HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-12-01, Page 7THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1960 Bank of Montreal Sets New Record New records were set by the Bank of Montreal for practically every phase of its 1960 operations, accor- ding to the B of M's annual state- ment for the year ended October 31. These figures were released here this week by John Bannister, manager of Zurich branch. Commenting on the bank's 143rd year of business, he said total re- sources reached an all-time high of $3,485 million. Deposits were reported at $3,200 million, includ- ing Canadians' personal savings of some $1,655 million. Loans stood at almost exactly the sanlel evel as the all-time high of $1,772 million set in 1959. Strong Liquid Position Traditionally, the B of M state- ment shows a strong liquid posi- tion, with "quick" assets of $1,771 million representing 54 percent of total liabilities to the public, the manager said. The figures compar- es with 51.6 percent a year ago. Earnings for operation of more than 840 offices at home and abroad added up to $31,578780. But with an income tax bill of $17,352,044 — or 55 percent •–.- the year's net profit was $14,226,736. This was 32,035,676 more than in 1959. Of the net profits, some 21,000 B of M shareholders are receiving $2.00 per share, or a total of $12,- 148,167, or $5,203,877 less than the tax bill. $2 Million To "Rest" The B of M statement shows transfer of $2 million to the bank's "rest" or reserve — account, bringing it to a new high of $141,- 850,000. This, plus paid-up capital of $60,750,000 and undivided pro- fits, brought total shareholders' equity to, $203,750,859. A sharp increase of more than 18 percent in the statement's val- uation of B of M premises— frim $47 million in 1959 to more than $55 million was shown in the statement. This reflected comple- tion of the bank's new head -office building in Montreal, as well as the continuing rapid pace of bran- ch extension and modernization in this province and across Canada. RATEPAYERS OF ZURICH Your support for my election as a councillor for the Village of Zurich, will be greatly appreciated. --MILTON OESCH ELECTORS OF ZURICH Having served you as a Councillor in your munici- pality for the past three years, I am again a candidate in the forthcoming eelction on MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1960 I will greatly appreciate your support at the polls, and if elected I will serve you to the best of my ability.. --HAROLD "Tiny" THIEL VOTERS IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH Having served on your council for the past year, and having been nominated again for 1961; I respectfully solicit your support at the polls on MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1960 If elected, I will serve to the best of my ability. --HUBERT SCHILBE TO THE ELECTORS IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH 1 have tried to serve you faithfully as a Councillor for the past three years, and seek your support to re- elect me in the forthcoming election on MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1960 If elected, 1 will continue to serve you in the same capacity as 1 have in the past. VOTE FOR --- LEROY THIEL ELECT QRS® VILL r'.:GE OF ZURICH I am, again offering my services as a councillor in the village, and would sincerely appreciate your support on MO '° DAY, 'ECEBFR 5, 1960 If successful 1 will continue to work for the best interests of the ratepayers of 'the Village of Zurich. --WILLIAM "Bill" SIEBERT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Grannie Turkheim's RECIPE BOX GERMAN APPLE CAKE (By Special Request) 1/s cup butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs % teaspoon salt Grated rind of 1 lemon 11/ cups sifted all purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder Crean butter and sugar, then add eggs one at a time and beat together until light and fluffy, add grated lemon rind. Sift dry in- gredients together and add grad- ually to creamed mixture. Spread thinly on cookie pan, (about 11" x 16"), peel and core apples (4 or 5) and cut into 1/16ths. Place .slices on batter in rows, pressing the sharp edges into the batter. Bake in 350 degrees oven at least 40- 45 minutes (or until apples are done). Remove from oven and cool in pan, then put icing over top. Icing 1% cup icing sugar 1 tablespoon soft butter Grated rind of /2 lemon Enough lemon juice to make ic- ing of easy -spreading consistency. If you prefer it, use orange rind and juice. APPLE BARS 1% cups oatmeal PAGE SEVEN 1% cups sifted flour % cup butter or margarine 1/4 teaspoon soda 1 cup brown sugar Mix all together and pat half of mixture into greased pan (size 9" x 10" square). Spread sliced ap- ples over above mixture, dot with butter, sprinkle with mixed sugar and cinnamon and cover in the re- maining crumbs, Bake 45 minu- tes in 375 degree oven. When cold cut in squares or bars. Filling: 21/ cups sliced apples. (If hard pulp, partially precook with 2 tablespoons water for a few minutes) 2 tablespons butter 1 cup sugar %teaspoon cinnamon GLAZED LEMON LOAF (Mrs. 0. Winter) 1-2/3 cups sifted all pur- pose flour 1% teaspoon baking powder / teaspoon salt 2/3 cup chopped walnuts or pecans 1/2 cup soft butter (or marg- arine) 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 2/3 cup milk 1/ cup sugar 2 teaspoons lemon juice Sift together flour, baking pow- der and salt. Add and mix in chopped nuts. Cream butter, grad - THANK YOU ! I wish to take this opportunity to thank the rate- payers in the village of Zurich for the confidence they have shown in returning me to the office of Reeve for the year 1961. Season's Greetings To All v I --W. LLOYD O'BRIEN Week - Days woolormrareitan NOON — 12 TO 1.30 EVENING — 5 TO 7.30 (EXCEPT TUESDAY EVENING) Sunday 3 TO 7.30 DINNER HOURS STEAKS - CHICKEN - FISH Refrigerated - Air Conditioned Dining Room Dominion Hotel PHONE 70 ZURICH "You Are a Stranger But Once°' ually beat in the one cup of sug- ar, add eggs, one at a time, beat- ing in well after each addition, add and mix in lemon rind and vanilla. Add sifted dry ingredients to creamed mixture, alternately with milk combining lightly after each addition. Turn batter into a but- tered loaf pan (size about 9" x 5"). Bake in 350 degree oven for about 1 hour. Meanwhile combine the 2 teaspoons lemon juice and the half cup of sugar. As soon as loaf is removed from oven, drizzle with the juice -sugar mixture. Let stand in pan on cake rack 10 minutes, then remove from pan and cool. FRUIT COCKTAIL CAKE (A repeat by Special Request) 1% cups white sugar 2 eggs 11/2 cups sifted all purpose flour with 11/4 teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt Mix above ingredients and add: 1-15 oz can of fruit cocktail Pour into greased pan size about 9" x 13". Mix: % cup brown sugar /cup chopped walnuts and sprinkle over pan Bake about 45 minutes in 350 degree oven. Serve with whipped cream of just as it is, SAVE MONEY YOUR'HOME 6�RROWN"CR111N8 CO-OP CONCENTRATES 0710S,M. 1411.11..1.6 c 0P C STOM MIXING eJaves you co�rC�NrRaT� ; is a Co•ouianiasa ire uisi • etM°m«s PE TERbOP= LANCED FEED YOU NEED mo me-smiel• ensall Hensall - iummelarail eatratersalmemotea e e CiOs-0 ZURICH Brumfield C. NOTICE Effective December 1, 1960, I have sold my General Insurance business to K. W. Colquhoun, of Clinton. I have enjoyed the friendly association with my many clients throughout the years, and assure them that the best of service will be given by my successor. —JOHN E. HOWARD Bayfield, Ontario Announcement 1 have purchased the General lnsurnace business of John E. Howard, Bayfield, effective December 1, 1960. Following that date all my business will be trans- acted through my office, 14 Isaac Street, Clinton. —K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clinton, Ontario See Our Display Window FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS WOMEN'S MULES Red and Black 3.95 and 4.95 YOUNG LADIES LYONS LEISURES Only $1.9$ Try These and You will Satisfy Yourself as to Style and Comfort House Slippers For All In The Family! Oesch Shoe Store PHONE 130J — ZURICH siggemeimaserp VOL" IR HOWIE SET US PIRFORM YOUR Aliammeiniammaamimompanamormwempawamme