HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-08-04, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1960 ZUR1Cfl. CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE CL4.SSIFIED RATES: 25 words or less, 50c the first week, 35e for repeat advertisements. Lar- ger advs,: 2c a word the first week, then 1Y2c For repeats. Cards of Thanks, In Memor- iaxns, Engagements, same as above. Births, Marriages and Deaths, No charge. FOR SALE YOUNG PIGS for sale. Apply to Cornelius De Groot, RR 2, Zurich, phone 80R11. 31,b HOLSTEIN - HEREFORD Calves for sale. Apply to Gerald Regier, phone 89R9, Zurich. 31,p FRYERS — Arbor Acres, now ready. Apply to Amos Gingerich, phone 79R12, Zurich. 31,x EIGHT YORK SOWS — due short- ly. Apply to Ted Geoffrey, phone '73R19, Zurich. 31,b CORON_ADO FREEZERS — brand new. Canadian made. All models include 5 -year guarantee and food spoilage protection. 105, down de- livers 15 cu. ft. - holds 525 pounds — S239 not delivered; 21 cu. ft. Royal Deluxe, holds 735 pounds — $289 delivered. Supply is limited. Crest Hardware, Drysdale Hard- ware Ltd., Hensall, phone 11. 31,b TOOLS — Pipe cutter and dies; number of wrenches, all sizes; vise; soldering iron; a form to make bird baths; hand saws; brace and bits of all sizes; hammer; steel square; smoothing plane; draw knife: side cutting pliers; hand cul- tivator for one horse; caulking gun and many other items. Call Mrs. Edward Bedore, phone 78r3, Zur- ich. 30,1,b WANTED TO BUY WANTED — FEATHERS and old feather ticks. Call Exeter Salvage, phone 423 Exeter, collect. 22tfb HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER — Woman to take full charge of 6 -room apart- ment, two children (both school age'. Cali 60 Thedford. 4,5,6,b. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE GEORGE WHITE FARM Mach- inery, Ebersal hay and grain Ele- vators, Rotary Hog Feeders. Ap- ply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. 30-tfx USER — I.H.C. POWER WASHER Crean Separator, like new. Apply to V. L. Becker and Sons, phone 60w. Dashwood, 30,b Massey - Harris Binder — 6 ft. cut, in geed running order. Call Alex Meidirger, phone 87r5, Zurich. 31,2,p. Miscellaneous AUTOMOTIVE Glass — Steering — Body Repairs Lubrication, etc. For Quality Service, see DAVIDSON'S TEXACO SERVICE Phone 320, No. 8 Highway, Goderich 37tfb WEDDING AND PORTRAIT pho- tography, quality photos in black and white, or colour, mounted in albums, frames or studio folders of various designs. Pictures taken on location or in our studio. Jer- vis Studio, 130 Isaac St., Clinton, phone HU 2-7006. 18,tfb DRY CLEANING and LAUNDRY Service. Call Earl Oesch's Barber Shop. Pick-up and delivery every Monday and Thursday. Brady Cleaners and Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 22-tfb SEND TO -DAY for your FREE pamphlet, TIPS FOR BETTER PICTURES. No obligation. Describes in easy to understand language how to get good snaps using an inexpensive camera. Let us develop your film; 8 ex- posure roll only 50c. 12 ex. 70c. All double size prints. JIFFY PHOTO, box 222d, Clinton. 23,tfb WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service Is Provided from Bulls of All Breeds We are farmer owned and controhed and operate at cost Summer calling hours: Between - 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. week days 6'and 8 p.m. Saturday evenings For service or more information Call — Clinton Zenith 9-5650 SMITH -CORONA Portable Type- writers and Victor adding machin- es, priced reasonable. Zurich Citi- zens News, phone 133, Zurich. 3x-tfb COUNTER -CHECK BOOKS, prin- ted or plain; adding machine rolls; rubber stamps and stamp pads; magic markers. Call at Citizens News office. 3x-tfb FLOOR SANllING, PROMPT and efficient service; or rent our sanders and de it yourself. This is the time of year to have your floors refinished. Charles H. Thiel, phone 140, Zurich. 14-tfb FILTER QUEEN SALES AND service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Hensall 296x2. 24tfb SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Dashwood 26r17, or in case of emergency call Del Schwatzentruber, phone 224, Ta- vistock. 20,tfb ARE YOU PLANNING A — t E TTAGE SEE US FOR — IDEAS AND ESTIM.TES ON ALL YOUR LUMBER AND BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Order Your Screen Windows Now! ! otKALBILEISCH pkH" Dots BIRTHS SMITH — At South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter, on Friday, July 29, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Zurich, a daughter, Carol Ann; a sister for Larry, Dianne, and Stevie. 0 d mesumarommummi "VISIT THE REAL LIVING SANTA MAY 24 to THANKSGIVING FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY CHILDREN 14 Years and Under Accompanied By Parent — FREE — 9.30 A.M. to 6.00 P.M. SUNDAY — 1 P.M. to 6 P.M." SANTA'S VILLAGE, BRACEBRIDGE, ONTARIO. 26 to 32 HURON COUNTY CROP REPORT D. G. Grieve, Associate Agricultural Representative for Huron County. Winter wheat harvest is in full swing with many combines in the field. Spring grain is ripening ra- pidly. Showers last week aided most crops, but pastures in particular are still needing moisture. Mexican Bean Beetle damages in white beans has been checked and control has been gained in cases where spraying was warran- ted. TRANSPORTATION TENDERS The Board of Trustees of the Township School Area of Hay is calling for tenders for the transportation of the Public School Children. As Follows: for period September 1, 1960, — June 30, 1961. 1. — ALL THE PUPILS FROM CLOSED SCHOOL NO. 12 ON CONCESSION 14 TO ZURICH SCHOOL. 2. — ALL THE PUPILS FROM CLOSED SCHOOL NO. 4 ON BRONSON LINE, CONCESSION 10 TO ZUR- ICH. 3. — APPROXIMATELY 20 PUPILS FROM CLOSED SCHOOL NO. 14 RAY, TO ZURICH 4. — APPROXIMATELY 7-8 Pupils FROM CLOS- ED SCHOOL NO. 14, HAY, TO HENSALL. In case of doubt please contact the secretary below. In all tenders, the insurance coverage must be adequate and proof provided after tenders are accepted. All pre- miums to be paid by person tendering. All tenders to be in the hands of the Secretary by TUESDAY, AUGUST 9TH, AT 6.00 P.M. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Secretary -Treasurer, Hay Township School Area, ZURICH, ONTARIO. 15 ! N Jli,i :' !X EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE —OF— `4'aluable Real Estate, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On The Premises Plan 8 W20 and 19 In The Village of Dashwood First House North of Schatzs' Store The Undersigned Auctioneer Received. Instructions To Sell by Public Auction — ON — WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1960 AT 1 P.M. SHARP REAL ESTATE — Consists of Plan 8, W20-19, in the village of Dash- wood, on which is situated a 2 storey dwelling. Main Floor—Con- sists of living and dining room, bedroom, kitchen and utility room. Second Floor -3 bedrooms and large clothes closet. Full size base- ment; water pressure system; dwelling nicely situated and in first class state of repair. New roof and asphalt siding. Never failing water supply and choice garden land. Al- so small barn, Terms of Real Es- tate — 10 per cent on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Bell piano and bench like new; 3 piece chesterfield; dining room table and 6 matching chairs; wicker rocker; 2 arm chairs; 2 oak rockers; var- ious centre and end tables; solid cherry glass cupboard; chest of drawers; buffet; drop leaf table: 2 verandah rockers; small folding, table: pictures; fern stands; mir- rors; hand painted picture; fold - Iing card table; couch; Axminster rug 9 x 12. tapestry rug 9 x 12, congoleum rug 9 x 9; phonograph and records. A-1 condition; violin 75 years old, like new; kitchen table and chairs; McClaiy kitchen range; Quebec heater; step lad- ders; 2 -burner hot plate; copper boiler; 2 kitchen sinks; wooden butter bowl; carpet sweeper; 2 complete bedroom suites; dressers; conunodes; large assortment of dishes. glassware, silverware; no- velties; linens; comforters; mats; Yes It's Three Years Ago Since We Moved Into Our New Building ... In 1957. (Itch This Paper Next Week — FOR n n i '17 r s "!r 'Y $ .F`F` v e c H l S — ON --- 011 Oil Burners, Heating Equipment Plumbing Supplies, Gas Equipment APPLIANCES Bargains You Colt Fre.f f ord To Mks! Our Anniversary Sale Will Run From August 3 to A ;gust 2 , -- AND WILL FEATURE — ROCK BOTTOM PRICES On Everything MenarneternatmerseeireteemerenaumframenateafferrnimmatlmegeraMM ' Sales & Service Gingerich S Limited ZURICH SEAFORTII MICIIERSZEISEMENEEM RECEPTION AND DANCE In Honour Of JOYCE GREER — AND — NOEL ROBINSON' tBridal Couple) AT THE Bayfield Pavillion Saturday, August 6 AT 9 P.M. Lunch Will Be Served at 12 p.m. Everyone Welcome 31,1. .4 cushions; draaes: sealers; crocks; fancy jardiners; 3 complete fancy toilet sets; electric lamps: complete line of kitchen utensils; lawn mow- er; garden tools: flower boxes; quantity of wood: 3 ton of stove coal Many other miscellaneous items. — PLAN TO ATTEND — No Reserve—Everything to be Sold TERMS — CASH Glen Webb Clerk Alvin Walper — Auctioneer DANCING Every Friday Night AT BLUEWATER DANCELAND MUSIC BY — Desjardine Orchestra ADMISSION — 75 CENTS JOIN THE CROWDS STAMM DRIVE-IN THEATRE PEN EVERY NIGHT THURSDAY and FRIDAY — August 4 and 5 — "Gene Krupa Story" Sal Mineo, James Darren SATURDAY and MONDAY — August 6 and 8 — (Double Feature, Colour) "1 0 0 Arabian Nights" Kathryn Grant, Michael Callan "Flying Fontaines" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY — August 9 and 10 — "Twilight For The Gods" • Rock Hudson, - Cyd Charisse TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY FIRST SHOW AT DUSK RISE . flN THE N -� s •-_ _ �^ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday — August 4-5-6-8 "SOL r1 N A D SHEBA" (Adult Entertaimuent) (Colour) (Cinemascope) Yul Brynner — Gina Lollobrigida — George Saunders - Islearavani - - - *el iwimmm 1 .mm®. ,m.mosm, ,mm® TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY — AUGUST 9 and 10 CAPTAIS TABLE" (Adult Entertainment) (Colour) (Comedy) John Gregson — Peggy Cummins — Donald Sinden (One Cartoon) mm 111241401M1 In110011111 TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY — RAIN OR CLEAR FIRST SHOW AT DUSK ADMISSION 656 — CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE ! !