HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-02-23, Page 3THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1961 DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. Euchre Party Daswood Women's Institute held a euchre Friday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eben Weig- and. Winners were: Arnold Kuntz and Mrs. Addison Tieman; conso- lation winners were: Joan Rader and Mrs. Eben Wiegand. Mr. Robert Wein, of Sudbury, spent the weekend with Mrs. Herb Wein. Edwin Martene and Leonard Becker are patients in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Miss Mary Anne Hayter receiv- ed first class honors in Grade 5 piano and Miss Bonnie McCrae hon- ors in Grade 8 piano with the Roy- al Conservatory of Music, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble and family, of London, spent Sun- day with Mr. L. H. Rader and also visited wth Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader in the evening. Mrs. Verna Keyes, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koehler. Ladies' Aid The regular meeting of Zion Lu- theran Ladies' Aid, was held Wed- nesday, February 15, with group 4 and Mrs. Cliff Salmon as conven- Mrs. Milfred Merner conducted RADER, Correspondent) a Bible quiz. Marie and Ruthanne Salmon favoured with instrumental duets, 'Bless this House," and "Holy City." Mrs. Salmon conducted clo- sing devotions. The president, Mrs, M. Merner, presided for the business. Several rooms in the parsonage are to be papered with the four conveners in charge. Dashwood Merry Maids The third meeting of the 4-H club was held at the home of Iris Becker with 13 girls and the two leaders, Mrs. Leonard Schenk and Mrs. Eben Weigand, present. The girls worked on their record books, learned how to make a lap- ped hem on material, also how to shorten shoulder seams and bot- tom. They also cut material. The next meeting will be held at Norma Weigand's home. Roll call, each girl to show proper sitting and standing position. Home as- signment, work on record books, continue marking dress if not com- pleted, Honour Newlyweds Zion Lutheran choir held a so- cial evening Friday, February 10, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van Dorsselaer, newlyweds. The even- ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS ing was spent playing crok ino1 e and the couple was presented with ugar and Spice a gift. (Continued from Page Two) The annual meeting was conduct- of territory. At first, I was alarm - ted and all officers were returned ed, but not unduly so. I searched by acclamation. Leader, Helen Nad- my trousers carefully. I checked iger; assistant, Flossie Stade; pre- all the bureau drawers. I explored sident, Charles Martene; vice -pies- my wallet thoroughly. I began go- ident, Howard Datars; secertary- ing through all the pockets of all treasurer, Mrs. Albert Miller; soc- my clothes. No tickets. ial committee, Melvin Stade, Mrs. I didn't have the nerve to say Albert Rader, Mrs. Rudolph Miller, a word, of course, I checked with Mrs. Charles Martene; organist, all the people we had viisted. 1 Mrs. Edgar Restemayer. searched my luggage. I combed Mrs. William J. Hodgins the house from attic to cellar, pre - The former Denelda Murray, 58, tending I was checking the insula - passed away in South Huron Hos- tionor ally, 1 began into panic. next tickets. pital, Exeter, on Wednesday, Feb few weeks were a whirlwind of ruary 15. She was a resident of Stephen Township. near Corbett, long distant calls, frantic letter - and a member of Grace Church, writing a n d middle -of -the -night Greenway. Besides her husband, soul-searching. one brother, Hector Murray, of Ex- eter, survives. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home, from where the funeral took place, Saturday, February 18, Rev. L. Crawford, of Parkhill, and Rev. A. E. Holley, Grand Bend, officiated. Burial was in St. Mary's Anglican Cemetery, Brinsley. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson, Mrs. Henry Eagleson, Mrs. Stew- art Wolfe and Eleanor, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hut- chinson and Alma, at Preston. "NRB YM" F� ;'F3:`':,'.�'?�±�% u.A'�C.'�<�';��'`.2.�:�'`�`,,:'Z"'y�:C•'i.F . ,.:v^;`.��Y:`;:`::: r 4:`sF • Look wkat tkey've d to " y Bc&ptk"! Yes, we've just finished our extensive alterations and renovations, and we think you're going to like the result! There's more room, extra facilities and brighter decorations at your Zurich Branch of the B of M. Everything has been arranged for your convenience. Come ... see for yourself ! Now, there's a new streamlined counter, with accommodation for two tellers behind low screens, for speedier service. And, for safety -deposit -box customers, there's a private coupon booth located close to a new steel -and -reinforced -concrete vault at the rear of the banking room. Add to these features, new fluorescent lighting — colourful non-skid rubber -tile flooring --- oak woodwork new aluminum -and -glass doors -- a new heating plant — complete redecoration .. . and you get the last word in banking facilities in the most attractive surroundings. In Zurich, as in hundreds of other communi- JOHN E. BANNISTER, Manager ties across Canada, our aim is to provide the same kind of helpful service Canadians in every walk of life have come to expect from the B of M over the past 142 years. "MY BAMIf TO 2 MOON CANADIANS BANK OF MoNTIuAL Zurich Branch: JOHN E. BANNISTER, Manager WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE VSINCE 181 9 k * As the deadline neared, the pres- sure built up. By this time I was ripping the lining out of my cloth- es. I had turned my wallet inside out so often that I had found a num- ber of import documents, missing for years. But no tickets. * ,r. * The day of the first concert ar- rived, Hugh and his mum were making big plans. Drive to the city, have a nice dinner, and drive home., 180 miles in sub -zero wea- ther,but worth it. I agreed with a sickly smile. I was praying I'd have a heart attack, or that the first Russian missile would fall. I went out to get gas and oil checked in the car. I tried to ram a couple types on the way home, but CKNX BARN DANCE in the HENSALL COMMUNITY CENTRE on Saturday, March 4 they dodged me. At last, after six weeks of mounting horror, the mo- ment of truth arrived. * * * She was tearing around the house, doing those last-minute things, and crying instructions to Kim and me, I slipped into the kit- chen, took a big belt out the med- icinal bottle of brandy, emerged, put on my most humble look, and told her I had a terrible confession to make. She thought it was about a woman, so immediately sat down, all ears. 8:30 P.M. Sponsored by Hensall Kinette Club Everybody Welcome * * `Tye lost the tickets," I blur- ted. PAGE THREE "What tickets?" "The tickets for the concert to- night, and the other concert next month." "What in the world are you talk- ing about? They're in my purse. I took them out of your hip pocket the day after Christmas, because I knew you'd lose them." I didn't know whether to slay her with the nearest blunt object, or run screaming into the frozen wastes outside. I compromised and took another big slug of brandy be- fore I started to sob uncontrollably from sheer relief. As I say, it isn't that I'm scared of my wife. It's just that she makes me nervous. "Get A Re I Lift With . a .. m SHUR-GA1N Chick Starter" "Shur -Gain Chick Starter does wonders for us. It builds us up with uniform growth and fast feathering. In addition, it increas- es livability in the flock." We have SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter available in either crumble or mash form — and they're fresh —really fresh! POULTRY FEEDS DROP IN SOON. e Uilo°�I talk about your Chicks and Chick Profits ? .' ONE 154 ZURICH FLORIDA, Size 96's Grapefruit ° 0 for 55c SIZE 24's California Lettuce 2 for 29c CELLO, 3 LB. BAG Delhcd®us Appies 43c CELLO, 10 OZ. Spinach ch NEW BRUNSWICK, Potatoes GOLD SEAL. SOLID Tu=ilk Fish CHOICE QUALITY, Peaches 2 f:,k %`r 35c 10 L. BAG WHITE, T OZ. 200Z, LIBBY'S FROZEN, 15 OZ.. Strawberries KING SIZE Dusk 35c for $1.00 4 for Si 0 39c $9L35th 19c 57c GOLD REEF CRUSHED, 20 DX. "ineappie GOLD SEAL, 1A TINS Sockeye Sapp,;' ME HABITANT, 28 OZ. Pea Soup CHOICE QUALITY, 28 OZ. Tomatoes 15 OZ. TINS piesauce WHOLE KERNEL, 14 OZ. T Core '5c 5 for SI .00 r 31c INS xa r 59c CHOICE QUALITY, 15 oz.� Struwherrhes 3 f r 85c PINEAPPLE -GRAPEFRUIT, 48 OZ. Li by's Drink FRAY BENTOS, 12 OZ. TIN Corned Beef LIBBY'S, 20 OZ. ,tear. w h Pork GREEN GIANT„ 15 OZ. Fumy US AYLMER, 15 OZ. gyres cid Carrots FANCY QUALITY, 48 OZ. h tin 49c 2f r 3 ci3 2 for 37c f 4 for 69c Tt© Juice 3 far 79c EPARTME T Sweet Pickled COTTAGE ROLLS 55c lb. MACARONI CHEESE LOAF, DUTCH LOAF or CHICKEN ROLL 45c !b. T-BONE or SIRLOIN STEAK 69c ib. HEAD CHEESE, per tin 79c PURE PORK SAUSAGE 2 lbs. 89c