HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-01-19, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1961 Discuss Building Of Mausoleum In Bayfield Cemetery (By Mrs. R. Grainger) The annual meeting of the Bay- field Cemetery Company was held on January 13, 1961. Donald Mc- Kenzie was chairman and E. A. Westlake acted as secretary for the meeting E. A. Featherstone was elected as a director to replace Benjamin Rathwell, who has retired from the board. All other directors were re-elected: President, Donald McKenzie; vice-president, Elgin Porter, and secretary, E. A. Westlake. Audi- tors for 1961 are Leslie Elliott and Roy Fitzsimmons. Mr. E. A. Westlake was advised by the directors to write a letter of appreciation to Benjamin Rath - well, for his service, and the in- terest he has taken in the welfare of the Bayfield Cemetery. George Little was again employ- ed as sexton by the board. The perpetuity was raised on a two grave lot to $25,00 and on a four grave lot to $45.00. This raise was necessary to comply with the Cemetery Act and had to be reported to the Department of Health. Since this Act was passed in 1954 and made effective in 1955 the board is compelled to pay what they are behind. The job of leveling the piece of land donated to the board by Mrs. Fred McEwan, for the purpose of erecting a Mausoleum in the near future was given to Elgin Porter. FEED SERVICE PROVEN CONCENTRATES FOR All Poultry, Hogs, and Cattle BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM M. G. DEITZ and SON PHONE 154 ZURICH ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid held their quarterly LWML meeting Wednesday evening, January 11, with group 3 and Mrs. Ervin Ra- der, convener in charge. Mrs. Milfred Merner, presided for the business Twenty-seven box- es were distributed to sick and shut-ins at Christmas. An invitation was accepted from Zurich Ladies Aid to attend their February meet- ing. Two quilts are to be done this month. Mrs. Ervin Rader dealt with the mission topic, "Don't Stay at Home." Lynda Rader favoured with hymns on the accordion. Clos- devotions were conducted by group III, with the theme "Stewardship." During the lunch period, Mrs. Ef- fie Kleinstiver, who was 75, and has been treasurer for 20 years, was presented with a gift, and the group in charge served birthday cake and ice cream. Bridal Shower Mrs. Elmer Rader and Mrs. Ur- ban Pfile were hostesses at a mis- cellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. William Haugh, for her daugh- ter, Shirley, bride -elect of this mon- th. Mrs. Ervin Rader conducted sev- eral contests and Mrs. Milfred Mer- ner read a suitable reading. Mrs. Addison Tieman entered as the good fairy and assisted Shirley with her gifts. Shirley very grac- iously thanked everyone for their gifts and invited all to visit her in her home. Euchre Party Dashwood WI held a euchre at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Becker for the members and their husbands, Saturday, January 14. Winners were: Harold Rader and Mrs. Eben Weigand; consolation EEKEND SPECIALS -- JANUA FREE -- FREE When you purchase 2 Giant Tins Ajax Cleanser at regular price of 2 FOR 59c You receive 1 Colourful Clean. ser Can Holder FREE OLD TYME Table Syrup 32 oz. bottle 49c AYLMER Clime ATo; t,+ 28 oz tins 4for$1.O atoes ALL POPULAR BRANDS Cigarettes Carton of 200 J3.G9 PREMIUM Sockeye Salmon 1/2 Ib. tins Only 57c KING SIZE TIDE 24c off pack X1019 WAGS.TAFFE ASSORTED Jams and .Jellies 9 oz. 2 for 39c Spicy Wafer, Sweet Mixed BREAD 'N BUTTER York Pickles 16 oz. jars 2 for 49c AUNT JEMIMA Pancake Flour (3 Varieties) 2 lb. pkg. 35c DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION Dog Ford 15 oz. tins 1 G for $1 .GG CLEAN -SWEEP BROOMS 79c each LISTER1NE Antiseptic 14 oz. bottle 75c MEAT .'EPART' TENT SCHNEIDER'S Ring Bologna SMOKED FLORIDA SIZE 96's lb. 39c Gr►!pefruit Picnic Shoulders Ib. 39c PURE Pork Sausage . 211s. 89c PEAMEAL Back Bacon • Ib. 63c SHOP S VE Cel ry Hearts 10 for 55c bunch 21c Cooking Onions 15c i CELLO T®miatoes 2 tubes 29c THE SUPE S p°.VE WAY winners were Ralph Weber and Mrs. Ralph Weber. Church Meeting The annual meeting of Zion Lu- theran Church was held Sunday evening, January 15, with Rev. Gerald Scholz vacancy pastor pre- sent. All organizations reported a successful year. Officers elected were: president, Wilfred Becker; vice-president, Gordon Kroft; elders, Harry Hay- ter, Edward Gaskstetter, Albert Miller; secretary, Kenneth Kraft; treasurer, James Hayter; financial secretary, Howard Datars; trustees, Leonard Restemayer, Oscar Miller, Emil Becker; Mission secretary, Lloyd Rader; Mission treasurer, Gerald Martene; finance commit- tee, Ervin Rader, Charles Tiernan; Evangelism committee, Arnold Becker, Robert Hayter; steward- ship committee, Albert Miller, Mil- ford Merner, Orval Wassman; edu- cation committee, Delmar Miller, Alvin Rader, Anthony Martene and Lloyd Willert. Sunday school superintendent, Reinhold Miller, assistant superin- tendent, Delmar Miller; auditors, V. L. Becker, Edgar Restemayer; nominating committee, Aaran Res- temayer, Albert Rader and Rein- hold Miller. Town Trustees The town trustees of Dashwood held their first meeting of the year when Ervin Rader was appointed chairman, Cliff Salmon secretary - treasurer and Harold Schroeder road superintendent. Plans were made to hold a fireman's banquet in February. More sidewalks are to be laid this year. Hold Surprise Birthday Party Members of Mrs. Effie Kleinsti- BLUEWATER BAYFIELD PAGE FIVE vers family, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cud - more, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiver, Mr. and Mrs. George Tiernan and Mr. and Mrs. (Mrs. Russell Grainger, correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner, Debbie and Stewart, visited on Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard and family, visited on Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin West- lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Stirling, Jury and Catherine, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Turner. Mrs. Jennie Dourie, of Strath- roy, is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger and family. Mrs. Elliott and Bob Mitchell, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunn, Jr., and family. The annual meeting of the Bay- field Agricultural Society, sched- uled for January 18, has been post- poned and will be held on Jan- uary 25, in Town Hall Bayfield. Albert Rader held a surprise bir- thday party for Mrs. Effie Klein- stiver, Saturday evening, on Sun- day she was treated to dinner at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich. 15% OFF ON ALL GROCERIES Some at HALF-PRICE I'e Are Going Out Of The Grocery Business GASCHO BROS. PHONE 59 — ZURICH Start The New Year Right WITH A GUARANTEED USED CAR 1959 Chevrolet Bel -Air Sed.ia Two -Tone finish, custom radio, in new car condition 1958 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan Custom radio, washers, electric clock, two-tone finish, low milage 1958 Olds ohile Super 88 4 -Door Sedan, power steering, power brakes, custom radio, rear seat speaker, whitewall tires, let black finish, low milage 1958 V uxhrII Super, Sedan With snow tires, washers, in good condition 1955 Chevrolet Deluxe S 4 -Door Sedan, in good condition - - maerenow mum= meow CHEV., OLDS., ENVOY, CHEV. TRUCKS PHONE 100 — EXETER GID KOEHLER — PHONE 191 — ZURICH Local Representative The wide choice of exciting colours in DOMINION VINYL TILES makes it easy for you to choose the colour scheme for any room. The clear bold graining gives these tiles a high style look of luxury. You will be surprised at the LOW COST of VINYL tiles, because of it's long wearing qualities. You will find this beautiful floor -covering ane of today's best long term flooring investments. LIN 'LE'. El FILES Choose from many varieties on MARBOLEUM, HANDICRAFT, and JASPE, in PLAIN and PATTERNED LINOLEUMS. With a small investment beautiful DOMINION LINOLEUM TILES offer the effect of an almost complet- ely re -decorated room. Easy to install, and easy to decorate with linoleum in 9" x 9" convenient squares, with the smartest colour range in North America. SEE THEM NOW, AT EXETER BRANCH