HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-02-23, Page 1No. 8 — FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS
GIDEONS PRESENT TESTAMENTS — Members of the South Huron Camp of the Gideons made
their official visit to the Zurich Public School on Monday afternoon, and presented New Testaments to
the pupils of Grade five. A special feature of their, visit this year was the presentation of a gold testa-
ment to a pupil of the Zurich School. Shown here left to right, are: T. Harry Hoffman, secretary of
the South Huron group; Edgar Cudmore, president, who is presenting the gold Testament to Jerry
Rader, a grade five pupil at the local school; Marilyn Gascho, one of the pupils who received a Testa-
ment; Rev. W. P. Fischer, who offered a dedication prayer; and Don Jolly, a member of the South
Huron Camp. (Citizens News Photo)
Zurich Lions Club Hears Details Of
Establishing - School -Safety Patrols
Fred Cronkite, of London, a dir-
ector of the Safety Patrol Branch
of the Ontario Department of Tran-
sport, was a guest at the Monday
night dinner meeting of the Zur-
ich Lions Club, and briefed the
members on the establishment of a
Safety Patrol for the pupils of the
Zurich Public School and the Zur-
ich Separate School.
Mr. Cronkite informed the Lions
Club that there is only one city in
Ontario and three towns which do
not have such patrols for the saf-
ety of the school children, in oper-
ation. He stated that safety patrols
first started in Detroit early in the
1900's, and have continued to grow
rapidly ever since. `There has
been a 62 percent reduction in ac-
cidents involving school children
since the patrols have come into
being," he added.
Attending the meeting with Mr.
Cronkite were OPP Constables Ce-
cil Gibbons and Hank Reid, of the
Exeter detachment. Constable
Reid has been doing considerable
work on school traffic safety in
this area during the past couple of
Father C. A. Doyle and Mr. Jam-
es Carey, principal, representing
the Zurich Separate School, were
guests at the meeting. Principal
of the Public School, Donald O'B-
rien, is a member of the club The
intentions of the Lions Club is to
sponsor a Safety Patrol which will
serve for both schools, "jointly.
Fine words of praise were ex-
tended to the Zurich Lions Club
Native Of Zurich
Director At School
A native of Zurich, Quimby F.
Hess, who has been with the De-
partment of Lands and Forests for
many years, has received a promo-
tion to the position of Director of
the Forest Ranger school at Dorset
in northern Ontario.
The school which Mr. Hess will
be in charge of has a total of 116
students, with nine teachers work-
ing on the staff under his: super-
For the last number of years Mr.
Hess has been living in Peterboro,
where he has been on duty with
the Department. The school at
Dorset is north of Peterboro, and
Mr. and Mrs. Hess and family will
be moving to that location in the
very near future.
for the work they are carrying out,
by Father Doyle who reviewed for
the guests some of the projects ac-
complished by the local group.
Zone Chairman of the Lions
Club, Ross Middleton, of Clinton,
was also present for the meeting,
and spoke briefly to the Club on
the subject, 'How Lions Clubs are
chosen." Five members of the
London West Club, along with Wil-
fred Klopp, a former Zurich boy,
were also guests at the meeting.
Special entertainment was pro-
vided for the gathering by Jerry
Hartman, of Zurich, who played se-
lections on his guitar and also sang.
Firemen Honored
At Turkey Banquet
A banquet in honour 01 the Zur-
ich Volunteer Fire Brigade was
held last Wednesday evening in
the Dominion Hotel, sponsored by
the village of Zurich.
All the firemen, along with their
wives, were preesnt for the occas-
ion. Chief of the local brigade is
Milton Dietz, while Len Prang is
motor mechanic. Other members
of the force are: James Parkins, El-
roy Desjardine, Hubert Schilbe, Le-
roy Thiel, Howard Klopp and Herb
Members of the village council,
along with their clerk A. J. Kalb-
fleisch, and the PUC manager, Mil-
fred Schilbe, also attended the spec-
ial evening.
The reeve, W. Lloyd O'Brien, pre-
sided over the banquet, A brief
discussion was held on some of the
articles needed to round out the
equipment that is now in use. A
meeting of the members of the
brigade and the village council is
to be held shortly to further dis-
cuss items if interest to both the
council and the firemen.
Winter In Florida
Mr. and Mrs. William Hess, of
Pontiac, Michigan, who are spend-
ing some time in Florida, sent an
attractive shipment of fresh fruits
to Miss Anna Hess, of town, who in
turn treated some of her friends
with a sample of the shipment.
The editor of the Citizens News
received an attractive picture post
card from Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gin-
gerieh, who are spending the win-
ter months in the south. They re-
port enjoying themselves very
Subscriptions Due;
Please Renew As
Soon As Possible
With this edition of the Citizens
News, all subscriptions marked
February, '61, and having not been
paid for in the past couple of
weeks, will be due. You should re-
new your subscription as soon as
you possibly can.
According to post office regula-
tions we are not allowed to send
papers to people unless they are
paid for in advance. While we will
not do so immediately, after sev-
eral weeks we will be forced to
drop all subscribers who are in
Your co-operation in renewing
your subscription as soon as pos-
sible will be greatly appreciated.
If you have recently renewed, and
your label is not corrected, it will
be next week.
Fire Insurance Coinpany�
as T est Surins 'Vlany ears
The annual meeting of the Hay Township Farmer's Mutual Fire
Insurance Company on Monday afternoon revealed that the Com-
pany has experienced their largest increase in surplus in history,
going ahead almost $36,000. This favourable experience was a
result due primarily to the greatly lowered loss for the year 1960,
of $35,264.
Came Back Strong
President for the past year, Har-
vey Taylor, noted at the annual
meeting that the Company had de-
creased it's surplus in 1957 to the
bare minimum after a succession
of seven years of heavy losses and
surplus decrease. In 1960 the Com-
pany had the good fortune of re-
covering to a very satisfactory pos-
ition and Mr. Taylor predicted that
with the present higher rates re-
maining effective there was a good
possibility of exceeding the Depart-
ment of Insurance minimum re-
quirement of 25 cent surplus per
$100 of insurance in force during
the current year. The present sur-
plus is 18 cents per $100.
It was further reported at the
meeting that the Company contin-
ues to grow with the direct insur-
ance in force now exceeding 34 mil-
lion dollars.
Director Retires
Fred J. Haberer, Sr., who has
very capably served as a director of
the company for the past 27 years,
chose to retire this year instead of
accepting another 3 -year term on
the board. Mr. Haberer was renom-
inated for the position, but with-
drew in favour of Theodore Stein -
back, whom he nominated. A
hearty vote of thanks to the re-
tiring director was moved by Rein-
hold Miller, a director of the Com-
Albert W. Keyes, of Exeter, was
elected to the office of president
for the coming year. Harvey Tay-
lor is past president, and the
first vice-president is Max Turnbull.
Reginald G. Black is the secretary -
Auditors for the coming year will
again be George Deichert and J.
W. Haberer.
A motion was put forth at the
meeting to introduce a $50 deduc-
tible clause in all policies, but af-
ter considerable discussion on the
idea an amendment to the motion
was passed.
Chart Of Losses
A chart of the losses of the
Company since 1952 was presented
by manager Reg Black, and poin-
ted out an interesting comparison,
showing how the surplus each year
is governed by the amount of the
losses. Mr. Black also gave infor-
mation to the gathering on how the
re -insurance business of the Com-
pany operates.
He pointed out that while the
re -insurance program at the pres-
ent time is a losing proposition, it
is compulsory to handle the busi-
ness. Mr. Black also added that
ten and a half million dollars wor-
th of Hay Company insurance is
covered by re -insuring companies.
It was revealed at the meeting
that the extra five cents premium
placed on barns for the past year
will again be dropped, and the pol-
icy -holders who had paid the extra
premium during the past year will
be credited with the amount they
paid in.
Shoot Area Board
Approves Telephone
IN Zurich School
The Hay Township School Area
Board, at their regular meeting last
week, granted permission for the
installation of a telephone in the
Zurich Public School. They added
the stipulations that there are to
be no long distance calls made from
the telephone, and that the service
is to be used only in case of nec-
essity. The new telephone will be
located in the teacher's room.
The board also granted approval
to Rev. W. P. Fischer to show re-
ligious films to the students dur-
ing the Lenten season.
Local insurance agent, J. W. Ha-
berer, was present at the meeting
with a representative of Frank Co-
wan Insurance Company, to dis-
cuss the various policies that the
board has in effect. policy cov-
ering boiler insurance is to be pre -
South Huron Gideons Make ColorMu[
Presentation Of Testaments At School
—The .South Huron Camp of Gid -
eons International presented a
grade five student at Zurich Pub-
lic School, Jerry Rader, with a
beautiful gold -covered New Testa-
ment when they paid their yearly
visit to the school on Monday af-
ternoon. The presentation of a
gold -covered Testament to a selec-
ted student in the area was made
to commemorate the 50th anni-
versary of Gideons in Canada.
Jerry was the unanimous choice of
teachers and inspectors throughout
South Huron, as the student who
should receive this special honour.
are being given out to grade five
students in South Huron, by the
The Gideons International in
Canada has experienced an unpre-
cedented expansion in the last 20
years. Whereas in 1939 this Chris-
tian businessmen's organization,
which places Bibles in Hotels. Pris-
ons, Schools and Hospitals, had on-
ly six camps or local groups in
Canada; today they number 143
stretching from St. John's. New-
foundland, to Victoria, B.C. In
1939 total Scripture distributed
amounted to 17,500 but in 1960 ov-
The presentation was made by er 400,000 were placed or presnted
Edgar Cudmore, of Hensall, who is in strategic domestic and foreign
the president of the South Huron extension areas. Twenty years ago
group. Also assisting in the cere- the Association's annual revenue
mony were T. Harry Hoffman, of amounted to $12,681 as compared.
Dashwood, the secretary; Don Jol- with $249,000 last year.
ly, of Exeter, and Rev. W. P. Fis- The Cideons are an aF=soc'.ation
cher, of Zurich. Each pupil in of Christian commercial and busi-
gradepared for the board, and if it ap. five at the school received a ness men, inter -denominational in
pears satisfactory it will be accep-New Testament, as well. character and international in
ted. A total of 700 New Testaments scope.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS— The annual meeting of the Hay
Township Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held in
Zurich on Monday, and the board of directors was set up for anoth-
er year. Two directors, Ezra Webb and Ed Hendrick were re-elec-
ted for another three-year term, while the third man whose time
had expired, Fred Haberer, Sr., chose to retire. His place is being
filled by Theodore Steinback. Shown here, front row, left to right,
are: William Haugh, agent; Reginald Black, secretary -manager; Max
Turnbull, first vice-president; Albert Keyes, president; Harvey
Taylor, past president, and Clarence Parke, agent. Back row, left
to right, are: Theodore Steinback; Fred Haberer, Sr.; Ezra Webb;
Ed Hendrick; Jack Scofchmer; Reinhold Miller and Otto Willert,
(Citizens News Photo)