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Zurich Citizens News, 1961-04-27, Page 6
PAGE SIX Hensel11 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS 411,1114011111101111111•101111161‘ men's Institute Holds Their nnual 'eeting; rs. Beer Is President (By our Hensall Correspondent) First vice-president, Mrs- E. R. Davis, presided for the annual meeting of Hensall Women's Instin tute, held in St. Paul's Anglican Church, last Wednesday evening. Guest speaker, Mrs. E. C. Murray, of Toronto, showed lovely colored slides and narrated a four month's trip she took around Africa andj into the interior as far as the Bel- gian Congo, visiting 28 countries and sailing on 32 bodies of water. Over there she said Canada and the Canadians are magical words. Mrs. T. Lavender was in charge of the projector. The speaker was in- troduced by Mrs, George Arm- strong, who presided for the pro- gram. A motion was passed to pur- chase 50 new song books. For Leaders Training School. the choice made was. one, "Home Nur- sing; two: "Block Printing"; three: "Focus on Finishes," Instead of the usual bake sale, members are asked to contribute $1,00 to be handed in at the next meeting, which will be held on the regular night in May. Delegates were appointed to the District Annual, at Kippen. May 11. Mrs. Jini McAllister told the meeting that plans were being fin- alized for the 25th anniversary of the branch. May 12, at 8 p.m., in the United church. A motion was passed to donate $5.00 to St. Paul's Church for the use of their schoolroom. Mrs. T. Sherritt read the slate of officers and Mrs. Robert Elgie conducted the election: past presi- dent, Mrs. Carl Payne; president, Mrs. Fred Beer; first vicepresident, Mrs. E. R. Davis; second vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Harry Horton; third vice-president, Mrs. James Beng- ough; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. R. M. Peck; assistant, Mrs. Edward NOrMingtOn; press reporter, Mrs. Maude Hedden; district director, Miss Phyllis Case; alternate, Mrs. George Armstrong; card convener, Mrs. W. B. Cross; assistant, Mrs. W. O. Goodwin; pianist, Miss Greta Lammie; assistant, Mrs. William Brown; branch directors, Mrs. T. Coates, Mrs. R. Y. McLaren, Mrs. John Skea, Mrs. Beatrice Koehler; auditors, Mrs. W. R• Goodwin, Miss Mary Goodwin. Standing committees: agriculture and Canadian industries, Mrs. Wal- ker Carlile and Mrs. W. R. Rich- ardson; citizenship and education, Mrs. Sherritt and Mrs. Elgie; home economics and health, Mrs. A. R. Orr, Mrs. Clarence Reid; historical research, Miss Hattie Ellis, Mrs. William Henry, Mrs. Lorne Chap- man, Mrs. N. E. Cook; public rela- tions representatives, Mrs. Maude Hedden, Mrs. George Hess. 0 INSTALL RADIO SYSTEM A two-way radio system for com- munications with county foremen's trucks is being installed at the Hur- on County garage in Auburn. Workmen are laying the cement base to hold the tower. A few weeks ago residents of the Auburn area saw large balloons floating over the county garage. These balloons, or kites, filled with hydrogen, each carrried an aerial cord to test the height needed to get good reception from all points in Huron County. The county road men have been using telephones in their trucks since 1956. Many Young People Over Insurance Age ta:SIMMIZZIOER7SFaigraNalgat SPR1G IS 11 SECLEAM When you start re -decorating, make t.ure new floor -coverings are included in your plans ! SEE US FOR Mad Lineeums Priced from $1.65 sq. yd., up s 2, 3 and 4 yards wide From $1.05 sq. yd., up Nor Tiles Linoleum and Vinyl TESSERA CORLON—VINYL LINOLEUM 2 yards wide THE iVIOST DURABLE FLOOR -COVERING ON THE MARKET! SEE THE NEW WE CARRY A Complete Line of Window Shades ==illEZ2171.1= sti PHONE 89J — ZURICH Over 72,000 Ontario teenagers who turn 19 years of age this year will no longer have hospital insur- ance protection under their par- ents' certificates and separate pre- miums will be required for them. The Ontario Hospital Services Commission has sent supplies of leaflets and posters to all high schools, colleges and universities for distribution to senior students, telling them how to make sure their insurance is continued. "We are very much concerned that every 19 -year old boy and girl know about this requirement," stated Dr. R. W. Ian Urquhart, chairman of the commission, "and this distribution of literature is a repeat of a similar program car- ried out last year in co-operation with the Ontario Department of Education. "Many of the young people con- cerned who are working will al- ready be paying premiums through groups at their places of employ - .4kr "",4- .11 leirilfmfert.i. A4. llid are now available at all CONKLIN LUMBER CENTRES Here Are A NW Sa, p!e Prices: Kiln Dried — Top quality Western Spruce Lumber In Quantities of 2,000 ft. B.M. or More 41r M. Bd. Ff. 2x4 Lengths -8 ft. to 16 ft. @ $95.00 2x6 Lengths -8 ft. to 16 ft. @ $97.00 2x8 Length -8 ft. to 16 ft. Co $99.00 2x10 Lengths -8 ft. to 16 ft. @ $102,00 Lowest Prices on Good Utility Grades * * Fir Pyw© Sheathing WATERPROOF GLUE NO LOW GRADES 25 sheets or more, price per 4 -ft x 9 ft. sheei 5/16" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" $2.75 $3.25 Slightly Higher Prices For Delivery Prices Subject To Change Without Notice $4.95 $5.92 =PA 41=11021 11011=1 =NOM IN=01111. 1=4,4=44. emu= {1:13111=11 MR= r=1111611 11,1=1. c�nli Phone 177 THEDFORD LU CENT ES Phone 622 EXETER Phone 74 GRAND BEND Phone JA 4.8321 GODERICH irdilirtfarwriff THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1961 FRIENDS HONOUR BRIDE On Wednesday, April 12, Mrs, Helen Holmes and Mr. Charles Me -- Keever were unite in marriage at London. This past Tuesday evening a num- ber of friends, neighbours, and relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. Arnold Merner, Sr., to honour Mrs. McKeever on the occasion of her marriage. An enjoyable ev- ening was spent playing euchre. Mrs. McKeever was seated in an easy chair, and Mrs. Alphonse Grenier read the address while Mrs. Hubert Schilbe presented Mrs. McKeever with a pair of living room lamps, on behalf of those present. Mrs. McKeever thanked the group and invited them to visit her in their new home at Clinton. ment," the chairman explained, "but thousands are still in school and are apt to overlook their hospi- tal insurance." Mare than 115,000 pieces of lit- erature were sent to some 900 ed- ucational institutions. The pamph- lets tell students what to do about their hospital insurance if they take summer employement or get married. VIA*1.101 ilavorful y Try Our !Nide Variety of Baked Goods! 6C24,37;7-' r BAKED FRESH EVERY DAY TASTY -NU BAKERY WHEN YOU ASK FOR BREAD SPECIFY "TASTY - NU" BREAD R's tasty goodness will convince you it's the best on the market ! ! "HOME OF THE "TASTY -NU" BREAD" HENSALL BRIEFS (By our Hensel! Correspondent) Places First Miss Carol Brown placed first in the piano class 17 years and under with 80 marks at the Kiwanis music Festival held in London, Second and third place winners received 75 and 71 marks. Awarded Bursary Edward E. Norminton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Norminton, of Hen - sail, has been awarded an $1,800 bursary by the National Research day. Council to undertake post -grad- uate studies in mathematics at the Universtary of Western Ontario. A graduate of South Huron Dis- trict High School, he is completing his final year in applied mathema- tics. 1 -Te was one of 186 students across Canada to receive the bur- sary. Moves To Camp Borden Flt./Sgt. and Mrs. John Beer, David, Johnny and Steven, spent the past weekend with Mrd and Mrs. Fred Beer, leaving for their new home in Camp Borden on Sun - always FINE FOODS SERVED IN OUR MODERN DINING LOUNGE ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Our Entire Hotel is Equipped with "Hi-Fi" System for your Listening Pleasure WE SPECIALIZE IN STEAKS - CHICKEN 0111 111011 Z2==MCDZEMITZ' FISH PHONE 70 — ZURICH "Get A Reed Lift With 0 fir if!J SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter" "Shur -Gain Chick Starter does wonders for us. It builds us up with uniform growth and fast feathering. In addition, it increas- es livability in the flock." We have SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter available in either crumble or mash form — and they're fresh —really fresh! Or*. 1.'011 ifr,f4; 4.11‘ DROP IN SOON. . . We' talk about your Chicks and Chick Profits POULTRY FEEDS Maio= rvisovmainseimel Mins." - M.G, PHONE 154ZIJRICU DMZ and SON QUALITY SEED BEANS FOR SALE American Certified No. 1 Sanilac American Certified No. 1 Michelite Contracts Available — HARR!STON FERTILIZER AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES — ORDER NOW E. L MULE & SON LIMITED PHONE 13 and 205 HENSALL, ONTARIO • „..,5...WY, ."‘0,,, .• • 4, ...,:. • ' .,,,,;',... • 4 . h . .. .....,.k, . CV: , • Cedar Chests For Sa!e PRICED FROM $10,00 UP A '0; : Lurlotsit nuetvEns DEctiCPI 398 19.19.104 69 SLI 4. 4"-.7,1444.--..•....e4r440flof -.if.. .4,14,i...if. A 10 BIG SPRING -1ERE ARE A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS! CARDINAL 4 -CYCLE ROTARY LAWN MOM Reg. Value $69,95 — SALE PRICE $59.95 WHIT COTTOr. VES Reg. Value 45c pair — 2 PAIRS 49c FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS Reg. Value $7.39 — FOR ONLY $5.99 24" MOTORIZED BARBEQUE Reg. Value $23.95 — FOR ONLY $19.95 CARDINAL WHEELBARROW Reg. Value $10.95 — FOR ONLY $8.99 ADJUSTABLE IRONING BOARD Reg. Value $9.95 — SALE PRICE $7.49 See our Flyers in the mail for Complete List of Specials. Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUIVII3ING — HEATING — TINSMITHING" PHONE '72 — ZURICH oiliminslimarmaymmerS