HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-08-04, Page 6PAGE SIX Annual Deichert Reunion Held Last Sunday At Keller Farm Near Dashwood On Sunday, July 24, approxi- mately 75 persons gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keller, RR 1, Dashwood, for the fourth annual Dciehert reunion. Afternoon sports were under the direction of Mrs. Shirley Kel- ler, RR 2, Dashwood. Results of the races were as follows: girls, race, three and under, Caroline Keller, Lori Keller; boys' race, four to six, Paul Greb; seven to ten, DRAIN TILE AND SEPTIC TANKS SOLD & INSTALLED WATER LINES — FOUNDATIONS — BULLDOZING — LAWN ROLLING -- CALL — OB ROWCLIFFE PHONE 678R31 — HENSALL 10 a George Keller, Karl Merrier; 11-14, Roger Keller. 'Young ladies, Marlene Keller, Ruth Greb; young men, Ross Eich- ler, Karl Keller; three -legged -race, George and Roger Keller, Dorothy Greg and Ruth Pepper; wheelbar- row race, Albert Deichert and El- gin Keller, Roger and George Kel- ler; men's spot race, Harvey Roh- ner; kick the slipper, Ruth Greb; shoe scramble, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Deichert. Couple spot walk, Albert Dei - chert and Mrs. Victor Deichert; guessing contents of can, Karl Kel- ler; guessing contents of basket, Gloria Learn. Other prizes were won by the following: wedding day nearest picnic, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Deichert; birthday nearest picnic, Elizabeth Deichert; largest family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keller; longest name, Josephine Deichert; shortest name, Max Learn; corning longest dis- tance, Mr. and Mrs. Max Learn, Petawawa; oldest person, Alfred Pfaff: youngest person, Max Learn, Jr.; most beads, Margaret Deich- ert; longest belt, Victor Deichert; largest shoe, Claire Deichert; spel- ling game, Max Learn, Claire Dei- TIEMAN'S HARDWARE ® Plumbing • Heating SALES and SERVICE ® Oil Burner Service 0 Electrical Work FURNITURE, COAL and CE \1ENT PHONE 8 — DASHWOOD insassmusermuczwizumessweis ZURICH chert, Earl Keller. The picnic supper was served on the lawn, by Mrs. Harvey Rohner and her committee. Following the supper, a short business meeting was held. His- torian Peter Deichert reported that during the past year, there had been four weddings .and two births; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Eichler, a son to Mr, and Mrs. Max Learn, both born on July 1. The entire executive were re- turned for a second term. They are president, Edgar Elligson; vice- president, Earl Deichert; secre- tary, Pauline Wegeast; treasurer, Kenneth Keller; sports, Mrs. Shir- ley Keller; and lunch convener, Mrs. Edith Rohner. An invitation for the 1961 re- union was received from Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Elligson, RR 2, Wal- ton, and the picnic is to be held the last Stuiday in July. Guests were present from Peta- wawa, New Hamburg, Stratford, Walton, Zurich, Dashwood, Exe- ter and London. A In S NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 4. 1960' DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oesch and fa- mily, of Baden, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oesch, Doreen and Bobby, of Zurich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Guenther and family last Sunday. Stanley Heist, Ronald Snell and Joe Zimmer are visiting at Dins- more, Sask., Banff and Lake Lou- ise. John Kellerman has returned home this week after spending three weeks at Woodeden. Miss M. E. Dix, Toronto, and Mrs. J. T. Cowen, of Hanover, are spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellerman and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther, Mrs. Hobbs Taylor, and Miss Lily Hoffman, of London, returned home last week after an extended ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE CAL. FRED DUCHARME, Correspondent -1 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jeffrey, of Detroit, have been on their va- cation the past two weeks, • Nelson Bedard spent a few days in Windsor the past week, visit- ing friends in that city and has returned to resume his work. Miss Marguerite Ducharme, of London, is spending her school va- cation with her grandmothers, Mrs. Leon Jeffrey, of Blake, and Mrs. Josephine Ducharme of this high- way. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Masse and Mr. and Mrs. Hiben, all of De- troit, are camping for two weeks at the Rau resort. Mr. and Mrs. Delor Ducharme, of Detroit, spent part of their ho- lidays with relatives in this neigh- borhood, and while here motored to Goderich to visit with relatives. Mrs. Ed Corriveau also accom- panied them. ismiuselesimusoleffinstomaumitsit PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE ODERICH TRADE FAIR Sponsored By Kinsmen Club of Goderich August 10�i1 Bal 1 -13 EDNES'frAY, AUGUST 1 CHILDREN'S PARADE — 7 P.M. Free Entertainment Slim Boucher — Mercey Brothers THUSDAY, AUG .°ST 11 PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING 9 P.M. Featuring Midgets Direct From Maple Leaf Gardens FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 CHILDREN'S DAY All Midway Rides Reduced 1 - 6 p.m. Go Cart Races -- 7.30 P.M. SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 FREE EVENING ENTERTAINMENT Dr Ws and Prizes Fire Works Display OUTDOOR JITNEY DANCING EVERY NIGHT Elliott Carruthers' Orchestra GREY'S IDWAY See The Exhibits And Displays At Goderich Arena And Agricultural Park trip to New Orleans, Louisiana, Florida, the Carolinas, and other points. Mr. and Mrs. James Hayter and family have returned from a visit with chief Petty Officer Earl Van- dahl, Mr. Vandahl, and family at Shearwater and Dartmouth, No- va Scotia. They also toured 'many interesting points to and from No- va Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. John Masse and family of Windsor, after spending a short visit with the Ducharmes, of the Blue Water Highway, re- turned to their Windsor home on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hartman and family, of London, were Friday evening last visitors with their grandparents, on the Blue Water Highway. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hawkins, of London, spent Sunday last with the latter's father and other mem- bers of the. family. Mrs. Josephine Ducharme and son, Isodore, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Masse, motored to London on Monday where they will visit other members of the Ducharme family. Miss Madeline Corriveau, of London, in company with Mr. Ed Slivinsky, also of London, spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Corriveauof this highway. Mr. and Mrs. William Bacon and family, of Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schenk and family. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weiberg and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin. Latta and son, of Wat- erloo, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Erdman, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Al Ward and family, of Windsor, vacationed with Mrs. Lucinda McIsaac. CROPS GOOD The condition of crops in gen- eral are very satisfactory, consid- ering the long dry spell. Beans, which a few weeks ago were short, thin and coloured are today spruc- ed up and a fair yield can be ex- pected. A few farmers have start- ed cutting and combining wheat. The stand is above average and good returns are expected. On Friday last, the long week end on the eve of Civic Holiday be- gan. On Monday we believe it to be the heaviest traffic on this Blue Water Highway on record. Perhaps the reason was that sum- mer so far was not favourable for camping, especially for those who are tempted for bathing and stret- ching on the hot sand of the beach for a sun tan. People took ad- vantage of the few warm days the past week to satisfy their selves. Sunday last was not too pleasant for ducking, as the weather had already dipped to a chilly degree. TOP PRICES PAID FOR — • CRE ,M EGGS POULTRY Give Us A Call ! O'BRIENS PRODUCE Phone 101 — Zurich Mr, and Mrs. W. Mclsaac and sons, Ronald and Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. James Mcisaac and girls, Julie and Debbie, all of Detroit, are vacationing with Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Becker and family have returned home after attending the Calgary Stampede, visiting Grant's Park, Oregon, Dis- neyland, California, and other in- teresting points. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and family, of Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and family, BRIDE - ELECT FETED Misses Marie and Ruthanne Sal- mon were hostesses for a miscel- laneous shower last Thurday ev- ening in honour of Miss Barbara Koehler, bride -elect of this Sat- urday. Thirty-nine relatives and neighbours were present. .After an evening of games and contests, Barbara was presented with many useful gifts, for which she very generously thanked all, and the hostesses served lunch. Miss Koehler, who is librarian for Dashwood, has also been pre- sented with a gift by the Library board. k 1619110 MOM mimaieel !g I Ambulance Services Oxygen Equipment 1 Two Ambulances 11 PHONE DASHWOOD 70\ PHONE GRAND BEND 20W B Drivers Are Holders Of St. John's Ambulance Certificates 1 T. Harry Hoffman 1 FUNERAL HOME I Clip This Out In Case OE Emergency NM MOM OM Mt Ilia BARBECUES Priced From $4.95 BAR -B -TOOLS, HATS, APRONS CHARCOAL — CHARCOAL LIGHTER WADING POOLS -- from $5.50 Up Beach Balls -Sand Pails -Thermos Jugs Lunch Baskets Extra Special Utility Step Stool -- Reg. $5.98 Val. ONLY -- $3.98 FOR ALL YOUR COTTAGE REQUIREMENTS IN PLUMBING, HEATING and TINSMITHING — CALL AT — Rader & Mittelholtz Hardware Phone 63 — Zurich FOR THE BEST IN ALUMINUM INSTALL KOOLVENT- NASH MAKERS OF WORLD'S FINEST ALUMINUM AWNINGS — DOOR AND VERANDAH CANOPIES COMBINATION DOORS AND WINDOWS JALOUSIES PORCH AND STEP RAILINGS — "ALUMIWALL" SIDING WE DO OUR OWN INSTALLING AND SERVICE WHAT WE SELL AUTHORIZED Thos. SHOWROOM 15 NELSON ST. CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND DEMONSTRATION DEALER H. Walker EXETER PHONE 553 COLLECT