HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-03-08, Page 8,y 5 URICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1961 Unique Farm Forum The Unique Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McClinchey on Monday evening, March 6, with approximately 20 members and friends present. The subject of standardization of farm machinery was discussed. The members were divided in their oponion as to how far we should go in demanding standard- ization of machinery, because a machine could be considered stan- dard in one section of the country and at the same time it would not serve the needs of another section. It was fully agreed that if the manufacturers could come out with a few standard machines and these could be used on different makes of tractors it should be a saving to the farmers over a period of time, The meeting thanked the host and hostess for their hospitality. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Len Merner, on Monday, March 13, when the subject of "Disease Con- trol" will be discussed. 7i ATTENTION F.:R ERS CONCRETE SILOS 1961 Will Be A Big Year In Construction Most Farmers Have From ONE TO THREE SILOS ANYONE INTERESTED.. --_ GET OUR FREE ESTIMATION (Over 20 years experience) DISTRIBUTOR FOR Jamesway Barn Cleaners WES HUGILL PHONE 204 — ZURICH ��i. • a1.'1,'flL. i10,1;i1l rHINKNG A UT Spring k just around the corn- er . . . and this means . time.. for new floor coverings. SEE US FOR Inlaid Linoleums Congoleums Vinyl and Linoleum Floor Tiles Carpeting FL WE CARRY A Complete Line of Window Shades essmatostmaxtmegnalaznomma MEW 0142:0.12191¢M1 Vat olEMS11.1 PHONE 89J — ZURICH .101 te.."11EMA L® FESTIVAL OF FO IGA PEANUT BUTTER, 16 oz. 33c IGA INSTANT COFFEE, 6 oz. _ 79c IGA STRAWBERRY JAM, 24 oz. 43c IGA WAXED PAPER 27c IGA BREAKFAST ORANGE, 64 oz. ._ 49c DOG HOUSE DOG FOOD .____.__.._. ___ 12 tins 99c GREEN GIANT FANCY PEAS, 15 oz. ___.___ 2 for 35c Blend • 150 ExtrStu Ma�l� t Fe :.tures 11 p ? Extra Stamps with HUMPTY DUMPTY POTATO CHIPS __ 79c ? Extra Stamps with 2 pkgs. ZERO PAK FROZEN VEGETABLES ? Extra Stamps with LYONS TEA BAGS, 100's 79c ? Extra Stamps with 2 PACKAGES SOLO MARGARINE ? Extra Stamps with any 1 LB. IGA COFFEE ? Extra Stamps with GIANT SURF 67c ? Extra Stamps with 1 LB. BEEF STEAKETTES 69c Ib. Table Rite Meat Features TURKEY BROILERS, Oven Ready, 4 to 10 lbs. .43c Ib. SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS 59c Ib. ROYAL GUEST TRAY PAK SAUSAGE 49c Ib. Table Fresh Produce SNO BOY P.E.I. POTATOES _. 10 lbs. 39c TEXAS NEW CARROTS, 20 oz. 2 pkgs. 25c U.S. NO. 1 BROCCOLI _.. 23c Freezer Features HIGHLINER COD FISH STICKS 2 pkgs. 65c ZERO PAK CRINKLE CUT FRENCH FRIES, 2 Ib. bag __ ___ 55c BROWN'S IGA MARKET p- HENSALL OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Save Gold Bond Stamps for Valuable Premiums Staniey Council Lets Gravel Contrnt To Clinton Firm; Buy New Trctor The Lavis Contracting Company of Clinton was awarded the con- tract to supply the Township of Stanley with 9,000 cubic yards of gravel at 72 cents per yard. Work is to be completed in June. The contract was let at the Monday meeting of Stanley council, held in the council chambers at Varna. Orville McClinchey was named to represent the Township on the Bayfield Community Arena Board, ' The township council has accep- ted the tender of Hyde Brothers of Hensall for supply of a tractor for the police village of Bayfield. • The equipment will be used for street work, such as snow -plowing and cutting weeds. Grants of $50 each will be made to the South Huron Agricultural Obituary Frank ousseau Obit—Frances (Frank) Mousseau Francis (Frank) Mousseau, high- ly esteemed resident of Hay Town- ship, farmer and life resident of the area, passed away at his late residence on Thursday, March 2, in his 92nd year. His wife, the former Margaret Brown, predeceased him in May, 1944. Surviving are one son, Wilfred and one daughter, Margaret, both at home; two sisters, Mrs. Amanda Wesley, Romeo, Mich.; and Mrs. Rachael Denomme, at the Queens- way Nursing Home, Hensall. The body rested at the Westlake funeral home, Zurich, until Satur- day, March 4, when Requiem High Mass was usng at 4 p.m. in St. Bon- iface Roman Catholic Church, Zur- ich. Interment was made in the adjoining cemetery, with Father C. A. Doyle offiicating. Pallbearers were: Alex Mous- seau, Hensall; Alvin Wesley, De- troit; Gerald Brown, Clinton; Wil- liam Watson, Zurich; George Gren- ier, Zurich, and L. Bevers, London. d A7 :C::. . *F44:4, V45 fit -/n. ,44 Optic irl Service Prescriptions Promptly Filled We Have a large assortment of Modern Frames, including Child- ren's sizes. irs Broken Lenses Duplicated Frames repaired and adjusted While You Wait — LOWEST PRICES — lbert ess Jeweller and Optician ZURICH (r;-`�= � .sem '1 01. rie 's Plumbing Heating and Tinsmithing Phone i 56 -- Zurich REPASZIERMISIFIEMIZOkarafkliZZINSIMMEtaMMil HURON COUNTY COUNCIL MARCH SESSION The March Session of Huron County Council will be held at Goderich, on March 24th, commen- cing at 10.00 a.m. All communications in connec- tion therewith must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Friday, March 17, 1961. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 10-b entemermannsomoomowinaoromonammou Society for its spring Fair in Hen- sall June2, and to the Huron Cen- tral Agricultural Society for its Spring Fair in Clinton, June 3. 0 Crippled Children Need Your HAD Buy Easter Seals When a child who lives far from any large hospital centre is crip- pled and cannot walk to a clinic because of his handicapped condi- tion, he is not forgotton. As a mat- ter of fact, he is being sought out more and more these days as the Ontario Society for Crippled Child- ren along with members of some 226 clubs across the province,spon- sor more of the unique mobile clin- ' doctors, nurses Wt (*o as close to the nie as possible. "easter Seal contri- butions, the clinics are held in the hospital — if the town is large en- ough for one — but have been quite successful in community centres, town halls and service club build- ings. For several years large crowds of crippled children — sometimes as many as 100 a day — have been examined by specialists in thistype of portable clinic. When a day and place are settled for a clinic, the local newspapers and radio stations usually adver- tise the details. Doctors within a 75 mile radius are alerted and send registrations cards so that crippled kiddies wishing to attend, might do so through their family doctors. If a transportation problem is in- volved, the Society nurse and the crippled children's committee of the local service club, work out the details so that the child reaches his appointment on time. They al- so make sure there is a good sup- ply of milk, cookies and toys on hand for restless and fretful child- ren while they wait their turn. As the childs disability is examined the doctor dictates his diagnosis and recommendations into a record- ing machine, and these are trans- cribed later for the use of all the medical personnel involved. Often the doctors advise a camp session at on of the Society's five summer camps, A child may be hospitalized locally if equipment and personnel are available to cope with his particular ailment. Other- wise he may be esnt to Toronto or one of the other large medical centres for new braces, crutches or physiotheraphy, Important follow-up work is us- ually necessary in every case, and is carried out efficiently by the corps of nurses on the staff of the Ontario Society for Crippled Chil- dren — an organization which now needs $875,000 to continue to take hope and opportunity from one end of the province to the other in mobile clinics and its many other varied and necessary services. ULLS This rugged power plant gives you tremendous pulling power! And the valve-in•head design offers greater economy through , increased efficiency, higher torque output and ease of maintenance. BECAUSE POWERFUL WORKMASTER V8 ENGINES GIVE 348 cu. ins. -230 hp - 335 ft. lbs. torque! i Torsion bar front springs and double-acting front shock absorbers combine to smooth out bumps and jolts. The front wheels take rough spots individually to cut roll and sway to a nninimum. BECAUSE INDEPENDENT FRONT SUSPENSION OFFERS IMPROVED HANDLING—REDUCED DRIVER FATIGUE—BETTER CARGO CARE— LONGER TRUCK LIFE! GMC frames are extra strong, rugged and durable. They are designed to give longer life to the whole truck, on any job. BECAUSE OF STURDY, REINFORCED FRAMES THAT IESIST SHOCKS, TWISTING AND STRESS IN SEVERE SERVICE. Each component of every GMC truck is quality engineered to make a substantial contribution to the life and per- formance of the vehicle and to your share of the profits! Full engine power, best cargo care, and greater durability are the high standards set and met by GMC! • BECAUSE HARD-WORKING GMC TRUCKS OFFER THE PROVEN ECONOMY OF LONGER LIFE AND GREATLY REDUCED DOWNTIME! .J rvGY.•.wr4.^M.ti,'4j:��.I'µ',,"Y•,'::. GMC -6615 'THE TRUCK TRIUMPH OF THE 60's D. ZURKI1, PHONE 78 EXETER, PHONE 608