter, on Saturday, April 22, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Datars, RR 1, Dashwood, a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, a sister for Peter. GUENTHER—At South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on Tuesday,April 25, 1961, to Mr, and Mrs. Ray Guenther, Dashwood, a daughter. 0 VERMUNT—At South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on Saturday, April 29, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs, M. Ver- munt, RR 2, Zurich, a daughter, Margaret. WANTED — USED FURNITURE, single beds and mattresses. We buy complete household furnish- ings, also old wooden sinks, corn- er cupboard, pianos, organs, etc. Write to Don Martin, 831 Mill Street, Kitchener. 18-9-p PROPERTY FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE 50 acres, one quarter mile south of Zurich. Good hip roof barn, double garage, drive shed, brick house and hydro. Choice location. Apply to R. GRENIER, GRAND BEND CLEARING RUCTION SALE CARDS OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to our neighbours and freinds of the Parish who gave us such a lov- ely farewell party on April 29, 80 people were present in our home, including our family, who came all the way from Three Rivers, Tren- ton, Kitchener, Detroit, London and Bayfield. A delicious lunch was served. The music was supplied by Alfred Denomme, Tony Rau, the Denomme brothers, and Mrs. Darl Rau. We were greatly hon- oured and touched to receive a beautiful Lazy Boy Chair and a Silver Ash Tray. We wish to thank all those who came, and all who helped in any way to prepare such a wonderful party.—Mr. and Mrs. Armand Denomme. 18-p 0 I would like to take this oppor- tunity of thanking all those who sent me flowers and cards, and vis- ited me, while I was sick in bed in my own home, and while convel- escing. It has been much apprec- iated.—Thomas H. Meyer. 18-p 0 I wish to thank all who so kind- ly remembered me with cards, visits, flowers and prayers, while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital, and since my return home.—Mrs. Menno Steckle. 18-b. 0 I would like to say "thank you" to all my school chums, friends, and relatives , for calls, visits, treats, and gifts, and to all others who helped in any way at the time of my accident. Special thanks to Dr. A. W. Klahsen, Rev. W. P. Fischer, the Lutheran Ladies Aid, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Willert— Douglas Turkheim. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, OTTAWA TENDERS Of Valuable Household Furnish• s and Misc. Items. On the Premises in the village Zurich. The undersigned Auctioneer re- ved instruction to sell by pu- c auction on: SATURDAY, MAY 13 at 1:00 p.m. 3 -piece chesterfield suite; studio uch; Frigidaire 7 cu. ft., like w; Frigidaire 4 -burner heavy ty range, like new; 9 -piece ma- gany dining room suite, includ- g buffet, china cabinet, table and airs; Westinghouse electric wa- r; Phonola electric radio; organ id stool; leather rockers; oak cker; centre tables; end tables; Itchen table and chairs; kitchen binet; floor and table lamps; tchen range, like new; drop leaf ble; arm chair; 2 complete oak edroom suites; steel bed; dress - r and commode; ironing hoard; athroom scales; complete fancy ilet set; rugs; mats; paper rack; either tick; pillows; trunks; ward- obe• mirrors; antique spool bed; ing of cei bli co ne du ho in ch she ro k' ca ki to b b to f r OPENING DANCE AT BLUEWATER DANCELAND FRIDAY, MAY 12 10.1:30 . MUSIC BY DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Modern — Rock 'N Roll Square Dancing omoomozzlesommenousloommizelemim moonsommiammork MISCELLANEOUS A U T O M O T I V E Mechanical and body repairs, glass steering and wheel balance._ Un- daspray for Rust prevention. DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8 H'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 ATTENTION FARMERS — For prompt 24-hour 7 dray a week ser- vice on all dead or disabled farm animals; truck licenced under Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence 66 c 61. Call Ed. Andrews, phone Seaforth 851 r 11. , 9-30-p FILTER QUEEN SALES AND service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Hensalln-226x2. c v a f s c s s g s e g c e t RECEPTION AND DANCE MISS MARY GRAINGER and RICHARD ERB IN THE Community Centre Zurich ON Tuesday, May 9 8:00 P.M. Music By DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA EVERYONE WELCOME AGE FIVE immumeimme BROWNIE'S STARLITE Drive -In Theatre Ltd. Clinton NOW PLAYING— Thurs, - Fri. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY "Hole In The Head" (Colour) (CinemaScope)' Frank Sinatra -- Edw. G. Robinson Thelma Ritter and Eleanor Parker -- ONE CARTOON — SAT, MON.—May 6 and 8 Double Feature Bylaw No. 9, 1960 A By-law to raise $180,000.00 to aid in the construction of tile, `s -tone, or timber drains. The Council of the Township of Hay, pursuant to the Tile Drain- age Act, enacts as follows: 1. That the Reeve may from time to time, subject to the pro- visions of this By-law, borrow on the credit of the Corporation of the Municipality, such sum not ex- ceeding in the whole $180,000.00 as may be determined by the Council, and may in a manner hereinafter provided, issue deben- tures of the Corporation in such sums as the Council may deem proper for the amount so borrow- ed, with coupons attached as pro SEALED TENDERS addressed to vided in section 4 of the said Act. Secretary, Department of Public Works, Room B-322, Sir Charles 2. That, subject to section 10 of the Tile Drainage Act, when the Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Council is of the opinion that the Ottawa, and endorsed "TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF COAL, application of any person to bor- COKE. FUEL OIL AND PROPANE row money for the purpose of con - GAS FOR THE FEDERAL BUILD- strutting tile, stone, or timber INGS THROUGHOUT THE PRO- drain should be granted in whole VINCE OF ONTARIO, 1961-1962" or in part, the Council may, by Will be received until 3:00 p.m. resolution, direct the Reeve to is- (E.D. S.T.) sue debentures as aforesaid and THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1961 to borrow a sum not exceeding Specifications and forms of ten- the amount applied for, and may der can be obtained at the office lend the same to the applicant on of the Chief of Purchasing and the completion of the drainage Stores, Room C-459, Sir Charles work. Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, 3. A special rate shall be im- Ottawa, Ont., District Manager„ posed, levied and collected over 225 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ont.; Dis- and above all other rates upon the trict Manager , Dominion Public land in respect of which the mon- ey is borrowed, sufficient for the amount of the principal and in- terest as provided by the Act. Read a first and second time this 8th day of June 1960. Read a third time and passed this 1st day of May, 1961. V. L. BECKER, Reeve W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk "The Last Days of Pompeii Steve Reeves (Colour) (CinemaScoPe) "Gun Fighters of Abilene Buster Crabbe -- Bart MacLean (ONE CARTOON) TUES., WED.—May 9-10— "Five Branded Women // (Adult Entertainment) Van Heflin -- Barbara Bel Geddes and Vera Miles 2 CARTOONS COMING "THE ENEMY GENER. AL" with Van Johnson and "BAT- TLE IN OUTER SPACE" Want -Ads Are Sure To Bring You Results DRIVE-IN THEATRE —J NOW OPEN MAY 5 and 6 (Colour) "Marjorie Morningstar'" Natalie Wood, Gene Kelly SHOWS EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT Until Further Notice Box Office Opens at 8:00 p.m. First Show at Dusk mangemszsgmemsmaniemnassashisisoniONIMO ATTENTION Hensall Ladies Auxiliary To Royal Canadian Legion SECOND ANNUAL PENNY SALE 50 Prizes donated by businessmen of Hensall and District ON DISPLAY AT PUC BUILDING 25 Chances for 25c Draw To Be Held on Saturday, May 27 urtain rods; oil lamps; Unica Building, London, Ont.; District acuum cleaner, complete ttachments, like new; electric rying pan; tea kettle and toaster; ilverware; glassware; dishes; kit - hen utensils; aluminum ware; ealers; crocks; glay. tubs and tand; home made soap; Water loo arden tractor, including plow, cuffler, harrows and 2 -wheel trail - r, all in new condition;biyarden hose; step cross- ut saw; garden tools; spades shov- ls. Many articles to numerous o mention. MRS. MARGARET MERO, Proprietress WALPER, Auctioneer 18-9-b SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Dashwood 26r17, or in case of emergency call Del Schwatzentruber, phone 224, Ta- vistock. 20,tfb CUSTOM SPRAYING and WHITE- WASHING. Call now for prompt and efficient service. William Wat- son, I'tR 3, Zurich, call Das 8 37R19: ALVIN Manager, Post Office Building, Fort William, Ont. Tenders must he made on prin- ted forms supplied by the Depart- ment and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. The successful contractor may be requested to provide security, before the award of the contract, in an amount and form acceptable to the Department. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary WANTED TO BUY WANTED — FEATHERS and old feather ticks. Call Exeter Salvage, phone 423 Exeter, collect. 22tfb F RRA;; EQUIPMENT MINNEAPOLIS - MOLINE Farm Machinery; Firestone and Good year rubber tires. See us for the best buy. Emm.rson Erb, 3 one 96r12, Zurich. GEORGE WHITE FARM Mach. finery, Ebersal hay and grain Ele- vators, Rotary Hog reeders. Ap- ply to Amos Gingerich,1ao- - tfx phone Zurich 79r12. O'Biien's Plumbing Heating and Tinsnnithing Phone I S6-- Zurich H. NOTICE Corporation Of The Township of Hay Take notice that the above is a true copy of a by-law passed by the Council of the Township of. IIay on the lst day of May, 1961, and all persons are required to take notice that anyone who de- sires to apply to have the By-law or any part thereof quashed must serve notice of his application upon the I•Iead or Clerk of this Municipality within 20 days after the date of the last publication of this notice, and must make his application to the Supreme Court of. Ontario within one month after the said date. This notice was first published on the 4th day of May, 1961, and the last publication will be on 18th clay of May, 1961. H. W. BR.OKENSHIRE, Clerk, Treasurer, Township of Hay 18.8-20-b Check The Features AND THE PRICE OF THE NEW OPTIMA PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Guaranteed one full year Exceptionally sturdy construction Spring steel shafts 88 characters 14..2 line spacing in addition to the one and two line Quick ribbon color change Handy tab setting features Plastic guide enables easy paper insertion and eras- ing support Only $89