HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-04-27, Page 3THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1961 Sugar and Spice (Continued from Page Two) four, so we'll be right at the pool at first light -well, maybe a short one, and make it light. And first thing you know it's 3 a.m. and you haven't started looking for your waders. Three hours later, you totter out of the house, feeling as though you'd been clubbed. But the cold air hits you and your savage, prim- itive instinct begins to surge again And you sneer down the street at the larkened houses of all the lit- tle, soft people who are still in bed. And you race for the stream, blood pounding, through the raw, dark morning. With the heater on high. And you slip up that back road and park a quarter mile from the pool so nobody will follow you and spoil that first glorious cast. :r * n: And you stumble through the bush, careless in your hurry to be the first, and alone. And in the dark, you tear your pants and go in over the tops of your waders, But the wild exulation drives you on, indifferent to discomfort. And you feel your way along the little path, past the big stump, until you know the pool is just :,. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Brucefield Couple FIVE BOARDS. EXPORE Possl BIL.ITIES Married 25 Years informationVocational. On Huron Y 401110.100.1, PAGE THREE Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell, Brucefield, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Friday, April 7. On Saturday, April 8, there was a family dinner at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, followed by a social evening at home at which relatives and friends were present and the family presented them with a chest of silver. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell have one daughter, Mrs, Fred (Alice) Deich- ert, Clinton; and three sons, Ro- bert, Kenneth and Gordon, at home. ahead, And you stop there and breath deep in the darkness, and you feel good, and alive. And carefully, by touch, you put your bait on. Then, the black turns to gray, and you advance cautiously to the pool's edge, and prepare for your first cast of the season, feel- ing like a king. ' And swiftly comes the first light now, to reveal, standing shoulder to shoulder, nineteen trout fisher- men ringing the pool. SEWING TIME! SEE OUR SELECTION OF MATERIALS DAN RIVER GINGHAMS - in new spring shades $1.35 yard ARNEL and COTTON FABRICS - 45" wide, in varied checked pat- terns of black and white, green and white; mauve and white $1.95 yard SPORT CORD - ideal for sum- mer play clothes for children or adults. 36" Width - $1.39 yard DARNEL CREPES - in blue, rose, navy and black; 45" wide, an ideal silk material that hand launders like cotton. EXTRA SPECIAL - FOR 3 DAYS BROADCLOTHES - IN PASTEL SHADES Reg. 79c yard - For 55c Yard - NEW GREENS - SPECIAL have a special on E quality Cambridge suit material Reg. $73.00 - Now Only $67.50 o1MEMIMMINI. GASCHO'S MEWS & LADIES' WEAR PHONE 59 - ZURICH School Given B Superintendent At a meeting of boards and prin- cipals of the five secondary schools of Huron County held in Clinton on Tuesday night, April 15, infor- mation regarding a proposed com- posite school for the area was re- ceived from E. J. Davies, assistant superintendent of secondary schoo- Is for Ontario. Chairman of the meeting was Robert Welsh, RR 2, Bayfield. Charles S, MacNaughton, MLA for Huron, urged that the boards "move quickly, if you are interes- ted in this thing. There will be a great demand for this, and govern- ments have a habit of running out of money. If you act in haste, I'll guarantee the Minister of Educa- tion and the Department will go all the way with you." Mr. MacNaughton had the opin- ion of Dr. S. D. Rendall, BA, sup- erintendent of secondary educat- ton, that "The Huron area is a nat- ural for this kind of thing" (mean- ing a composite school, offering a variety of courses of vocational na- ture as well as general course and commercial training). The boards agreed to hold their own monthly meetings; consult with their own councils, and come back to Clinton for a second meet- ing in three weeks, ready to consi- der the matter further. The date set is Tuesday, May 9. Involved are Goderich and Clinton Colleg- iate Institutes, Exeter, Seaforth and Wingham high schools. As Mr. Davies, the speaker from Toronto said, he is one of five assistants to Dr. Randall. At pres- ent the Canadian government has offered 100 percent grant for con- struction, furnishings and equip- ping such a building. For the pur- pose of receiving the grant, the area of Huron County would be considered large enough, with suf- ficient potential in students, to qualify for that grant. Offer of this grant expires in 1963. He explained that one school board would have to take the init- iative, be prepared to be respons- ible for the school, and then do a WOOL Any Government Deficiency Pay- ment will apply only on prop- erly graded wools. Secure the utmost by patronizing the organization that made this possible. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from RUSSELL MANSON SHEARER Zurich, Ontario or by writing to CANADIAN CO.OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada CHECK THESE PRICES F ?I� E FREEZERS ,,.A-, .hbr.Fes...„.�. 1 G%LSON UPRIGHT, Reg. $495.00 TO CLEAT? _ -.. __._---.._.___... $369.00 1 PHILCO FLAT TYPE, reg. $399.00 TO CLEAR ._.__- __..___.__.._-- $289.00 RGAL S DURING 1 ONLY p EW PHILCO AUTOMATIC DRYER Reg. price $279.95 - A BARGAIN AT $195.00 NEW REFRIGERATORS ¶ NEW ELECTRIC und GAS 1 MOFFAT, reg. $334.95 ___.____. _ FOR $229.00 1 MOFFAT, reg. $289.00 _. FOR $179.00 1 PHILCO, reg. $349.95 _.__... FOR $229.50 1 PHILCO, reg. $495.00 ._ FOR $299.00 1 PHILCO, reg. $419.95 _______._.__._ FOR $299.00 1 PHILCO, reg. $325.00 FOR $219.00 1 GILSON, reg. $299.95 .________ FOR $219.00 EASY TERMS SMALL DOWN PAYMENT AND WE CAN FINANCE THE BALANCE STOVES 1 ONLY 4 -BURNER HAROWICK GAS STOVE Reg. $208.00 ....._ _ FOR $149.00 ___ _.... Reg. $219.95 1 ONLY MOFFAT 24"4 -BURNER _.. FOR $149.50 1 ONLY MOFFAT 24" 4 -BURNER Reg. $274.95 FOR $189,00 I ONLY MOFFATT 30" 4 -BURNER fully automa'c. Reg. $379.95 FOR $269.00 1 ONLY MOFFAT 30" 4 -BURNER Reg. $259.95 _.__. .__ .. ___ FOR $179.00 1 ONLY WOOD -COAL ANNEX Reg. $77.50 FOR $49,00 See us for your Garden Supplies, Garden Tractors, Power Mowers, Garden Tools. We would be Teased to estimate Your Plumbing--Heatiig and Building Proiects. Zurich Hardware and udders' Supply PHONE 63 - ZURICH selling job upon neighbours, so that a long term agreement could be netered into with the object of obtaining enough support that the school could be maintained. "A tecnical course," said Mr - Davies, "is a challenging one. It takes just about as good a boy to complete one, as it does for a gen- eral course. Employers want work- ers with more general education. A truck driver today requires knowledge in book-keeping, and is responsible for large sums of mon- ey, and for expensive equipment. "Courses in technical schools are changing with demand," went on the speaker. "No longer do we have a carpentry course -because too much time is spent on cabinet making. So we are planning a course to he called construction, where work which can actually fit into a job later on is being taught. A large percentage of students in technical courses take up electric- ity and electronics (about 26 per- cent); machine shop is 17 percent; auto mechanics 18 percent and woodwork is only 5.1 percent. Many different facets of the pos- sible building program were con- sidered. The problem as laid down will be to find a centre where neighbouring towns will be prepar- ed to cooperate in sending pupils and sharing the maintenance cost of the increased scope of training. The meeting was arranged for by the Ontario Farmers Union, Hu- ron Unit, educational committee, composed of Robert Taylor, Mrs. Govenlock and Robert Welsh. This committee has presented a brief ate.. as /As to the Ontario Department of Ed- ucation in Toronto, where they had a good reception, and the meeting here was the development from that. As far as building a strictly vo- cational school is concerned, Mr. Davies felt that this would not be considered favourably, There has not been one built in the past 20 years. The trend is toward a com- posite school, manly because of the need for teachers of academic subjects, A large percentage of the course must be academic, with the smaller percentage of technic- al training increased each year. It was thought that an addition to an existing school could fill the requirements. Charles MacNaughton asked the boards to meet the problem squarely, and not allow it to be- come .a competition between towns for the honour of receiving the location of the school. "You should decide if you want it, and then place it where it will serve the area best," said Mr. MacNaughton. Hensall Couple Are Married 40 Years (By our Hensall Correspondent) A family dinner at the Iroquois Hotel, London, Wednesday, April 19, marked the 40th wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Ferguson, of Hensall. Also includ- ed in the family dinner were their ten grandchildren. "Open House" was held in the evening at their home, to close neighbours and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson were showered with gifts, flowers and congratulatory messages. Following their marriage of 40 years ago they farmed in Usborne Township retiring to Ilensall two years ago this May. Their family include three sons, Russell, Usborne; Howard, Thames - ford; Lloyd, Usborne; and Velma, Mrs. Grant Govanlock, RR 3, Lam- beth, and ten grandchildren. Village of Zurich NC' ,S9�.R.Ti DAYLIGHT SAVING TME Pursuant to policy established by the Zurich Village Council, DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME will be observed in this municipality in 1961 FROM Sunday, April 30, cit 2:00 a.m. ALBERT J. KALBFLEISCH, Clerk -Treasurer W. LLOYD O'BRIEN Reeve Granulated Sugar 10 LB. 83c Brylcreem LARGE TUBE 49c ralitMla Nesle's ale Quick 2 LB. TIN 85c Gillette Blades PKG. OF 5 - 19c PKG. OF 12 - 39c Kotex 'York Kernel Corn 3 14 OZ. TINS 49c McLAREN 16 OZ. SWEET Wafer Pickles 29c YORK 16 OZ. SWEET Mixed Pickles 23c BLUE BONNET Margarine 3 LB. PKG. 71c piimem FANCY QUALITY L1BBY'S Orange Juice Tomato Juice 48 OZ. TIN 43c 48 OZ. TIN 29c NAW ECONOMY SIZE Spic and Span $1.29 (15c Off Pack) QUEENSWAY Dessert Pears 20 OZ. TIN 19c Clover Leaf, Solid White Meat l Tuna Fish WHITE CROSS Toilet Tissues 4 ROLL PACK 45c BEE -HIVE 7 OZ. 39c CLARK'S 15 OZ. FANCY QUALITY Sockeye Salmon : LB. TIN 57c Beans with Pork 6 FOR 89c APPLEFORD Corn Syrup Wax Paper 2 LB. TIN 29c mattEmmoriagnaimmmmvmsammei- FLORIDA 96's White Grapefruit 10 for 43c SIZE 140's 100 FT. ROLL 29c .1:•!'-•: 768 ..,.TdL-:!3lZ1..t 9t.-4 +aT• Sunkist Le ops 6 for 25c MAXWELL HOUSE Instant Coffee 6 OZ. JAR 85c ROSE or TALISMAN BRAND RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY JAM 24 oz. Jar 39c 3 -FRUIT MARMALADE 24 oz. Jar 29c TEXAS 20 OZ. Cmhhage PEAMEAL BACK BACON COOKED HAM PURE PORK SAUSAGE BUTT PORK CHOPS FRESH PICNIC SHOULDERS 2 for 29c 7cl g ib. 59c lb. 89c 2 lbs. 89c ib. c I'b. 37c FREE - Super -Save Birthday Cake, w c -e7 ry order : :'Ms . ras. 1/4M ALsasa?t =MUM; .00 HENSALL QY -._... r MEMANNAaS 4NTP.M.��:..1 il'a'?a„`.Frv_rZersigni°.SSZV,+_r`:'.,