HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-05-04, Page 1ZUR EW No: 18 — FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MAY 4, 1961 $2.50 PER YEAR — 5 CENTS PER COPY Delegation Meets Council Clinton and Stanley Township ave IJifferences Over Fire Protection (Clinton News -Record reporter) Reeve Harvey Coleman, Deputy Reeve Alvin Rau and the council- lors of Stanley Township on Mon- day night heard a delegation from the area adjoining the Town of Clinton, ask for reconsideration of the fire protection plans for that particular area. Headed by Garnet Harland as spokesman, the seven representa- tives of the ratepayers on High- way 4 next to Clinton, asked that the requested fee of $200 per year to be paid to that town in order to procure for the ratepayers the privilege of being able to call the town's fire department first, ra- ther than the township's brigade at Brucefield. At the moment, Stanley Town- ship is paying retaining fees to Zurich and Hensall fire depart- ments, plus sharing the cost of the Brucefield department with Tuckersmith, and contributing to the independent fire brigade at Bayfield. Reeve Coleman outlined the posi- tion of the township, noting that elsewhere in the county town and rural areas had come to agreement, with some consideration given to I ment could easily be the same as the area to be covered by the town with either Goderich or Seaforth, department. He said, " We offer-' where if need arose the towns ed Clinton"$150, and were refused. traded fire equipment with no re - Since then we've taken over the Brucefield department'* Mr. Harland asked that the pro- blem be reconsidered. "We don't think the Brucefield department is adequate." He explained that tie area next to Clinton paid suf- SAFETY PATROLS — The use of School Safety Patrols in Zurich, swung into full force last Thursday, after an official opening ceremony at the Community Centre. In the top photo, a patrol leader ai the Zurich Public School, Jim Gingerich, is holding a group of children back while the traf- fic passes by• In the lower photo, Bob Hartman, a p atrol leader at St. Boniface School, demonstrates the proper method of holding the children back while cars and trucks go by. (Citizens News Photo) School Safety Patrol In Zurich Will Give Children Protection At Crossings At an impressive ceremony at the Zurich Community Centre last Thursday morning, the School Safety Patrol for the village was officially launched. Pupils of both the Zurich Public Schol and St. Boniface attended the colourful affair, as well as a number of par- ents. Master of ceremonies for the oc- casion was Fred Cronkite, traffic safety officer with the Ontario De- partment of Transport. Principal of St. Boniface School, James Carey, spoke briefly, in tro- ducing the member of his school board, Mrs. Jack Pearson. Donald O'Brien, principal of the Zurich Public School, also addressed the gathering, and introduced H. W. Brokenshire, who represented the Hay Township .School Area board. Albert J. Kalbfleisch, clerk -treas- urer of the village of Zurich, rep- resented the village council at the ceremony, and stressed the fact that the opening of a school saf- ety patrol in Zurich would go down in history as an important event. President of the Zurich Lions Club, Herb Turkheim, conducted the presentation of badges to the members_ of the Patrols. He was assisted by vice-president Milfred Schilbe, and Jack Bannister, a dir- ector of the organization. Following the presentation of the badges, Rev. W. P. Fischer spoke briefly, praising the forma- tion of a patrol as a safety meas- ure. Father C. A. Doyle offered a prayer for the safe operation of the patrol. The School Safety Patrol in Zur- ich is being sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club. The Club pur- chased all the necessary equipment needed in the proper operation of the patrol, including belts, rain coats, helmets and badges. The general public is reminded to drive safely through these school patrols when they are in operation, and pedestrians are ur- ged to obey the patrol leaders be- fore crossing the streets. The best way to educate the children in the proper method of crossing through the safety patrols is to see the adults doing likewise. 0 Kinette Rally Is Held At Exeter (By our Hensall correspondent) The ten Kinette clubs of Zone "D" staged their annual inter -club rally at the Exeter Legion Hall, Friday evening, April 28,. with over 175 members attending. Exeter club were hosts for the rally and other clubs were represented from Aylmer, Delhi, Hensall, London, Stratford, Woodstock, St. Thomas and Simcoe. Mrs. Jack Drysdale, district con- vener, and her executive attended. Simpson's of London provided the program which consisted of a talk and display of the new fall fash- ions. A banquet was enjoyed. Over 100 prizes were won in draws during the evening and win- ners from Hensall club were Mrs. Ross Jinks, Mrs. John Heal, Mrs. Harold Bonthron, Mrs. John Deitz, Mrs. George Sawyer, Mrs. Jini Hy- de, Mrs. William Clennent. • Hay Township Will Meet With Others On Fire Protection the township for other services such as road building) that they felt entitled to some extra fire protection, "Fire protection is considered excellent only within four miles of the brigade's centre. No doubt some of you are further from any department than that, but we would be the first to help you set up a fire department in Varna, if that were desired. The $200 re- quested by Clinton is less than one percent of Clinton's capital investment, and this does not seem exhorbitant," went on Mr. Har- land. Deputy Reeve Alvon Rau sad he believed Clinton should have "bent a bit." He believed that the town- ship had offered a fair thing. Mr. Rau noted that there had been no trouble in reaching agreement with either Zurich or Hensall, which have two miles to travel be- fore even getting into Stanley Township. Mr. Rau said he felt that with Brucefield Department, Stanley now had a service similar to that in Clinton, and that there should be no retaining fee. The arrange - taining fee, nor even an hourly fee. "If trains happened to be shun- ting on the CNR track," pointed out Mr. Rau, "you'd be just as far from Clinton department as from Brucefield. That holds true for 74+°ient;taxes: (and d%&not call on the County Home as well. The council of the Township of Hay, meeting for their regular monthly meeting on Monday night decided they would have calcium chloride placed on Township roads, to the same extent as was done last year. Road superintendent James Masse will supervise the work. Having received a petition from 25 ratepayers in the south-east corner"of the township, the council agreed they would attend a joint meeting with Exeter, Usborne and Stephen Townships to discuss the matter of a new fire engine for the town of Exeter. The petition asked for protection for that corn- er of the Township from the Exe- ter fire department. Some weeks ago the council turned down a re- quest from the town of Exeter to contribute towards the cost of a new engine, but since that time Exeter has offered a better deal to Hay Township. Clinton High School Teacher Elected ,Deputy -Governor Of District Lions Ross Middleton, of Clinton, was elected Deputy -District Governor of Region 3, District A-9, of Lions international, at the annual Region Rally held last Wednesday night at the Zurich Commmunity Centre. He won in a two-way battle for the position with Jack Reavie, of Wing - ham. Mr. Middleton, who is a high school teacher at Clinton, served the past year as Zone Chairman for the south part of Region 3, while Mr. Reavie has been the Zone ;Chairman in the north part 4f, 'Region 3. Lone Chairman for the south part of the Region for the next term will he Herb Turkheim, the president of the Zurich Lions Club, while Jack McDonald, president of the Brussels Lions Club, will be Zone Chairman for the north part of the Region. Guest speaker at the Zurich rally was Ward Bolton, of St. Marys, Past Canadian President of Lions International. He delivered an in- spiring message to the group on "Lionism." Mr. Bolton was intro- duced by International Counsellor Hal Meir, of Seaforth, and thank- ed by Herb Turkheim, of Zurich. Head table guests were introduc- ed by International Counsellor Jake Sweitzer, of Exeter, while Ross Middleton and Jack Reavie supervised the introducing of club members who were present. Clubs represented were: Teeswater, Ho - wick, Wingham, Brussels, Clinton, The council agreed on the pur- chase of a Chalmers steel bridge which is located in Perth County, for the sum of $500. The bridge will be taken down and moved to the MacDonald sideroad, to re- place the old wooden structure there. Council are engaging the services of B. M. Ross, profession- al engineer, to prepare plans and specifications for the new bridge. Third reading was given by-law No• 9, 1960, for $180.,000 tile drain debenture, and the clerk was in- structed to have the notice of the bylaw published in the Citizens News for three consecutive issues, according to the statutes., Seaforth, Exeter, Zurich. International Counsellor Victor Dinnin, of Zurich, was in charge of the nomination and election for Deputy -Governor and Zone Char - men, while the present Deputy -Gov- ernor, Russell Grainger, of Zurich, was chairman for the meeting. Song leaders w e r e Howard Meidinger would attend the 41st Klopp, Alvin Walper, and Delbert, annual convent'i'on vof the 'Catho- Geiger, all of the Zur. cid Club. Mrs.! v., Women's League of London Beatrice Hess, of Zurich, ace= i Diocese, which is being held in panied_ th b ouy' at the piano,. as,* Chatham, on May 16 and 17. Tickets on a quilt were dis- tributed by Mrs. Pearson to all members, and the lucky draw will be made on June 13. Grand Bend, and Percy Brown, one of the dele- gation from the Clinton end of the township commented that there was often delay in getting through on the telephone to the Brucefield fire department. Councillor Earnest Talbot said he thought it was unfortunate the way negotiations had gone on. "We've had four fire meetings in the past few weeks," said Mr. Tal- bot. He noted that an increase to the Clinton department would mean an automatic increase to each of the others. "Personally," said Mr. Talbot, "I can see no need for a retaining fee. The hourly rate should be high enough to pay for the trip out, and that should be sufficient" The council reported that at present HU 2-3232 was the num- ber to call at Brucefield. Arthur Dutton was accepting all fire calls. Talk of change in this matter is under way, but some difficulty arose from the fact that part of the Brucefield area is on Seaforth and Hensall phones with no dial yet, (continued on Page 8) 0 Catholic Women Elect New Officers On Wednesday, April 26, ap- proximately 55 members of St. Boniface Catholic Women's. Lea- gue assisted at mass in honor : of Our Lady of Good Council patron- ess of the Catholic Women's Lea- gue. After mass the ladies retired to the town hall, where Mrs.• Jack Pearson, president, announced the new slate of officers for the corn- ing year. Mrs. Alphonse Grenier, presi- dent; Mrs. Roman Meidinger, sec- retary; Mrs- Jack Pearson, treas- urer; Mrs. Mozart Gelinas, first vice-president ; Mrs. Ivan Meid- inger, second vice-president: Mrs. Harold Dietrick, third vice-presi- dent. It was decided that . Mrs.. AI- phonse Grenier and Mrs. 'Rohan HIT BY TRUCK Six-year old Douglas Turkheim, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Turk- heim, of Zurich, escaped with min- or injuries last Friday when he was struck down by a truck driv- en riven by Jack Williams, of Crediton. The accident occurred on the main street of Zurich. Douglas had just gotten out of a car, driven by his mother, to go across the road for a loaf of bread, when he ran directly into the path of the oncoming truck, driven by Mr. William. Fortunately, the truck was moving slowly, and the boy escaped with minor injuries to the head., The young boy was attended by Dr. A. W. Klahsen, who was at the scene of the mishap within sev- , oral minutes after it happened. OPP Constable Don Westover, of the Exeter detachment, investiga- ted. wellas contributing a., solo to the program. Entertainment was provided by the members of the Zurich Club, and the dinner was prepared by The next meeting was announ- the Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran ced for May 9, and all members Church in Zurich. were urged to attend. A program Lucky draws were won by, Len will be provided and lunch will be Ford, Seaforth, Stewart Dietz, Zur- served. ich, Bob McKinley, Zurich, Mrs. Before bringing the evening to Beatrice Hess, Zurich, and Ike a close, Mrs. Shapton, the tupper- Rann, Brussels. About 100 Lions at- ware representative displayed her tended the event. wares to the ladies present. Stanley Township Council Lets Spraying Contract; Discuss Trailer Park Rental (Clinton News -Record reporter) Ito enter with the Township of Contracts for spraying weeds in Tuckersmith with regard to the Stanley Township was awarded on i Brucefield Fire Department. 50 Monday night by the council, to percent of maintenance and oper- Herbert Cooper, Exeter, at $5 an ation cost is to be paid by the hour. The only other tender was from Roland Neil, Ailsa Craig, who asked for $6 an hour or $4 a mile. Donald Brodie, who recently purchased Ray Pepper's farm on Concession 3, asked for action soon on a drain at his property. 1 the Ontario Firemen's Association. Council approved attendance Coveran^ for the 18 men on the this month of Bill Taylor at Brucefield fire brigade will be ob- a school for road superintendents tained under the Workmen's Com - in Toronto. I pensation Act. Council passed a revised dog by Legal advice is to be sought by law for . the village of Bayfield, the clerk with regard to action which restricts the running at lar- possible toward collecting trailer ac of dogs within the village at fees. The village of Bayfield will any time during the year with a be advised that the trustees are re- fine of up to $50 applicable, i sponsible for advising the clerk, Reeve Coleman commented that Mrs. Harold Elliott when trailers he would favour such a by-law are parked, and to whom the 810 more if it applied only to part of monthly fee should be charged. the year. Deputy Reeve Alvin ; A subdivision plan submitted Rau could see some difficulty in by Alpert Hess, Zurich, was con - identifying the offending clogs, and sidered• This plan was first seen enforcing the by-law. by the council of 1957, and as yet Approval was given an agree- the applicant has not complied meat which Stanley is planning with all conditions required. township of Tuckersmith. This ag- reement was to be presented at the Tuesday meeting of Tucker - smith council. Stanley Council approved pay- ment of $5 fee for membership in