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Zurich Citizens News, 1961-01-26, Page 5
THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1961 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE 11‘00.05-1 e R0 SELL • U Y 10111110 FIND IT 11 1111E WANT ADS!: ER'SQtSIM tYLASSIFIED RATES: 25 words or less, 50c the first week, 35c for repeat advartisemPnts. Lar- ger lvs,: 2c a word the first week, her 1%c for repeats. Crds of Thanks. In Memor- lams, Engagements, same as above. Births, Marriages and Deaths, No charge. FOR SALE FIVE SOWS — second litter, Ap- ply to Bernie Denomme, phone Zurich 86 r 8. 4-b WOODS GRINDER, in new condi- tion. Call Zurich 154. 4-b THREE YOUNG HOLSTEIN cows, due January and February, Brucel- losis tested from clean herd, also Holstein bull calf, one week old. Apply to Russell Oesch, Varna. Phone Hensall 687 r 23. 3-4-p BIRTHS BENEDICTUS—At Sarnia General Hospital, on Saturday, January 21, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Benedictus, Sarnia, a daughter, a sister for Jhonnie. CARDS OF THANKS - We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends, neighbours, and relatives for Masses, flowers, prayers, and all the kindness shown during the loss of a dear husband and father. Special thanks to Fa- ther C. A. Doyle, Father I. J. Pois- son, and the Westlake funeral home.—Mrs. Ted 1V1ittelholtz and family. 4-p OIL CONVERSION BURNER for furnace, only $15, also ivory color- ed table model radio, in good con- dition. Cheap. Phone Zurich 97, raorninigs and evenings. 3-4-p FIVE HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, two Jersey and Holstein heifers, due shortly. Apply to Stanley Ginger- ich, phone 79 r 15, Zurich. 4-b SNO BLO SNOW BLOWERS, fit any threee point hitch. Can be mounted to push or can be pulled forward. We also carry a line of P.T.O. knuckles and shafting. Ask us for a demonstration. Contact either Roy Erb or Cleve Gingerich. Look for the sign at the fourth house north of the Evangelical •church. Phone 84 r-12. 3 to 6-p FARM FOR SALE 50 acres, one quarter mile south of Zurich. Good hip roof barn, double garage, drive shed, brick house and hydro. Choice location. Apply to R. GRENIER, GRAND BEND HELP WANTED LOST and FOUND GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG—black and silver, disappeared last Thurs- day. Anyone knowing of it's whereabouts, please call Clayton Steckle, phone 94 r 22, Zurich. 4-p Clinton High School Bald increases Salary Secretary -Treasurer La4 son SPARE TIRE for Bedford Van, lost between Zurich and Seaforth, on Tuesday. A six-pltire, 6.70 x 15. Contact Don Oke/A e 160, Zur- ich. / 4-b Irvine Tebbutt, RR 3, Clinton entered his fifth year as chairman of the Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board, last week, when the inaugural meeting of the board was held. Menno Steckle, who was vice- chairman last year, and who in the normal course of events, would have been chairman of the board in 1961, was not returned by Stanley Township Council, who replaced him with a new appointment, Bruce McClinchey, Brucefield. Since no one was prepared for the position through a season as vice-chairman, Mr. Tebbutt accep- ted the appointment, John Lavis, the Clinton Public School Board's representative, was named vice- chairman for 1961. All members were sworn into of- fice by secretary -treasurer, Harold C. Lawson, with the exception of Clifford Lobb, a new appointee of the County of Huron, who is on vacation. Mar. Lawson was re -hired as sec- retary -treasurer at an increase of $200 per year, making his salary $1,110. A motion by Kenneth Mc- Rae, Clinton and Robert Thomp- son, Londesboro, that the raise be $300, was defeated. The amend- ment made by R. D. Philp, Blyth, and seconded by John Lavis for the smaller increase was carried. Comments on this topic from Mr. McRae were that the wage should be on par with that paid in Wing - ham and Exeter, which he under- stood to be $1,350 and $1,250. Mr. McClinchey felt the wage should be less than $1,110, "the way my taxes were this year we're paying rent, not taxes. The striking committee was made up of George Falconer, R. D. Philip, John Lavis, Ken McRae and chair- man Tebbutt. Committees named were: property, John Lavis, George Falconer, Tuckersmith Township; Ken McRae, Clinton; Robert Thom- pson, Hullett Township; study and welfare, Mr. McRae, Robert Peck, RR 1, Zurich; R. D. Philip, Blyth; Mr. Lavis; finance, Mr. Philip, Clif- ford Lobb, Clinton; Mr. Peck; trans- portation, Mr. Caldwell, East Wa- wanosh Township; Mervyn Rich- mond, Morris Township; Bruce Mc- WANTED TO BUY WANTED — FEATHERS and old feather ticks. Call Exeter Salvage, phone 423 Exeter, collect. 22tfb — WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Buns Are Used" Artificial Insernmation Service Is Provided from Bulls of All Breeds We are fanner fkm d d controlled and oie, rate t est Summer callineh Ors: en - 7:30 and,39:10,,,afri7t eek days 6 and 8 p.m. Saturday evenings service or more information Linton Zenith 9-5650 IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a pro- fitable and a permanent occupa- tion, here it is. Vacancy in part of For Huron County. lylan. y dealers in Call Ontario and oth9f tkovinces mak- C ing over $5,000 d',„ygari-, No capital nor experience need/ Must have ETE'S FLOWERS car in good conditia leigh, Dept. A-458- , 4005 Rich- Phone 130 — Zurich e Write Raw - 441, Flowers beautifully arranged for eleu, Montreal. Weddings, NurcesaN Etc. At Prices Everyprip,,,94v afford "Flowers Wirea0 nywhere" 1,0z sm., zs 1 s.t.; .0.R. ' A .1f M'A ' , PO -ell gf, r., .r... 447 ,,, le .4- ,,,,r.- W. L • 4., t.: A--,.... + IAA A. A N 1..,M Clinchey, Stanley Township; Mr, Thompson; agriculture, Mr. Rich- mond, Mr. Caldwell, Mr. McClin- chey, Mr. Lobb. The board agreed to permit the installation of an electric time clock and scorebaord which the Students' Council had purchased at a cost of $600, on the south wall of the gymnatorium. The students have found that wiring costs for this electric scoreboard will be $400, which is $200 more than they estimated. However, the Board refused to assume any part of the cost of this. GIRL OR WOMEN to clerk in store; also another girl or woman for typing, book-keeping, etc., and to assist in store. HoUrpositions full time. Apply to DryskakCrest Hard- ware, Hensall. 4-b FARM EQUI* ENT SAVE DOLLARS NOW AT Mr. McClinchey inquired: "One thing 1 can't understand, Mr. Coch- rane, is why so lousy much home- work?" Mr. Cochrane advised that the homework should take from two to two and a half hours for a Grade 12 student. He noted that with a student having eight tea- chers in a day, if each one sent home 20 minutes worth of home- work, that would make- two and a half hours. Mr. Cochrane noted that some students are perfection- ists, and will not be happy unless every page in every notebook is a neat work of art. MINNEAPOLIS - MOLINE Farm Machinery; Firestone and Good- year rubber tires. See us for the hest buy. Emmerson Erb, phone 96r12, Zurich. 37t1lr. GEORGE WHITE FARM Mach-- inery, Ebersal hay and grain Ele- vators, Rotary Hog Feeders. Ap- ply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. 30-tfx MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and body repairs, glass steering and wheeLbAnce. Un- daspray for Rust "tare40,pri. DAVIDSON'S TNirri Service No. 8 H'wy. Phone ‘`JA 4-7231 ATTENTION F.,46...RMERS — For prompt 24-hour 7 clay a week ser- vice on all dead or disabled f arm ordinals; truck licenced under Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence No. 42C60. Call Ed. Andrews, phone Seaforth 851 r 11. 49 to 8-p FILTER QUEEN SAL,ES AND service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Hensall 696r2. 18-20-22-2403 SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Dashwood 26r17, or in case of emergency call Del Schwatzentruber, phone 224, Ta- vistock. 20,tfb SEND TO -DAY for your FREE pamphlet, TIPS FOR BETTER PICTURES. No obligation. Describes in easy to understand language how to get good snaps using an inexpensive camera. Let us develop your film; 8 ex- posure roll only 50c. 12 ex. 70c. All double size prints, 3IFFY•PHOTO, box 222d, Clinton. 23,tfb CUSTOM SPRAYING and WASHING. Call now for prompt and effieient service, William Wat- son, RR 3, Zurich, call Dashwood 37R19. 35,tfb CET":15 Jt/MP ON SPR/NO You save money! Because from now up to January 281h, your CO-OP Early Delivery Dis- count is $2.00 per ton and, to Februarye5th— $1,50. That's not all either. For Cash Payment kgRO March 18th, there's ave c&Sts too! Because your ay the interest on storage .able hours by avoiding t, when you order your ery also means that you're an extra 5% Discount. You II early delivery dollar savings c facilities. Yes, and you'll s that seeding -time rush at evie, CO-OP Fertilizer now! Early d assured of the correct analysis you require. e v ORDER CO-OP THE TTE FERT NOW/ I, • Oh, "1:*1 IZE Remember! You get bigger value with the better CO-OP Fertilizer definitely has a higher percentage of water soluble phosphate, so important on low -phosphate soils—a higher lime content —low moisture and uniform particle-size—less seed - burning characteristics. Fertilizer! SEE YOUR LOCAL 01111N =WPM WM 94,1-00 George Falconer asked that a let- ter go to Mr. Steckle, assuring him of the appreciation felt by the board for his faithfulness and con- sciencious attention to his duties. "Mr. Steckle missed only one meet- ing in the seven years he was a member of the board," said Mr. Falconer. AIL1.1,A.VA,41% :AA , 6 SALE CONTINUES UNTIL JANUARY 31 111.111.1..talUMUSUBM{M.1110111.111M.B1M1111.*....21.0116113*.*310001311141.0•NIAIMIIISOM......"11431M SKIRTS HAVE TO GO Ladies and Sub -'Teen Priced as low as $1.00 You can't buy the material for these prices A REAL SAVING CHERUB TEE SHIRTS AND VESTS (Seconds) 98c and 69c., rn-- BARGAN,ABLE BLOUSES Fresh Itemsd,cled Clearance Racks AT 89c $1.98 $2.98 DON V MISS1THEM VALUES TO $5.98 .‚------- $5.00$5.00 RACK WINTER JACKETS Boys and Girls Coats Sets Snow Suits — Pram Suits Save Dollars on any of these WINTEROirrER WEAR 25% OFF Snow Suits — 3 Piece Sets Coats and Jackets BARGAINS YOU HAVE WAITED FOR WINTER MILLINERY SPECIAL PURCHASE Girls Rayon and Nylon PANTIES 2-4-6 29c 8-14 39c Reduced To Clear AS LOW AS $1.00 Save Two Ways at 1GA Lowest Prices, plus Beautiful Prem - urns with Gold Bond Stamps. This week with every unit of the items Listed You Get Free Golo Bond Stamps . Monarch P©h Pak Cake Mixes 50 Extra Stamps with 4 Dkk O Yum Picke,16 L 25 Extra Slumps with 1 Bravo Spaghetti ©r :',acaroni 25 Extra Stamps with 2 Chase & Sanborne Instant Cilfee, 15c off ps with 1 Stawps ith Gr emu Toolhpaste, 1 arg ri,,e ms Pie Fili„ 6 oz. 50 Extra Sta nt size 2/95c 1 I-1 Extr 25 Extra Stamps pple, cherry, Blueberry 25 Extra tamps ith 50 Extra Stamps with 1 pr. 25 Extra taAps with 1 25 Extra St mps 4 t 11 1 25 Extra St mps ith 1 25 Extra Stao ps with 2 54 Extra Starps with 1 25 Extr St "Imps with 2 Extr l Stamps w4111 T tp Value Nylons Grid Se 4 Tufo, 7 oz. ohinHod Its, 5 ILL ar X 1,eef Stew 24 oz. Domestic Shortening King Size Tide, 24c off CI et Cionser, 5c off gipnt Schneiders Canned Hams Hensall District Co -Op Inc. Hensall ZURICH Brumfield PRODUCE FEAT, ES CAULIFLOWERS ___ ._ ___ 25c each MacINTOSH APPLES 35c, 3 Ib. bag ONIONS, 3 lb. bag, 25 Extra Stamps with 2 CELLO SPINACH 25 Extra Stamps with 2 pkgs. FREEZER FEATURES ZERO PACK CORN, 12 oz. 2/45c 25 Extra Stamps MORTON POT PIES, chicken, turkey, beef 3/85c TABLE RITE FEATURES 47c lb. LAMB IN A BASKET . 25c lb. 49c Ib. LAMB LOIN CHOPS 59c Ib. TABLE RITE SAUSAGE 49c lb. with 25 Extra Stamps BROWN'S I.G.A. HENSALL OPEN FRIDAY and SAT IRDAY EVENINGS p,........ LAMB LEGS - LAMB RIB CHOPS _