HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-10-27, Page 1ZURIC
FIRST SNOWFALL — Monday saw the first snowfall of the season in the Zurich district, and
by some it was welcomed with warm enthusiasm. In this photo these two girls, Kathryn Thiel, left,
and Elizabeth Bannister, right, are happy to show the camera -man when the first snow came, as
they inscribe the date on the back window of the car belonging to Milton Oesch.
(Citizens News Photo)
Federation Fieldman Is Pleased With
New Ontario Hog Producers Enterprise
The big news of the past week
was the decision of the Ontario
Hog Producers to sponsor the for-
mation of Farmers' Allied Meat
Enterprises. By taking the first
letter of each word we have
"FAME", which will be the brand
name under which the top qual-
ity products of this organization
will be sold.
By making this decision your
representatives have made it pos-
sible for your products to be sold
through. an organization which
you, the producer, can control.
You will notice that I said you can
control. Whether you do control
it or not will depend on whether
or not you are willing to take an
interest in it, keep up to date on
the information, and offer your
suggestions for improvements.
In the past we have relied on
Government for the power to con-
trol the selling of our products
and in many cases this has been
a decided benefit. However, it
has become very apparent that
this is not a solid foundation for
a long term of years since govern-
ments can change their policy or
even be defeated.
Further, your fate in marketing
under government legislation may
be determined on an altogether
different question
Let us suppose that at an elec-
tion one party says that if it is
elected Hydro rates will be cut in
two but also that it will with-
draw the farm marketing legisla-
tion The other party maintains
that Hydro rates should be in-
ereased and that the farm mark-
eting legislation should be exten-
I agree that my comparison is
fantastic but the point that I
would like to make is that our
method of marketing farm pro -
D. H. Miles,
Agricultural Representative
for Huron County.
Some moisture during the past
week, some in the form of snow,
should assist ploughing operations,
although more is needed.
Harvesting of sugar beets and
grain corn is underway.
ducts under the authority of leg-
islation may be decided by the
opinion of the people on an entir-
ely different subject.
By forming a system of Co -Op-
erative packing plants we will not
be under the cloud of public po-
litical opinion.
This is a big step for farmers of
Ontario to take as it will provide
for the slaughter of not only hogs
but also for cattle and lambs.
To give you some idea of the
speed with which an organization
of this kind can grow the general
manager of the Quebec Co -Opera-
tive packing plants told us that in
a matter of five or six years this
enterprise has grown from noth-
ing to the point that it is now
slaughtering 27 percent of all the
livestock produced in Quebec and
within five years expects to be
processing 75 percent of the Que-
bec livestock.
In spite of obstacles and top
competitive prices this Co -Op re-
turned 900,000 to its members as
well as retaining 450,000 for expan-
sion. There figures could be mul-
tiplied by four if all livestock had
been marketed this way.
Seven 4-H Clubs
Represent Huron
Seven teams of 4-H members
represented Huron County at the
Provincial 4-11 Interclub Compe-
tition, held at OAC, Guelph, on
Friday, October 21.
The team representing Sea -
forth 4-H Dairy `Calf Club, com-
posed of Wilma Dale, Clinton, and
Ken Papple, Seaforth, placed sec-
ond in the Dairy Compitition ag-
ainst 76 other teams. A team
represented Bayfield Dairy Calf
Club placed 30th.
In the Beef Competition teams
represented Blyth-Belgrave 4-1I
Calf Club and Dungannon 4-H Calf
Club placed 25th and 35th respec-
tively in 50 teams.
In Grain the Brussels 4-1-1 Grain
Club placed 16th out of 38 teams
and in Field Crops the Tucker -
smith 4-11 Corn Club and South
Huron 44I White Bean Club plac-
ed 4th and 6th out of 13 teams.
Grant Announced
For County Home
Welfare Minister Cecile has an-
nounced grants of $54,341 for the
Huron County Home's 202 -bed ad-
dition at Clinton, under the Eld-
erly Persons Housing Act. -
The $1,087,303 Clinton addition
is nearing completion after a
threatened strike by members of
the United Brotherhood of Car-
penters and Joiners of America,
Local 2222, in support of wage in-
crease demands in August.. Half
the construction cost will be paid
by the province. The building is
being constructed b y Con -Eng'
Construction, of London.
The carpenters' union threat-'
ened to walk off the job August
30, but called off the strike the
night before, when agreement
was reached on a two-year con-
tract offering an immediate 15 -
cent -an -hour wage increase, a
five -cent increase JaJnuary 1 and
a 10 -cent increase May 1, 1961.
Achievement Day
For 4-H Bean Club
The Achievement Day for the
South Huron 4-H White Bean Club
was held at the Ontario Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Clinton, on
Wednesday, October 19. Ten of
the eleven members enrolled in
the club completed their project
by exhibiting half bushel of white
beans from the 4-H plot. Results
of judging are as follows:
First, Robert Fotheringham, RR
3, Seaforth; second, June McLach-
lan, RR 3, Kippen; third, Jack
McLachlan, RR 3, Kippen; Lois
McLachlan, RR 3, Kippen; fifth,
William Charters, RR 3, Kippers.
Others completing the project
were Jean McNaughton, RR 3,
Kippen; Ralph and Brian Trieb-
ner, RR 3, Kippen; William Snow,
RR 1, Woodham, and Carol Varley,
RR 3, Kippen.
Several of the top entries have
been entered in the open classes
for beans at the Royal Winter
Fair, Toronto.
Surprise Party
One evening last week a num-
ber of friends gathered at the
horde of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jen-
nison, in Grand Bend, where ;a,
surprise birthday party was held
for Mrs. Vladimir Hrovat. A de-
licious lunch was served and Mrs.
Hrovat was presented with a gift
and birthday cake.
Standard Time
Returns Saturday
At midnight Saturday, ev-
eryone can turn their clocks
and watches back one hour,
and gain an extra hour sleep.
Saturday, October 29, has
been set as the date when
Daylight Saving Time comes
to an end for another year,
and as far as many people
are concerned it would never
have to return again.
Many centres have gone to
standard time some weeks
ago, but throughout this area
all communities are waiting
for the Saturday date. All lo-
cal churches will be on stan-
dard time this Sunday.
Dashwood Men
Serve Fowl Supper
A big fowl supper is on tap to-
night, Thursday, in the Dashwood
Evangelical Church, starting at 5
A unique feature of this fowl
supper is the fact that the meal
is being prepared and served by
the Men of the Church.
A special invitation has been
extended to all the people in the
Zurich area to attend this event.
Feeder Calves Are
Soon Available
A carload of western feeder
calves will be arriving soon in
Hensell and the South Huron
Agricultural Society hopes there'll
beta group of farmboys and girls
nni?hand to greet them.
"Te society announced 'this
week it's looking for more mem-
bers for its Hensall Feeder Calf
Club, which will raise the calves
over the winter for show at the
spring fair.
Boys and girls 10 to 21 years
of age from the townships of Hay,
Tuckersmith, Hibbert, Usborne
and Stephen are eligible.
Secretary Peter McNaughton,
Hensall, said memberships are
being received by himself as well
as directors of the society.
Cash prizes and impressive tro-
phiesagain will be offered for
various winners in the competi-
Bob Peck Is New
CDC! Member
Robert M. Peck, RR 1, Zurich,
joined the Clinton District Col-
legiate Institute board last week,
as the new appointment of Coun-
ty Council. ,He succeeds the late
George Reid.
total enrolment reported by
Principal D. J. Cochrane was 569
at the end of September with
98.6 percent attendance. Irvine
Tebbutt, chairman of the board
Installation of a pay telephone
was •a*thorized by the board. The
board: also. gave permission for
students to smoke in the lobby of
the school at dances held by Stu-
dent Council. If this privilege
is abused, this may be stopped at
the discretion of the principal.
Travelling Bill
Back In Dashwood
Bill Gossman, Dashwood, re-
turned to his home last Wednes-
day, after a trip through the Can-
adian West.
1Ie was confined to hospitals in
Lethbridge, Alta., and Hope, BC,
for six weeks after suffering a
severe ,heart attack.
• Bill travelled over 6,000 miles
on his trip by car and train He
hitch -hiked from Lethbridge to
the coest, sharpening scissors to
defray $is expenses.
He .vas forced to leave his ear
at Lethbridge and return home
by train, arriving in London
Various Organizations Benefit From
Successful Season Of Gospel Services
The first annual meeting of the
Drive -In Services, was held in
Dashwood recently. Financial
reports showed that after expen-
ses of nearly $700 were paid, $119
was given to the Bible Society the
Gideons and the Rescue Mission,
in London.
Very encouraging reports have
lead the committee to plan for
services next summer. Over 95
percent of the questionaires re-
ceived at the services indicated
that people hope to see more of
this type of service. People from
Calgary, Medicine Hat. Bella Cola,
Whitewood, Sask., New York city,
Florida, Californio, Rhode Island
and Point Aux Gaul, Newfound-
land attended these services. They
came from many corners of On-
tario, Leamington, Mimico, Hesp-
ler, Palmerston, Sarnia and Lon-
Words of appreciation for the
strenuous efforts of the chairman,
H. Hoffman, were expressed by
Rev. A. E. Holley, of Grand Bend.
The pianists, ushers, chair mem-
bers were included in the reso-
lution. Nearly 200 people work-
ed willingly in the undertaking.
Mr. Arthur Finkbeiner was
thanked for his services during
the summer, and is to be replaced
by Mr. Hiltz, as treasurer pro -tem.
The theatre was used as a don-
ation from Emerson Desjardine,
but a small amount was voted to-
wards electricity and other expen-
ses. The committee consisting of
Revs. Schlenker, Holley, Gillings.
Amacher and Hiltz, and Alvin
Finkbeoner, Karl Gunether, Carl
Oestreicher, Arthur Finkbeiner
and Edgar Cudmore were happy
with the results of their act of
faith. Because of the nature of
the service, one farmer told of
not having enough time to dress.
he went to the service as he was,
in overalls and all. One of the
future needs the committee felt
was the organization of trans-
portation for shut-ins and older
Let Contract For Huron Hospital,
Construction To Commence Im edi
Ontario Public Works Minister
Ray Connell last week announced
award of the general trades con-
tract for construction of a 300 -bed
Ontario Hospital at Goderich to
Anglin -Norcross Ontario Co., Ltd.,
Toronto. This firm, which will
soon complete construction of the
1,250 -bed Cedar Springs Hospital
School for Retarded Children, was
lowest of eight bidders with a
price of $3,460,000.
Mr. Connell said work will
start abnost immediately and will
proceed throughout the winter to
aid the seasonal employment situa-
tion in Huron County. Included
in this contract are services and
facilities to allow for future ex-
pansion of the hospital according
to local needs.
The Goderich hospital is part
of a new concept in the treatment
of mental illness. Mr. Connell
described it as being more of the
nature of a home for the aged
than the popular concept of a
mental hospital. It will consist
of a series of single storey cot-
tages joined to two-storey admin-
istration and service wings, yet
there will be no long corridors or -
institutional atmosphere. Inter
ior decor will 15e bright and at --
tractive, with direct access from'
cottages to courtyards.
The site is about two and a half
miles south of Goderich on No.
21 Highway, with 3,000 feet of
frontage on Lake Huron.
Testing Beachrea At Grand Bend For
Suitability Of Ample Water Supply
Grand Bend council learned
last Monday night that test dril-
ling equipment was being set up
on the beach to determine the
depth of clay under the sand to
see if the area would provide a
water supply for the village.
The drilling equipment is op-
erated by Andrew Heal, Watford,
and is expected to be in opera-
tion later in the week.
The Watford firm will drill two
holes between the new bath house
and the pier to seek a suitable
base for water drilling. The ac-
tion was taken on the advice of
the Ontario Water Resources
Commission to test the area be-
fore taking any further action to
do more test drilling in South-
cott Pines Parkland.
Council also passed a bylaw
authorizing reeve James Dalton
and Clerk Murray DesJardins to
enter into an agreement with the
Ontario highways department to
sell some frontage off the muni-
cipality's dumping grounds in
Bosanquet township.
The department is purchasing
the land in preparation for a
project to widen the Bluewater
Council issued building per-
mits to Cam Chapman for an ad-
dition to the Green Forest Motor
Hotel and to Peter Eisanback for
the erection of a new house on
highway 21 in the village.
Plant Manager and Reporter Are Added
To Round Out St ff at Citizens News
During the past couple of weeks,
several changes have been made
in the staff at the Citizens News
plant here in Zurich.
Last wek, Frank ',Timmer" Mc -
Ewan, of Clinton, joined the
staff as plant manager. Mr. Mc -
Ewan is a former co -publisher of
the Clinton News -Record, and has
been working in the printing trade
for the past 34 years. He is well
qualified in all phases of the
newspaper and printing business,
and his coming to the Citizens
News is a decided asset to the
Next week Douglas Robinson is
joining the staff at the Citizens
News, and will be in charge of
all advertising and news gathe"
ing of the paper. He will be 1' _n.
py to assist any merchants with
their advertising each week. Any
persons having news items may
also contact Mr. Robinson, and he
will be available to attend meet-
ings as a reporter.
The third member of the staff
is Danny Moore, who has been
with the Citizens News for the
past year.
Women's Institute
The monthly meeting of the
Zurich branch Women's Inst`e
will be held on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 1, at the home of Mrs. .T<arl,:
The committee in charge of Ile
meeting, will be Mrs. William S ,-
bert, Mrs. Mary Manson and Me s.
Jack Bannister.
At the meeting Mrs. Milt'. •
Oesch will demonstrate how to ri•,
flotwwer arrangements.