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HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-01-19, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 19 ,1961 t`.l 1.'t i) tiA'rt^.s: 'l5 words or less, 50c the first week, 35c for r"*,'at advertisements ger `vi.: 2EL. a word tnt' fi-st we' k. .nen 114,c or repeats. 1,!' 'Thanks. In Nlemt,r lams, I'ald.'iz.tements, saint sl. above Births, Marriages and Death:- Nn eath`Nn charge FOR SALE THREE V Ol'NG HOLSTEIN cows. due January and February, Brucel- losis tested from clean Herd. also Holstein bull calf, one week old. Apply to Russell Oesch, Varna. Phone Hensall 687 r 23. 3-4-p OIL CONVERSION BURNER for ed table model radio, in good con - furnace, only $15. also ivory color- dition. Cheap. Phone Zurich 97, morninigs and evenings. 3-4-p BEEF, by the quarter or half, from yearling steers. Also one hereford heifer for sale, due next month. Apply to Alvin Gingerich, phone 90 r 6, Zurich 3-b BEATTY PRESSURE PUMP and motor, without tank. Good condi- tion. Apply to Russell Oesch, Varna. Phone Hensall 687 r 23. 3-p COB CORN for sale, about 10 ton. Apply to 11. T, Miller. Phone 57 r 7. Dashwood. 3-b SNO BLO SNOW BLOWERS, fit any threee point hitch. Can be mounted to push or can be pulled forward. We also carry a line of P.T.O. knuckles and shafting. Ask us for a demonstration. Contact either Roy Erb or Cleve Gingerich. Look for the sign at the fourth house north of the Evangelical church. Phone 84 r-12, 3 to 6-p • RED KNITTED SLIT, size 12 to 14. Also man's navy car coat, size 34 to 36. Apply to Mrs. T. Stark, phone 83, Zurich. 3-b FARM FOR SALE 50 acres, one quarter mile south of Zurich. Good hip roof barn, double garage, drive shed, brick house and hydro. Choice location. Apply to R. GRENIER, GRAND BEND HELP WANTED PE Mr. and Mrs. Ed Letts, of Lon- don. were weekend visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Kalb- fleisch. 111r. and Mrs. Orville Ullerick, of London, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Len Wag- ner. Miss Judy Willert, of Kitchener, was a weekend viistor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Willert. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Masse and family, of London, spent Sunday with members of their families in this area. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pfaff and family, of St. Marys, spent Sunday in Zurich, with Mrs. Pfaff's mother, Mrs. M. Hoffman. Mrs. Theresa Hartman spent a few days with her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fleming, at Mt. Carmel. Miss Irene Frayne has returned to her position with Tasty -Nu Bak- ery, after spending several weeks with members of her family in Cal- gary and other points in the west. Mrs. Leander Ecola, a student of Waterloo Seminary, was the guest speaker in St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday, in the absence of Rev. W. P. Fischer, who is at- tending a course in. Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dobson (nee Joyce Witmer) have returned home after a pleasant honeymoon in Flor- ida, and other points of interest. Miss Amelia Clausis, of Tavis- tock, called on her brother Henry WANTED: Reliable man as dealer in part of Huron County. Exper- ience not necessary. A fine oppor- tunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big pro- fits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. A-458-163, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 3-b FARM EQUIPMENT MINNEAPOLIS - MOLINE Farm Machinery: Firestone and Good- year rubber tires. See us for the best buy. Emmerson Erb, phone 96r12, Zurich. 37tfb. GEORGE WHITE FARM Mach- inery, Ebersal hay and grain Ele- vators, Rotary Hog Feeders. Ap- ply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. 30-tfx MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and body repairs, glass, steering and wheel balance. _ Un- daspray for Rust prevention. DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No, 8 H'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 ATTENTION F 4 RMERS — For prompt 24-hour 7 day a week ser- vice on all dead or disabled fa animals; truck licenced under Dea Stock Disposal Act, licence No 42C60. Call Ed. Andrews, phon Seaforth 851 r 11. 49 to 8 - FILTER QUEEN SALES ANL service. Repairs to all makes o vacuum cleaners. Reconditioner cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, R 1, Zurich. Phone Hensato 696r2. 6r. SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc cleaned. Will be in Zurich an district every second week. Fo appointments call Dashwood 26r1 or in case of emergency call D Sehwatzentruber, phone 224,t vistoek. SEND TO -DAY for your FRE pamphlet, TIPS FOR BETTE PICTURES. No obligation. Describes in easy to understan language how to get good snag using an inexpensive camera. Let us develop your film; 8 e: posure roll only 50c. 12 ex. 70 All double size prints. JIFFY PHOTO, box 222d, Clint o: and other friends this week. Louis Gingerich has left for Elk- hart, Indianna, where he is on vol- untary service. 0 Stephen Council Clerk James Mawhinney admin- istered the oaths of office to the Stephen Township council last Mon- day, which includes two new mem- bers, Cecil Desjardine, Grand Bend, and Joseph Dietrich, RR 3, Parkhill. The devotional was conducted by Rev. Duncan Guest, of Centralia. Reeve Glenn Webb, in his inaug- ural address, outlined to council some of the work he would like to see accomplished during the year. He then entertained members and officials to a dinner. Reeve Webb and Councillor Ed. Hendrick were appointed to attend the MWODA dinner in Goderich Wednesday. Grants were authorized for the Salvation Army and the .St John's Ambulance Corps. Reeve Webb was appointed wel- fare officer and Lloyd Lamport will remain the SHDHS representative. Appointments of road foremen were made. Council will meet at 1 p.m. the first Tuesday during the months of February and March. Several delegations waited on council to request grants. Elston Cardiff, C. S. MacNaughton and Warden John Durnin, requested a grant of $25 for the Huron Plow- men's Association, which council approved. At the request of Mrs. W. D. Mack, grants for the libraries at Centralia and Crediton were doub- led from $50 to $100. The Dashwood Men's Club re- quested financial assistance toward the operation of its skating rink. Council delayed decision until the matter was discussed with Hay Township. Bowling Scores ZURICH LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE Weekly Team Point Team High Triple points Standing Tooters (J. McNaughton, 553) _ 2 Ups and Downs (S. Tieman, 565) 5 Bluenotes (13. Wercholaz, 601) 0 Dashettes (E. Webb, 630) 7 Hot Shots (I. Flanagan, 396) Jokers (E. Weido, 529) minionaires (J. Moore, 494) L. A. (B. Haven, 462- CARDS OF THANKS H. Na rm d n el a- ft We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our V` relatives, neighbours and friends LE for the acts of kindness, words of Da sympathy, and comfort at the loss of our dear husband and father. iia Special thanks to Dr. A. W, Klah- sen, the nurses and staff at South Huron Hospital, the ladies of the A church, Rev. A. Martin, Rev. E. Ct Gingerich, and the Westlake fuller- G al home. — Mrs. Sam Gingerich G and family. 3-p 1I CUSTOM SPRAYING and WHITE- B WASHING. Ca11 now for prompt F: and efficient service. William Wat- B son, RR 3, Zurich, call Dashwood 37R19. 35,tfb H NS WATERLOO n CATTLE BREEDING N ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service Is Provided from Bulls of All . Breeds We are farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost Summer calling hours: Between - 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. week days 6 and 8 p.m. Saturday evenings For service or more information Call — Clinton Zenith 9-5650 FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT, in the village of Zurich, in Mrs. Fanny Bender Block, Apply to Alfred Meidinger, phone 82 r 18, Zurich 1-2-b WANTED TO BUY WANTED — FEATHERS and old feather ticks. Call Exeter Salvage, phone 423 Exeter, collect. 22tfb WANTED p YOUNG GIRL wants housework, 1 steady position desired. Willing to t work. Apply to Box R, Zurich Cit- izens News. 3-b PROMPT OPTICAL SERVICE Broken Lenses Duplicated LARGE SELECTIONS OF ER Modern Frames ER d Including Child's Sizes ►s c. A. G. HESS e. Jeweller and Optician a, ZURICH 5 2 5 0 ghthawks (J. Turkheim, 530) 7 uieties (A. Oesch, 474) 2 zy Six (T. Starke, 429) 2 57 earners (F. Forrester, 477) 67 75 8 108 50 36 39 42 85 40 5 High average, D. Wercholaz, 200; high triple, M. Kroft, 695; high gle, R. Decker, 324; weekly high single, D. Wercholaz, 283. ZURICH MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE iley Cast (Bill Siebert, 563) 7 64 annon Balls (Wilmer Adkins, 474) 0 41 Ater Snipes (Jim Parkins, 388) 0 20 immicks (Pat O'Brien, 490) 7 42 i Los (Harold Stade, 660) ___.-.. 7 '79 ao Hoos (Clare Deichert, 491) 0 67 lying Frenchmen (Jim Bedard, 607) 5 90 usy Bees (Hugh McEwen, 566) 2 76 ensall Hornets (Jack Corneil, 471) 5 '78 alnuts (Ted Robson, 454) 2 89. ardrocks (Marion Steckle, 395) 5 ite Hawks (Garnet Leitch, 495) ____._...____._ 2 27 36 C G EVENTS "A SERIES OF PRENATAL classes will begin Wednesday, January 25, at 2:00 p.m., at the Health Unit Of- fice, basement entrance off Anne St., South Huron Hospital, Exeter. These will be held at weekly in- tervals for nine weeks. Those in- terested are invited to attend on the above date or phone the Public Health Nurse, Exeter 718W beween 4.30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m." 3-b TEENS - yo .A15',74$1,S.IZA-RIV4 014tV� NG OLD '.A. In:5'1112P4'.: ZURICH C®` `i' 'UNITY EVE If 'RIDA'. EVE Dancing 10.00 to 2.00 Admission: 50c CENTRE C HONEST SAVINGS ON Seasonal Jackets ®® Top Coats Sport Shirts Sport Coi:ts SUITS Ready Made -- Made To Measure S E E Our Bargain Table of SAG SWEATERS CLEARING AT HALF PRICE WAITER'S MEN'S WEAR PHONE 81 -- EXETER UCTI r'N SALE AUCTION SALE To be held at the farm, lot 14, con. 2, Stanley Township, 1 mile west, 14 miles south of Brucefield, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, at 1.30 p.m. Consisting of 50 head of Regis- tered and Grade Holsteins and Jer- sey cows and heifers. 20 Holstein cows and heifers re- cently fresh; 20 Holstein cows and heifers, due in January and Feb- ruary; 12 Jersey cows and heifers, fresh and springing; 1 Hereford bull; 15 young calves; 10 York first litter sows, due early in February. This is a choice lot of Dairy Cat- tle, vaccinated and blood tested. Terms Cash D'ARCY RATHWELL & SONS Proprietors HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church Rev. A. M. AMACHER, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. Milton Oesoh. Organist SUNDAY, JANUARY 22- 10.00 a.m Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25- 8.00 p.m.—Bible Study and Pray- er Service He welcome you to worship with us HEAR REV. MEL HOLMES Each Sunday Morning 9:00 a.m. CJCS RADIO, STRATFORD 1240 On Your Dial St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. W. P. Fischer, B.A., Pastor Ron Klopp, Organist SUNDAY, JANUARY 22- 10.00 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School We welcome you to worship with us Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor—A. MARTI N SUNDAY, JANUARY 22- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Christmas Service You Are Cordially Invited NETE'S FLOWERS Phone 130 — Zurich Flowers beautifully arranged for Weddings, Funerals, Etc. At Prices Everyone can afford "Flowers Wired Anywhere" C r IST is the lip er FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Heb: 13: 8—Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today and forever. Phil 4: 19—But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Ps. 16: 11—Thou will shew me the path of life, in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand are pleasures forevermore. ZURICH MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE y MMMMMMMMJMMM Phone 140 ZURICH WEEKEN FOS ECii LS ROBIN HOOD WHITE, Cake Mixes LIBBY'S 20 OZ. TINS Deep Brown GOLDEN DEW 1 LB. P fl Margarine LARGE BOX QUICK CHOCOLATE, BANANA IC 2 Erg. pkgs. 65c Beans 2 for 37c Gs. 2 for 43c Quaker or Instant Oats Fruit - Vegetables Grapefruit 10 for 49c CALIFORNIA Grapes, 2 lbs. 29c Lemons, 5 for 19c ROSE BRAND BRICKS 39c Ice Cream 19c EXTRA SPECIAL Candy 29c pkgs. MEAT DEPARTMENT BURNS LEAN Boneless Picnics lb® 79c SCHNEIDER'S Rikg Bologna lb® 43c FRESH Pork Picnics Ib. 43c Fresh Blue Brand Beef Steaks and Roasts at all times