HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-11-17, Page 7THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1960 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) The regular meeting of Dash- wood WI, was held Tuesday, Nov- ember 8, with the Education Group in charge and Mrs. Wallace Becker convener. Roll call was respond- ed to by giving a favourite poem. Mrs. Carl Oestreicher discussed the motto, 'I will study and get ready and perhaps my chance will come," Bill Schade favoured with a solo "How Great Thou Art." Mrs. Becker had for her topic the un- usual child. She also had clippings on display dealing with education work. Mrs. Gordon Bender, and Mrs. Letta Taylor read poems. Mrs. Milfred Merner gave current events. Boyd President Of Holstein Club Mrs. Leonard Schenk, president, r=esided for the business. An in- vitation was accepted from Huron - dale Institute to be guests at their Christmas party, December 9 Mrs. Harold Rader to be in charge of a musical number and Mrs. Addison Tiernan a table centre. Mrs. Ral- ph Weber was re -appointed to South Huron Hospital Auxiliary. Mrs. Chas. Snell gave her report on the area convention. A letter from the district secre- tary regarding the leadership train- ing school to be held in Goderich in January was dealt with. Lunch and 'The Queen" closed the meeting. Mrs. Erwin Rader had on display, Christmas gifts, re- ceived from her Women's Institute pen pal, in Tasmama, Australia. Mr. and Mrs. Kretzman and Bil- lie, of Detroit, were weekend guests with Mrs. Cora Gaiser, with Mr. and Mrs. Don Gaiser and Paul, of Exeter, being there on Sunday. Mrs. Ervin Latta and son, of Kit- chener, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg. Mr. Ervin Rader is on a hunting trip in the Parry Sound area this week, with a number of Zurich hunters. Messers Harold Schweder and John Willert spent last week at Atikkan on a hunting trip. Ladies' Aid The regular meeting of Zion .11111111111111111111 "We have to be the smartest farmers in the world," Huron Hol- stein Club members were told at their annual meeting, in Clinton, by George R. Gear, district agricul- tural representative for Bruce, "You are both management and labour, and it is up to you to man- age to get the highest rate of pay per hour for the hours you are willing to work. "You have heard the expression from packing companies that they work 'with a sharp pencil'—com- petition is so keen. The farmer has to work with a sharp pencil, because he is in very stiff compe- tition with all the other dairy far- mers on this continent and prob- ably in the world. We have to produce feed and food in compe- tition with farmers who are heav- ily subsidized." "We are on the stretch for bet- ter prices. It is not going to be sudden, but a long struggle, but it is something bright for the future. If there is any prosperity in my talk today, that is it." Mr. Gear, reporting on a recent tour of New York state, express- ed the opinion that dairy farmers there are possibly going too far in mechanization and expensive equipment. They are feeding a lot of grain to get high produc- tion quotas, but "a lot of these fellows, if taken up here, would starve to death." New President The club moved up first vice- president William Boyd, of Wal- ton, to succeed president Alvin Betties, of Bayfield. Accepting the report of a nominating com- mittee—Peter Simpson, William Haugh, Ed Bell, S, Hallahan and William Gunn—the meeting elec- ted other officers as follows: first vice - president, Howard Feagan, Goderich; second vice- president, Wellington Brock, Granton; sec- retary -treasurer (re-elected) W. Hume Clutton, Goderich. TOP PRICES PAID FOR — • CREAM • EGGS • POULTRY Give Us A Call ! O'BRIENS PRODUCE Phone 101 — Zurich BRADY'S Superior Sanitone DRY CLEANING FAMILY LAUNDRY SHIRT SERVICE Fur and Garment Storage emesommeresmonemw COIN OPERATED LAUNDRY Open 24 Hours a Day 7 Days a week Depots at EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP -- ZURICH te.�.ea.a•®a HORTON'S SNACK BAR HENSALL PLANT AND OFFICE AT miwillawarameiwiesseliainilaisimsaawavenam EXETER 508 MAIN ST. — PH. 106 WITHOUT DUSTING Cracked or crimped grain is mon palatable —mon db gesllble, livestock sot mon gain fester—don't go oft hod. Avoid wash — uve custom telling bills -.gel IO% to 20% better feeding results. Cteck and crimp _ your own feed with a low A MODEL AND SIZE �•� cost Peerlsn Farm or Feeder size roller mill . FOR EVERY FEEDER America's No. 1 tailor mill. earn 'h a*ut Sue le JOHN ALDINGTON VARNA Phone Clinton HU 2-3380 Lutheran Ladies Aid was held Wednesday, November 9, with group 2 and Mrs. James Hayter convener. Mrs. Ken Keller dealt with the topic on "Armistice Day." Mary Ann Hayter sang two solos, and Margaret Merner favoured with a piano solo. Mrs. Milfred Merner, president, presided for the business. A col lection will be taken next meeting for the Children's Aid, at Goder- ich. A donation of $20.00 was made to the Lutheran school for the deaf, at Detroit. A gift of $5 will be made to a student, at Con- cordia College, Edmonton, from the church, Closing devotions were conducted with the theme "Prayer for Peace," Mrs, Ken Keller con- ducted a TV Quiz, and lunch was served. Daswood Merry Maids The fifth meeting of the 4-H Club "The Club Girl Entertains," was held at the home of Norma Weig- and, one of the members. Cup- cakes and cocoa were made. No- tes were given on planning a par - NOMINATION PUBLIC NOTICE Is w hereby given 13, passed onn compliance with By -Law No. 1 November 2, 1960, under authority of the Municipal Act, a Meeting of the Electors of the Municipal- ity of the Village of Zurich will be held in the Township Hall IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1960 At the hour from seven to eight o'clock, p.m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for Reeve and four Councillors, for the Village of Zurich, for the year 1961, When a proposed candidate is not present his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence in writing SIGNED by the proposed candidate satisfactory to the returning officers that he consents to be so nominated. IN CASE A POLL IS DEMANDED, POLLS WILL BE OPENED ON: MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1960 (Said polls will be kept open from nine o'clock a.m. until five o'clock p.m.) IN THE TWO POLLING SUB -DIVISIONS OF THE VILLAGE AS FOLLOWS: Poll Polling No. Place _1—Community Centre _ 2—Community Centre _ Dated at Zurich, Ontario DRO Poll Clerk ____ Jack Turkheim __Mrs. M, Hoffman ___. Albert Hess____ Lorne Klopp A. J. KALBFLEISCH, Returning Officer , November 14, 1960 amsulaamamisionmemoommior ®•111ss® ty with the following headings:: party themes; decorations; favours and place cards; refreshments; the party guest also on the welcome guest. Roll call for next meeting: ex- change of materials for reference - file. Home assignment, make cocoa and serve at home. Work on re- cord book and reference file. Lun- ch was served. NOMINATION PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given that in compliance with By -Law No. 16, passed Oct- ober 3, 1960, under authority of the Municipal Act, a Meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of the Township of Hay will be held in the Township Hall IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1960 At the hour from•one to Two O'clock p.m. for the Purpose of Nominating Candidates for Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Hay for the year 1961, and for Three Trustees for the Hay Township School Area Board for 1961 and 1962 When a Proposed Candidate is not present, his Nomination Paper shall not be Valid unless there is attached thereto evidence in writing signed by the Proposed Candidate satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be nominated. In Case A Poll Is Demanded POLLS WILL BE OPENED ON Monday, December 5th, 1960 In The Several Polling Sub -Divisions of the Township as follows: Poll Polling No. Place D.R.O Poll Clerk 1—School House No. 2 _ _ Percy Campbell _Lorne Chapman 2—Stewart Bell Residence, Lot 20, Con. 3 Hugh McEwan Allan Crerar _3—Town Hall - Bert Klopp ____Joe Hoffman 4—Town Hall Ted Steinback __.__Clare Deichert _5—School House No. 12 Hilton Truemner _Clifford Pepper 6—Earl Guenther Block . Reinbold Miller ____Sidney Baker 7—School House No. 3 Jas. A. McAllister . Glen Weida 8—James Masse Dwelling _. F. Ducharme _______Ed. Corriveau Said Polls will be kept open from Nine O'clock a.m. until Five O'clock p.m. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Returning Officer Dated at Zurich, Ontario, November 14, 1960 46-7-b FACTORY CLEARANCE WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR THE NEW 1961 MODELS -COMING SOON ! ! :•��,.. d,i:�� WASHERS and DRYERS Buy The MATCHED PAIR For Only $390.00 - For The Two MANY OTHER MOIJELS AT COMPARABLE PRICES Make This Winter A Happy One .. .For The Lady Of The House 9 9 BUY NOW - AT THESE TERRIFIC SAVINGS LOW DOWN PAYMENTS -- EASY FINANCE TERMS ARRANGED G1NGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE LTDm ZURICH -- SEAFORTH