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Zurich Citizens News, 1961-01-12, Page 8
PAGE EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1961 Zurich Juveniles Continue Winning Ganes; Three Victories In Past Week ZURICH 5—HENSALL 2 The Zurich Lions Juveniles gave the Hensall Kinsmen Juveniles an- other lesson in hockey last Friday night in the Zurich arena, when they downed their arch -rivals 5-2, before the largest crowd of the season in the local ice palace. Earl Wagner sparked the Zurich attack with three goals, while Wayne Wil- lert and Gerard Overholt each ad- ded one. The game was only 15 seconds old when Willert banged in a neat pass from Bob Johnston and Ger- ard Overholt. At the 7:25 mark Overholt countered on a pass from Willert. Earl Wagner scored the first of his three goals early in the second period, on a pass from John Mas- se and Paul Weida. Minutes later from his brother, Bill, and Masse. His final tally of the period came unassisted ten seconds later. Shaddick scored both the Hen- sall goals, in the second period, one on a pass from Jones, and the other unassisted. Eleven penalties were handed out in the game, seven to Zurich and four to Hensall. 0 ZURICH 7—EXETER 3 Captain Wayne Willert led the way last Thursday night in Exeter when the Zurich Lions Juveniles trounced the Exeter Juveniles 7-3, Willert scored five goals in his team's victory, and assisted in one of the others. Early in the first period the husky right-winger started the scoring spree, when he slapped in he banged in another on a pass a pass from Gerard Overholt and Bowling Scores ZURICH LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE Weekly Team Point points Standing Team High Triple Dashettes (M. Kroft, 568) 7 101 Varieties (A. Oesch, 504) 0 38 Dreamers (E. Lawrence, 499) 7 60 Bluenotes (M. Witmer, 481) 0 8 Night Hawks (M. Hesse, 487) 7 78 Jokers (B. Sauder, 483) 0 34 Lazy Six (C. Meidinger, 435) 0 55 Dominionaires (M. Shea, 496) 7 34 Hot Shots (F. Denome, 449) 2 45 Ups and Downs (F. Webb, 505) 5 70 Tooters (J. McNaughton, 508) 2 65 HLA (B. Haven, 498) 5 42 Season's high single, R. Decker; high triple, M. Kroft, 695; high av- erage, S. Tieman, 170; weekly high single, M. Kroft, 236. ZURICH MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE Gutter Snipes (Leroy O'Brien, 447) 4 Walnuts, (Jim Dinsmore, 413) 3 Busy Bees (Eileen Rennie, 611) 5 Alley Cats (Ann Oesch, 633) ___ 2 Boo Boos (Reg Black, 496) 7 Cannon Balls (forfeit) 0 Nite Hawks (Jack Bannister, 536) 5 Flying Frenchmen (Jim Bedard, 487) 2 Gimmicks (Mary O'Brien, 403) 0 Hi Los (Isobell Gascho, 526) 7 7 0 Hensall Hornets (Jack Cornell, 481) Hard Rocks (Earl Flaxbard, 596) GRAND BENEFIT D N C E FOR © , and '- rs. PIDi/NI) r sse Family (Who lost their home and contents in a fire last Sunday) WILL BE HELD IN THE COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, '1961 20 49 74 57 67 41 34 85 35 72 73 22 The admission to the Benefit Dance will be your free-will donation to the Emergency Fund set up for this family! MUSIC WILL BE SUPPLIED BY Desjardine Orchestra EVERYONE IS URGED TO ATTEND THIS BIG NIGHT. A SHORT PROGRAM WILL ALSO TAKE PLACE, AND LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED When Disaster Strikes - - - - Come To The Rescue This space has been donated to the Community Emergency Fund by the ZURICH Citizens NEWS Earl Wagner. Midway through the period he banged in another goal, with the assists going to the same two players, who oddly enough earned assists on each of his five goals. The first three goals in the free- wheeling second period all came off the stick of Willert, as he con- tinued to give Ted Saunders trou- ble in the Exeter net. The final two Zurich goals, also scored in the second frame, were banged in by Earl Wagner and Gerard Over- holt. For Exeter Jones scored twice, with the extra marker being pick- ed up by Stephen, Seven penalties were called in the game, with Exeter drawing five and Zurich two. The local team were playing with out the services of two of their regulars, both Bob Johnston and Don Johnson were out of action, Bob had several teeth pulled that morning, and Don Johnson is out indefinitely with a shoulder sepa- ation, which he suffered in the bruising game against the Clinton Juveniles. ZURICH 7—EXETER 1 At the expense of the Exeter Juveniles, the Zurich Lions Juven- iles on Monday night added anoth- er victory to their string, as they hung up a 7-1 win in the local arena. Bob Johnston and Gerard Over- holt paced the scoring attack for the locals, with three goals each. Hensall Council Holds Inaugural The inaugural meeting of Hen- sall Council was held Monday, Jan- uary 9, when Rev. R. C. Winlaw The seventh goal was bagged by Paul "Woody" . Weido. In a rather slow -starting first period, the locals countered the on- ly goal, when Overholt cashed in on a pass from Bob Johnston and Wayne Willert. Play was ragged in the second period, as the locals produced the poorest exhibition of hockey they have shown this season. Overholt and Bob Johnston each scored on- ce in the dull frame, Ted Saun- ders, in the Exeter nets, suffered a deep gash on his forehead, and had to retire from the game. After he left, the locals had only two shots on the Exeter net for the rest of the period. In the third period, however, the boys came back strong, and pro- duced some fine hockey for the good crowd of spectators on hand. Weido started the ball rolling, fol- lowed by Bob Johnston with two more, and Overholt with one. Jones scored the lone Exeter goal, in the second period. Six penalties were handed out, three to each team, including ma- jors to John Masse and Frank Boy- le, for their brief display of fisti- cuffs. 1 I-'`'''oA - DAMP 1.1 . S,r.,l ii ulr, l nr.. 11'n6l I'Ii,hl+1'..rl'rcrl. "I don't want to scare you. But Pop says if I don't get better report cards, someone is going to get a good spanking?" PROTECT YUR SKATES WITH GUARDS WE HAVE THEM IN SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE Help the little tots to skate by supplying him with flexible ankle supports. Everyone uses them in their skates, including hockey players. Available in small medium, large esc PIIONE 130J e Store ZURICH ATTENTION FARMERS -4Ett. CONCRETE SILOS 1961 WILL BE A BIG YEAR IN CONSTRUCTION Most Farmers Have From One to Three Silos ANYONE INTERESTED — GET OUR FREE ESTIMATION (Over 20 Years Experience) WES HUGILL PHONE 204 — ZURICH offered a prayer for the success of the 1961 council, Dave Kyle, George Parker and Don Spearman were appointed as members of the Community Park Board for two years, and Bill Mic- kle and Wilmer Ferguson for one year. Lorne Hay and John Baker will represent Council on the Board. Rev. Winlaw, Mrs. W. J. Camer- on and George Beer were apppoin- ted members of the Recreation Committee for two years; Jim Taylor and Mrs, Harry Horton re- ceived appointments for one year. Mrs. Minnie Noakes and John Lav ender will represent council on the committee, Lorne Hay was appointed repre- sentative to the Ausable River Con- servation Authority, .and Mrs. Min- nie Noakes will represent Council at the meetings of the Western On- tario Development Association, R. Y, McClaren was replaced on the Library Board by Mrs. S. G. Rannie, who was appointed for two Years. Other appointments were: relief administration, Reeve John Hender- sons; street committee, Lorne Hay and John Baker; property com- mittee, Mrs. Noakes and John Ba- ker; building committee, Dave Sangster; chief of police and util- ity, E. R. Davis. Earl Campbell was re -appointed as clerk -treasurer. HUNTING ere they are WEEKEND SPECIALS 5 LB. BAG Five Roses Flour 60 BAG PACK Saluda Tea Bags 10 LB. BAG Granulated Sugar ZIP 15 OZ. TINS Dog Food HEINZ 10 OZ. Vegetable Soup WONDER Evaporated Milk 39c 73c 85c 8c tic 3 tins 39c FREE -- FREE ONE 2 OZ. JAR OF SUPER SAVE INSTANT COFFEE WITH PURCHASE OF 8 OZ. JAR AT REGULAR PRICE 12 OZ. TINS Trend Detergent KRAFT 16 OZ. Cheese Slices Brown Bear Honey 2 LB. CELLO Valley View Prunes COLGATE Dental Cream ..K_r:_diiNi cfL M2 2 for 59c 59c lb. 29c 69c 79c lc SALE — Tc SALE — lc SALE — lc SALE — lc SALE Javex 16 oz. Bottle -- Only 1c With purchase of Johnson's Hard Gloss — Quart Tins at regular prices JACK AND JILL Cough Syrup JOHNSON'S LARGE TIN Baby Powder 10c OFF LABEL Speedy Alka-Seltzer GIANT SIZE Halo Shampoo VIEMMENEmummulif 53c 75c 68c 69c Prime Rib Roasts Roiled Pot Roasts Butt Pork Chops Head Cheese Ib. 59c Iry 45c Ib. 55c per tin 79c Shop and Save -The Super -Save Way AL'S MA RKET HENSALL