HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-02-23, Page 2ZURICH ettezEn1 NEWS Y S PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING at ZURICH, ONTARIO HERB TURKHEIM — Editor and Publisher FRANK McEWAN — Plant Manager Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member: ONTARIO Y NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION Member: CANADIAN WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION Subscription Rates: $2.50 per year in advance, in Canada; $3.50 in United States and Foreign; single copies 5 cents THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1961 of ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Want To Improve Business? Complaints which it hears from time to time concerning busi- ness in Wingham has led the Wingham Advance -Times to analyze the situation and suggest a number of suggestions that may contri- bute to improved business conditions. The suggestions, as applicable here as in Wingham, follow: 1. Train your sales staffs in the rare art of being pleasant. There is nothing which brings your customers back to you as surely as a pleasant atmosphere of friendliness in the store or office. Train your clerks to smile, even if they have a toothache. 2. Don't yield to the temptation to cut stocks so se lines or swhort that you re have to say, "Sorry, we don't have it today." slow sellers, and which will fit only a limited number of buyers, are the very ones which make one town a better place to shop than the next one. True, you may have money tied up in merchandise that doesn't move very rapidly—but think of it as overhead invest- ment, in the same category as fire insurance and taxes. 3. Advertise your goods and your services. Today, more than ever before, your customers expect to be informed about what you have to sell. 4. Be a 100 percent booster for the town in which you are mak-, ing your living. The type of merchant who still has his roots and his interests in some other community can't expect to be patronized too well by the vast majority of folks who live, work, and bring up their families here. 5. If business is bad, don't blame it all on the customers. Since they number in hundreds or even thousands, they are likely to be fairly average the same kind you would find in any other Ontar- io community. Instead, take a keen look at your own operations and make sure that you are offering what your customers seek. Mi or irritations 40 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 1921 Miss Jemima Johnston has recen- tly purchased the dwelling proper- ty owned by Mrs. E, Otterbein, and has moved her household effects there. The vital statistics for the Town- ship of Hay, for the year 1920 are as follows: births„ registered, 61; marriages„ registered, 20; deaths, registered, 30. A light Brahama Cockerel, sold by Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, of this vil- lage, to Mr. A. Morency, of Quebec, won first prize at the Quebec poul- try show recently. The trustees of the Zurich Pub- lic School have engaged Mr. Ben Millikin, of Parkhill, as principal, in place of N. E. Dahms, who has resigned. Word has been received that Mr. Carl Blumenstein, of Drumbo, a pa- perhanger, painter and decorator, will come to Zurich in the matter of a few weeks to do that type of work here. Mr. William Edighoffer, the as- sessor of Hay Township, is again making his rounds, and his dut- ies are becoming much heavier each year. -OF YEARS GONE -BY- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1961 few days, and it takes a team of horses about an hour and a half to make the trip. A very exciting game of hockey was played in Dashwood last week, when the married ladies played ag- ainst the single Ladies. It was the fastest game of the season, being full of thrill and spills. A legitimate, though overworked, metaphor used in reference to perfecting a new process or product is to "iron the wrinkles out of it." A less elegant way of speaking of the same thing is to refer to "getting the bugs out of it." What is irritating to anyone with a slightly pictorial imagination is when the inventor speaks, as too often he does, of "ironing the bugs out of it." That process strikes one as ineffective and needlessly messy. Probably it is too late to protest about the habit of introducing a substitute speaker as "pinch-hitting" for someone else. It seems rude to the speaker who has been prevented from appearing, and when the substitute uses the term in referring to himself it becomes immodest. The point of the metaphor, as any baseball fan should know, is that the substitute is not only doing a job in place of someone else, but that he is also doing it better. Then there is the blueprint. How often one hears businessmen, who should know better, speaking of "drawing a blueprint." The blueprint is a useful part of the process of putting up a building or putting together a machine, but no one draws it. One might as well speak of drawing a photograph. Last in this list of minor irritations is the newspaper that advertises itself as "the paper with more top-flight newspaper personalities." In vain one asks: More than what? More than it had yesterday, More than it will have tomirrow? No answer comes.—The Printed Word. Checkmate Anyone who believes that automation has gone just about as far as it can go obviously has not heard about the experience of the psychiatrist who was proud of his newly -automatic office. As we hear it told, it was late in the afternoon and the phy- chiatrist yearned for a cup of coffee, so he said to his new patient: "Look, I've just recently automated my office, so that everything you say is being taken down by a tape recorder. I have to step out a minute, but you keep right on talking and the tape recorder will remember everything." He hadn't been in the coffee shop for a minute when, to his embarrrassment, the patient appeared and also ordered coffee. The psychiatrist, however, immediately composed himself and in his best professional manner said calmly: "What are you doing here, don't you know this is costing you $20 an hour? Why aren't you upstairs talking to my tape recorder," "Oh," said the patient, "It's all right. You see, I've been to psychiatrists before so I brought my own tape recorder. And now my tape recorder is talking to your tape recorder." 0 25 YEARS AGO 15 YEARS AGO 111111Il111111111111111111111Ulmimmt IWIIIIIII111111(111UIIIIIIIIIIIIIUII1111111111111111111111R1111u1nIlaNlllilllulll111111numno thifiuulNlu ill111iIlU11pI11UIt111111I1trl IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIp GAR and SPICE ByBill Smile" It isn't that I'm scared of my wife. It's just that she makes me nervous. As I daresay yours does you. And yours you. For exam- ple, last week, we had to make a trip to the city. Young Kim could- n't come. With some other piano pupils, she was making her radio debut on Saturday morning, on the local radio station. Both of us had to go, so we or- ganized a baby sitter and left with- out small daughter. We planned to hear her performance on the road, over the car radio. There was the usual confusion. Our car radio ei- ther goes off when we hit a bump, or suddenly emits a great blast of music, when we don't even know it's switched on. We weren't sure we'd beable to get the program. My wife dithered. I reassured. A fam- iliar pattern. The program came through loud and clear. Our stomacks started to churn with that sick feeling, as the announcer introduced the child- ren's numbers. Each played beaut- ifully. Finally, he stated, as calm- ly as anything, that Kim Smiley would now play an etude. We all turned and grinned triumphantly at each other. FEBRUARY 1946 Dr. Hobbs Taylor, of Dashwood, MLA for South Huron, is advoca- ting a new 25 -year health program for the province of Ontario. Mr. Leroy OBrien was called to Goderich on Monday to act as juror of the High Court, in that town. Mr. Harry McAdams, of the Bron- son Line, who underwent an op- eration in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, has returned to his home in a much improved condition. Mr. Charles Thiel is in London this week, where he is receiving his army discharge. William Decker, president of the Zurich Agricultural Society, atten- ded the annual Fairs Convention in Toronto last week. Ice -cutting has started along the lake, but the quality is not the best. With the weather going up and down and the winter sliding away, one must not be too particular as to the sample of the ice. Maurice Quance, of Exeter, last week rounded out his 40th year in the harness maker trade in Ex- eter. FEBRUARY 1936 At the very urgent request of the people of Zurich and surroun- ding district, Dr. W. 13. Coxon has postponed the acceptance of his government position at this time so this community will not be left without the services of a Veterin- arian. One of the most active and smar- test men of the community for his age is Mr. John Foster, of the Baby- lon Line, who is 85 years young and almost every day walks into the village, and when the weather is suitable he rides in on his bicy- cle. Our local coal dealers are giv- ing us good news these days, as they report cars of coal are arriv- ing in Hensall quite freely these days, despite the blocked roads. The road from Zurich to Hen- sall has not improved in the :lest 0 10 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 1951 Bob McKinley and Reg Illsley were presented with their mem- bership diplomas at the regular meeting of the Zurich Lions Club on Monday night. The presenta- tion was made by the president, J. W. Haberer. A highlight of the annual skat- ing carnival on Saturday night was a hockey game between members of the Zurich Lions Club and the Bayfield Lions Club, which was won by the latter, 5-2. Ivan Kalbfleisch and Lloyd Klopp spent a day last week in Galt, 91111111111111111111ll I I Kim sailed into her piece, play- ed a couple of bars, then stopped abruptly. There was a silence of about three seconds, during which I could distinctly hear the pulse in my wife's temple, hammering over the roar of the car's engine. Then the child •attacked the piano again, and finished the piece creditably enough. But it was too late. * * The Old Lady was so mad and disappointed that she wouldn't speak for forty miles. Just sat there like Lot's wife, P u ahead, tears of rage coursing nsno e- ly down her stony Hugh and I nervously tried songs jokes, funny stories, and pointing at the new factories. Nothing doing. I have related this incident mer- ely to explain that you don't pull any boners around our house, and expect to have them laughed off. That's why I had a few tense weeks over the tickets. I gave them to her for Christmas. She's a classical music enthusiast, and our son is studying piano at the Conservatory, so, at considerable expense, I or- ganized tickets for two outstanding concerts this winter. She was de- lighted with the gift. Federation Fieldman Reports on Joint Meeting of County Directors e=nd Others (By J. Carl Hemingway) On February 14, the County Dir- ectors and affiliated organization representatives of the Federation of Agriculture met in the Agricul- tural Board Rooms, Clinton. In the absence of president War- ren Zurbrigg, the first vice-presi- dent, Gordon Greig, presided. Mrs. John Elliott, County Chairman of the Cancer Fund, outlined the pro- gram of the organization and re- quested the co-operation of the Federation in this important work. Since there was some confusion in previous years it was suggested that the rural canvass be conducted on a township basis rather than on the basis of the cancer units working out around the urban unit area. This is a worthy cause which has received strong support from Fed- eration members ,jn the past, and it is expected that this year will be no exception. After some discussion it was ag- reed that the County should send where the former purchased a very valuable piece of machinery for his planing mill here in Zurich. Hay Township Clerk, H. W. Bro- kenshire, along with the members of the council are attending con- ventions in Toronto this week. Reinhold Miller was re-elected president of the choir of Zion Lu- theran Church in Dashwood at their annual meeting and banquet last week. The men from Comstock Comp- any were in town last week taking inventory of the necessary equip- ment they need to change the vil- lage over to 60 cycles. Mr. Morris Weber has purchas- ed a strip of land from Miss Louise Hendrick, and plans on building a new house there in the spring. a delegate to the 25th annual meet- ing of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, in Ottawa. President Warren Zurbrigg was appointed, with the privilege of appointing an alternate if he was unable to go. Reports were given by Elmer Ireland and Mrs. M. Lobb on the Leadership Forum, at Goderich, with recommendations that a sim- ilar school be held next year. As a result of this course, Mrs. Lobb has organized the ladies of Goderich Township Federation, and they are conducting a meeting on education at the Holmesville Un- ited Church, on February 24, at 8.15 p.m. There will be a panel discussion on methods of education, chaired by Mr. Coulter, local inspec- tor, with two parents and two tea- chers as panel members. Films will also be shown for further in- formation and entertainment. The secretary was instructed to order copies of the history of the CFA for each of the townships, and also each of the local weeklies. Mr. Albert Bacon, newly elected county president, of the Hog Pro- ducers Association, outlined the procedure on the vote to elect coun- ty delegates for the Hog Producers Marketing Board, to be held under regulations of the Farm Products' Marketing Board, on March 6, in the Legion Hall, Clinton. Nomina- tions will be accepted from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., and voting will be from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. At the annual meeting of the Hog Producers Association and the Hog Producers Co -Operative on February 9, one delegate was elec- ted from each township and in or- der to make up the required 19, three delegates were elected at lar- ge. Since this is the same number required for the Marketing Board on March 6, it would seem much simpler to let these same delegates, which are well distributed over the county, be our delegates for the Marketing Board as well. In order to have a reasonable vote on March 6, there should be five carloads from each township. Even this number would only be about ten percent of the Hog Producers but Will mean something like 4,000 mil- es of driving. Hardly seems sen- sible when the job could already have been done. * * * After exclaiming over my thoughtfulness, she put them in her purse, six reserved seat tick- ets. "Here", I said in a bluff, manly fashion, "you'd better let me keep those. You're liable to lose them." She's always leaving her purse at the movies, or at somebody's house, or in Toronto. So I put them in my hip pocket, where I carry all the things I don't want to lose. * * * Well, a couple of days later, I was changing my pants, and of course that entailed transferring the contents of my hip pocket. Yep. No tickets. In the intervening 48 hours, we'd visited a lot of people, wandered about in snow to our knees, and generally covered a lot Business and Professional Directory AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service that Satisfies" Phone 119 Dashwood INSURANCE For Safety EVERY FARMER NEEDS liability Insurance For Information About All Insurances Call BERT KLOP Phone 93r1 or 220 Zurich Representing CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION HURON and ERIE DEB T1 ES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES — 5 years 43 % — 3 and 4 years 41/2% — 1 and 2 years GENERAL INSURANCES Fire, Automobile, Premises Liability, Casualty, Sickness and Accident, etc. An Independent Agent representing Canadian Companies J. W. HASERER Authorized Representative Phone 161 -- Zurich G. B. Clancy, O.D. OPTOMETRIST JA 4-7251 -- Goderich DENTISTS DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Phone Exeter 36 DOCTORS Dr. A. W. KLAHSEN Physician and Surgeon OFFICE HOURS: 2 p.m. -5 p.m. Monday -Saturday Except Wednesday 7 p.m. -9 p.m. Monday and Friday' Evenings PHONE 51 — ZURICH OPTOMETRY J. E. LCNGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST SEAFORTH: Daily except Monday Phone 791 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Wednesday: 9 a.m. to 12 noon. CLINTON: Monday Only Phone HU 7010 Thursday 'evening by appointment G. A. WEBB, D.C."' *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday Tues. and Thurs.tEvenings, nX For Appointment hoe 606 FUNERAL DIRECTORS ESTLAKE Funeral Horne AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE Phone 89J or 89W ZURICH LEGAL W. C. Cochrane, B.A. BARRISTER and SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensall Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons EXETER PHONE 14 BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS !it NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q,C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon Els` Phone 4 It