HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-08-11, Page 6PAGE SIX BLUEWATER and BAYF1ELD NEWS Mrs. Russell Grainger, Correspondent Miss Wendy Greer spent sever- al days holidaying with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Westlake. Mrs. Thomas Snowden spent se- veral days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deichert, Scarborough, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deichert, also attending the Kalbfleisch Reunion on Sun- day. Phyllis and Jimmie Grainger re- turned to their home on Friday after spending several days in Scarborough with their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Ed- ward Deichert. Miss Lynnda Scotchmer retur- ned to her home on Saturday after WELCOME TO UR THIRD ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS spending the past ten days at the Guide Camp at Keywayden. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Dunn Jr., and Douglas were Sunday afternoon visitors in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Coyle and Janice, Orangeville, were Thursday to Sa- turday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Westlake and family, Mrs. Bert McLean, and Dara and Sylvia McLean visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Westlake from Thursday to Sunday, THDAY From August 8 To August 20 OPEN EVERY EVENING 'TILL 11 R.M. Door Prizes For Adults And CJJlkren ®- Free Tickets On August 18, 19, 20 -- each evening from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. -- each person receives a taste of our "BIRTHDAY CAKE" and REFRESH- MENTS." -- $10 IN SILVER WILL BE BAKE = INT OUR CAKE. "TRY YOUR LUCK." The money wilts be -- 5 Silver Dollars, 10 50c Coins rnd 1 Lucky Nickel -- The 5c Coin will be a LUCKY WINNER Visit ®.r Sure During ur Gigantic 64 EVE GINGER. Zurich irthday''''arty ¥ ARTICLE A SPECIAL" Jastemervasibatommeavagentaisor BENESSISMISSZESIGEMEIRENN SALES SEJ\!10E LT — Seaforth [1 S MANCEMINEIMMEGIIIIMMIte LSI , 110 t' e Are Celebrating ILIT,: IRNIVERSA''Y` WITH A MONSTER R..T N APPU CES vP..`°ST E CLEA"ED REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS DRYERS FREEZERS UT From August 8 To August 20 BUY AT LOW, LOW PRICES -- DURING OUR ANNIVERSARY GINGERICH'S Sales Service THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1060 New York Drivers Must Be 18 The Ontario Department of Transport draws the attention of drivers visiting New York State to the fact that the state does not issue full drivers' licences to dri- vers living in the state if they are under eighteen years of age, The New York State issues a special junior licence to those be- tween the the ages of of sixteen and eighteen. This means that drivers licenced in Ontario who are between six- teen and eighteen. This means that drivers licenc- ed in Ontario who are between sixteen and eighteen years of age cannot legally drive a velilelle in New York State on their On- tario licence. Young drivers should be aware of this fact in order to avoid a violation of the New York State law in this respect. 0 D. of Agr. Tells How To Fight Weeds In Flower Garden Some weeds are oasy to control — just pull them out by hand. But when creeping, deep-rooted weeds invade a flower bed, you're in for trouble. The problem goes back to the nature of the weeds themselves. Chickweed, purslane and the an- naul grasses can remain in the soil for several years and then sprout at the slightest opportunity. The annual grasses and purslane are late germinators, while chick- weed germinates throughout the growing season. Spring cultivations do little for control. Once past the seedling stage, these weeds may readily re -root from sections of cuttings, if they are hoed but not removed from the garden ar- ea. Here are a few control suggest- ions from the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Annual weeds should be hoed when they are in the seedling stage; once they become establish- ed they must be hoed or pulled out and then raked and destroyed, because of the presence of seeds. Perennial weeds present a dif- ferent problem since creeping roots of the weeds are often en- twined with, those of desirable flowers or shrubs. Where a large border is heavily infested with weeds such as couch grass or gout - weed, remove the good plants be- fore trying to work on the weeds. If the same flowers are re -planted in the area, be sure that all en- twining weed roots have been re- moved. Here's a quicker way to eradi- cate perennial weeds: spud and re- move the weed roots as soon as shoots appear above the ground, Some gardeners use the "black fallow" method, which involves continuous shallow hoeing, so that the weeds cannot become estab- lished. Hoe about twice at first; later you will find that the weeds become weaker and weaker, so that less hoeing will be needed. It's often difficult to control weeds growing among shrubs and hedges. Try the black fallow meth- od or else spray Maleic Hydrazide at a rate of 1 ounce per 350 square feet. After about 5 days, cover the ground with 6 to 8 inches of straw or tarpaper mulch. JOWETT'S GROVE BAYFIELD Beautiful Picnic Grounds Covered Tables — Swings Good Water -- Ball Park Ponies -- Swimming Refreshment Booth DANCING Every Friday Night from 9.30 p.m. to 1.00 a.m. Stew and His Collegians -- Door Prize — Hall Available for Receptions and Private Parties For Reservations Call EU 2-7064, 111/ 2-7551 or Bayfield 29r3 NENSALL (By our Hensall correspondent), Miss Mildred Forrest, R.N,, re- turned to her duties at Brantford. General Hospital on Sunday, after a delightful months' vacation, with two weeks spent in Mexico and two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Forrest and other relatives. The trip to Mexico was made by plane. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodds, of McKillop, visited on Sunday with. the tatters' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol. Dr. W. T. Joynt, of London, ac- companied by his mother, Mrs. Al- ice Joynt, returned home on Mon- day after a delightful trip to Point-au-Baril, in the Parry Sound District, visiting Dr. and Mrs, Har- ry Joynt on their Island "Amy." Mrs. Pearl Koehler and family, accompanied by Mrs. Nancy Koeh- ler, of Zurich, are vacationing at Huntsville and visiting the latter's son. 1V.[iss M. Ellis is vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Norminton, at their cottage at Turnbulls Grove. Presentations for Mrs. Ross RI.- ley, iley, the former Loretta Connelly, a recent bride, have been held. Mrs. John Kerr, of Dublin, enter- tained at a miscellaneous presen- tation attended by the neighbours. Mrs. Robert Doig, of Dublin, was hostess at her home Saturday night when school friends who at- tended Seaforth District High School presented her with a mis- cellaneous shower. The guest of honor received many beautiful and costly gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Sun Roobol were entertained at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodds, of McKillop, on Wednesday evening, on the occa- sion of their 27th Wedding Anni- versary. An anniversary dinner was enjoyed and gifts presented. J. R. (Scotty) Hume has been notified that he has successfully passed the Recreation Course held at the University of Western On- tario, in London, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stcacy and Brian, of Denver, Colorado, visit- ed on Saturday with Mrs. Lou Simpson. Jack is a former well-- known Hensall resident. Buy =' pow While OUR SUPPLIES Are At Their Best( Choose From Our F` ide Selection Of Zipper Cases 3 - Ring Notebooks Refills Exercise Books Pencil Pouches Accessories ZL ICH V,> 5''IETY' STOE S EPORV THEY UP $ CUT $ T OF FUEL COSTS (some save even more) IRON FIREMAN CUSTOM Mar OIL FURNACE OR BOILER Iron F reman CUSTOM Mark 1I firing revolution- izes oil heating. It starts clean ... stays clean ... burns all the oil. As a re- sult, owners report re- markable fuel savings .. . say it cuts fuel burned by as much as $1 out of $3, and more. Ask for demonstration and free survey.,. Exclusive VoluMetric Combustions makes the difference . An oil flame that starts clean and stays clean -100% combustion of fuel. • No fuel. waste from smoke or soot; no oily smudge in your home. o Elimination of soot and carbon means trouble-free operation e . • ends cause of most service calls. o Provides its own combustion air flow —no chimney draft needed. o Thermostat controlled heat is even and steady—short, frequent firing cycles without fuel waste. — SEE T.FIE — IRON FIREMAN FURNACE DEMONSTRATED OUTSIDE OUR BUILDING This Saturday Evening AND EVERY NIGIIT NEXT WEEK DURING OUR ANNUAL SELL , R , Ti's- N CI1 C RICH AS Sales ":. Service Ltd