HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-12-08, Page 7THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1960 DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Dashwood Merry Maids were Mrs. Ernest Koehler and The seventh meeting of the Dashwood 4-H Club, "The club girl entertains" was held on Saturday, December 3, at the home of the leader, Mrs. Gordon Bender, with the assistant leader, Mrs. Leonard Schenk, and 11 girls present. The leaders discussed etiquette with the girls, as to hospitality in the club, introducing and making it pleasant for guest speakers and willingness of each member to share responsibilities. Some members put covers on their books. Roll call for next meeting, "What I have gained from this project." Home assignment: complete record book and refer- ence book. Invitations were written to the girls mothers to attend a tea on December 6. Arthur Ford Anne, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mar - tone and Mrs. Robert Hayter. • Mr, Howard Klumpp is construc- ting a skating rink in his back yard. FL/Lt. and Mrs. Stamison and children have moved to Centralia. Ladies' Aid Dinner The WSWS of the Evangelical UB Church, held their Woodrow Macke dinner on Friday evening, with the husband's and friends as guests. A collection was also giv- en for his work. Mr. and Mrs. Macke, who are home from Nigeria on furlough, after being there ten years, were present and he was the guest speaker. Mr. Macke was born in Mildmay, and graduated from Toronto Un- iversity as a civil engineer and la- ter decided to dedicate his life to the work of the Lord. Mrs. Howard Klumpp introduced the guest speaker, who spoke on his work in Nigeria as well as showing slides. He was thanked by Mrs. Charles Snell, president. Group 1, with Mrs. Stewart Wolfe convener, was in charge of the dinner. Choir Supper The annual turkey supper for the choir of Zion Lutheran chur- ch was held Friday evening, with Group 3 of the Ladies' Aid and Mrs. Leonard Restemayer conven- er, catering to it. Following this, crokinole was played with Albert Miller and Hel- en Nadiger winners, and Mrs. Flos- sie tSade and Ed. Nadiger consola- tion winners. Arthur John Ford passed away in Detroit, on Thursday, December 1, 1960, in his 78th year. Besides his wife, the former Rose Penhale, he is survived by one son, Lorne, and one daughter, Irene; one sis- ter, Mrs. Dan Hall, Detroit; five brothers, Albert of Maple Creek, Sask.; Wesley, of Marsden, Sask.; Hilton, Stephen Township; Barton, of Prince Albert, Sask.; and Nor- man, of Detroit. Funeral services were conducted in Detroit, on Sunday evening, at 8:00 p.m. Interment was made in Exeter cemetery, on Monday, Dec- ember 5, upon arrival by motor. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stelck and Miss Aletha Stelck, of British Col- umbia. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelck. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Miller and family, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stumpf and family, in Kitchener. Mr. Ernest Koehler spent part of last week in Kitchener, due to the death of his brother, George. Attending the funeral on Friday TURKEY BINGO in the MT. CARMEL PARISH HALL ON Friday, Dec, 16 CONSOLATION and DOOR PRIZES Sponsored by HOLY NAME SOCIETY ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Members Accepted In Lutheran Church A well attended service of Holy Communion on Sunday evening witnessed the reception of eight persons as Communing members of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Mrs. Frederick Deichert, of Clin- ton, Mrs. Edward Deichert, of Scarboro, Mrs. William Hess, of Woodstock and Miss Sheila Will ert of Centralia, were received by Rite of Confirmation. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Doerr were received by transfer from St. John's Lutheran Church, Laird, Saskatchewan; Mrs. Claire Deich-- ert, from Zion Lutheran Church, in Dashwood; and Mrs. Oliver Moore, from St. John's Lutheran Church, in Wartburg. After the service the congrega- tion gathered in the church base- ment where lunch was served by the Ladies' Aid. The new mem- bers were informally introduced by the pastor and Fred Haberer Jr., welcomed them on behalf of the church council. ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE CAL, FRED DUCHARME, Corresnondentl Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sopha and family and Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Sopha and family, all of De- troit, were weekend visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Dolph Sopha. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme and Mrs. Sarah Jeffrey, visited at Dashwood with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ducharme. Mr. and Mrs. Duch- arme are living in the cosy flat of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Guenther. Birthday Celebration On Saturday evening last the home of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Du- charme, of the 14th concession, was opened to their children and friends. It was the occasion of Mrs. Ducharme's 48th birthday. The Ducharme's were married 29 years ago, in this parish, and from their union 14 children were born, eight daughters, and four sons, all living. All of the child- ren were present except (Cecile) Mrs. Tucker, of London, who has been unable to be preesnt in the last six years. Commenting on this occasion, we compliment Mr. and Mrs. Duch- arme for their large family, and the sacrifice involved in caring for them during the years gone by. It has ment much work and sacrifice for both parents, also much .ex- pense involved in raising so large a family. We also compliment the Ducharmes for the success they have accomplished regarding the support of a large family, which is MANY AT SHORT COURSE The short course `Sandwiches for All Iccasions," which was demon- strated by Miss Catherine Merry, Home Sconomist, of Toronto, was attended by 25 ladies and mem- bers of the Zurich Women's Insti- tute, who sponsored the course. Sandwiches for lunch, mealtime, and party, were demonstrated. The ladies were invited to the home of Mrs. Jack Bannister, where coffee and the sandwiches were served. Week - Days NOON — 12 TO L30 EVENING — 5 TO 7.30 (EXCEPT TUESDAY EVENING) Sunday 3 TO 7.30 DINNER HOURS STEAKS - CHICKEN - FISH Refrigerated - Air Conditioned Dining Room Dominion Hotel PHONE 70 ZURICH "You Are a Stranger But Once" IMP telg(AIVezeICIe'1St&else'zzeI uIgICiIeIeWM Rg AMICI l'erSAICIVezG'etRe l nett Our Stores are "Full to the Doors" with Excellent Gift Suggestions TOYS - TOYS - TOYS OUT OF THIS WORLD BARGAINS IN SMALL APPLIANCES TOASTERS — KETTLES — DEEP -FRYERS PERCOLATORS — RAZORS VACUUM CLEANERS — FLOOR POLISHERS RADIOS TELEVISION RECORD PLAYERS SEE OUR DISPLAY OF Christmas Lights Drive around our Zurich Store any evening, and see our gayly -lit — PRIZES GALOREbuilding. SEE TA CLAUS UR ST to>RE - on Saturday, December 10, from 2.30 to 4.00 p. See our wide variety of MECHANICAL TOYS — DOLLS — WAGONS TRICYCLES an honour to the community. It was an occasion where a large family gathered together to enjoy themselves. Mr. and Mrs. Duch- arme entertained their family and children and others a la mode, with the choicest to satisfy their taste. They were recipients of many valuable gifts to commemorate the occasion. As usual there was much chatterng going on and one had to force his way to have his little say. The children and others formed a ring to wish their mother many more happy birthdays in the years to come. PROMPT OPTICAL SERVICE Broken Lenses Duplicated LARGE SELECTIONS OF Modern Frames Including Child's Sizes Jeweller and Optician ZURICH CHECK OUR PRICES 1 ! JIG SAW PUZZLE CONTEST OVER 4,000 JIG SAW PUZZLE PIECES WERE SENT OUT IN THE MAIL ATTACHEDLATA OOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT Be sure to save the piece and bring it in our store nearest you— Zurich Ory u have theTmissithis ng pie euto the and puzzle see whether -- EIGHT WINNERS AT EACH OF OUR STORES — Cut out the Coupon on the back of the Catalogue and bring it to our tM ore . also. It entitles you to a FREE chance on a SUN If you have not received your Coupon or Jig Saw Puzzle Piece, come to one of our stores and we will enter you in the contest, GINGE'ICH SALS SERVICE ZURYCiI -- SEAFORTH r�17ii i l t i t t lit i t+ ssrw ?�r 9r �2'r:Y12M4 tiaYfi t ifi i0'12i24 i i atilt t`aA5tz-VI 11101. It t iiVi t3tbi O'Brien's Plumbing A is 2 Heating and Tinsmithing Phone 8 56 — Zurich 1 First Snow To the farmers, the first snow storm of the season only means a warning of things to come next. The second one we have received could mean a close up of their farm work for the passing year, and per- haps many worries that are attach- ed to farming. Most of the farmers are a happy and content group of people. They are willing to share with their neighbors' good luck, and ready to help them when help is needed. At this time of year the farmer re - PAGE SEVEN laxes in silence to settle their ex- penses and obligations of the year, and from that they know their exact income. There are very high expenses to carry on, and they have to make plans and figure out ways to meet their payments. Farmers, as an industry, have little control over themselves and what they produce for market. They also have little control in conducting their farm industry. It would not be out of place to say that their income is far below what they should receive, for the hard work they perform. As afore mentioned they are a happy class, and many times sub- mit to things almost intolerable to them. Even though they play dumb, we have among our farm- ers some of the most brilliant minds, but are left in a trance, not that they fear to wake and make a sudden spring and show their ability, but because they prefer peace, and would rather be victims than trying to play big. They feel that some day the tide will turn in their favour, and they will be justified and rewarded to approx- imately the same level as their fellow business man, and for that they have been patiently waiting for many years. 0.1 ;.l.•�`,xa7.`�li'c .irj`'^aas,:wa,.cSg�..;h YOU H (ET US PERFORM YOUR 'W2a+F'w!+VK;P6'RP!t€KVVVeEC'iP+Cra'tt@?ZIVC2F+SRU'WzW Have a jolly time Christmas shopping. There's a sleighload of wonderful gifts to choose from at our store. They're the pick of Santa's pack and you'll love them! We Have GIFTS For EVERY MEMBER of the FAMILY - FOR HER - NYLON NIGHTIES, waltz length and longer leng- th, colors in white, pink, blue, lilac and turquoise $L98 to $3.98 NYLON SHORTIE and TOREADOR PYJAMAS, assorted shades $1.98 to $3.98 NYLON, COTTON and KAYBAR SLIPS — Sizes 32 to 52 $1.98 to $3.98 BANLON, ORLON, BOTANY and' SHAG PULLOVERS and CAR- DIGANS, Targe range of sizes and colours in stock - FOR HIM - SOCKS and TIES ____ $1.00 up SWEATERS, JACKETS„ BILLFOLDS, BELTS, CUFF LINKS, PYJAMAS SPORT SHIRTS, DRESS SHIRTS A wide assortment of sizes and' styles to choose from PRICED $2.95 UP SPORT COATS, JACKETS GLOVES, SLACKS, HATS SEE OUR FINE ASSORTMENT OF LEOTARDS,ALWAYS IN STOCK! - FOR THE HOME - Flannelette, Nylon and Viscose, Wool Blankets, Spreads, Scatter Towels; Rayon, Linen and Lace Tablecloths; Tea Towels, Fancy Linens, Sets. VISIT YOUR FRIENDLY CHRISTMAS STORE FOR LARGE VARIETY PRICES -- NEW DEEP PILE RUGS FOR EVERY C Mats, Bath Mat Sets, Bath Tea Pots, Glass Beverages IF ITEMS AT POPULAR ROOM Phone 59 ZURICH gar I AI+iGrSt om ta,,,,,,w,„„x= �-04,-, a� t rar t t r,V,01 piviz ,i onr r a + W1i'� '+ar r+l� IZZIA1414741e42 � 111241iiltet lillrt r*ii 00t A a