HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-12-15, Page 2PAGE; TWO ZURICH ectczmrz . NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING at ZURICH, ONTARIO HERB TURKHEIM — Editor and Publisher FRANK McEWAN -- Plant Manager Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member: CANADIAN WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION Member: ONTARIO WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION Subscription Rates: $2.50 per year in advance, in Canada; $3.50 in United States and Foreign; single copies 5 cents THUSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1960 Shopping Locally Only eight more shopping days to go until Christmas is upon us! It seems like only yesterday that the young 'uns of the house- hold stealthily crept down the stairs, then frantically raced to the mantel, where pop's large wool socks were suspended—bulging with toys and goodies. At this time of year, Christmas shoppers are busy pondering over their gift list, trying to decide what to buy for various friends and relatives. This, most everyone will agree, often creates a pro- blem. However, after the debating has subsided, and the list has been completed, the Christmas shopper is ready to make her purchases. We are sure local shoppers will be able to find everything they need right in their own home town—quality merchandise at prices to suit their pocket book. Recently, citizens were the recipients of colorful wholesale catalogues through the mail. Listed in these catalogues were the retail prices of the items, along with the wholesale price the cus- tomer would pay. If someone was to compare the catalogue price with the price of the same item found in local stores, he would probably find the Iatter's prices (local merchant's) to be the same, or possibly lower. Why should local shoppers send out of town for merchandise they have not seen—pay more for it (plus the postage) and then probably find they are not fully satisfied with the items when they do receive them? Local stores are presently stocked with Christmas goods, winter articles and sales staff to give you the kind of service found in only one location—right here in town. When you shop at home, you are keeping your dollars in circulation locally, and will be doing your civic best to boost your home town. Certifying Used Car Fitness A morning paper heading proclaims: "New law will require certificate of fitness on all used car sales." Such a law would not be new. In section 20(b) of the Ontario Traffic Act, enacted more than three years ago, it is provided that a dealer "shall deliver to the purchaser a certificate of mechanical fitness signed by the dealer stating that the vehicle is, or is not, in a safe condition to be operated on a highway." The news now, evidently, is that the new transport minister, Hon. Leslie Rowntree, is bringing into use, January 1, a new form of certificate "covering such parts of the car as brakes, lights, tires, rear-view mirror, horn, tie -rod ends and windshield wipers." Some dealers refuse to certify as roadworthy any car of an . : age beyond a certain year, the obvious reason being that various parts are going to wear out or otherwise fail in course of ordinary use, even though inspection at the time of sale may reveal no defect. In any case, it would be impracticable for dealers to have alrol'd cars taken apart to check everything. When a car is certi- fied as roadworthy, it means that the dealer's mechanics believe it safe to drive. That does not guarantee the customer against subsequent failure of parts, and when that takes place it would be impossible, in most cases, to trace it to any defect discernible •at the time of sale. Corrosion nowadays leads car owners to expect as a matter of course the periodical repair or replacement of mufflers, gasoline tanks, gasoline feed lines, and almost everything underneath. As a matter of fact, there is a definite responsibility assumed by the buyer of a used car. He must sign any certificate issued to him, and if the form states that something is not safe he takes a big chance if he does not at once have it attended to, Otherwise he is at a serious disadvantage in case of an accident. Section 20(a) provides as follows: "No person shall drive or operate or permit the driving or operation of a motor vehicle in such a dangerous or unsafe condition as to endanger the driver or operator or any oc- cupant thereof, or any person upon the highway." —_ (Stratford Beacon Herald). -Team Bowling Scores ZURICH LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE Weekly High Triple points Gutter Snipes (Ken Breakey, 466) 'Cannon Balis (W. Adkins; 467) Hensel' Hornets (Jean Corneil, 575) Boo Boos (Reg Black, 452) Alley Cats (Ann Oesch, 512) Walnuts .(A. Clausius, 422) Flying Frenchmen (Jim Bedard, 500) Hi Los (H. Stade, 593) Hard Rocks (H. Clausius, 379, forfeit) Busy Bees (Fred Bradley, 592) Nite Hawks (J. Bannister, 536) Gimicks (Pat O'Brien, 476) ZURICH MIXED BOWLING 'Ups and Downs (3. Guenther, 441) Dreamers (A. Masse, 520) Hot Shots (L. Dupont, 409) Biuenotes (Ivy Reid, 431) Night Hawks (D. Hess, 504) Varieties (A. Oesch, 558) Lazy Six (A. Meidinger, 521) Jokers (E. Weido, 425) _.-__ W Dashettes (E. Webb, 597) H.L.A. (J. Stale, 391) Dominionaires (S. Block, 432) _. .. T'ooters (J. McNaughton, 536) High season's single, Ruth Decker, 324, High Triple, M. Kraft, 695. High average, S. Tiernan, 188 Vic 2 5 7 0• 7 0 • 0 7 0 7 5 2 LEAGUE 0 7 5 2 5 2 7 e 7 0 0 7 • Team Point Standing 14 39 . 56,. 53 49 34 69 57 14 62 22 35 d.• 55 44. 40 8 57 29 53 32 82 28 23 53 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS 40 YEARS AGO DECEMBER 1920 Mr. 3. Haberer attended the Beekkeepers Association meeting at Guelph last week, Mr. and Mrs. C. Truemner, of the 14th Concession, entertained a number of their friends to a fowl supper last Thursday night. Mr. Joseph Sararas, of the Sau- ble Line, and his sister, Mrs, Henry Walper, of the village, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. And- rew Sararas, at New Hamburg, last Friday. A. G. Hess and Milton Dietz cap- tured a wild goose last Friday. The bird weighed almost 12 pounds. Mr. Dan Smith left on Mondey morning for Goderich, Milverton, New Hamburg, and other eastern points. Mr. Oscar Klopp is attending the large UFO convention in Toronto, this week. Ward Fritz, of Kitchener is spen- ding the week at his home here. Mr. G. Edigoffer and. 3- C. Reid, of Dashwood, were in the village on Monday. 0 25 YEARS AGO DECEMBER 1935 Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz have moved into their new home here. We welcome them as residents of the village. Carl Kuhn of the 14 Concession, while breaking some new land, plowed up an old battle axe. The weapon resembles those used by French settlers in the 17th cen- tury. The axe is still in good con- dition and shows a cross and some other marks engraved on it. Judge T. M. Costello, presided at the local sitting of the tenth di- vision court, in the Town Hall, in Zurich. A number of cases were dealt with. Mrs. Amelia Fuss left recently for Detroit, where she will spend several weeks with her daughter, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Swartz. Mr. William O'Brien, the local produce dealer, advises us that prices of poultry are very brisk, Turkeys are now selling for 23 cents a pound. Mr. Duncan Snider, of Dashwood, gave us a friendly call on Monday. Miss Gertrude Weber, of Zurich, accompanied by Russell Sparks, of Bayfield motored to London, one day last week: The annual Christmas concert at SS 5, Stanley, will be held Decem- ber 19. Miss Hazel Smillie is the teacher. E YEARS GONE _BYW 15 YEARS AGO DECEMBER 1945 Mr. G. G. Sewel and family have moved to Zurich from Orillia, and are occupying the home owned by Mrs. F. C. Kalbfleisch. At the annual Meeting of Hay Township Federation of Agricul- ture, William Davidson was elec- ted president for the coming year. Mrs, Kuno Hartman, of the Goshen Line, spent a few days in Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and his sister, Mrs. Vanatta, of Port Huron, had a pleasant visit at the home of their sister, Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gascho, of Emily City, Michigan, visited the formers brothers Joseph and Chris- tian Gascho, in Zurich. They were accompanied on their return by Mrs. Barbara Beckler, of Blake, who intends to spend the winter months there. Mr, Milfred Doerr, of Saskatch- ewan, has returned home after a very pleasant visit with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Elmore Thiel. Mr, Ed. Gackstetter, who has been at Vernon, BC, has been vis- iting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gaekstetter, of the Goshen Line south. Ross Johnston, Gideon Koehler and Ray Fisher were visitors at Kitchener, one day last week. 10 YEARS AGO DECEMBER 1950 Mr. Campbell Krueger, a student of London Normal School, has been practice teaching' at the Parr Line school, where Mrs. G. Koehler is the regular teacher. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Heideman, who have recently moved to Or- angeville, attended the Zurich Lions Ladies' Night banquet, last Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich, of the Goshen south, and Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich, of town, attended the funeral of Daniel Schrag, en Saturday afternoon and on Sunday afternoon the funeral of Mrs. Men - no Myer, both at Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Masse, of London, spent the weekend with relatives in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Sarah. Geoffery and family, of Beavertown. Mrs. Theodore Rader has re- turned to the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Johnston, where she is convalescing after being a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Lively Discussion �i� akes Place at Meeting Most Farmer Favour Egg. Marketing Plan BY J. CARL HEMINGWAY Apparently there is considerable field staff, outlined the . program interest among Huron county poul- material available through the Ont try producers since they did a fair ario office for county meetings. He job of filling t h e Agricultural paid particular attention to a two hoard rooms for the discussion of hour Co-op presentation that exp the proposed egg marketing plan. lains the origin, development and success of the Co=operative mov- ement in Ontario. This available to townships that could arrange this program in conjunction with locol Co-ops. Several questions were asked of o u r agricultural representative , Douglas Miles, regarding the sale of brucellosis re -actors: Since this comes under the regulations of the Canada Department of Agriculture he recommended that we invite Dr. MacLennan, of Seaforth, to our next meeting. The suggestion was accepted and it is hoped that we can arrange for this at our meeting of January 10, 1961. The county federation hopes all farm organizations will take adv- antage of the opportunity of sub- mitting nominations to the Ont- ario leadership training forum, to be held at the Sheraton Brock Hotel, Niagara Falls, February 5 to 11, inclusive. These nominations include Wom- en's Institutes and Junior Farmer organization, as well as the more commonly known farm groups. The two delegates allowed f r o m The educational committee was each County will be picked by a also encouraged to follow up on committee of representatives of the' action taken by County Conn- the various groups. Nominations cit regarding the possibility of a should be sent to the Federation vocational school for the County of Agriculture office, Box 310, as suggested in a resolution o f Clinton, before January 15, last spring. o Elmer Ireland and Horace Del - bridge reported on the discussion at the Ontario Federation annual,. pointing out some of the things that it was expected would happen to Agriculture i ti the next t e n years. Eev )17011340m ,of • til,9,-0.10.440 The discussion was lively and in the 'absence of the county poultry chairman, the secretary supplied the answers from a somewhat lim- ited supply of information. While the majority of the meeting seem- ed quite in favour of the proposal there were - several who seemed strongly opposed to any change in the present system of selling eggs. Perhaps 'with ; added information from the Ontario meeting this opp- osition may be reconciled. It was encouraging to find that there was definite interest in attending the Toronto meeting, and we expect several ,carloads to make the trip. On December 8, Huron County federation directors met in the boardrooms with president Warr- en Zurbrigg in charge. The report of the striking comm. ittee, 'which met in the forenoon, was adopted, as was the recomm- endation that a meeting of t h e livestock committee and the land acquisition committee meet in the near future to discuss current problems. When In Zurich GET YOUR HMR CUT AT EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Thursday and Saturday Nights THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1960 111 SUGARandSPICE (By W. (BILL) B. T, SMILEY) "You're a failure, Smiley," he told me. He said it casually, but I must admit that I quailed before the cold, knowing stare he gave me. It didn't matter that he was baggy -eyed, unshaven, and scratch- ed himself like an ape. I knew he could see right through me, "Yabbut . ." I started to say. Whenever I'm put on the defen- sive, I find myself saying that. "It's Old English or something for "Yes, but , . ." He brushed it aside. "Yabbut me no yabbuts. For years you've been trying to blame it on everybody but yourself. Face it. You're a failure and you know it. w With a vestige of my customary dignity, I drew myself up about an inch and asked him where the heck he got the idea. After all, I told him, there's meat on the table ev- ery day, nobody has holes in his shoes, and we have furniture, a car, an electric dryer. We even have a kitten that may, or may not, be pregnant. * 4: He just looked at me and snor- ted. "You're such a failure you don't even know you're a failure," he continued in that disgusted way he affects. "Your furniture is junk, your car won't be paid for -until 1962, and that's the cheapest dryer on the market." He went on: "What about.the important things? Do you have a recreation room? No. Do you have a patio? No. You don't even have a television set! You're 40 years old and you dont even have one lousy, little tranistor radio". :r• Everything he said was right, of course, but he didnt have to look at me with such distaste. I began to get a little sore. "Now, just hold on there, Buster," I retorted. "You may think these are the import- ant things in life but we're not all Iike you, thank goodness. What about the real values, the solid achievements?" a: ,: * "Yes?" he needled, hawking, spitting and scratching in a most disgusting fashion. I stood right up to him, and told his a thing or two: "How about that BA degree I earn- ed? How about flying that figh- ter-bomber against the Germans? How about editing a newspaper for ten years? How about a wife and two children who are devoted to me? You think a fellow can do all those things and be a complete failure?" 4: 4: :i: He rubbed his bristly chin, look- ed at me with the enthusiasm of a farmer about to clean out the stalls, and said flatly; "Yes. It took you ten years to get that BA, and they were sympathetic to veterans, or you'd never have got it, You were a second-rate pilot responsible for the loss of an $80,000 aircraft. 'You edited that paper with more complaining than a ruptured hen laying eggs. And I can show you even bigger failures than you, who have a wife and eight children de- voted to them." "Maybe so," I shot back, "but I was snapped up pretty darn quick when I decided to become a tea- cher. Does that look like a fail- ure?" He bared his tobacco -stain- ed teeth at me in a grimace of scorn. He opened his mouth for the crushing rejoinder. I braced myself for it. And just then, like the bugles of the cavalry arriving in the nick of time, a piercing fem- inine can came up the laundry - shoot: "Are you going to spend all day in there? Your eggs are hard and the tea's getting cold and it's 8:30." :r. So I shut up, rubbed in the lather, took a suck on that first fag of the day, gagged over the toilet, and when I started to shave, he had disappeared. Self-confid- ent, no longer a failure, I sped through the rest of the business and ran briskly down to breakfast, the picture of a well-groomed, keen dedicated teacher. 4* :N s: A man spends most of his time trying to impress somebody. At work, it's the boss, fellow -workers, and subordinates. At home, it's the wife and children, At any other time it's whoever happens to be around. We get ulcers, heart attacks, divorces, and the odd pun- ch in .the eye, trying to impress somebody. n: *: x: But try as I might, I can't im- press that hard old case who lives in behind the mirror in our bath- room. I know he'll be there again ( continued an page three) Business and Professional Directory AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED. AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service that Satisfies" Phone 119 Doshwood INSURANCE ^� For Safety EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability Insurance For Information About AH insurances --Coll BERT . KLOPP Phone 93r1. or 220 Zurich Representing CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES — 5 years 41K% — 3 and 4 years 41% — 1 and 2 years GENERAL INSURANCES Fire, Automobile, Premises Liability, Casualty, Sickness and Accident, etc. An Independent Agent representing Canadian Companies J. W. HAEERER Authorized Representative Phone 161 Zurich OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST SEAFORTH: Daily except Monday Phone 791 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.rn. Wednet:,day: 9 a.m. to 12 noon. CLINTON: Monday Only Phone HU 2-7010 riniz^sday.-elhetling by ttppobitertetlt G. B. Clancy, O.D. OPTOMETRIST JA 4-7251 — Goderich DENTISTS DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Eaeteo' Closed Wednesday Afternoon Phone Exeter 36 DOCTORS Dr. A. W. KLAHSEN Physician and Surgeon OFFICE HOURS: 2 p.m. -5 p.m. Monday -Saturday Except Wednesday 7 p.m. -9 p.m. Monday and Friday Et.rendngs PHONE 51 -- ZURICH G. A. WEBB, D.C. *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN. STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekdday Except.. dnesday Tues. and Thurs. Evenings, 74 For Appointment — Phone 606 FUNERAL DIRECTORS WESTLAKE Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE Phone 89J or 89W RICH LEGAL W. G. Cochrane, B.A. BARRISTER and SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensel' Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons EXETER PHONE 14 BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS d!, NOTARIES PUBLIC =VIER D. B• L, Q.C. C. V. LAUD N. L.L.B. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon ntensnP'he 4