HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-09-15, Page 5TIIUJRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1960 ZU1tit i1 CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE 441 4.4 CLASSIFIED RATES: 25 words or less, 50c the first week, 35c for repeat advertisements. Lar- ger advs,: 2c a word the first week, then 11/ae for repeats. Cards of Thanks, In Memor- lams, Engagements, same as above. Births, Marriages and Deaths, No charge. FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS - special prices - a} H.P. Leeland - $59.; 1 H.P. heavy duty Leeland - $105. {'.A-yN+, YU .L`111111C1l'UU guru, phone 96r12, Zurich. 37,tfb. BALED SHAVINGS We have a good supply of kiln dried Pine Shavings on hand at all times. Ideal for poultry pens. Apply to - M. DEITZ & SON Phone 154 - ZURICH FOUR 900x20 TRUCK TIRES; two mud and grip, two standard, like new. Will sell cheap. Apply to Cleve Gingerich, phone 84r10, Zur- ich, 37,p. WANTED TO BUY WANTED - FEATHERS and old feather ticks. Call Exeter Salvage, phone 423 Exeter, collect 22tfb FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT in village of Zurich, with all modern conven- iences, three bedrooms. Apply to Lee Regier, phone 237, Zurich. 35p APARTMENT FOR RENT - Up- stairs, completely modern and heated. One or two bedrooms, Ap- ply to Ervin Gingerich, phone 175, Zurich. 36,b. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE MINNEAPOLIS - MOLINE Farm Machinery: Firestone and Good- year rubber tires. See us for the best buy. Emmerson Erb, phone 96r12, Zurich. 37tfb. ' GEORGE WHITE FARM Mach- inery, Ebersal hay and grain Ele- vators, Rotary Hog Feeders. .Ap- ply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12, 30-tfx Miscellaneous AUTOMOTIVE , Glass - Steering - Body Repairs Lubrication, etc. For Quality Service, see DAVIDSON'S TEXACO SERVICE Phone 320, No. 8 Highway, Goderich 37tfb WEDDING AND PORTRAIT pho- tography, quality photos in black and white, or colour, mounted in albums, frames or studio folders of various designs. Pictures taken on location or in our studio. Jer- vis Studio, 130 Isaac St., Clinton, phone HU 2-7006. 18,tfb DRY CLEANING and LAUNDRY Service. Call Earl Oesch's Barber Shop. Pick-up and delivery every Monday and Thursday. Brady Cleaners and Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 22-tfb SEND TO -DAY for your FREE pamphlet, TIPS FOR BETTER PICTURES. No obligation. Describes in easy to understand language how to get good snaps using an inexpensive camera. m Let us develop your film; 8 ex- posure roll only 50c. 12 ex. 70c. 5 All double size prints. JIFFY PHOTO, box 222d, Clinton. 23.tfb .. NAPA, 4t, MISCELLANEOUS WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service Is Provided from Bulls of All Breeds We are fanner owned and controlled and operate at cost Summer calling hours: Between - 7:30 and 9:30 a.m, week days 6 and 8 p.m. Saturday evenings For service or more information Call - Clinton Zenith 9-5650 SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Dashwood 26r17, or in case of emergency call Del Schwatzentruber, phone 224, Ta- vistock. 20,tfb CUSTOM SPRAYING and WHITE- WASHING. Call now for prompt and efficient service. William Wat- son, RR 3, Zurich, call Dashwood 37R19. 35,tfb FLOOR SANDING, PROMPT and efficient service; or rent our sanders and do it yourself. This is the time of Ytar to have your floors refinished. Charles H. Thiel, phone 140. Zurich. 14-tfb FILTER QUEEN SALES AND service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Hensall 696r2. 18-20-22-24tfb Reception AND Dance - FOR - R. and MRS. RAYMOND SMITH IN THE Brodhagen Hall ON aturday, Sept. 17 "EVERYONE WELCOME" Reception AND Dance FOR MISS LOIS McLELLAN AND CLARENCE DUCHARME IN THE o : ' munity Centre Zurich ON aturday, Sept. 17 usic By - MELODY MASTERS "EVERYONE WELCOME" givoramtimenissonwomannammemarimeramseimeameamorramazwisigosoustmilleit BAILA `SRW FEEDING HEADQUARTERS PHONE 154 11T Z and P ZURICH 4,^P 4,0.0r4.4,4v4^444,1rs ... se• c0,cs,0,rara4^a.,74,...NN d NIUN Engager ents Mr. .and Mrs, Paul Ducharme, Dashwood, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Theresa Pauline, to Peter Lawrence Bedard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bedard, Zurich; the wedding to take place on Saturday, October 1, 1960; at St. Peter's R.C. Church, St. Jo- seph, at 9 a.m. AUCTION SALE - OF - Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On The Premises, Lot 86, Rosalie Street, In the Village of Zurich The Undersigned Auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by Pub- lic Auction on SATURSDAY, SEP- TEMBER 17, at 1 P.M. Consisting of Bell piano, like new; extension dining room table with 6 matching chairs; various centre tables; buffet; chesterfield and chair; cabinet radio; chest of drawers; 2 bedsteads with springs and mattress; dressers; commodes; kitchen cabinet; kitchen table and. chairs; arm chair; couch; 3 small tables; wash stand; Sunshine 2 - burner electric stove; Wingharn cook stove; drapes; mats; pictures; utensils; mantel clock; sealers; crocks; glassware; selection of car- penter tools; step ladder; garden tools; work bench; wheel -barrow; cross -cut saw; copper boiler; gal- vanized tubs; scythe; sausage grin- der; tool chest; 12 gauge double barrel shot gun; cabbage cutter. Many other miscellaneous items. No Reserve - Terms - Cash MRS. ETHEL McBRIDE, PROP. ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER - CLEARING - AUCTION SALE -OF- Implements, Grain, and Miscellaneous Items On The Premises, Lot 14, Con. 13, Usborne Township, 71 -Miles east of Exeter on Huron Street thence second farm south. The Undersigned Auctioneer has received instructions to sell by Pu- blic Auction on MONDAY, SEP- TEMBER 19, at 1 P.M. Sharp! M.H. binder, 6 -ft. cut, in good condition; McDeering mower, 5 - ft. cut; M.H. side rake; Cockshutt fertilizer drill; Bissell cultipacker; stiff tooth cultivator; hay loader; disc harrow; 2 sets of diamond harrows; corn scuffler with bean attachment; power orchard spray- er; steel wagon and hay rack; De Laval milking machine with stain- less steel pails, like new; corn shel- ler, like new; fanning mill; elec- tric brooder; set of platform scales; sap pails and pan; quantity of assorted new lumber; end posts; fence stretchers; quantity of tile; Maxwell root pulper, like new; 2 - wheel trailer; scrap iron; forks; shovels; barrels; chains; colony house, 10'x12', wired for electri- city;' 32 -ft. extension ladder, in good condition. GRAIN - 425 bushels of Gary oats, suitable for seed. No reserve as farm is sold. TERMS - CASH CLARENCE ROUTLY - PROP. GARNET HICKS - CLERK ' ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER A "CTION SALE -OF-- Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On The Premises, 343 Andrew St., In The Town of EXETER The Undersigned Auctioneer re-: ceived instructions to sell by Pub- lic Auction on SATURDAY, SEP- TEMBER 24, at 1.30 P.M. Heintzman Piano, in new condi- tion. Oak extension table with' 6 matching chairs; Buffet, Solid Wal- nut table with round top; Rogers Radio; Arm Chairs; 4 dining chairs; Library table; Chesteilfield; oc� casional chairs; Settee and chair; fern stand, bedsteads; Oak dres- sers; 2 Congoleum rugs, 9 x 12; Rug 9 x 9; foot stool; odd chairs; Kitchen cupboard; pictures; Elec- tric lamps; Lawn chairs; Benches; Extension ladder; Iron Horse; 4 - cycle power mower; Ferns, Violets; Many other miscellaneous items. NO RESERVE TERMS CASH William J. Smith - Proprietor GARNET HICKS -- CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 37,8,9,b, BIRTHS ECKEL -- At South Huron Hospit- al, Exeter, on Friday, Septem- ber 2, 1960, to ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eckel, Honsall, 'a daugh- ter, Deborah Dianne. FISHER -. At Gagetown, New Brunswick, on Tuesday, August 23, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fisher, a son, David William, a brother for Donnie and Kimber- ley. IN MEMORIAM In memory of my mother, Mrs. Samuel Ropp, who passed away 'September 16, 1955. I watched you suffer, I heard you sigh, But all I could do was just stand by My prayer that morning was all in vain That God would make you well again But He knew best and we had to part He erased your pain and broke my heart. -Gone but not forgotten, by Ina. 37,p. STA MUTE I RIVE -IN THEATRE r KROPF REUNION With relatives coming as far dis- tant as Florida, the ninth biennial Kropf-Lichti reunion drew 350 persons in New Hamburg Saturday afternoon. Attending from Zurich were Mr, and Mrs. William Baechler and fa- mily and Mr. and Mrs. Sol Baech- ler. 0 rs. Lavina Ratz Funeral service was held at the Crediton Evangelical United Bre- thren Church on Monday at 2 p.m. for Mrs. Levine Ratz, 76, of Cre- diton, widow of the late William Ratz, who died Saturday at St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London, of tetanus. Mrs. Ratz's family said the wo- man scratched her hand while wor- king in her garden. She was ad- mitted to the hospital September 7. Mrs. Ratz is survived by daugh- ters, Mrs. Ray (Dorothy) Jones, of RR 1, Centralia; Gertrude Ratz, London; sons, Earl and Irvin, both of Dashwood; sisters, Mrs. Clinton Sweet and Mrs. Ed Westcott, both of Exeter; Miss Pearl Fahner, Cre- diton. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home, Dashwood, until noon Monday. Burial was made in Crediton Cemetery. PLOW SHARES FOR ALL TYPES OF SOIL Week Ends Only FRIDAY and SATURDAY September 16 and 17 - (Double Feature) Adult Entertainment "Party Crashers" Connie Stevens "As Young As We Are" Robert Harland , TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY FIRST SHOW AT DUSK =SW MIIIINESIMULU RECEPTION AND DANCE IN HONOUR OF MR. and MRS. ALBERT WUSHKE (NEE MARY MAE FISCHER) (Bridal Couple) IN THE Community Centre, Zurich -ON- Thursday, Sept. 15 9 P.M. Music By - DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Everyone Welcome MININOSIISIMONISSUMINSIMENV Huron County Council 4Vi11 meet for a one -day session on Monday, September 26th, at 10.00 a.m. in the Council Chamber of the Court House, Goderich. Any communications must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Tuesday, September 20th. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk Treasurer County of Huron, Court House GODERICII, Ontario. Cast and Ductaloy NOW AVAILABLE AT DESJARDINE AUTO SUPPLY PHONE 38 - ZURICH DANCING Every Friday Night AT BLUEWATER DANCELAND MUSIC BY -- Desjardine Orchestra ADMISSION - 75 CENTS JOIN THE CROA DS BROWNIE'S Drive- In Theatre Clinton -- Ontario THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 22 and 23 - - Double Feature - "The Rise and Fall Of Legs Diamond" (Adult Entertainment) Ray Denton, Karen Steele "This Rebel Breed" (Adult Entertainment) Rita Moreno, Mark Damon (One Cartoon) SATURDAY and MONDAY September 24 and 26 - DOUBLE FEATURE -- "Diary of a High School Bride" Anita Sands -- Ronald Foster "Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow" Jody Fair -- Martin Braddock Hot Rod Gang (One Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY September 27 and 28 "Nor Moon -� By Night" (Colour) Belinda Lee -- Michael Craig (One Cartoon) Fill the car up on Tuesday Night, Bring The Whole Family - $1.25 Admits A Carload! NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that The Board of Trustees of the Ronan Ca- tholic Union Separate School for the United Sections Number 1 in the Township of Hay and Number 1 in the Township of Stanley did on/ the 13th day of September, 1960, pass By -Law Number 1 to authorize the borrowing of the sum of $76,000.00 by the issue of debentures to the principal amount of $76,000.00 bearing interest at the rate of Silk and One -Half Per Cent (61/2%) per annum, payable annually and maturing in twenty annual instalments of principal of varying amounts as set forth in Schedule "A" hereto. The purpose for which the money is to be borrowed is for the construction and equipment of e four -room school addition, The security for the amount to be borrowed is as follows: - (a) During the twenty years, the currency of the debentures, the respective sums set forth in the fourth coltunn of Schedule "A" hereto hereto shall be levied and collected annually by a special rate sufficient therefor over and above all other rates in the same manner and from the like persons and property, by, from, upon or out of which other Separate School rates are levied, raised and collected for the said period of twenty years. (b) The debentures, as to both principal and interest, are a charge upon the separate school rates and upon the schoolhouse property and premises end any other real or personal property vested in the said Board. SCHEDULE "A" HERETO $76,000.00 - 61/2(70 Dated September 15th, 1960 Due September 15th, 1961-1980. Year Principal Interest 1961 $2,000 $4,940 1962 2,000 4,810 1963 2,000 4,680 1964 3,000 4,550 1965 3,000 4,355 1966 3,000 4,160 1967 3,000 3,965 1968 3,000 3,770 1969 3,000 3,575 1970 . 3,000 3,380 1971 4,000 3,185 1972 4,000 2,925 1973 4,000 2,665 1974 4,000 2,405 1975. 5,000 2,145 1976 5,000 1,820 1977 5,000 1,495 1978 6.000 1.170 1979 6,000 780 1080 6.000 390 DATED Total $6,940 6,810 6.680 7,550 7,355 7,160 6,965 6,770 6,575 6,380 7,185 6,925 6,665 6,405 7,145 6.820 6,495 7,170 6.780 6.390 $76,000 $61,165 $137,165 at Zurich, Ontario, the 14th day of September, 196(1. I. J. POISSON, Secretary - Treasurer