HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-05-04, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS ITEMS ABOUT TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile and Home From South Mrs. Pearl Melick, were Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Mose Erb have re - visitors with relatives in Kitchen- turned home from their recent er. trip to California, where they saw Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer, of 1 such interesting sights as Bever - Detroit, were weekend visitors l ley Hills, Disney Land, Hollywood, with members of their family in and other important places. They this area, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel ; travelled on the Santa Fe hi -level and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steinback. I train, with mountains on both Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Gascho sides, and thoroughly enjoyed and family were Sunday visitors seeing the ocean with people swim - with friends at Seaforth. ming at this time of year. They Mrs. Edna Oswald, who has been report seeing many acres of in residence at the home of her beautiful roses and pansies. niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Attend Ceremony Howard Finkbeiner, at Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard, ha returned to her home in Zur- Bernie and Billy, spent the week- ich• end in Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hartman, Theadore Corriveau. Mr. Bed - of Trenton, spent the weekend with ard, along with his brothers, Don - their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- ald and Ed, attended the exemp- mand Denomme, and Mrs. Ther- lification of first, second and third esa Hartman. degrees of Mr. Corriveau in the Mrs. Pauline Jeffery spent the Knights of Columbus, The eere- past week in London, where she mony took place at Monsiegneur visited with her daughter and Vizmara in the large Construction, mill ly family. built by Mr. and 1\Irs. Claude Gelinas and which is operated by the Corriveau family, of London, visited with brothers• friends and relatives in Zurich area over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Trushinski and Brian spent the weekend with members of their families at Wal- kerton. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer and Mr• and Mrs. Robert Oxland, of Kitchener, spent the weekend in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, with Mr. and Mrs. Arn Meyer. Mrs. Theresa Hartman and son, Raymond, motored to Chatham on Monday, to visit Mrs. Hartman's sister, Mother Priscille Therese, who underwent a major opera- tion at St. Joseph Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson, of Freelton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Deitz. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Deichert, of Scarboro, spent the past weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vic- tor Deichert. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hartman and family, of London, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and • Mrs. Ben McCann. l uther League On h London Hospital Patients Among patients in the Hospital at present are: Henry Gallman and Ed. Kalbfleisch, at South Huron; and Lennis Gingerich, at London; Mrs. Milton McAdams, who was at South Huron, has returned home. Mrs; Menno Steckle, who was at Clinton Public Hospital, has re- turned home. Mrs. Henry Claus- ius is a patient at Victoria Hospi- tal, London. 0 Hensall Council Plans Road Work Married 45 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Smith, of Zurich, on Tuesday, May 2, quietly celebrated their 45th Wed- ding Anniversary, at their home. They were married 45 years ago, on May 2, 1916, in Milverton. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have one daughter, Mrs. P. J. (Mae) Cun- ningham, of Willowdale. After they were married 45 years ago, they moved into the fine home in the village where they are still living now. Mr. Smith was the publisher of the former Zurich Herald, until several years ago when he decid- ed to give up the newspaper bus- iness. For a year after that he operated a printing shop in Zur- ich, from which he retired almost (By our Hensall correspondent) Council met in the Council Ch- ambers on Monday evening, May 1, with all members present. The clerk was instructed to return the arrears of taxes for the year 1960 to the County Clerk -Treasurer, for collection. E. R. Davis was authorized to procure colas and chips to repair the streets. The .application of Cook Brothers, to build thr• ee new silos, was approved. The council accepted the drain- age report of C. P. Corbett, for a new drain on North Richmond Street, and to finish the storm drain on South Richmond. On Sunday afternon, 13 Luther The clerk was authorized to pre- . Leaguers and the Pastor went on pare tenders for the excavation excursion to London. and fill on Nelson, York and Al - They visited the B' Nai Israel Sy- bert Streets; also the paving of nagogue and their Youth Centre. Wellington Street f r o m King While at the Synagogue they found Street to Mill Street. many interesting facts about the A motion was passed to order Jewish faith. Most of their ser- two new doors for the front of the vices are conducted in Hebrew. Town Hall, from Adam Black, and One fact that may be of interest to have Murray Baker close in the to all is that the Jews do not cele- stairways with the present glass orate the festival of Christmas as doors. the rest of the world does. Upon leaving the Synagogue the group went to the Knotty Pine Inn for supper. After supper they viisted the Lu- theran Student Centre, where Ron Klopp, of Zurich is in residence, with Rev. Don Johnston as the host. Besides Ron at the Centre there are two students from India, one from Denmark who became a Canadian citizen last week, one from Hong Kong and five other students. For recreation at the centre there is a ping pong table, a tele- vision room, another large room for listening to records, for vespus and many other activities. 0 90 Years Old (By our Hensall correspondent) Mrs. Inez McEwen, Mr• and Mrs. Harry Smith, attended a birthday celebration at the Henri Nursing Horne, Port Elgin, on Sunday, April 16, the celebrant being Mrs. Char- les Sparrow, mother of Mrs. Mc- Ewen and grandmother of Mrs. Smith, who was celebrating her 90th birthday that day. Oldest re- sident at the nursing home. Mrs. Sparrow had a very happy day re- ceiving callers and was feted with flowers and congratulatory r,--c•iiges. Mrs. Sparrow has a fam- il}• of five, seven grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Bowling Scores Weekly Team High Triple points ZURICH MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE Alley Cats (Irene Frayne, 558) _ 0 Flying Frenchmen (Bruce Moir, 621) 7 Gutter Snipes (Leroy O'Brien, 386) 0 Hi Los (Dorothy Stade, 538) 7 Boo Boos (Reg Black, 567) _-_ ... 7 Busy Be:,c(Hugh McEwen, 474) 0 Gimicks (Pat O'Brien, 545) _ _-__ 5 Hardrocks (Earl Flaxbard, 480) 2 Walnuts (Sarah Robson, 449) _-. 5 Nite Hawks (Victor Dinnin, 486) _._ 2 Cannon Balls (Len Bates, 584) 7 Hensall Hornets (Jean Cornell, 456) 0 ZURICH MEN'S LEAGUE PLAYOFF Team High Triple Pepsis (Don Hesse, 564) Ink Spots (Louis Willert, 644) Knights of Columbus (Jim Bedard, 551) Pearson Kins (Mike Wercholaz, 550) Globe Trotters (George Sweeney, 745) The Angels (Robert Merner, 567) Co-op Thunderbirds. (Howard Smale, 658) __.. Ruston Flyers (Bruce Moir, 621) Pepsis (Don Hesse, 637) Knights of Columbus (Jim Bedard, 619) Globe Trotters (George Sweeney, 686) Co-op Thunderbirds (Bill Pollock, 532) ZURICH LADIES LEAGUE Final results of our first year are: high average, Shirley Tiernan, 175; high triple, Mona Kraft, 695; high single, Ruth Decker, 324. League Champions, Dashettes. Playoff chompions, Ups and Downs; play-off runners,up, Varities. Consolation prize, Hot Shots, Team Poini Standing 115 171 34 145 142 135 74 72 88 62 117 147 THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1961 <.;-k CIIURCH DIRECTORY St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. W. P. Fischer, B.A., Pastor Ron Klopp, Organist SUNDAY, MAY 7- 10.00 a.m.—Worship Service Speaker: Rev. Donald John- son, chaplain to University Students. 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School TUESDAY, MAY 9- 8.30 p.m.—Program of Sacred music by Waterloo University College A Cappella Choir, Zur- ich Community Centre. Adults 50c; Children 35c You Are Welcome two years ago. Both Mr• and Mrs. Smith are enjoying good health. The groom of 45 years ago re- calls that their wedding day was a nice, bright day. However, he remembers that much wet weather followed, and it rained almost ev- ery day, as it is doing this spring. All the fields and gardens were under water, and little seeding was done until the middle of June. With courage and faith, Mr. Smith added, the farmers carried and there was a good harvest with plenty for everyone. "There have been many changes in the community during the past 45 years," Mr. Smith concluded. "Everything keeps changing to keep up with a modern world." When In Zurich 1. GET YOUR HAIR CUT AI EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Thursday and Saturday Nights Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church Rev. A. M. AMACHER, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. Milton Oesoh. Organist THURSDAY, MAY 4- 8.00 pan.—Mother and Daughter meeting of the WSWS SUNDAY, MAY 7--- 10.00 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service WEDNESDAY, MAY 10- 8.30 p.m.—Bible Study and Pray- er Service. We welcome you to worship with us Zurich Mennoni e Church Pastor—A. MARTIN SUNDAY, MAY 7- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School . 11.00 a.m.—Worship Service 8.00 p.m.—Evening Service WEDNESDAY, MAY 10- 8.00 p.m.—Prayer Fellowship We Invite You to Worship With Us Jesus said I Am T'he Bread Of Life: He that cometh to me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven that a man may eat thereof, and not die.—John 6: 35, 50. ZURICH MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE BLUEWATER and BAYFIELD NEWS Trousseau Tea • About 120 ladies attended the trousseau tea given by Mrs. Rus- sell Grainger in honor of her daughter, Mary Evelyn, on Satur- day, April 29. Receiving guests with the bride and her mother was the groom's mother, Mrs. Leon- ard Erb. In the afternoon the trousseau, shower and wedding gifts were displayed by Misses Ann West- lake, Louise Talbot, Phyllis Schade, Helen Grainger and Marilyn Dick, and in the evening Marjory Love, Elaine Deichert, Elaine Schade and Norma Geiger were in charge,: Serving the tea in the after-' non were Mrs. Glen Koehler and. Miss Kathleen Porter, and in the evening, Misses Phyllis Schade and Helen Grainger. Miss Shirley Keys displayed 'the quilts and Miss Phyllis Grainger was in charge of the register. Those assisting in the kitchen 45TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs• Herbert Howald, 1.19 Albert Street, Stratford, were given a party last Wednesday by members of their family in honor of their 45th wedding anniversary. Following a turkey dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Howald were presented with an electric frying pan. Mrs. Howald is the former Mar- garet Vogt. She married Mr. How- ald in Stratford on April 26, 1916. They lived ten years in Owen Sound and 13 years in Listowel be- fore moving to Stratford. They have a family of two sons and three daughters, Earl, Strat- ford; Harry, St. Catharines; Mrs. Ross (Doris) Gibson, Listowel; Mrs. Keith (Edith) Waldie, Walkerton; and Mrs. Maurice (Louise) Cowen, Listowel. One son, FO Carl How- ald, was killed overseas in 1945. There are 11 grandchildren. 0 CHANGE OF LOCATION were Mrs. John Scotchmer, Mrs. Bert Dunn, Mrs. Gladwin Westlake and Mrs. John Keys. Mrs. Jennie Downie, Strathroy, is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Grainger and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner, Debbie and Stewart, moved into the house on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger and are get- ting settled this week. Mrs• Donald Turner and Mary Ellen, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Russell Heard, and called on Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Westlake, on Saturday evening. The Hensall District Co-opera- tive have purchased a parcel of land, east of the village of Zurich, From Seth Ammans, where they intend to erect a new feed mill. The land fronts on the Blind Line. Previously the Co-op had plan- ned to build a new mill just nor- th of the village, but due to com- plications, they decided upon the change in location, According to the president of the Co-op, Allan Armstrong, work is scheduled to get under way this summer on the new building. Plans have already been drawn up, and contracts are to be called for short- Pinfall ly. 2598 2530 2473 2171 2761 2511 2819 2658 2966 2557 2752 2400 i FOR THE LATEST In HAIR STYLING Give Us A CALL Phone 223 ZURICH NORMA'S BEAUTY SHbPPE 0 BLAKE (Intended for last week) Miss Sandra Gingerich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich, was taken to Children's Hospital, London, earlier in the week, and returned home on Saturday Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gascho and family, were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich, and family. Mrs. Mary Jane Hey and Mrs. Elizabeth Oesch, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich, Miss Gloria Gin- gerich and friends, Mr. Wallie Dirchs, of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. William Steckle and so'n, Robert. Mrs. Sarah Gingerich visited with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich and family. l� AA •\!; wale FOR DEPENDABLE HEAT All Winter Long Coll LORNE E. HAY Locker Service—Roe Feeds Phone 10 (Collect) Hensait W OL Any Government Deficiency Pay- ment will apply only on prop- erly graded wools. Secure the utmost by patronizing the organization that made this possible. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from RUSSELL MANSON SHEARER Zurich, Ontario or by writing to CANADIAN COOPERATIVE: WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada TIEMAN'S HARDWARE • Plumbing • Heatine • Oil Burner Service Electrical Work SALES and SERVICE FURNITURE, COAL and CEMENT PHONE 8 -- DASHWOOD Have You Renewed Your Subscription To The Zurich Citizens News DOERR'S POOD MA.RKETS.' Phone 140 — ZURICH PUREX COLORED OR WHITE Toilet Tissue JOHNSON 16 OZ. TIN Clear Wax SALADA ORANGE PEKOE, 60's Tea Bags DELMONTE 15 OZ. Fancy Peas DELMONTE 20 OZ. Fruit Cocktail ELLMAR 16 OZ. Peanut Butter 4 rolls 39c 59c 73c 2 for 33c 2 for 59c 35c FRUITS and VEGETABLES FOR COOKING AND EATING B.C. Winesaps Sunkist Oranges Bananas 3 lbs. for 45c 2 doz. for 79c 3 lbs. for 35c MEATS 3 LB. AVERAGE FRESH FRYERS SLICED BACON BURNS GUARANTEED LEAN AND BONELESS PICNIC SHOULDERS 39c Ib. 59c Ib. 85c I'b. EXTRA SPECIAL NEILSON'S Rosebuds, reg. 25c 2 for 39c WILLARD Sweet Marie Bar, reg. 25c 19c