HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-02-16, Page 6THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 19611 Unique Farm Forum Mr. and Mrs. Herb B'lopp were host and hostess to the Unique Farm Forum on Monday evening, February 6. The subject of "Inflation and how it affects the Farmer" was dis- cussed, and the conclusions were as follows: Question 1—Do you feel that your position as a farmer has been affected by inflation? .Answer—Yes inflation has def- inately affected the farmers posit- ion, because farm produce prices have remained the same and in some cases have declined during the last ten years, but owing to in- flation the farmer's expenses such as interest rates, taxes, repairs, and farm machinery have increased sub- stantially. Quehtion 2—(a) Should Canada's government policy be designed to create maximum growth and full employment of -- (b) restrain in- flation (even when some employ- ment may be the result)? Answer—It was agreed that the government should restrain infla- tion to a certain extent even though it might cause some unem- ployment, because if inflation is not restrained Canada is sure to price herself out of the world mar- kets and if this should happen there would be more unemployment than ever. Question 3—How should it carry out your decision? Answer—Interest rates might be reduced to a certain extent and the government should use all possible influence to prevent strikes for higher wages, because every wage increase is sure to affect the farm- er in higher price for fertilizer, farm machinery, etc. Me. ,pmealaNINIIMISIBOOP When in Zurich GET YOUR HAIR CUT AT EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Thursday and Saturday Nights TOP PRICES PAID FOR — ® CREAM • EGGS ,. POULTRY Give UsACall ! O'BRIENS PRODUCE Phone 101 — Zurich HA S Hea and Ex H LP-PRI(:E SPECIAL ON UPREME TOP QUALITY 3 t -Resistant Handle Knu'b. tra Large Hang-up le. raduated For Easy Measuring. Easy Pouring. Regular TO SAUCEPAN $2,95 VALUE FOR ONLY si 49 When You Purchase Any Piece of GALAXY or SUPREME COOKWARE Rader & Mittelholtz Hardware - Zurich PAGE SIX Honour Bride -Elect Prior To Marriage (By our Mensal! correspondent) Close relatives and friends of Miss Patricia Bell, bride -elect of February, honored her at a miscel- leanous shower .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Love. Miss Sharon Block, of Zurich, read the address to Miss Bell and gifts were presented to her from a decorated wagon, drawn by Sylvia Bell and Linda Thomson. Contests were enjoyed and luncheon served. Mrs. Love and Mrs. Eric Smale arranged the party, attended by 30. Choir Presentation The choir of Carmel Church held a presentation for Miss Patsy Bell, bride -elect of February, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm Dougall, on Thursday evening, Feb- ruary 9. Patsy was presented with a Sun- burst electric clock. The presenta- tion address read by Mrs. Beverly Beaton, and the presentation made by Mrs. William Brown, and a wall plaque by Miss Hannah Murray. A recreational period of crokin- ole was played and the winners were: ladies, Mrs. Harry Hoy, Miss Carol Brown; gents, Jim Love, Ger- ald Volland; getting in the most twenties in pocket, Miss Patsy Bell, with 12. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Secretary of Hog Producers' Association Tells Annual Meeting of Vote Coming Up Albert Bacon, of Belgrave, Wed- nesday was elected president of the Huron County Hog Producers' Association at its annual meeting held in the Legion Hall, in Clinton, Mr. Bacon succeeds Ross Love, of Hensall, who retired after serving two years. Other Officers elected include, Lloyd Stewart of RR 1, Clinton, first vice-president; Robert Allan, of Brucefield, second vice-presid- ent; and Alfred Warner, of Bay- field, secretary -treasurer. Three directors at large elected were: Mr. Allan, Elmer Ireland, of Wingham, and Carl Hemingway of Brussels. A farm director of Wingham, Vaughn Douglas, was guest speaker, and delivered an address on public relations in agriculture. `There is a real need to consolidate agricultur- al news, or to have a central clear- ing house," said Mr. Douglas, who is the president of Eastern Canada Farm Writers Association. Jim Boynton, of Toronto, secre- tary of the Ontario Hog Producers' Association, and its Marketing Board, in referring to the forth- coming vote on March 6, when hog producers across the province will elect directors to the Ontario Hog -Annual Meeting - HURON COUNTY 7 EEF PRODUCERS AGRICULTURAL BOARD ROOM, CLINTON Wednesday, February 22, at 2 p.m. Guest Speaker: J. D. BAIRD, Production and Marketing Division Canada Department of Agriculture ROBERT McGREGOR, President J. C. HEMINGWAY, Secretary Huron Progressive Conservative Association rr''Y UAL MEETING Election Of Officers CHARLES A. BEST, M.P., (Halton) Guest Speaker CLINT y N LEGION H Saturday, February 18, 1961 AT 2;00 P.M. Everyone Welcome r a :xn? ax. a-w.wc 7. 7..77:. �,,,.. 7 7,7.7 Cedar Chests For Sale PRICED FROM $10.00 UP Producers' Marketing Board, war- ned producers to retain their "true producers control and interest.. Certainly you don't want drover or packer control," he added.. Huron County will elect 19 mem- bers to the district committee on March 6. "The so-called confusion in the hog industry," said Mr. Boynton, "is merely an escape device for ig- norance. Producers are only trying to safe -guard their business." Speaking of the passing of bill 86, Mr. Boynton said that as a re- sult, " a very thorough analysis of our operations was made by the Pryce-Lotterhouse Company a well known firm of business analysis. It looked as though bill 85 was aimed directly at us. A study in some re- spects was rather embarrasing, but at the sametime, when the re- port was published, it indicated to all intent, either government or far mer—that there had been no mis- management of funds. In other words we got a clean bill of heal- th." "However. one point in the re- port," said the speaker, "immedia- tely acted upon, was the recommen- dation that the service be reduced to 30 cents (from 40 cents). This was done without any consultation with the OHPMB. The result was that—along with lowered markets —a loss of $9,000 per week was ex- perienced. However, after several joint meetings of the producer board, and the govenment board last summer, it was agreed that a service charge would be retsored to its oroginal amount" The service charge is levied ag- ainst the producer to cover handl- ing costs in the assembly yards. The new electoral districts across the province will cover 42 countries as of March 6. Huron County for- merly in a district with Bruce and Grey Counties, will now form a district with Middlesex County. President Love, in his report, stated that in 1960 Huron County marketed 153,000 hogs as compared to 189,808 the previous year. The assembly yards in Clinton, handled 41,000 hogs in 1960, at a cost of 11.6 cents per hog. Canada market- ed 4,626,204 hogs in 1960, of which 30.1 percent were grade As. Ontar- io last year marketed 1,702,759 of which 34.3 percent received an A grading. Speaking briefly at the well at- tended meeting, were Emerson Crocker, RR 1, Mossley, who is a Middlesex zone director, and Bert Lobb of Clinton, past president of the Duron group. One resolution presented by the resolution committee received the endorsement of the meeting, and it requested 'that the local board of the OHPA and the OHPC adopt the same 11 districts for the election of the association and co-operative zone directors, as advised and laid down by the OSPMB for the elec- tion of Zone directors for the OH- PMB with the addition of four dir- ectors at large." Huron County Wheat Producers Association ANNUAL MEETING will be held in the AGRICULTURAL BOARD ROOMS, CLINTON Tuesday, February 21, at 2 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER — REG. MYERS, Past President Ontario Wheat Producers Association This organization has done a good job. It will do better with your suggestions at the Annual Meeting. RUSSEL McGREGOR Chairman J. C. HEMINGWAY Sec.Treas. ) PROVEN CONCENTRATES FOR All Poultry, Hogs, and Cattle BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM M. 6. DEITZ and SON PHONE 154 ZURICH TO THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH Water Subscribers You are hereby notified that you are subject to immediate disconnec- tion if found using water for anything but the premises for which you are billed. Village of Zurich WATER DEPARTMENT FOR DEPENDABLE HEAT A!! Winter Lang Ce I LORNE E. HAY Locker Service—Roe Feeds Phone 10 (Collect) Henson RUSS' TV SERVICE Admiral, RCA Victor REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF Radio & Television RUSS' TV SERVICE IA mile north of Kippen on left side of road PHONE HENSALL 262 w 3