HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-10-06, Page 2PAGE TWO ZURICH eitizE/2. NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNINur at ZURICH, ONT. HERB TURKHEIM -- Editor and Publisher Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member: CANADIAN WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION Member: ONTARIO WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION Subscription Rates: $2,50 per year in advance, in Canada; $3.50 in United States and Foreign; single copies,. 5 cents. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1960 k This Really ;lad (The Wingham Advance -Times) DURING THE PAST WEEK Toronto daily papers carried reference to a remark made by an Ontario government official about a new cure for the dangerous habit of "tail -gating". Most drivers are aware of the hazard which is involved in driving too close to the rear of another moving vehicle, but apparently there are still plenty of offenders in this regard. F aced with the fact that it is very difficult to get eon- vietions in such offenses, the official in question is credited with the statement that the onus would be upon the ,person charged to prove his innocence. We can only hope that the man has, indeed, been misquoted. Any attempt to so deny the basic concept of our British institution of justice deserves instant and most strenuous opposition. Throughout the entire structure of our legal framework runs the most importance of all our theories of freedom — that .a man is innocent until he is proven guilty. Practically all our laws which have to do with personal offenses against society are governed by that underlying protection. If the state, as represented by its -officers of the law. charges a roan with a punishable act, then the state must prove beyond a reasonbie doubt that the charge is justified. There have been other instances in Canada where onus of proof has been shifted to the accused — and not one of them is justified in the slightest degree. Perhaps you, as an individual cannot see too much reason in getting all warmed up over this apparently slight alteration in the application of justice. However. if you happened to receive a summons stating that you hacl been driving too close to the rear of a moving vehicle on the highway you might search in vain for any method of proving that you were not guilty. By the same token, a young or over -zealous police officer could easily stack up for himself a most impressive list of convictions, simply because those he charged would be unable to prove the charges false. Is the government offcial we have referred to not aware that it was by these precise methods that a Gestapo grew and eventually strangled the free nation of Germany? Have we not learned within the past few months that right in our neighbouring province of Quebec a police force could grow corrupt when it was not required to bring sound evidence to support all its charges. Surely our freedoms are sufficiently threatened by missiles and armed strength. Must we throw them all away in our own courts of justice? Didn't MUM '' as Loaded! The guns are roaring, the hunters are abroad and Carcasses will soon turn up on fenders and car -tops. The all -too -Familiar excuse — "I didn't know it was loaded" — will also turn up in the reports of hunting fatalities. The motors are roaring, the drivers are abroad and human car- casses will turn up on fenders and streets and roads. The all -too - familiar excuse — "I didn't know I was loaded" — will continue to turn up in the reports of traffic accidents. The difference is that "I didn't know I was loaded" knows no , season. The drinking driver is abroad throughout the year, the motorist who didn't realize how far a drink or two could dull his senses and cloud his responses and responsibilities. The Canadian Highway Safety Council warns all drivers that drinking is as serious a menace when the drinker has a loaded gun in his hands as when he has .an automobile under his control. In both cases the lives of human beings are at stake. v,r.rr4o Orchestra Every Friday t' 9 P.M. TO ? ? Enjoy Yourself In The ATTRACTIVE ATMMIOSPYIERE OF THE VILLAGE INN s„a DINING ROOM Featuring Special Home - Cooked Meals On Sundays — 3 To 8 P,M. Q ,, ion Room Fully Licensed. PLAN AHEAD For Receptions, Convent- ions, Parties, Etc. — Banquet PEC AL RATES On Rooms By Day or Week ItanenrinTRI 1.61142.0 emweemnel 11,11MMTVII ..1.11.C.21116.1119 VIII GE ,. werstanosta 60.1,, ormorme, INcenlatelt ANN PHONE 148 — GRAND BEND ,�,•O.JJ RdYPJAIdJAo. ZURIC`II C;1'LIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1960 40 YEARS AGO OCTOBER 1950 Some thirty sportsmen of town and vicinity engaged a chartered bus on Sunday and went to Det- roit, where they took in the Det- roit - Cleveland baseball game. They also visited the Zoo, and took in the sights at Belle Isle. Dr, McMaster, of S e a f or t h, , spoke to the members of the Zur- ich Lions CIub on the subject, "Progress of the Last 25 years." The various relatives of the late Clayton Hoffman attended his fun- eral in Galt on Thursday last. The sale of homemade beaking and aprons held in the Town Hall under the auspices of the Catho- lic Women's League was a decided success in every way. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellerman have moved into their new home west of the mill in the village of Dashwood. The members of the G.N.O. Club, of Dashwood, entertained their their husbands to a turkey dinner at the Dominion Hotel in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Gingerich have left for Harrisburg, Virginia, where they are continuing their studies at the Mennonite Bible College. 25 YEARS AGO OCTOBER 1935 The hydro power was off on Monday for a few hours, as ar large limb was blown off a tree near the Hess electric shop, and it took some time to repair the line and clear away the debris. The weatherman proved incle- ment last Thursday at the Bay- field Fall Fair, as a drizzling rain fell throughout the entire after- noon. Mr. L. H. Rader was at Inger- soll last Friday where he was horse judge at the Fall Fair. Mr. Ed Kalbflesich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kalbflesich, ak the 15th concession, had the .mis- fortune the other day to fall head first off a load of grain standing on the barn floor. Mr. Kalbflesich was considerably injured, heaving fractured a collar bone and other injuries. The first political meeting of the election calpaign was held in Zur- ich when Mr. R. J. MacMillan of the Reconstruction Party, was the guest speaker. Mr. Ward Fritz, of Zurich, has been !appointed bailiff of the 10th Division Court, for the County of Huron. -OE- YEARS GONE BY 15 YEARS AGO OCTOBER 1945 The Bank of Montreal officially states that the Zurich office will re -open on a daily basis commenc- ing Tuesday, October 9th. The new manager here will be Gordon G. Sewell, who has been account- ant at Orillia for the past number of years. Miss Theresa Meidinger and Blanche Masse returned to Wind- sor after spending the summer months at their homes on the Bronson Line. Miss Theresa Routledge, of Tor- onto, is visiting with friends in Zurich at the present time. Professor and Mrs. Herber t Kalbflesich, of London, were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalbflesich, in Zurich. Hensel). Continuation School was to have opened on Monday last, but was delayed for another week due to an epidemic of measles. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thiel and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Brown, of Teeswater, were Monday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Thiel. Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer and daughter have left Hensall and taken up residence in London, where the doctor has established a practice. 10 YEARS AGO OCTOBER 1920 A number from the village attended the Bayfield Fall Fair last week. Potato digging is the order of the day, and a good crop is re- ported, which will help to bring down the cost of living this winter. On Wednesday last a joint meet- ing was held in the Walper House between Zurich and Exeter, for the purpose of froming a hockey ''team between the two towns. A very interesting event took place at St. Peter's R. C. Church, St. Joseph, last Tuesday, when Miss Juliet Charrette become the bride of Armand Denomme. The couple will live en the groom's farm, on the Sauble Line. Quite a number from the village attended the Katzenjammer show in Stratford on Tuesday evening of last week. Having purchased the cider mill of 3. 3. Merner, Mr. F. C. Kalb- fleiscli and Henry Gellman will make apple cider and apple butter every day except Saturday. Fars, ers Their Sh e Great Co petit hw rs Far ing At Local F Fairs (By 3. Carl Hemingway) Well folks, by the time you read this the Fall Fair season for Huron County will be over for 1960. I have the opportunity of attending several this year and every one of them seemed to be decidedly successful, Farmers !are truly great com- petitors. I can think of no other industry where the producer is willing to put his product before the public and have it judged and a verdict given for all to see. There are no patents guarding secrets of success in Agriculture. When a farmer developes a new and better strain of livestock he cannot look forward to a steady income from royalties for years to come. He can only hope that he can do even better next year. Perhaps this is the reason that efficiency on the farm has in- creased more rapidly than in other industry. Perhaps we shouldn't say farm- ers are great competitors but rather we'h s ou1d say they are great co-operators. Fanners readily share their profitable experiences. 11 this strain of oats yields better the farmer tells his neighbour. If this strain of cattle or hogs or poultry produces more profitably it is almost immediately known by farmers accross the country. Your local Fall Fair is doing a good deal to spread this know- ledge even mere important it is promoting better quality. For the time being at least we need not worry about the production of quantity, but if we are to sell our products at good prices the qual- ity must be just a little higher than the other fellows. Canadian farmers are to a large extent dependent on the export market. In spite of surpluses our top quality bacon finds a ready outlet in United States at a premium price, Our cheese and eggs also demand a premium on many markets because of quality. Even our beef that for many years has been considered lower in qual- ity is being recognized by the American housewife for the fine product it really is and not nearly so wasteful as the United States prime. Sin c e farmers have shown through their Fall Fairs how will- ing they are to co-operate in. the field of production and quality, let us hope that now the need has arisen that they can co-oper- ate as well in the field of mark- eting. Farmers do not take kindly to scarcity production to increase prices; let us hope that they will never be forced into this position. In times past there has been food shortages in parts of Canada but development in transportation and trade has overcome this. Let us e x t e n d this improvement throughout the world so that none may be hungry. Headway is being made in this direction. Let m continue to forge ahead. SUGAR and SPICE (By W. (BILL) B. T. SMILER) Canadian males, in general, are agreed on one thing. They nod judiciously when they hear that delightful song from the musical My Fair Lady, which asks the question: "Why Can't a Woman be Like a Man?" They realize, rea- sonable chaps that they are, what a pleasant, placid world it would be if women could, by some miracle, be transformed into sen- sible, kindly, decent, regular, jolly, good-natured, easy-going people Iike men. * * Canadian females are just as mutual on a gripe to which niy wife gave vent the other evening, for perhaps the one hundred and eleventh time. "Why is it," she fumed, "that Canadian inen never treat a woman as a human being?" * • * "Wuddaya mean?" I asked in my courtly, Canadian male fashion. She told me. It seems that Cana- dian men lack, among other things, gallantry, good manners and a good, sound leer. * • * A woman, she says, goes to a party with her husband. She has a new dress, a new hair -do, and reeks of "Treachery" or "Pure Vice" or something similar for which she has shot $5. Three minutes after she arrives, she is sitting with a circle of other women, babbling of babies and bathrooms, dryers and drapes. All the men are out in the kitchen, drinking happily, or huddled at the other end of the living room, haggling over politics and football. * * * The only communication bet- ween the sexes during the even- ing, claims My Old Woman, occurs when one of the men hollers acc- ross the abyss: "Hey, Mabel! What year did we get married?" in an effort to prove his point about which year Ottawa won the Grey Cup. * * One other point of contact is remade between the segregated groups, says My Girl, when the hostess serves the food. Weav- ing among the flailing arms of the men to pass the pickles, she receives less attenian than a waiter in a beverage room, she avers, * The way she sees it, the sexes should mingle freely. The women should stand about decoratively, looking slightly seductive. To them should come a steady pro- cession of men, who indulge in fierce discussions of art, politics and religion, in the process bes- towing on these mysterious and desirable creatures an occasional deep, longing look, or a whimsical, frustrated lift of eyebrow. Well sir, fellows, you'll be glad to know that I didn't just sit there and swallow all this stuff without coning back with some pretty good ones of my own. First of all, I pointed out that this is a young country. It's only a couple of generations since the men did all their drinking out in the har- ness shed. Already, they've got inside, into the kitchen, and they don't even spit on the stove, * * * I also suggested that Canadian men are hag-ridden. All they hear from their wives when they come home from work is about how there's something wrong with the washing machne, and that darn milkman only left two quarts, and the kids have been awful today, Joe, and you've got to do something about them, and the church is after me again for pies and I don't see how you expect me to keep this house up with- out a cleaning woman and if you think you're going fishing on Sat- urday . . . * * * Not a sensible, kindly, human expression in the entire out- pouring. Not a trace of a fem- inine wile, a dab of perfume, a black negligee, or a soft look. Not a suggestion that she's glad to have him home. Not a hint that he might have had a few things go wrong today at work. Not the slightest admission that she night Basi ess end Profession AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service that Satisfies" Phone 119 Dashwood INSURANCE es es, For Saf r,,t`r. EVERY FARMER NEEDS Lability Insurance For Information About All Insurances—Call BERT L PP Phone 93r1 or 220 Zurich Representing CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION HURON and ERIE HES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES — 5 years 4s/s,% — 3 and 4 years 41/2% — 1 and 2 years GENERAL INSURANCES Fire, Automobile, Premises Liability, Casualty, Sickness and Accident, etc. An Independent Agent representing Canadian Companies J. W. HBE ER Authorized Representative Phone 161 Zurich OPTOMETRY J. E. LO STAFF OPTOMETRIST SRAPOFtTH: Daily except Monday Phone 791 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Wednesday: 9 a.m. to 12 noon. CLINTON: Monday Only Phone HU 2-7010 Thursday evening by appointment x�f G. B. Clancy, 0.6e OPTOMETRIST JA 4-7251 — Goderich DENTISTS DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exetei, Closed Wednesday Afternoon Phone Exeter 86 DOCTORS Dr. A. W. KLAHSEN Physician and Surgeon OFFICE HOURS: 2 p.m. -5 p.m. Monday -Saturday Except Wednesday 7 p.m. -9 p.m. Monday and Frida3 Evenings PRONE 51 — ZURICH G. A. WEBB, D.C.* *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER +TER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday Tues. and Thurs. Evenings, 7-9 For Appointment -- Phone 606 FUNERAL DIRECTORS ='y ESTLAKE Funeral :-Tome AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE Phone 89J or 89W ZURICH LEGAL W. G. Cochrane, B.A. BARRISTER and SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensel! Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons EXETER PHONE 14 BELL 8c LAUGHTON u. BARRISTEXS. SOLICITOE.S a NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V, LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon EXETER Phone 4