HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-10-13, Page 2PAGE TWO ZURICH eitizzra NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDA.Y MORNING at ZURICH, HERB TU'RKHEIIIT -- Editor and Publisher Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa ONT, Member: CANADIAN WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION Subscription Rates: $2.50 Member: ONTARIO WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION per year in advance, in Canada; $3.50 in United States and Foreign; single copies, 5 cents. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1960 ClosesClosesi To The'eopie During the next few weeks in cities, towns and villages accross Canada some thous- ands of ' c ndidates will seek election as mayors, reeves, council -men and education board members, On past per ornmance this information — and the sub- sequent contests for local office will be of interest to no more than three Cana- rliere in every ten, this I'+eing the proportion of eligible electors who usually take the trouble to use their vote on these occasions. For the rest — the great majority their reaction to local politics seem- ingly can be summed up in two words: "Who Cares?" It is an extraordinary atti- elide to say the least for, as has been observed, of all three :evels of government — fed- eral. provincial and municipal — it is the last which. by the nature of the services for which it is responsible, is clos- cet to the people. These services — among them education, nater, sewage disposal. police, fire. garbage ec'llection, lighting. parks street construction and repairs -- are indispensable to mod- ern life. They are largely paid for, of course. out of the local taxes that are levied on R. us. Whether as citizens we get value for our money depends, to no small extent, on the calibre of the men and women the elect to represent us in city, town, or village hall, Individually and collectively such representatives will be required to take decisions aff- ecting the well-being of the community in which they and we live. and it may well be that these will not always be popular. Be that as it may, they owe the electorate no more than personal integrity, dilignce and good judgment, The rest of us owe it to our- selves, our families and our community to snake every eff- ort to see to it that the candi- dates we believe most likely to display these qualities are the ones who aro successful, We will make our mistakes from time to time — as who cies not? — but the important thing is that we will not be guilty of that indifference to the elective process which, if it b e c o m es habittuml, fore- shadows the decay of demo- cratic values and institutions. The reply then, to those who ask "Who Cares?" in conn- ection with local elections is: Every citizen who is interested in how his taxes are spent and his community governed. Women's institutes Stratford Beacon -Herald) Before the turn of the cen- tury, Mrs. Adelaide Heedless U+ ,aXi ecu :t- - eeed2 group' UL women into the first Women's Institute at Stoney Creek, near Hamilton. Ontario. Sixty -odd years later, the women's insti- tute movement has grown to include women living in rural areas in all parts of Canada, and has taken root in many other countries of the world. Mrs. }foodless' purpose in founding the Women's Instit- rte was t', bring ' roups of women together so that they could learn more about dom- estic science and homemaking ekillal. Except for the joys that come from family and friends, life on the farm, 60 years ago, was often a struggle for existence. Since that first institute branch was organized, life on the farm has changed, but perhaps the ,greatest change has been in the women whose lives are bound up with this business of agriculture. To- day they need not take a back seat to anyone. Such gatherings of institute members as area conventions show how many and varied are the capabilities and interests of the women of rural Canada and how important a place they occupy in Canadian Life. Sm art , welI-dressed and well-groomed, they conduct meetings in a businesslike manner. from a carefully prepared agenda. There is not a minute wasted. yet the chairman can take tirne to adcl a personal word or two, when the occasion demands, in a way that is pleasing and grac- ious, -and completely sincere. Women, such as the prov- i•neial nrnci'tlani.. ?4Tl"c. . T. a G. Lynburner. of Port Colborne, are conversant not only with all phases of WI activities, but also with world affairs. Rep- resenting, as she does, the very large number of rural women in Ontario, Mrs. Lyrn- burner's voice is an important one when added to those of a delegation speaking before government members. Although Women's Institute m e m b e r s have taken their rightful place in the world of women, they have done much more. They have learned the many ways in which they can help to build better commun- ities, and to help less fortunate women and children in other parts of the world. They have 1 ea r n e cl that women have an important role in society. and that much of what is termed "welfare" is done by the women in country, town and city. They have learned how to live more comfortably and happily in their own homes; to put to use unrecognized t a l en t s, which sometimes turn into profitable enterprises. They have learned to make their homes a place where people like to come; where a gracious hostess extends a warm welcome; and where life is good. Yes. they have learned many things. One wonders if Mrs. }foodless, in planning for that first Women's Institute in Stoney Creek over 60 years ago, hacl an inkling of what Inver wish for a better life Ont- ario's farm women would bring with it, ARE OH Burner Service ae Electrical Work SALES and SERVICE FURNITURE, COAL and CEMENT PH + ' NE 8 , DA$HWOOD ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS 40 YEARS AGO OCTOBER 1920 Tlie first frost of the season has made it's appearance in this dis- trict on Thursday morning of last week, Mrs. Ross, who has been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Uttley, for some time, has returned to her home in Toronto. A number from the village att- ended the Kekoa's Hawaiian Glle Club concert in the Crediton Town Hall last Tuesday evening. The Hall Dent Company of Zur- ich are now in a position to give a limited amount of work to res- ponsible people to complete in their own homes. Mrs. David Plante, of St. Jos- eph, was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she underwent an operation for cancer. IIIc. and Mrs, henry Volland were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Airs. John Albrecht. in Zurich. Mr. Herbert Uttley has sold his dwelling property in the north end of the village to Mr. David Mero. of Drysdale, who gets poss- ession on February 1. Mr, John Siemon has disposed of his property in the south-west corner of the village to Mr. Henry Badour, who gets immediate poss- ession. 25 YEARS AGO OCTOBER 1935 Workmen are busy putting in '.water lines for the supply to the new creamery. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gascho have moved from the residence occu- pied ccupied in down -town at the Oesch block, to the residence at the west- erly part of the village owned by Mr. Jacob Brown, just west of the Evangelical Church. Edward Axt has the distinction of being a good gardener, since he grew a beet this year which measured 23" in circumference, Mr. Ward Fritz Inas a nrmakter o€ men and gravel trucks busy in hauling fill to his new home which lie has just erected in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gascho and son, Clarence, visited with friends in Milverton and Poole over the weekend. Ilensell band put on their first dance of the season last Friday night, with the Denonmme Orch- estra of Zurich providing the music. The Exeter Cemetery Board have had the residence at their cemetery reshingled and the in- side renovated and re -decorated, Iioward Klumpp, of Dashwood, spent Saturday in Kincardine. WOE YEARS GONE BY 15 YEARS AGO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1960 OCTOBER 1945 Mr. Morris Weber has sold one of his fine cottages at the lake- front to Mr. Walter Eckel, at Scha- deview beach. Mr. Theodore W a g n e r and daughter, Catherine, of Guelph, were weekend visitors at the Wag- ner home here in Zurich. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Edgar Butt, rim Kippen, last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Exias Charette and family, of Detroit, were week- end visitors in Zurich at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs,. David Ducharme. Mr. Allan Gascho, who has been a Flying Officer in the RCAF has returned to his home in Zurich, and is taking 2 well-earned rest at the home of his parents. Mr. Milton Oesch was the lucky winner of a General Electric wash- ing machine at the Exeter Lions Club frolic last week. Mr. Clayton Snaith sand sons are erecting an ice house of large enough capacity so they can supply their summer campers with ice next summer. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Denomme are preparing to move to their new home near Dashwood where he is employed in Klumpp's plan- ing mill. 10 YEARS AGO OCTOBER 1950 Early last Sunday morning two cows were killed and others in- jured when Pat Glavin, of Credi- ton, plunged into the valuable herd of Ed Wainer, on the Bronson Line, three miles north of Dashwood. Many summer campers have, over the past weekend closed their cottages for the winter season. Mr. Edgar E. Wuerth, who has been working as an electrician for some time has now opened up business for himself with his store at Crediton. Mr. A. C. Kalbfleisch is making good progress with erecting his new home in the south end of the village, as the walls are now up and the roof on, Mr. Louis Masse, of Assumption College, spent the past weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Masse, on the 14th Concession. Miss Marjory Klopp, who is att- ending the Ontario College of Education in Toronto, spent the holiday weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Klopp. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rennie, of Hensall, spent the holiday week- end at the home of relatives in Detroit. Car insurance Loses increased Almost Five Percent +ver lopst Ye BY J. CARL HEMINGWAY I just received a report on the loss ratio of Co -Op car insurance for the period January - August. 1960. It is disappointing to find that losses have increased by almost 5 e, over last year. Since our losses were particularly low last year, this increase is not ser- ious as far as the success of the company is concerned but it is serious when we consider the suff- ering involved. Remember there is only one way by which we can reduce the cost of our car insurance and that is by driving more carefully. It will return big dividends in both cash and happier living. In a release from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture I see that the settlement of the Sea- farers' strike took place October. 5. This strike was of vital import- ance to farmers. At this time of year it is urgent that Iarge stocks of western grain be accumluated in Ontario in order to reduce as far as possible the more expensive rail shipments during the winter. The situation was so serious that the Ontario Federation and affiliated organizations along with the Canadian Federation urged the Government td action in getting this situation cleared up. It is interesting to note that the clay following their presentation ann- ouncement was made that the strike had ended. This strike points out again the disasterous affect disruption of transportaion can have on people who have no part in the strike it self. It again raises the question as to how far the Government is justified in allowing a small seg- ment of the population to bring hardship to the whole population. It also emphasizes the power in the hands of farmers if they chose to use it. One week of no deliveries of food to market could cause a civil war. Is it then right that others should be allowed to strike simply because it is a somewhat lesser evil? I was interested recently in read- ing a letter to one of our farm, papers suggesting that the Hog Producers should do away with the assembly yards and fix a price ono week in advance. Let us suppose this was done, As I see it this would be the re- sult. There would be great diff- iculty in arriving at a price but let us suppose that the price for the following week is set at $28.00. There would be "iio assembly yards so it would follow that farmers delivering their own hogs would take them to the nearest packing plant. I can see where Stratford and Kitchener plants would be well supplied, Truckers also would naturally take hogs to the closest plant unless some incentive was provided by more distant plants. On this basis we could only con- clude that competition for truckers would immediately develope rath- er than competition for hogs. Is this what Hog Producers want? SUGAR and (By W. (BILL) B. T. SMILEY) As I have now been teaching for a full month, I feel sufficiently qualified to point out all the flaws in the education system, and de- mand their immediate correction, However, as that would require an essay of the approximate length of Lady Chatterley's Lover, I shall content myself with suggesting one major change. I would like to see the "subject" known as Reli- gious Instruction scratched, blot- ted or erased from the list of secondary school courses. Don't think that this is going to get me in trouble • with the preachers (not that it would be the first time). With a few excep- tions, I think ministers and priests who are forced to teach this course consider it an abomination, in the same category as saying the burial service over some old brute who has ignored the church all his life. * * * What I'd like to know is: Who wants Religious Instruction in the schools? The s t u de n t s don't. They think, the more coherent of then, that it's an interference with their schooling, a waste of time, and something they have already received, in better surroundings, at home or at church. Others echo the remark I'heard from one lac!: "It makes a nice break." The school board doesn't want it. The question of religious educ- ation is a prickly one, especially where there half a dozen Prot- estant denominations, Jews and RC's. It takes a lot of broken old running to make sure nobody's toes are stepped on. * * * The teaehers don't want it. They think, with some justification, that there is enough interference with their attempts to cover the course, what with field days, foot- ball games, assemblies, teachers' conventions, visiting speakers and other special events. It is the clergy which is demand- ing it? I don't think so, from what I've been told by a couple of reverends. For the average preacher, used to a silent, if somn- olent, audience, it must be a bit hair-raising to face some 35 young hellions, 32 of whom consider this little more than a chance for a supervised visit with their friends. The clergyman, his chest -high pul- pit exchanged for a navel -high desk, feels naked, neglected, and much like the Old Woman Who Lived in A. Shoe. o * a Is the whole business pushed by the Department of Education? I doubt it, The Department, with Machiavellian cunning, does not make Religious Instruction a com- pulsory subject. It leaves it to the discretion of the school board. This is like the Emperor of Japan issuing an edict that reads: "Now, we all know that suicide is olcl fashioned. But if anyone requires a sharp knife, just fill in this form and send to • . " * * * Do parents want it? Again I would take some convincing. In a decade in the newspaper busi- ness, i don't recall a single dele- gation of parents, carrying crosses, making a pilgrimage to a meeting of the school board and demanding that their delinquent offspring be instructed in The Word, * * * Then who is responsible for this changeling, this awkward, un- wanted child in the family of education? It is a small but zea- lous group of stern Christians who believe that you can make a horse drink if you stick his nose in a trough? It is a few frustrated, lonely clergymen of the off -beat sects, seeking a captive audience? I don't know; I'm just asking. Per- haps if one soul is saved, it is worth all the confusion and cussing it causes. I am not opposed to religious education in schools. Where it is properly integrated, and where it is desired, it has a vital place. But where it is stuck into a curr- iculum for no apparent reason, it is as digestible as a humbug in a rice pudding, * * * urines and Profession AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service that Satisfies" Phone 119 Dashwood INSURANCE N^� F<•rSafety EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability insurance For Information About Ali Insurances—Call BE KL Phone 93r1 or 220 Zurich Representing CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION HURON and ERIE EVENTS ES CANADA TRUST CERTIFR .;,TES 5% — 5 years 4Ve% — 3 and 4 years 41/2% — 1 and 2 years GENERAL INSURANCES Fire, Automobile, Premises Liability, Casualty, Sickness and Accident, etc. An Independent Agent representing Canadian Companies J yh'•l a HALAER R Authorized Representative Phone 161 Zurich OPTOMETRY J. E. LO �. GSTAFF OPTOM ETR I ST SEAFORTH: Daily except Monday Phone 791 9 a.m, to 5.30 p.m, Wednesday: 9 a.rn, to 12 noon. CLINTON: Monday Only Phone HU 2-7010 Thursday evening by appointment gut y G. B. Clancy, O.D. OPTOMETRIST JA 4-7251 — Goderich DENTISTS DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exetet Closed Wednesday Afternoon Phone Exeter 36 DOCTORS Dr. A. W. KLAHSEN Physician and Surgeon OFFICE HOURS: 2 p,m.-5 p.m. Monday -Saturday Except Wednesday 7 p.m. -9 p.m. Monday and Friday Evenings PHONE 51 — ZURICH G. A. WEBB, D.C.* *Doctor of Chiropractic 488 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday Tues. and Thurs. Evenings, 7-9 ror Appointment -- Phone 606 FUNERAL DIRECTORS WESTLAKE Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE Phone 89J or 89W ZURICH LEGAL W. G. Cochrane, Q.A. BARRISTER and SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensel! Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons EXETER PHONE 14 BELL & LAUGHTON BAREISTEItS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC EL]'tER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON', L.L.B. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon EXETER Phone 4