HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-04-27, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1961 PAGE FIVE ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS CLASSIFIED RATES: 25 words or less, 50c the first week, 35c for repeat advertisements. Lar- ger advs.: 2e a word the first week, then I.V2e for repeats. Cards of Thanks, In Memor- iams, Engagements, same as above. Births, Marriages and heaths, No charge. FOR SALE POTATOES FOR SALE, No. 1 and No. 2, also feed potatoes. Apply to H. Soudant, RR 1, Varna, 2 miles north of Hillsgreen, phone Hensall 695 r 4, or 696 r 12. 10-tfb BEAUTIFUL SINGER, Zig Zag, in desk like console, slightly used. This one makes hundreds of fancy stit- ches, button -holes, sews on buttons. Cash price $46.88, or payments of $6.80 a month. Write Box number FC Zurich Citizens News. 15-6-7-8-p YELLOW SWEET CLOVER SEED, $5 a bushel; also yellow sweet clov- er, red clover and Climax timothy mixed seed, $9 a bushel. Good quality. Apply to David Blackwell, Parr Line, phone 88 r 8, Zurich. 15-6-p 12 USED MILK CANS, also a Utina can milk cooler. Apply to Clayton Steckle, phone Zurich 94 r 22. 17-8-p BIRTHS PARKE—At Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Monday, April 24, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Parke, RR 1, Varna, a daughter, a sister for Susan. ANNOUNCEMENTS A Trousseau Tea will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs• Russell Grainger, in honour of their daugh- ter, Mary Evelyn, on Saturday, Ap- ril 29, from 2 to 4 in the afternon, and from 7 to 10 in the evening. . Everyone welcome. FARM WAGON, rubber tires, auto- matic steering, $100. Hay Rack( 6'. Apply to Asa Steckle, phone Hen- sall 598 r 12. 17-8-p BABY CARRIAGE — in good con- dition. Apply to Fred Haberer, Jr., RR 1, Zurich, phone 94 r 11, Mon- day to Friday, after 6 p.m., or on Saturday, anytime. 17-p COMPLETE ACETYLENE Cutting and Welding outfit, with contract, L in new condition. Apply to orne R. Becker, Dashwood. 17-b FOR SALE NOTICE Will the parties who destroyed the gates, fence, fireplace, well canopy and entered the cabin at Ivan Kalbfleisch's park please call and pay for damages before Mon- day, May 1, 1961 After this date further action will be taken. Remember you were seen by a witness. IVAN L. KALBFLEISCH AUCTION SALE Of Household Furnishi Misc. Items. On the Premises of Grainger, 21/a miles north dale or 5 miles south of Highway 21. The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by Pu- blic Auction, on: THURSDAY, APRIL. 27 at 1:30 p.m. Kelvinator Frig in A-1 condition; 3 -piece chesterfield suite; china cabinet; dining room table with 6 matching chairs; sideboard; settee; 2 antique chairs; wicker chairs; kit- chen table; kitchen chairs; various rocking chairs; organ in good con- dition; 2 oak complete bedroom suites; steel bed springs and mat- tress; commode; dressers; antique spool and rope bedstead; flower stands; small tables; secretary book case; phonograph and rec- ords; electric radio; 2 rugs; 2 -burn- er Rangette; Singer sewing mach- ine; glassware; china; kitchen uten- sils; step ladder. Many other misc. items. No reserve, everything will be sold to settle estate. TERMS — CASH MRS. ELIZABETH GRAINGER, MRS. MARY KEYS, Executors for the estate of the late Oleva Snowden ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 16-7-b FOR SALE The property of the late William Rader, Brick house; den, living room, dining room, kitchen down- stairs; 4 bedrooms and 3 -piece bath upstairs. 1 Lot �/ Acre, 4 -Rod Frontage Household Items 6 kitchen chairs, like new; buf- fet; 1 woden bed, spring and mat- tress; 1 ironbed, spring and mat- tress; 2 leather rockers; armchair; 1 rocker. We will be at the home any day by appointment until everything is sold. Milne Rader or Lylyan Dinnin LIVESTOCK FOR SA I_E 24 WEANER PIGS — Apply to Joe Regier, phone 80 r 15. 17-b BULL CALF, for quick sale. Apply to Bert Bachert, phone 75 r 12, Zurich. 17-13 AUTOS FOR SALE ngs and Russell of Drys - Bayfield, COMING EVENTS COOKIE DAY — The Zurich Brow- nies and Girl Guides will be con- ducting a cookie day on Saturday, April 29. Your support will be appreciated. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of valuable 50 acre farm, Trac- tors, Truck, Farm Machinery, Choice Durham and Hereford cat- tle, Hay, Grain, Household Effects and Misc. Items. On the Premises, Lot 24, Con. 6, Hay Twp., 20. miles east of Zur- ich or 3 miles west of Hensall, 1 mile north Parr Line. ___ -- --- The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by pub- lic auction on: FRIDAY, APRIL 28 at 12:30 Sharp Real Estate: Consists of south half Lot 24, Con. 5., Hay Twp., 50 acres all tillable land with the ex- ception of 6 acres mixed bush. Barn 36 x 60. Also brick house. Wever failing water supply. Pres- ently all newly seeded and pasture. Land choice clay loam. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable re- serve bid. Note: Mortgage terms can be ar- ranged by contacting proprietor be- fore sale date. Horses: 2 Clyde mares, true and reliable. Cattle: Hereford cow carrying second calf, clue before sale date; Hereford cow milking with calf at foot; Hereford cow with calf at foot rebred Jan. 23; Hereford cow with calf at foot; Hereford cow carry- ing fourth calf, due before sale date; Hereford heifer with calf foot; Hereford cow carrying third calf, due before sale date; Durham cow milking bred Jan. 6; Hereford cow with calf at foot, bred March 7• Durham cow carrying third calf, HURON COUNTY CROP REPORT (By D. H. MILES, Agricultural Representative for Huron County) Continous cool wet weather has curtailed seeding operations and it will be a few days before the farmers can get back on the land. Growth of pastures and fall wheat is slow, although, they are greening up considerably, The recent rains will have help- ed general moisture conditions. BROWNIE'S Drive -In Theatre Ltd. Clinton THURS..—FR1.,—April 27-28 Double Feature FOR RENT PASTURE LAND AVAILABLE — 25 acres to be rented out for the season. Apply to Elmore Bierling, phone Zurich 221. 17tfb. '58 VAUXHALL CAR, low mileage, one owner, in excellent condition; also a bicycle, like new. Apply to Mrs. Ted Mittleholtz, phone 198, Zurich. HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN, wan- ted for Zurich, Bayfield, and area. Excellent renumeration, training will be available. Automobile re- quired. For appointment call D. M. Jackson Real Estate, Grand Bend, phone 35. PART TIME STENOGRAPHER, with good knowledge of book- keeping, to work one or two days each week. Apply in person to Zurich Citizens News. 16-x HOUSEKEEPER WANTED — for 51/2 -day week, to live in or out. Must be good with children. Phone Zurich 160. NOTICE WILL THE PERSON who borrow- ed screw jack and handle from Mousseau and Parkins garage plea- se return it immediately, as it is 'needed badly. Mousseau and Park- ins, Zurich. • PROPERTY . FOR SALE WANTED TO BUY WANTED — FEATHERS and old feather ticks. Call Exeter Salvage, phone 423 Exeter, collect. 22tfb FARM EQUIPMENT due in May; Hereford farrow cow; Hereford heifer with calf at foot; Durham heifer with calf at foot; Durham cow carrying third calf, due in May; 3 Hereford steers ready for market; 4 Hereford steers rising 2 yr. old; 2 Hereford heifers, rising 2 yrs. old; 3 Here- ford Yearling steers; 2 Hereford yearling heifers. Brucel- losis all choice quality, test negative and vacinated. Truck, Tractor and Farm Machin- ery: 1948 Studebaker 3 -ton hydrau- lic lift stake and dump truck equip - with new 285 x 20 tires; MH "44" Tractor in new condition; MH "20" Farmall tractor, including scuffler in A-1 condition; MHI - furrow narrow bottom plow, i new; Cock hutt 4 -bar side McDeering 13runr ake, like new; hoe grain and fertilizer drill like new; McDeering tractor manure spread- er, used one season; MH mower, 6 ft. cut, like new; McDeering 81/2 ft. tractor cultivator; MH 7 ft. bin- der; 3 -drum steel roller; MH hay loader; 4 -section spring tooth har- rows; 3 -section diamond harrows; 2 -section diamond harrows; rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; steel tire wagon; team disc; dump rake; single scuffler; team scuffler; plat- form scales; set of sleighs; Clinton fanning mill; bag truck; single plow; scrap iron; stone boat; grain grinder; 50 ft. belt; electric bean cooker; cutting box; colony house 10 x 8; quantity of Wood and lum- ber; cedar posts; chicken shelters; 2 -unit Clean Easy milking ac lime arator; milk cans; poils and in A-1 condition; MH cream sep er• 24 electric fence posts; electric mo a it g o e d s c e s b "Vice Raid" DIED IN ALABAMA Word was received in Zurich on Monday of the death, in Birming- ham, Alabama, of Elmer Dedels, a brother of Mrs. Milfred Sehilbe. He was in his 61st year. Mr. Dedels was born in Breslau, Ontario, and went to United States as a young man. The funeral took place in Bir- mingham on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Schilbe left for Birmingham on Monday morning, along with a brother from Kitchener. Adult Entertainment Mamie VanDoren -- Brad Dexter "Rabbit Trap" Ernest Borgnine — ONE CARTOON — MINNEAPOLIS - MOLINE Farm Machinery; Firestone. and Good year rubber tires. ,See us far the best buy. Emmerson Erb, 3 one 96r12, Zurich. SAT., MON., TUES.— April 29; May 1-2 "The Unforgiven 11 Adult Entertainment Burt Lancaster -- Audrey Hepburn and Audie Murphy (Colour) (CinemaScope) — ONE CARTOON — WED., THURS., FRI.—May 3-4-5 "Hole In The Head" (Colour) (CinemaScope) Frank Sinatra -- Edw G. Robinson Thelma Ritter and Eleanor Parker — ONE CARTOON — GEORGE WHITE FARM Mach inery, Ebersal hay and grain Ele- vators, Rotary Hog Feeders. Ap- ply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. 30-tfx MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and body repairs, glass steering and wheel balance._ Un- daspray for Rust prevention. DAVIDSON'S PhoneTexaco SeJA vice 4-e231 No. 8 H'wy. ATTENTION FARMERS — For prompt 24-hour 7 clay a week ser- vice on all dead or disabled farm animals; truck licenced under Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence No 66 c 61. Call Ed. Andrews, phone Seaforth 851 r 11. 9-30-p FARM FOR SALE 50 acres, one quarter mile south of Zurich. Good hip roof barn, double garage, drive shed, brick house and hydro. Choice location. Apply to R. GRENIER, GRAND BEND CUSTOM WORK HOME SEWING—Dutch lady wants to make dresses, repairing, etc., at home. Please contact Mrs. Ito Van RR Den Boorn, R 1, Varna, c/o H. Soudant, Vegetable farmer, 2 miles north of Hillsgreen, 4 mileSsouthh of Varna, STARLITE NOW OPEN APRIL 28 and 29 "But Not For Me" Clark Gable, Carol Baker Corning — Steve Reeves in "THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII" and Buster Crabbe and Bart Macean in "GUN FIGHTERS OF ABILENE" for and emery; 2 -wheel trailer nd racks; coal chicken brooder; on kettles; galv. watertrough; 15 al liquid fertilizer; root pulper; nion crates; snow fence; Stewart lectrie cattle clipper; lawn mower; ouble harness; single harness; teel drums; forks; shovels; cross- ut saw, logging chains, etc., etc. Hay and Grain: 350 bushels mix - d grain; 300 bushels Gary oats, uitable for seed; 50 bushels Mont- alm barley; 600 bales choice hay; ushel mixed clover seed and Tim- othy. Household Effects: Dining room table with 6 matching chairs; buf- fet; china cabinet; GE heavy duty 4 -burner stove; electric Connor washer; 2 complete bedroom suit- es; small tables; end tables; bur- eau; glass cupboard; singer sew- ing machine; daybed; Good Cheer cok stove; 2 coal and wood heat- ers; etc., etc. Plan to attend this outstanding sale with everything in first class condition. TERMS: CASH No reserve as the farm is sold HENRY FUSS, Proprietor William Fuss, James McAllister Clerks ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood •b O'Brien's Plumbing Heating and Tinsmithing Phone 156 — Zurich SHOWS EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT Until Further Notice BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 WOMEN'S INTITUTE The next regular meeting of the Zurich Women's Institute will be held in the Township Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday evening, May 2, at 8 pan:- The program will consist of in- teresting pictures being shown by Mrs. Jack Pearson, of her recent trip to Mexico. The committee in charge of the meeting is Mrs. Lerina Rose, Mrs. Mozart Gelinas and Mrs. Lawrence Regier. A special invitation is ex- tended to all ladies in the com- munity to attend this affair. FILTER. QUEEN SALES AND service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Reconditioned cleaners Zuurich, Pone Hense. Bb ll 696r2 R 18.20-22-24tft SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Dashwood 26r17, or in case of emergency call Del Sehwatzentruber, phone 224, Ta- vistock. CUSTOM SPRAYING and WHITE- WASHING. Call now for prompt and efficient service. William Wat- son, RR 3, Zurich, call Dashwood 37R19. 35,tfb I� VIJI A •103,,,te coar FOR. DEPENDABLE HEAT AU Winter Long Cali LORNE E. HAY Locker Service—Rue Feeds Phone 10 (Collect) Hensall RADIO AUTO RADIO ANTE NAE SALES_ itRItii.E 'ANYWHERE -• ANYT�L., Pi 62.: . ATTENTION Hensall Ladies Auxiliary To Royal Canadian Legion SECOND ANNUAL PENNY SALE 50 Prizes donated by businessmen of Hensall and District ON DISPLAY AT PUC BUILDING 25 Chances for 25c Draw To Be Held on Saturday, May 27 SHOP SAVE I.G.A. DOLLAR TIP TOP FANCY 48 OZ. Tomato Juice omor000mmoommouroaposommomosom MT ROYAL CHOICE 20 OZ. Peach Halves VIKING 15 OZ. Red Raspberries GARDEN PATCH 15 OZ. Choice Peas VAN CAMP 15 OZ Beans with Pork KELLOGS 16 OZ. Corn Flakes KELLOGS 141/a OZ. Frosted Flakes HEINZ Tomato Soup IGA 15 OZ. Beef Stew PILSBURY Cake Mixes TIP TOP 20 OZ. CHOICE Cream Corn LYNN VALLEY 24 OZ Sweet Mixed Pickles DAYS 5 for $1.00 4 for $1.00 4 for $1.00 8 for $1.00 7 for $1.00 3 for $1.00 3 for $1.00 10 for $1.00 4 for $1.00 4 for $1.00 7 for $1.00 4 for $1.00 Freezer Features 2 for 89c 2 for 89c ZER-O-PAK 2 LB. POLY BAG Peas and Carrots SUNSHINE 2 LB. POLY BAG Corn Kernels Table Rite Meat Features MILK FED 59c ��� Veal Legs oked Picnic Shoulders 43c ib. Pork Tended 89c Ib, Tablerite Sausage, Ib 2 for $1.00 COMBINATION SPECIAL— ALL FOR 1 Pkg. Tablerite SIDE BACON, 1/2 Ib. 1 Pkg. Tablerite WIENERS, 1 Ib 1 Pkg. Tablerite SAUSAGE, i/i Ib. ) e00 TABLE FRESH PRODUCE NO. 1 GRADE BANANAS . 2 lbs. 29c NO. 1 GRADE IMTATOPORTEIRES � IbJ. 35c NEIN BROWN'S IGA MARKET — HENSALL OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Save Gold Bond Stamps for Valuable Prem%ums