HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-12-08, Page 3THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1960 Sugar and Spice (Continued from Page 2) chairman or the library board paints a sweeping picture of the town's cultural progress, with 300 more books borrowed than last year, and two new shelves added to the library. But it's 11,30, and a lot of the spectators have drifted out. They have to get some sleep. After all, tomorrow's the day the magistrate holds court, and there are some pretty interesting cases. * 4: It's a pity, but by the time there's a chance for the new candi- dates to speak, there's nobody left but the chairman, looking blue, and the caretaker, who has to sweep up after the meeting, looking black, Little Mrs. Bantam, the candidate for the school board, rises anyway. It's understood that she has pre- pared a pretty savage attack on the other members of the board, and has a bold, new platform to propose. She looks at the chair- man, who is nodding, at the care- taker, who is muttering, and at young Punkiss, who has fallen sound asleep, while waiting his turn. * * * She bursts into tears and stamps out. Awakened abruptly, Punkiss Trustees Elected By Acclamation Nomination meeting at the Town Hall, Bayfield, for Village Trus- tees last Friday evening was not well attended. George Castle, returning officer, presided. Adam Flowers was proposed by E. A. Featherston and seconded by Merton Merner; Fred P. Arkell, proposed by Adam Flowers, secon- ded by Cliff Utter; E. A. Feather- ston, proposed by Fred P. Arkell, seconded by Adam Flowers. Flowers, Arkell and Feather- ston all qualified and will consti- tute the Board of Trustees for the Police Village of Bayfield for an- other year., leaps to his feet. His chance has come, Now is the time for that brief, witty and gracious speech he has prepared. He blurts; ,Mr. Chairman, fellow ratepayers, I wanna thank my nominator and seconder and if elected I will do my besta serve to the besta my ab- ility." And from such gallane souls as Punkiss come our local legislature and that spark of fire that keeps democracy burning bright. Dine and Dance ORCHESTRA EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT - 9 P.M. TO ? ? emaxmotemarasualammaimemmr DINING ROOM Featuring Special Home - Cooked Meals On Sundays - 3 To 8 P.M. 112/1M1/11/0111/111/1/111•INNIMININIIIIINDIMOMIIMIO PLAN AHEAD For Receptions, Convent- ions, Parties, Etc. — Banquet Room Fully Licensed. SPECIAL RATES ON ROOMS BY DAY OR WEEK imorrows ammesmag mous= tdormat tm.r• amerammammia mamma osnotarnoe imannome tommoss• mean., VILLAGE INN PHONE 148 GRAND BEND ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Grannie" Turkheim's Recipe Box It is nearly Christmas, and I know many of your homemakers like to try new recipes, why not share some of your favourite re- cipes with us? Quite a few of you have told me you like to see some recipes in our paper, so please help me get more new ones. CHOCOLATE COOKIES (Unbaked) 1 can Borden's Eagle Brand milk 2 square .9 unsweetened cho- colate Melt chocolate, bake off heat and add can of Borden's milk. Stir well and add: 30 graham wafers (rolled fine) Mix together well and form into small balls, roll in fine coconut. (Keep in refrigerator). DARK CHRISTMAS CAKE 6 eggs % lb. butter 3 cups brown sugar 2 lbs. raisins 1 lb. dates 1 lb. currants 4 oz. walnuts 4 oz. almonds 1 lb. mixed peel 1 small bottle each of red and green cherries 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2, teaspoon cloves 1/2 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons vanilla 2 teaspoons almond flavorong 11/2 teaspoons baking soda 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 2 teaspoons all purpose flour Bake in a slow oven. COCOA CHIFFON CAKE 3, cup boiling water vomommeteteloctzvetmewAletwelemmetzteteictoctoommetelcatagmlqg LAST CHANCE TO ORDER A NEW SUIT FOR CHRISTMAS We guarantee delivery before Christmas on all made -to -measure suits, ordered on or before December 12. From $57.50 to $72.50 YOUR TIP-TOP DEALER toommenninaommo amcsommiamiMnateso, WAVER'S MEN'S WEAR PHONE 81 — EXETER ov-M01,1Wai-DiX21--DattatDiDOI-DMDM-D1-DID)Z1-VaiDatv,1-A-DIDIDIVaaDIA-11-1 tttetV4tMEtglctuzvzvc-telV.MOM,V=c-NtV,VEIMCW€IC-IMFACIMACICtCtME-WVCIVEAVHAMte-MACtete-POCKWIEtetVaVelgn-KX-tetOMACICVMeteletMeteta-KletMan-tC r AT TI - Variety Store 1 g In Zurich SEE OUR WIDE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATIONS, GIFT WRAPPING PAPER, RIBBON, CARDS NOMA CHRISTMAS LIGHTS 19 ad Ornaments - - Outdoor Flashing Units vocictmooczvg-tcomcvolv-tasztz-vz-moeteteRmeravetortawctmcwwtmoommetz-vmc-tmov.eigtztevommnvc-iocvm.mmEtzmwetemmvarOctormteveg - FOR GIRLS - Plush Toys and Dolls, Embroidery Kits, Weaving Sets DISH and COOKING SETS - FOR THE FAMILY - Crokinole, Monopoly, Sorry, Career and Hockey Games kti PAINT BY, NUMBER SETS FO OYS Tool Sets, Model Planes and Cars, Gun and Hoster Sets SHIN PADS — 30 PERCENT OFF A AR wvcvvzvvcvemmEmtaczygtwomv;mvocKtevatcemetcvevometmcigvenvogmvvzecvmo..,,f,movgrgvomvgravvzzwozvzvcvorrogmfmcoczrz-vcimmatewgiermcrimc vs, D,1 Christi -MS Shop \ OW PO. 19 Open these gifts first ...Save the fun of Christmas in pictures! BROWNIE gARMIT.E BROWNIE FLASHMITE 20 CHECK OUR LOW PRICES — ON KODAK CAMERAS — YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT 19 =WCtoSagztefzP4-kCr&KvztZP.VVFTJZEVMVCVV.CtqtelatZtC-f.CetetCta'ZtME-bziMX-K-MKACMVztetetizte-oate-KAWMV,CkeRCICVCICIMV,f,:VMVetePFVZ-V4tg-kC-Ktzt•MetcicAVctg GIFTS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY!! mcvmzicimmocvAtmommetergiogIgtocrovelvoctogrmvoz-vgmocramtmvogiveliteroctogvglgtoccommembzwtociziewmcvmvamcloctele TIMEX WATCHES - $7.95 to $18.95 —Models for men and boys —Models for girls and ladies —All guaranteed for one year Travel ALARM CLOCKS ONLY $5.95 CHRISTMAS RECORDS tip 015 POPULAR NUMBERS ONLY $1.98 each NEW RELEASE OF LONG PLAYING RECORDS ICKFICICICI4IZIelatICICIZ MICK !Mel= WIZ t =lc This Christmas Give Goldfish, Canaries, or Budgies YELLOW and VERIGATED CANARIES Each $5.95 EXTRA SPECIAL— BUDGIES _ Priced from $3.95 to $5.95 THUNDERBIRD CAGE and BIRD CAGES .. $4.49 to 823.95 AVIARY RUN BUDGIE IzIenVzPF41.1.LIACIEKPOCKW4KMECIFMI.McP,MeIVCCPCICK"VcoMtvortva,Vtre.mCIZzWCzve.,vvmcvag,tc,v(vorgiavvammove,wcrmeromortvzimmemwmccic Only 17.89 ,Itto A A 1/2 cup cocoa Stir above until smooth, then cool. Sift together in bowl: 1 cups sifted pastry flour 1% cups sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt Make a well in dry ingredients and add: 1/2 cup salad oil 7 unbeaten egg youks 1 teaspogn vanilla 1/4 teaspoon red food coloring cli/0 PAGE THREE 11121111M0141,1101110116111911110 the cooled cocoa mixture Beat batter with wooden spoon until smooth. Sprinkle the egg whites with 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar and beat until very, very stiff. Pour above batter gradually over whipped egg whites, gently folding with rubber spatula until just blended. Bake in ungreased 10" tubular cake pan in 325 degree oven for 50 minutes, then increase heat to 350 degrees for 10 minu- tes. Invert pan and allow cake to hang suspended until cold. ZURICH LIONS BINGO FOWL BING INT COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14 25 GAMES FOR 25 TURKEYS Only $2.00 Win Your Christmas Fowl Early! PROCEEDS FOR LIONS CLUB SANTA CLAUS DAY • • iiavorfui BA weir- IhNle THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS I I Date Orange Layer Cakes Jelly Roil "'; Cup Cakes Loaf Cake Only 30c Only 40c Only 25c Only - per dozen 60c "THE HOME OF "TASTY -NU" BREAD" PHONE 100 ZURICH NIEZZLINEMSEOZ421021123&-r.u.= MIMMTPREMESMITN. VI•8t411e4.14 *1.4 or 374/WAS". 67,24: e. EX A SPE P. L GENERAL oRPUSHERSLELEC-rOnly $37.95 SUNBEAM 101/2 INCH ELECTRIC PIING PAN, with cover SUNBEAM J'il . I (IXERS y $22.95 nly 22.95 Toasters, Irons, Electric Kettles SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF ... GIFTS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! SLEIGHS, TOBOGGANS, SKATES, FOR THE CHILDREN LADIES and GENT'S TIMEX WATCHES $7.95 •11.1e.V.W.DIMMI1191260311111131101NONIIIIRRIN Stade & Vileido Hardware "PLUMBING — HEATING -- TINSMITHING" h I PHONE 72 — — ZURICH F,;,diav;F.,,,aaaaz,-faLvFaa,ix,FF,a,aa,,,,Nv2aazmv,.,ak.vz,vwvN2Z,i)zatllv'zdzaa•F'L'4'zv'z,,2Q'A:gaZ42v'm'sd'gF;'',FIF:N'''A":vaa'zaaav'g;4FiFt;va'MZ,aCv'42F42;IN'Zaai'aa;'g'vlv=i"waFsz,;zvI-zaavlcatIw,ix• ..arszts,41,-,.enzzazouvs.lnrammwo.,,,,Itersx,,,,,Felxvie.,,,,snzvmmoonstsmasm;..; up