HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-01-26, Page 4PAGE FOUR PEIISONALS Mrs. Don Kyle and Deborah left on Sunday for Calgary, after spen- ding a few months with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel. They left form Mallon Airport by jet airliner, and arrived at their des- tination several hours later. Mr. and Mrs. Thiel took Mrs. Kyle and daughter to Mallon. Mr Kyle left several weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cornforth and daughters, Gale and Irene, Scar- borough, were weekend ,visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Menlo Oesch. Ross Hauth Is New Stephen Clerk Ross Haugh, 34. of Crediton, was chosen from six applicants for the position of clerk of Stephen Town- ship. He is presently employed as a civilian employee at the RCAF station, Centralia. James Mawhiney, present clerk, also a resident of Crediton, will re- tire on February 7, when council meets and Mr. Haugh takes over the position. Haugh was chosen at a special council meeting, which lasted well past midnight. He will receive $2.300 a year. He has little clerical experience, but on the two days each week that he is not required at the of- fice, the new clerk plans to attend classes at a business course in Lon- don. Birthday Party The family of William Reichert gathered at their home on Thurs- day night last, to honour .Mr Reichert on the occasion of his 80th birthday. All the members of the family were present for the oeeas- 51011. Miss Gloria Deitz, of London, was a Snndav visitor with her family in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Avila Ducharme and family, of St. Joseph, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Theresa Hartman. Miss Theresa Hartman, r t a , pStep- hen tep hen aTownship, p days with her grandmother, Mrs. T. Hartman. Harry Bassow and Herb Beirling attended the Scholdice reunion, in Toronto, last Saturday. County Grants ZURICH CITIZENS MEWS Mrs. L. McKinley Mrs. Lydia McKinley, after lengthy illness, passed away at the Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall, on Saturday, January 21, in her 88th year. She was born in Mc- Killop Township on January 24, 1873, the daughter of John Camp- bell and Lydia Brooks. Prior to her marriage to John McKinley, in March, 1899, she taught school in Stanley Township. Mrs. McKinley was a member of Goshen United Church. and an ac- tive member of the WMS. She was always respected for her high mor- al standards. • She was predeceased by her hus- a The following grants were ap- proved: Huron Soil and Crop Im- provement Association, $100; East Huron WI, $25; South Huron WI, $25: Salvation Army, $1,500; Can- adian National Institute for the Blind, $2,000; Huron Holstein Breeders, $100; and Western On- tario Guernsey Breeders, $50. De- f ered for study were requests from the Seaforth Agricultural Society, Wingham and District Retarded Children's Association, Mid -West- ern Ontario Development Associa- tion, and the University of Western Ontario. Born in Stephen Township, the successful applicant is the son of Milton Haugh, of Dashwood, and the late Mrs. Haugh. He attended • Sharon public school and Dashwood continuation school. For the past eight years he has been employed at the air station. Haugh has been active in sports both as a participant and baseball umpire. He is superintendent of Zion EUB Sunday School, Crediton. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Bell, RR 2, Hensall, wish to announ- ce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Marie, to Mr. Kenneth Vernon Pollock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock,. RR 1, Varna. The marriage to take place Feb- ruaryb25, 1961. one son, J. Elgin McKinley, of Stanley, and two daughters, Mrs. Harvey (Elinor) Coleman, of Stan- ley; Mrs. J. B. (Mabel) Lavis, of Clinton; and one sister, Mrs. Rob- ert McKinley, of Stanley. There are eight grandchildren and 23. great grandchildren. • The body rested at the Westlake funeral home, Zurich, until remov- al was made to Goshen United Church, on Monday morning, whE1e a public funeral service was held at 2:00 pin.. Interment was made in Bayfield cemetery. Rev. T. J. Pitt officiated. The pallbearers were Anson and Robert McKinley, George and John Lavis, Orville Schilbe and Kenneth Fanson. Flower bearers were Ber- ne, Larry, and John McKinley, and band in 1939, and is survived by Brian Lavis. BowlIng Scores ZURICH LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE Weekly points 2 5 3 4 7 Team High Triple HLA (D. Haven, 419) - Blue Notes (I. Reid, 451) Dominionaires (M. Shea, 513) Jokers (E. Weido, 604) Tooters (D. Schilbe, 514) Lazy Six (I. Frayne, 467) Night Hawks (M. Hesse, 506) Ups and Downs (L. Taylor, 462) Dreamers (V. Lavery, 511) Varieties, Isobel Gascho, 540) Dashettes (M. Rader 622) Hotshots (W, Denome, 446) High average, S. Tieman, 170; high triple, M. Kroft, 695; gle, R. Decker, 324; weekly high single, D. Schilbe, 252. ZURICH MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE Gutter Snipes (Leroy O'Brien, 419) Flying Frenchman (Bruce Moir 520) Nite Hawks (Vic Dinnin, 495) BooBoos (Reg Black, 518) Alley Cats (Menno (Desch, 463) Hi Los (Harold Stade, 685) Hardrocks (Earl Flaxbard, 500) Cannon Balls (Len Bates, 560) Hensall Hornets (Jean Corneil, 464) Gimmicks (Pat O'Brien, 481) Walnuts (Ted Robson, 478) Busy Bees (Hugh McEwen, 527) Ladies: high single, Eileen Rannie, 633; high average, Ann Oesch, 158.1. Men's: high single, Harold Stade, 305; high 699; high average, Harold Stade, 182. 0 7 0 5 2 7 0 Team Point Standing 44 13 42 40 74 57 92 '75 70 42 115 50 high WEEKEND FO°sI D SPECIALS WAGSTAFFE 9 OZ. TUMBLER Strawberry Jam 3 for 59c PALM GARDEN �, F Tea Bags only 59c KELLOGGS I Cereal and Corn Fla s 2 pkgs. 51c 2 dozen 95c Sunkist Oranges m.mom smmm oo,accanc.•. - - Cmiax. Imam= proms. LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET CLARENCE GASCHO — ZURICH co CHILDREN'S and LADIES' CA. C '.TS Sizes 3 to 40, entire stock to clear at I25 PECE 1° T rISCT 411 CHIL[ .EN'S 2 -PIECE SNOW SUITS 25 PERCEaA T OFF CHILDREN'S WOOL SHAG and BANLON SWEATERS Sizes 2 to 14, to clear at 25 PE CE ':T DISCO SPECIAL WHITE BROADCLOTH -1 150 yards of white broadcloth, 36" width, a soft fabric with no dressing, ideal for quilts Reg. 75c yd. for only 55c yd. ON SALE THURSDAY MORNING, UNTIL STOCK 15 GONE ONLY THREE MORE WEEKS FOR v 15 Puce F it Discount -® House of Stone MADE TO MEASURE SUITS BROS. ASCHC PHONE 59 -- ZURICH 274; high 0 7 2 5 2 5 7 0 3 4 3 4 THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1961 Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church Rev, A. M. AMACHER, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch. Organlat SUNDAY, JANUARY 9- 10.00 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sulaay , chool Guest spAl1 rs will be Mr. Ro- bert S1 oeder and Miss Bon- nieDoru No Evening Service We welcome you to us sin - 20 97 38 72 66 84 34 41 81 46 54 81 worship with St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. W. P. Fischer, B.A., Pastor Ron Klopp, 9rganist SUNDAY, JANUARY orship Service izday School fou to worship with 10,00 a.m.T� 11.00 a.m.- We welco" ,ie Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor—A. MARTIN SUNDAY, JANUARY 29- 10.00 a.m.—The Sunay School 11.00 a.m—The M rn Worship WEDNESDAY, F-#14ZU "RY1-- 8.00 p.m. —Prak Fe�'lowship and Mission Stud 'Bias or Broth- erhood." We invite you to share with us triple, Ann Oesch, triple, Harold Stade, PROVEN CONCENTRATES FOR All Poultry, Hogs, and Ca BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM © EITZ at PHONE 154 V+4R YSN: tie N ZURICH US WAS THE CHURCH MORE EFFECTIVE FIFTY YEARS AGO Hear four ministers debate this question on SUNDAY NIGHT.. at MAIN STREET NITED CHURCH ESUNDAY, JANUARY 29, at 7:30 p.m. 7.00 p.m.—Songs of the Gospel the ch ch was more effective 7.30 p.m.—ate: `Resolve that 50 years go." A.ffirinatM Bev. W. E. Slinn, Arva Reltyy, Guest, Centralia NegaRev. D.M.A.H. RJohnston, Bruce - field Moderatir: Rev. H. C. Wilson, Thames Road Music by the Zurich Mennonite Male Quartet EVERYONE WELCOME amosonsumawlawaims AMMO THUS SAITH THE LORD Set Thine House in order, for Thou Shalt die and not live. /I—Isaiah 28: 1 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the1 4i:row. "For what is life." It is even a vapor that appeareth for a Int tip dime, and then van- isheth away.—James 4: 14. 'f Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.—Matthew 24: 42. ZURICH MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE IMOIVMLMMMIIMLIMEZMMIZMMM TEENS - YOUNG - OLD ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE TUR AY EVE :: MG Dancing 10.00 to 2.00 Admission: 50c 0,0 ..,;:'0040 'war„ a DROP IN - LET US GIVE YOU IDEAS ! ! We have ideas and suggestions for you, on how to make your basement the most attractive room in your home. You will be surprised at the low cost, tool - Ir14748=*"m""1211117.FO:P Goomai LUMBERBu ILD E6 300 SluPP.lES 9 Phone 140 EEKEND D CHASE AND SANBORN 6 OZ. Instant Coffee AYLMER 11 OZ. Tomato Catsup 7 .RICH SPECT LS 79c 2 for 35c HEINZ 15 OZ. Spaghetti 2 for 33c NABISCO Shredded Wheat \ 37c Fireside Ssaitines 25c EXTRA SPECIAL ASSORTMENT Candy - reg. 39c Special 29c FRUITS ®- VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA_ SUNKIST GRAPEFRUIT 8 For 49c CELLO PACKAGE TOMATOES 19c each EMPEROR GRAPES 2 lbs. for 29c COOKING ONIONS 3 lbs. 19c MEAT SPECIALS Fresh Hamburger Ibe 39c Fryers, 3113. average Ib, 39c SWEET PICKLED Cottage Roil lb. 56c Quality Blue Brand Steaks and Roasts Fresh Pork At All Times